Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 506: : Geshicheng Kwai Si! Borrow the konjac army!

There are tens of thousands of soldiers, boundless, soldiers over 100,000, birds are difficult to cross!

At this time, overlooking the sky, the huge docks of Zhongzhou City are densely packed with black troops.

On the sea, there are all kinds of warships.

Yangdingtian visual inspection, at this time there are at least 30 troops in the dock, and boarding at the same time.

Each warship has two to five hundred soldiers.

At this time, at least hundreds of various warships were parked throughout the sea.

Of course, not every ship is wearing soldiers, there are all kinds of spar, armor, weapons, grain and so on!

It is not to say that the Northwestern Continent cannot afford the Expeditionary Force of Zhongzhou. It is the attitude of the Zhongzhou forces that shows an attitude and the attitude of Yangding, so the self-contained grain and armor, as well as the elimination of the so-called evil demon, is the loyalty of the disguised form.

Yangdingtian set foot on a warship.

This ship is obviously different, and it must be a lot of grandeur. Moreover, there are no densely dressed troops, all from the various factions. This ship is obviously larger than other warships, but only a few dozen people. The lowest treatment is also a cabin for four people. As for the solitary defeat of Yangdingtian, it is even more exaggerated. One person has a large cabin of tens of square meters, and everything is there.

Soon, the warships on the docks were all ready, and immediately drove off the dock, to the surface of the sea, and gathered together in a dense battleship, arranged into a sharp knife formation.

Yangdingtian stood on the deck and looked at the dense warships around. The warship under the foot of Yangding is in the fifth, and the front four ships are more ambitious and more powerful.

Then, Zhongzhou Tiandao League is a senior officer. Riding a golden eagle, hovering in the air, shouted loudly: "The fifth army of Zhongzhou, the collection is completed, is it starting?"

"Departure!" was put on the head, and there was a woman’s broken drink.

Yangdingtian knows this voice. It is the grandson of Qixiufang. I did not expect that Qi Xiufang was still involved. Gongsun Auntie, obviously the commander of this fifth expeditionary army.

"Yes!" Zhongzhou Tiandao League officers shouted: "All warships, set off!"

Suddenly, the sharp knives formed by hundreds of warships, like giant beasts, began to start and rushed toward the northwestern continent.

That's right. It is fast. Because, here is a spore warship, and it is much more advanced than the Lingyan spar.

Hundreds of warships, hundreds of thousands of troops, tens of miles in length, swaying, heading toward the northwest.


At the same time, a dense scream.

Yangding suddenly turned his head.

Suddenly. The golden light of the sky shines on the sea. The ray of light over the scorching sun, the thorns of the top of the sky almost never open eyes.

From the distant land, countless golden golden eagle slashed into the air.

Black and black pressure, cover the sky!

Yang Dingtian’s body trembled fiercely, and his heart was shocked!

The Golden Eagle Army of the Eagle's Nest City was dispatched.

Eagle Nest City, Zhongzhou Force. One of the twenty-seven factions, known as the Golden Eagle Army.

The entire chaotic continent has two forces and a powerful air force.

First, of course, it is the city of the city. second. It is the Eagle's Nest City.

The Golden Eagle Army of the Eagle's Nest City, although there is no tearing konjac of the city, is powerful. However, the number is much more.

At this time, Yangdingtian clearly saw that the Golden Eagle Army, which was dispatched by the Eagle’s Nest City, completely covered the sky and even tens of thousands!

Is this crazy in the Eagle's Nest City? Miles expedition, even dispatched tens of thousands of golden carvings to ride the army?

Looking at the air and densely swaying, the Golden Eagle was riding a golden eagle, and Yang Tiantian’s eyes jerked.

This is a trouble, it is a huge trouble!

Yangdingtian certainly has an incomparably powerful Demon Dragon Corps, but this is only the hegemony on the land. It has no use for the Golden Eagle Flying Legion.

Of course, Yangdingtian also has a flying team on hand. However, there are only a few hundred. Every flying monster is extremely precious and extremely difficult to domesticate. Therefore, among the forces in the world, only the city of Split City and the Eagle Nest City have the most elite flying corps.

Therefore, the hundreds of flying horses in Yangdingtian can only be used for patrolling or fast transportation.

Moreover, the flying mounts of Yunxiao City are not combat mounts. In the face of fierce golden eagle, ten of them may not have played one.

We must find a way to deal with this tens of thousands of Golden Eagles. Otherwise, any defense line established by Yunxiao City will have no use for the tens of thousands of Golden Eagles. This Golden Eagle Army can go directly to the sky above Yunxiao City without any effort, and then swoop down and destroy everything.

This air force is deadly!

Be sure to find a solution!

What is the best solution?

Of course, it is to find a more powerful air force! Which world's force is the most powerful in this world? There is no doubt that it is a cracking city!

After the evolution of thousands of years, the golden claw konjac of the city of the city has undergone transformation from generation to generation. At present, each golden claw konjac has three times the size of the body, and it is as hard as steel, even feathers, and sharp as a sword.

Just like the position of the Dragon Dragon Legion on the land, the Golden Claw Donkey Corps is the overlord in the air!

The adult golden claw konjac of the Earth City has already formed combat power, and it should not exceed 3,000. However, in the face of the Golden Eagle Army of the Eagle's Nest City, the Golden Claw Konjac can be an enemy ten!

Before, Yang Dingtian once thought about borrowing the Golden Claws of the Devils. However, considering that there is no friendship with Kwai Si, and the fourth step of killing the sword is in his hands, he needs to trade at a huge price. Therefore, the Golden Claw Konjac Legion is impossible to borrow. However, I did not expect that at this Tiandao League meeting, the Kwai Si was so determined and completely stood with Yang Dingtian.

Then, Yangdingtian can already regard the city as the most loyal ally, and you can borrow the konjac army and even ask the city to fight directly!

After hearing the attitude of the Ark of the Tiandao League, Yang Dingtian was hesitating, whether or not to go to the city before the war.

At this point, don't hesitate. Even though the war is imminent, it will happen immediately.

However, since the Eagle's Nest City dispatched tens of thousands of air forces, Yangdingtian must go to the city to seek help. It must be the konjac army to destroy these golden eagle corps.

Even if there is a konjac army, the secret weapon of Yang Dingtian can be instantly played to the extreme. More exaggerated to say, if there is a konjac air force, Yangdingtian can eliminate hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground without any effort.

In addition to the crucial fourth step of killing the sword. Despite the urgency of time, the city is not going to go!


Dicheng City and Yuntian Pavilion are 5,000 miles southwest of Zhongzhou.

This is a separate land, more than five thousand miles.

This land, originally called Southern Pazhou. However, because the island where Xuantianzong is located is called Weizhou Island, Zhu Qingzhu is extremely overbearing to let Tiandao League change the name of southern Pazhou, so this time in the official text of Tiandao League. The southern Pazhou was changed to the southern Leizhou, but the Licheng and Yuntiange, or the stubborn use of southern Pazhou.

Although it is thousands of miles away from Zhongzhou, the southern Pazhou still belongs to Zhongzhou Tiandao League! Just as the world will be in the North, but it still belongs to the Northwest Tiandao League.


The huge fleet continued to think about sailing on the northwest.

Every hundred or more miles, hundreds of warships, vast, overwhelming. It is full of momentum that sweeps everything.

And this is only the fifth branch of the Zhongzhou Expeditionary Force. Of course, this should also be the strongest Zhongzhou Expeditionary Force.

A powerful gold carving army. Flying over the fleet, the golden glow, covering the sky.

Of course, they can't fly more than 10,000 miles at a time. Every two thousand miles will land on the fleet and take turns to rest.

After eight hours. The fleet sailed two thousand miles.

At this time, the fleet is in the north of the southern Pazhou, only four thousand miles away from the city.

Moreover, the sky is completely dark!

It’s been the latest to go to the city from here.

Yangding Tian uses stealth and mysterious skills. Get off the boat and jump into the sea. Then, along the bottom of the sea, all the way south.

Even at the bottom of the sea, the speed of Yangdingtian is incredibly amazing. It is like a swordfish that tears open the sea, reaching two or three hundred miles per hour.

After walking hundreds of miles on the seabed, Yangding sky suddenly blasted out, flew out of the sea, flying with flying mystery, and flew in the direction of the ground cracking city.

Yangdingtian flies at full speed, and the speed per hour reaches six or seven hundred miles.

After only three hours, I saw the southern Pazhou.

At this point, the day just dawned!


Southern Pazhou is the most strange and complex terrain in the world.

The land on the north side is deeply sunken.

The land in the south rises high.

The entire northern part of Pazhou in the south is full of huge cracks and huge collapses. The flat ground is very, very scarce. Therefore, these precious flat grounds are used to grow food.

The houses that people want to live in are all built in huge cracks and built in collapsed depressions.

Therefore, the forces in the north have become the city of the city.

In the south, the whole land is madly bulging, forming a huge plateau. The average altitude is more than five or six kilometers, so the power in the south is called Yuntiange.

Of course, it stands to reason. Yuntiange, which is several kilometers above sea level, should have an extremely developed air force. And the land that collapsed in the ground, there should be a developed navy. But the result is exactly the opposite.

The city of the city, the world's first air force, the konjac army.

Yun Tian Ge, but has the world's first navy, Yang Jing battleship.

Why is this so?

The reason is very simple, because in the past millennium, Yuntiange and the fissure city have repeatedly fought to occupy the entire southern Pazhou. However, because one is underground and one is several kilometers above sea level, it is difficult to get to each other. In order to attack Yuntiange over a few kilometers, Dicheng City desperately developed the Air Force. Yuntiange, in order to attack the city, is desperate to develop the navy.

Over time, the two forces of the war for nearly a thousand years have the world's first air force, and the world's first navy.

And a few decades ago, because of the regrets and entangled feelings of the Kwai Si and Yun Tian Ge. Although the two people did not end together, Yuntiange and the city of Lishi finally stopped the war in the millennium and restored peace.

Even more than peace. On many key occasions, two people are still advancing together. Moreover, the relationship between the two people has been unclear. Kwai Sicheng was a prostitute, but the owner of Yuntiange was always alone.

So, there is a very weird scene.

The disciples of Yuntiange and Dicheng are mutually hostile and extremely hostile.

But the masters of the two forces. However, he is close to the same person.

However, in this way, the forces of the annihilation of the temple want to completely conquer this land, it becomes more difficult.


There are hundreds of miles away from the city of the city, and dozens of konjac lions have already discovered the Yangdingtian.

Suddenly. The golden claw konjac, like a lightning, rushes to the top of the sun.

Yangding Tian was shocked! The height of his flight at this time is nearly 10,000 meters. This height is hard to reach by any flying mount, but the Golden Claw konjac, without any effort, rushes straight.

What is even more terrifying is that the flying speed of these golden claw konjac is so amazing. Even surpassing the full speed of Yangdingtian, the moment of rushing is completely like lightning. Yangdingtian even feels that this flying speed is completely matched with the ordinary fighters of the earth, almost reaching nearly a thousand miles per hour.

Moreover, every konjac is much larger than Yang Tiantian imagines. It is also much sharper.

It is seven or eight meters long, but it is not bloated at all. It looks very sharp and slender. All over the body, sharp as a sword, hard as iron.

Sure enough, the overlord in the air, Yangding Tiandeng was full of great desire for this konjac army.

Almost instantaneous, dozens of konjac cavalry. It will surround the top and bottom of the sky.

"Who is here? The northern part of Pazhou is spread over five hundred miles. It is a no-fly zone. You have already broken into the airspace of the city, and immediately smashed it." The konjac knight who led the head shouted.

"The main city of Yunxiao City is the top of the sky, and come to visit the main city of the Kuicheng King!"

The knight named the first looked shocked. Road: "Hello, is it Yangdingtian?"

"Exactly!" Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, the knight stooped and bowed: "See you, Yang Dingtian!"

"When you meet Yang Dingtian!" Suddenly, the remaining dozens of knights, all of whom bowed down and bowed.

Yang Dingtian’s heart was hot, and this was almost the best courtesy he received.

Before Yang Dingtian, whether it was going to the northwest Qincheng, going to the world, going to the Lingbi Palace, all were satirical, all disdain, all cold eyes.

The only thing here is the sincere eyes and the respectful eyes.

"Lord Yangdingtian, please come with us." The konjac knight leader.

Then, dozens of konjac were arranged in a sword shape, and the Yangdingtian arch was guarded in it, and swarmed toward the ground cracking city.


This is the first time that Yangdingtian saw the city of the city.

He has seen countless ingenious buildings, but the city of the city has always opened his eyes.

This is an underground city, countless houses, and the entire city, built in huge cracks.

Layer by layer, all the way down to the ground.

Under the leadership of dozens of konjac cyclists, Yangdingtian flew into a narrow crack.

Yes, very narrow cracks can only allow dozens of people to get into.

But after entering the crack, suddenly a huge city, blowing in the face.

Below the crack, it is an incomparably huge, incomparably complex underground space.

One layer is layered and one layer is layered.

Yangdingtian saw this world, the most complicated and most bizarre city.

Similarly, it is also the most difficult city to defend!

It is no wonder that even if the Kwais Roaring Conference, Zhu Qingzhu and others are still afraid to expel the city from the Tiandao League, they dare not regard it as an enemy.

Because this land is a ruin, it is a fortress that cannot be broken.

If you want to break through the city, the army is useless and you can only use the Air Force.

However, the world's most powerful air force is in the hands of the city.

Of course, some people may say that they use water to attack.

However, the cracks under the dungeons are extremely incomparably huge, and they also have dark rivers that are bottomless. Maybe only the entire sea can be submerged, so that the city can be submerged, otherwise the big water will enter the city. It will disappear without a trace.

The Great City Hall is in the deepest part of the underground city.

Under the leadership of the konjac knight, Yangding Tian flew into a small hole, and then seven rounds and eight rounds, after a long ramp.

"Call!" Finally, Yang Dingtian and others came to the center of power in the city.

Devouring the fortress!

This is a palace built underground, an underground castle.

At this point, the door is closed!

"Yangdingtian, you please!" headed by the konjac knight.

Yangding is a step forward in the sky, the loud voice: "The main city of Yunxiao City is topped by the sky, and the landlord of the city is cracked, the Kwai Si Daren!"


In front, swallow the gates of the fortress, slowly open!

Note: The first one is sent, I will continue to code second! (To be continued.)

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