Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 492: : Soft feelings! Honey love! Go to Lingbi Palace

Seeing Yang Dingtian's face suddenly cold, Qin Huaiyu's expression suddenly became more uneasy, said: "I, I think so, I proposed to Song Lihua, originally to win over the world. Then the next world will force my father However, now, regardless of the world, Qincheng is standing on the opposite side of us. our marriage contract is not necessary."

"And then?" Yangding Tiandao.

"I, I don't think I deserve to be Miss Song Lihua, and we are in such a critical situation now, and we don't have the capital and time to talk about love." Qin Huaiyu said: "I want to put all my energy into the next battle." in."

After that, Qin Huaiyu stood there and did not move, waiting for Yang Dingtian’s decision.

Yangding Tianqiang endured anger and said: "You come with me."

Then, Yangdingtian walked to the interior cabinet of Yunxiaocheng, and Qin Huaiyu followed.


The interior cabinet of Yunxiao City is almost the busiest place in Yunxiao City.

Since the opening of the war machine in Yunxiao City, there has never been a quiet here. Whether it is day or night, there are always many people here.

Mu Liancheng, Song Lihua and Tang Bozhao, these three internal affairs amnesties, led nearly 1,000 people in the internal affairs cabinet, and there are always busy affairs.

The entire interior cabinet is completely working 24 hours a day. Three big amnesties, basically at any one moment, the internal government cabinet is responsible for the high officials on duty.

And Tang Bozhao, Mu Liancheng and Song Lihua, both live and eat in the interior cabinet. Tang Bozhao and Mu Liancheng, even sleeping directly in the compartment behind the office. Song Lihua is a girl, so the conditions are better, there are special suites upstairs.

When Yang Dingtian and Qin Huaiyu came to the Interior Cabinet, they were brightly lit.

Even if it is almost midnight, there are still many people coming in and out. In the hall. Still sitting dozens of people, waiting to meet the three members of the Interior Cabinet, ready to report work.

Even in the middle of the night, it was still busy with the heel and the back of the head.

When Yang Dingtian entered the Internal Affairs Court, the people who had entered the side quickly glimpsed, and then immediately squatted.

"No. No, busy with you, busy with you..." Yang Dingtian whispered, afraid of loud voice, affecting the work of the people inside.


Then, the people who come and go inside the House of Internal Affairs simply nod and bow their heads with reverence, and then rush to continue their own affairs.

Tonight, Song Lihua and Tang Bozhao are on duty.

Two people are sitting in the huge office.

That's right. It is an office. This office is also designed by Yangdingtian. The office chair and even the quill pen are all designed by Yangdingtian.

Tang Bozhao and Song Chunhua were completely drowned in a lot of documents.

On the huge desk, facing a myriad of documents, there is a full height of half a person.

Beautiful and unparalleled Song Chunhua. Sitting at the desk, he struggled to write a book. While listening to the reports of internal affairs officials.

In just a few days, she was almost thin and her chin was sharp. The eyes that were already big enough are now bigger.

The big eyes are red, the inside is full of blood, and there is a thick cup of tea on the side of the table. I don't know how many cups I have gone down, and there are dozens of quill pens in front.

Even Yang Dingtian came in, she did not find it.

"Lihua!" Yangdingtian shouted without much noise.

"Well, what?? Say!" Song Lihua said.

Then she reacted. It is Yangdingtian.

Raised his head and said: "Ah, the city owner, what?"

Opposite Tang Bozhao also found Yang Dingtian, standing up and facing the sun, the gods respectfully bend down and salute, then did not speak, continue to do things seriously.

Yang Dingtian silently pointed to Qin Huaiyu: "He said something to tell you."

Song Lihua stunned and said: "Oh, what? Tell me!"

Seeing Song Lihua so busy, Qin Huaiyu almost did not have the courage to say. But biting his teeth, he still said: "Miss Song Lihua, let us cancel our marriage contract!"

Then, Qin Huaiyu closed her eyes and waited for Song Lihua's violent reaction and complaint.

"Remove the marriage contract? Why?" Song Lihua still worked hard and said: "Because you were injured, I just went to see you for a while, and didn't take care of you for a long time?"

"No, no." Qin Huaiyu said: "We originally married, just to win over the world, and then use the power to convince my father. But now these two plans have failed. So... and, I can not match you."

"Yeah." Song Lihua said: "Do you like me?"

Qin Huaiyu’s face was red, and then her eyes stunned: “I, I have no power to like it.”

"Like me, then do. I think you are not bad, I am willing to give you a chance. Our marriage contract is not necessarily for the world to be for Qincheng, but also for our own." Song Lihua looked up: "Okay. Go back first, I am so busy here, no time to receive you."

"Ah..." Qin Huaiyu stood in the same place.

"What else?" Song Lihua looked up and frowned.

"No, no." She frowned, Qin Huaiyu was shocked, then quickly nodded and left the House of Internal Affairs.

In this way, Qin Huaiyu whipped up all the courage to retreat, and then was sent out by Song Chunhua in three sentences. As soon as he came out, he was still confused.

Yang Ding Tianxin really couldn't help but give Song Lihua a thumb. This woman is too good, although looking at the incomparable woman, very weak. But the heart is completely no less than Song Chunhua, killing a man like Qin Huaiyu in minutes.

Yang Dingtian knows that with Qin Huaiyu to see Song Lihua, Qin Huaiyu will definitely be dried up. I did not expect that it was so simple.

"What else do you want to say?" Yang Dingtian frowned: "Song Lihua has no time, I have enough time this evening to make you feel happy."

Qin Huaiyu tangled: "I, I really don't qualify for a strange woman like Song Lihua."

"I only ask you, do you like her?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Like, how could I not like it. When she appeared in front of me, I felt that I was humbled like a worm on the ground, completely covered by her." Qin Huaiyu said: "Just. I really don't qualify..."

Yangding Tianshi can't stand it anymore, and Qin Huaiyu, who is so hot-hearted, has become Xianglin, and I am not qualified over and over again.

"You are nothing more than to feel sorry for Ning Luoer, is it?" Yangding Tiandao.

Qin Huaiyu lowered her head.

"Well, then don't worry about it. Ning Luoer has told me many times, she doesn't want to marry you." Yangding Tiandao: "You still have to tangled, then I will give the room to Ningrouer tonight. Yes, OK? After that, Ningrouer has nothing to do with you, so don’t worry about it."

Suddenly, Qin Huaiyu was a glimpse.

"Well, let's go..." Yang Dingtian waved: "You give me a room to rest, I will accept the soft sister in a while, you don't have to worry about it."

Let me talk about it. Yangdingtian walked directly toward the valley.

Qin Huaiyu stood in the same place for a while, then looked at the direction of the interior cabinet, and then turned to walk towards his room.


When I came to the mouth of the valley, I suddenly saw a pretty movie in the wind!

It is Ning Luoer, who is awkward and plump, wearing a silky skirt, blown by the wind, revealing a delicate bumpy curve. Very touching.

"Little brother, is Qin Huaiyu?" asked Ningrouer.

"Yeah. It is him." Yangding Tiandao: "He found me and said that he would cancel the marriage contract with Song Lihua."

"Ah..." Ning Luoer exclaimed in a low voice: "Then, how is that going? Is it because of me? That can't be done, I will go to him now."

"No need." Yangding Tiandao: "I took him directly to find Song Lihua, let him speak in front of Song Lihua."

"Heaven, that would be a bad thing." Ningrouer said: "The self-respect of the daughter's family is very strong."

"Don't worry. Song Lihua is not someone else. She only said two words, she will call Qin Huaiyu, and I will not dare to mention the retreat afterwards." Yangding Tiandao: "However, Qin Huaiyu is still tangled, he feels sorry for you. So I am not qualified to get happy feelings."

Then, Yangdingtian sighed: "You two are really, both of them feel that they have ruined each other and delayed their happiness. However, the two people are not willing to live together. You are told, you, soft sister, you Do you like Qin Huaiyu in your heart? Are you willing to talk to him?"

"I don't want to talk to him."

"Because, he may have to be married to Song Lihua?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"No, I am a woman with a weak heart. I don't care much about the man's side."

"Do you like him?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"I hated him and liked him. Later I became pitiful." Ningrou said: "I am weak in feelings, so I am eager for a strong man. But in terms of feelings, it seems to be more than me. Be weak. So we can't be together, and we won't be happy together."

"Then he has found himself happy now, you should let go." Yangding Tiandao: "Of course, Qin Huaiyu wants to see you find happiness, he will let go. So, in order to let him die, I just told him, I am going to ask you today, let him not tangled."

"Ah..." Ning Luoer suddenly reddened his ears and breathed quickly.

"Well, don't think about it." Yang Dingtian patted her shoulder and said: "You are happy to live here, don't care, time will wash everything."

Ningrouer lifted the beauty, looked at Yangdingtian, and whispered: "Well, then I went back to look after Xiaoninging. She didn't sleep very well. Just now, she insisted on sleeping with her baby, two After the individual falls asleep, they are separated."

After the departure of the soft child, Yangdingtian went to the boudoir of the flame.


A few hours of madness!

After the passion, the plump of the flames and flames on the top of the sky, once again like a cat full of food, quietly sniffing the atmosphere of Yangdingtian.

And Qin Jiaojiao, lying on one side, desperately breathing, like the fish leaving the water.

If it wasn’t for Yang Dingtian to leave tomorrow, she would not be in the same bed with Yan Yan.

Ximen **** are too shameless, quarreling under the bed, Ximen **** will never be Qin Jiaojiao's opponent. However, after going to bed, the cheeky cheeks with the bottom line and the bottom line are so powerful that I don’t know how many times. On the contrary, the Qin Jiaojiao, who has a sharp tip, is as timid as it is on the bed, and it is timid and thin, and it is really to be tossed by flames.

Difficult. Under the operation of the flame, Qin Jiaojiao did not know how many shameful things were done.

Some things, some ways, Qin Jiaojiao did not even dream of dreaming.

It is completely broken through the bottom line, so that Qin Jiaojiao will be awakened in his dreams. The irritating effect of these things is too great.

of course. She doesn't know. There is also a woman who has no bottom line has come to Yunxiao City, that is Qin Meng.

It can be said that if you are not worried about meeting Yan Yan, today, there are more than two women in this bed.

At that time, Qin Meng's madness is guaranteed to directly subvert Qin Jiaojiao's three views.

Of course, not only the flames and the dreams will be met. I am afraid that when I see the dream, I will be more impatient. Because Qin Meng is away from her aunt.

of course. It is also for this reason that the dream of separation does not return to the city of Yunxiao, but first stay in the castle of black blood.

According to her own words, Ningtou, not to do the phoenix tail, she wants to be king in the harem of the Black Blood Castle.

Of course, this is just her mouth. In fact, she is very difficult to face the flames.

"French. You, let me come to Yunxiaocheng." Reluctantly can talk. Flame flames softly said: "I can't be big, I will call her sister later."

"Hey..." Qin Jiaojiao said: "I want to call my sister, I am afraid more than one."

Qin Jiaojiao screwed it on Yangdingtian’s arm and said: “Flower ghosts, not good things. Don’t learn to wish red snow, even if you learn Qin Huaiyu. How many women do. Can you eat? Sleep in bed, Not all the same?"

Yangdingtian is speechless.

"Hey!" Ximen Yanyan's backhand was pinched on the tenderness of Qin Jiaojiao's waist: "You don't take advantage of it and sell it. If you don't want to be a fan, you can get it from the wheel. He belongs to me alone, I am Didn’t speak. What are your qualifications to say.”

"Ah..." Qin Jiaojiao screamed and said: "Hey, Ximen big breasts, you still have to shame. This way for him to wash the ground, women's self-esteem, you still have to? You when I am rare Ah, if I marry someone, I don’t have to keep the room every day."

"Hey!" Flames said: "Other men compare with my husband, and there are not enough shoes. Qin Meng is right from that sentence, preferring to make a urinal for the husband, and not wanting other men to take shoes!"

Originally, Yangdingtian was lying and confused, not willing to interfere in the civil war between two women. The result did not expect that the flames actually said such a thing, this sentence is the dream to say to Qiu Qingchuan, the dream has not returned to Yunxiaocheng, how the flame will know.

Seeing the confusing eyes of Yangdingtian, Yan Yan smirked and said: "It’s the little bad guy of Lingbi. When she comes back, she can’t wait to make a mistake. She said everything from beginning to end. And also said that you and Qiushui Jianpai Mrs. Li’s eyebrows went and made Mrs. Li’s death to death, and stabbed Qi Ruohan’s sword in the back!”

"I must tear the mouth of the girl." Yang Dingtian was angry.

This girl is rumored and her eyes are not stunned.

Yan Yan Jiao smiled: "She also said that she suspects that you and Qin Qiqi also have a leg. Anyway, the eyebrows are gone, the relationship is not normal."

Yang Dingtian decided, before tomorrow, let Song Chunhua repair the little girl of Lingbi, or he and the little **** the road, Yangdingtian was not mad at her, but he was also crushed to death.

"If it is not really impossible to go, I want Chunhua to go to the Lingbi Palace with me." Yangding Tiandao: "I think the headache of the little girl, I have a headache."

"Thinking of walking with you like a ghost, she only had a headache." Qin Jiaojiao said: "I told her anyway today, I must be careful of you. Try to wear revenge as much as possible. When you sleep, you can't take off your coat." Especially when you are staying at the inn, you can't believe that there is only one room, even if you sleep in a room, you have to blink one eye and close your eyes!"

Yangdingtian can't stand it.

As soon as he turned over, he pressed Qin Jiaojiao under his body and said: "You will arrange your husband in this way. In your heart, I will be this image."

"On this, I have also beautified." Qin Jiao Jiao mouth hard.

Yangding Tianchao Yanyan Road: "We are cooperating once, let this little maiden skin be humiliated once, and then tomorrow, in front of everyone's face, go to the sheets, okay?"

"Okay, good..." Flames suddenly showed evil light.

Jiaojiao trembled, then the light **** will run away.

But it was ruthlessly caught by Yang Dingtian.

"No, no, let me go..."

"Yangdingtian, you are a bastard, you are a color stick, I can't spare you."

"Ximen big breasts, you shameless, the shame of this woman!"

"Ah... husband, I am wrong, I am wrong, beg you to spare me, spare me..."

"Oh... how can you do this, I hate you!"


After all, the flames did not have the opportunity to go to the sheets, directly robbed by Qin Jiaojiao, and then burned a fire.

"Yangdingtian, I tell you, if you dare to say it, I will jump from the highest point of Yunxiao City and fall to see you." Qin Jiaojiao eyes red, seriously looking at Yangding Tiandao, forbearing tears Roll it down.

Seeing her like this, Yangdingtian was so distressed that maybe it was too much fun last night.

A hand came over and sat on the lap, softly said: "Baby, angry?"

Suddenly, Qin Jiaojiao burst into tears and began to sob.

"Oh, sorry, sorry!" Yang Dingtian hugged her tightly and kissed her tears. "Well, I am a mixed ball, I am a bad guy. I will not do this in the future, okay? Don't cry, I am so sad that I am crying."

"You will not, you are an eccentric ghost, you only have Ximen **** in your heart, or else you will always join hands to toss me, every time you don't help me, just help her." Qin Jiaojiao cried.

"This is not the case." Yangding Tiandao: "Just look at you so cute and hurt, I can't help but bully. You said in the bed, the flame is more daring than me, I bully what she has. It means that bullying your little lamb is interesting."

“Really?” Qin Jiaojiao asked with a sideways face.

"Of course it is true." Yang Dingtian then smiled and said: "The original Jiaojiao is not not playing these heavy taste games, then I will play with you alone?"

"Hey, hey, hey, he is dead, dirty, thinking, thinking..." Qin Jiaojiao said: "I haven’t been enough to wash my body three times this morning. You two, I have seen the most shameless. It’s up."

Yangdingtian hugged her little waist, then kissed her little mouth and gently bite and suck.

Jiaojiao is as hard as an electric shock, and the whole body is sore.

"Hey, I have to leave for a while this time, at home, you have to take care of it, do you know?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Yeah!" Jiaojiao in the Yangdingtianhuai, softly kissed and said: "Fun, if there are no bad guys to provoke us, we are happy to live a quiet life, how good~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Sorry, it’s not good for me.” Yangdingtian kissed her hair.

"But I am already very happy, even though you are so fancy." Jiao Jiao looked up and said softly: "I know, than the figure, the appearance, the more cute, the smarter than the talent, I can't compare with Ximen. Milk. It is also inferior to Qin Meng’s shameless woman, not even more than the Oriental Ice Ling. I am superficial, vain, and mean. But I love your heart, but it is exactly the same as Ximen’s big breast. Nothing is less than her. So, if you are eccentric, don't be too obvious, okay?"

"How can I be willing?" Yangding Tianrou said: "Maybe, there used to be such a thought. But now, in my heart, I am already the most lovely woman."


The day is not yet bright!

Taking advantage of the night, Yangdingtian and Lingbi are easy to dress up, leave Yunxiaocheng and go to Lingbi Palace.

Note: The first five thousand five hundred words are sent, I continue the code word, and there is a second one. Brothers, the monthly ticket is really not good for security. I really want everyone to help. (To be continued.)

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