Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 513: : Song Yu vomiting blood! Demon Wolf Legion! Get the trump card again

Yangdingtian floated in the air and couldn't believe it in front of the scene.

He just wanted to destroy all the ferries on the sea, and he did not want to cause too much casualties to the Allied Forces.

However, the sight in front of me is like hell.

It is needless to say that the ferry on the sea is empty, and the people on board are instantly broken. The more terrible sides of the strait, with the huge waves of the sky swept away, the earth madly torn. The densely packed army on both sides of the strait was instantly rushed without a trace.

The huge crack that the earth tears open, as if the mouth of the devil opened by hell. Countless troops have fallen and they have been swallowed up without a trace.

Of course, all the masters of the world will only be shocked for a moment after the upheaval. Then, before the huge waves swept over, the search, like a meteor, quickly shot into the air and instantly escaped the disaster of destruction.

Others, even if they are patrolling in the air, they want to flap their wings and go high, but they are too late to be photographed by the huge waves of the sky, and then swallowed up.

The most powerful is the Dragon Dragon Legion!

Yang Dingtian clearly saw that the Demon Dragons on both sides of the strait, when the disaster had not yet occurred, when the seabed had not exploded, the dragon mounts had obviously felt a huge danger, and then they all bowed and shook their bodies. Stick to the ground.

Wait until the bottom of the sea explodes. These dragons mount, suddenly like lightning, running fast on both sides.

It is really like lightning. One team is heading south and the other team is heading north. Then the tsunami swept across the north and south, and the earth slammed.

Whether it is the waves or the ground. How amazing the speed is.

However, most of the Dragon Dragons have escaped. Only a small number of Dragon Knights fell into the cracks, or the waves swallowed. Even some of them were swallowed by the cracks of the earth, and they suddenly blasted out.

The power of the Dragon Dragon Legion is amazing at all times. Even the tsunami and the ground fissure could not catch up with their speed.


Drastic change. It was maintained for about half an hour.

The earth stopped shaking and tearing, the waves returned to the sea, and everything was quiet again.

Song Yi, the master of the world, floated in the air, looking at everything on the ground, suddenly heartache, cold and cold.

The two sides of the strait are completely full of sorrow, like hell.

On the sea. The bodies are floating everywhere. On the ground, there are dead bodies everywhere.

How many died in the 300,000-400,000 army? I don't know at all, I can't calculate at all.

But when it is certain, the offshore areas on both sides of the strait have almost been wiped out.

In addition to the top players, you can fly to escape. Almost all of the rest of the coast is dead.

If they are just ordinary tsunami, they will not die if they are hit by the huge waves of the sky. But the key is. These waves are highly toxic.

How much is left in the 400,000 army? Is there still half left?

Then. There was a burst of mourning on the ground. On the ground on both sides of the coast, countless people are lying in the mud and screaming, and the poison of the sea has begun to work. Although these people are still not dead, they are soaked in toxic sea water and then enter the body with toxic sea water. The next step will be the general torture of hell. First, you can't survive, you can't die, and then die in pain.

Song Yu was in the air, looking at everything that was full of sorrow. The whole body began to tremble fiercely and trembled.

"Oh..." Then a sip of blood slammed out.

Then, his tall body fell directly from the air and fell back.

"The Lord..."


The master who will survive in the world will quickly rush over.

At this time, Yangdingtian did not look at the general results of this hell, but quickly flew in the direction of Yunxiaocheng.


All the masters of Yunxiao City rushed to the city with the fastest speed. Of course, they are basically in the house closest to the city wall.

Looking at the enemy cavalry, like the lightning strike, Song Chunhua and Qin Huaiyu, suddenly changed color.

"This is the demon wolf ride, is a monster beast from the half-human!" Qin Huaiyu said.

The demon wolf rides from the wolf family who are away from the grasslands in the east.

The human wolf is the most brutal and fierce race in the semi-human. Of course, Yang Dingtian once encountered a very fierce werewolf. ,

The wolf and the werewolf sounded similar. But in fact, there is a big difference.

These two races are considered close relatives. But the Werewolf is closer to humans, and the human wolf is closer to the monster.

The wolf family, regardless of body shape, combat power, bloodthirsty degree, and fierceness, exceeds the Werewolf.

Among the wolves, they are completely wolf-shaped and they are used as mounts. And if there is a human appearance, then as a knight.

For the infiltration of the demon road to the half-human, Qin Huaiyu certainly knows that he even has participation. But I did not expect that the army of the semi-human beings had penetrated into the human kingdom at this time. Just a battle against Yunxiao City, the demon road has actually dispatched the human wolf.

The Dragon Dragon Legion is the hegemon of the human cavalry. The demon wolf is riding a semi-human cavalry overlord.

No matter who is stronger, no one knows. But there is a consensus that the semi-human beings are far superior to human beings in strength and speed.

Qin Huaiyu looked at the demon wolf riding the lightning!

Every demon wolf mounts, and the whole body is wrapped in hard armor. Not only that, the armor on them is also full of sharp barbs, which means they don't have to do anything. They can kill them with the fastest speed, and they can kill countless numbers and crush the targets on the road. mud.

They also saw clearly that each wolf mount is more than a foot taller than the dragon dragon mount and more than two feet long. The limbs are much thicker. What is even more frightening is that the fangs of each demon wolf mount are close enough to be as sharp as a blade.

The wolf mount is even bigger than the dragon mount, but it must be thick and strong.

The most important thing is speed!

When the first person found the demon wolf, they were nearly a hundred miles away from the wall.

But in just two or three minutes, they have already rushed into dozens of miles.

"The speed of them is no less than that of the dragon. It is even faster." Song Chunhua said.

When the words came out, everyone on the wall suddenly became shocked and chilled.

It's bigger than the dragon's mount, it's still thick, it's fierce, and it's even faster.

How amazing is this?

The revenge of the demon road is really fierce. Sure enough.

They know that the Dragon Dragon Corps is the trump card army of Yunxiao City, the source of the killer and morale of Yunxiao City.

Now, they sent the Demon Wolf Cavalry Corps, which is to completely destroy the morale of Yunxiao City, that is, to break the Demon Dragon Legion from the status of the trump card into the quagmire.


The demon wolf rides, getting closer and closer, getting closer.

The earth-shattering sound is getting louder and louder and louder and louder. The trembling of the earth is getting more and more intense.

Black-pressed demon wolf cavalry. Like a black cloud, it will be swept away in the blink of an eye.

At this time, it is only twenty or thirty miles from Yunxiao City.

“How many?” Qin Huaiyu asked.

"It should be two thousand." Song Chunhua said.

"Only two thousand?" Qin Huaiyu was surprised that this black and black pressure was overwhelming, and there were only two thousand.

That's right, there are only two thousand demon wolves.

Only the size of each demon wolf is comparable to three horses, so there are only two thousand. However, like tens of thousands of troops, it is completely filled with the momentum of destroying the earth.

"Yes. There are only two thousand." Song Chunhua said: "Because they know that we only have two thousand Demon Dragons, so they also sent two thousand demon wolves, they want us to make a decisive battle of cavalry in advance."

That's right, it's not just revenge, it's still a provocation.

Provocate the ace of the Yunxiao City. See who is the real landlord, who is the real king of cavalry.

At this time, more than 1,800 Dragon Dragon Legions have been completely assembled. Although, they just lie down and rest soon. Some people even have injuries on some mounts.

But at this time, when you hear the deafening and thrilling sound outside, whether it is the Dragon Knight or the Dragon Dragon mount, the whole body is full of the sky.

The Dragon Dragon Corps is not afraid of any cavalry. Even these cavalry are bigger, thicker and more fierce than they are.

As long as Song Chunhua gave a command, the remaining more than 1,800 Demon Dragons will scream fiercely and fight with the enemies.

"Chunhua, do you want to let the Dragon Dragons fight?" Qin Huaiyu said: "You must make a decision, Yangding is not in the sky, you are the supreme commander."

Shouldn't the Demon Dragons play?

If you don't play, you will fight, and the pride of the Dragon Dragons will be destroyed, and the morale of Yunxiao City will be destroyed.

Play! The incomparably precious more than 1,800 Demon Dragon Legion may be hit hard, even the whole army. Morale will fall directly to the bottom of the valley, and Yunxiao City will lose the greatest trump card power.

Song Chunhua suddenly fell into a choice between life and death.

In the roaring earthquake, the demon wolf is getting closer and closer, and getting closer and closer. At this time, even the knight above can see it clearly.

Sure enough, it is a human wolf! It is a person, but the whole face, the whole body, is a wolf shape. However, they are walking upright and have hands. Every one wolf knight is two meters high, reminding that it is twice as full as the Dragon Knight.

The mouth full of fangs, the armor of the body, is exactly like a beast.

Seeing the wolf knight, the people on the wall are even more chilling, and the confidence in the dragon riding the army has been greatly reduced.

Regardless of speed, size, or fierceness, the Demon Dragons are not as good as the enemy's demon army.

"Song Chunhua, you can't fight, you should make a decision." Qin Huaiyu shouted.

Song Chunhua looked cold and loudly: "All preparations, archery!"

Song Chunhua did not let the Dragon Dragons fight, but the archery attacked the demon army.

At this time, nearly 20,000 archers on the wall had already bowed their arrows, even though they were trembled and pale. But after hearing the instructions of Song Chunhua, they still aim and shoot out.


Tens of thousands of arrows, coming out of the sky, black pressure, like a storm, the demon wolf rushed to the dense enemy.


A bang of loud noises, countless Mars bursts.

Countless arrows, squatting on the demon wolf.

However, there is almost no effect. The arrow hits the armor of the demon wolf, just taking out Mars and leaving a shallow pit. There is no harm to the wolf, and it can't even stop them from flying fast.

The demon army is violent and close.

It is less than ten miles from the city walls.

People in the city have even smelled blood.

Song Chunhua slammed his teeth, loudly: "Dragon Dragon Legion. Attack!"


In an instant, the Dragon Dragon Legion behind the wall was swiftly rushing out.

Without opening the city gate, the Demon Dragons climbed directly onto the city wall. Like the tides on the city wall, and then like lightning, directly jumped down the wall of tens of meters, lightning generally rushed to the demon wolf army.

Song Chunhua violently pulled the sword and jerked. The dragon dragon that fell on the front.

Qin Huaiyu, Zhu Hongxue, Ximenlie and other masters have jumped out.


With Song Chunhua a command.

The Dragon Dragon Legion, a fast array, is still in the shape of a sharp knife.

Song Chunhua, Zhu Hongxue. Qin Huaiyu is a sword.

The rest of the masters, all of them are cutting edges.


More than a thousand Dragon Dragon Legion. Stunning and screaming.

And the two thousand demon wolves ride, the blood of the beast is boiling, and bursts of ripples.

Then, two thousand devil wolves ride, but also began to converge quickly. Condensed into a sword formation.

The speed of cohesion is completely comparable to that of the Dragon Dragon.

Suddenly, on the huge plain in front of Yunxiao City, two ace cavalry formed two terrible sharp knives. As fast as a lightning sprint.


The two armies, the speed is extremely fast, like lightning, tearing the air, making a burst of whistling.

Every hour, five or six hundred miles.

Just ten miles, and it stops instantly.

The two most powerful kings of cavalry, instantly hit!


Earth-shattering loud noise!


The mysterious fire of the sky.

Tearing the sky with lightning.

A sharp knife composed of two ace cavalry, fiercely stabbed together.

Countless bodies flew into the air.

Countless blood bursts.

The tens of thousands of pounds of monsters mount, flying directly over the sky.

The most collision, the most violent collision, the most brutal collision.


When the two saw it, they fiercely stabbed each other.

Suddenly, everyone on the wall was shocked and shocked.

Looking at the craziest, scariest, and most violent killings they have ever seen.

Very few injuries.

Under the incomparable terrible power, under the slash of the terrible blade.

All are dead, all are broken bones.

The rush of short-handed soldiers, after the crazy impact!

Next, it is more crazy killing, more terrible entanglement.

Two ace rides, and they are mad together.

Two ace rides, instantly concentrated in a small space.

Crazy outburst, crazy tearing, crazy killing!

The demon wolf ride has a natural bloodthirsty, a natural cruelty, and a natural fearlessness.

The Dragon Dragon Corps has all human emotions, even fear. However, more is absolute glory and absolute pride.

The great sword in the hand, the machete in the hand.

It is even difficult to withstand four or five slashes and directly break.

But the broken sword is still fierce assassination.

The shattered shield was thrown aside in an instant.

Unprotected knights, holding up broken swords, remnant knives, sprinting more frantically, and madly rushing.

It’s not just the knight that kills.

There are also mounts.

The claws of the demon wolf mount, fangs, crazy bites, crazy tears.

The claws of the dragon dragon mount, crazy piercing, crazy trampling.

Fear, fear, pain.

Everything is thrown into the clouds for nine days.

Owned, it is only the most bitter, the most **** kill!

At the same time, there is a battle drum above the city wall!



That sky was instantly reddened with blood.


After a quarter of an hour, the battle is over!

That's right, it's only a quarter of an hour.

Crazy killing, only a quarter of an hour.

In the battlefield within a few square miles, there are blood everywhere, and there are broken limbs everywhere, and there are dead bodies everywhere.

Song Chunhua received the sword into the sheath.

Looking at it, the comrades around me looked at the dead body.

Two thousand demon wolves. It has been wiped out by the whole army. No injuries, no escape, all died.

The Dragon Dragon Legion, win again!

That's right, the demon wolf is riding, more brutal. More sturdy, bigger, and faster.

However, the Dragon Dragon Legion is more fearless, more precise, and tougher.

In fact, the moment of short-handedness.

Despite Song Chunhua, Zhu Hongxue and Qin Huaiyu are the tips. But the Demon Dragons are still in the doldrums.

Because the explosive power of the demon army is really scary.

It was completely devastating and it was completely stormy.

However, as the battle deepens. The combat power of the demon army is constantly declining, fierce, and brutal. Gradually falling.

And all the beasts in general, bullying and fearing hard. After feeling the terrible enemy. The wolf mount has already had a sense of arrogance and retreat.

The Demon Dragon Corps is a terrible tough, more and more brave, and the more mad the war.

Therefore, although the other party's instant strength is stronger.

but. The Dragon Dragon Legion is still the last winner.

Prove to the whole world that they are absolute landlords.

After the victory, there was no cheering and no celebration.

Just a faint glance at the dead body, whether it is an enemy. Still a comrade.

"Back to the city!" Song Chunhua gave an order.

The triumphant Demon Legion, lightning-fast, quickly return to the city!

The people on the wall can see clearly.

The return of the Dragon Dragon Legion is only about half!

That's right, it's about half!

The Demon Dragons proved that they were the hegemons of the land, killing the more powerful demon army.

However, I have paid nearly half of the price.

The soldiers are cheering, cheering, and morale.

The top level of Yunxiao City, the heart trembled, heartache.

Their ace legion lost nearly half.


At this time, the Yantai Strait has completely calmed down.

The remaining troops in the world on the North Shore have already withdrawn. Song Yu vomited blood fainted, the world will be masters afraid of change, immediately ordered the remaining legions, all retreat.

And countless bodies on the ground, dead, and soldiers who have not died, have all been left behind.

Especially on the land of the South Bank, countless tragic, countless soldiers, struggling in the pain of hell.

At this time, the world's successful escape from the world will be the Dragon Dragon Legion, gradually gathered to the beach, looking at the body of the companion, the expression on the face is extremely painful.

"Command, they are gone, the Lord will leave them, throw us away, and abandon the brothers of the land." A warrior warrior officer came forward.

The fifth leader of the Dragon Dragon Corps looked at the body of the land with great pain.

There are no figures on the North Shore. The top officials and everyone in the World have retreated and fled, and they have all abandoned them on the South Bank.

The strait of just over a dozen miles has become an insurmountable scorpio.

"Command, this time we should not come at all." The officer said: "There are many of our own brothers in Yunxiaocheng. I think they are right."

The fifth commander looked at the terrible brothers in the land and said, "What should I do now? Just watch our tens of thousands of brothers, die here?"

"It is better to go to Yunxiaocheng and let them save these brothers." Officer.

"Cloud City?" The fifth commander: "But we were going to attack Yunxiao City. Now, go to them for help?"

"Commander, no choice." Officer said.

The commander of the gaze condensed: "Well, since the Lord will abandon us, then we will find our way."

"All the brothers, go south to Yunxiaocheng! Let Yunxiaocheng come to save our brothers!"

With the command of the Fifth Demon Dragon Corps, more than a thousand dragon warriors, like lightning, rushed toward Yunxiaocheng.


Yangdingtian flew back to Yunxiao City with the fastest speed.

When there are dozens of miles away from Yunxiao City, I feel the **** smell of the sky.

Something went wrong. When he left Yunxiaocheng, something went wrong.

Then, he saw it in the sky, and the blood dragon's army of the dragons quickly returned to the city.

Behind them, within a few miles, there are blood everywhere, all dead bodies.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian’s heart suddenly twitched!

The enemy really retaliated! And when Yang Dingtian left, he came to revenge.

I don't know what army is being dispatched? But it must be an extremely terrible cavalry.

Although the Demon Dragon Corps once again won a great victory, the loss was painful.


Song Chunhua and Qin Huaiyu, three of them, fell to the end, and they waited until all the dragons and their brothers entered the city, and they finally entered the city.

At this moment, the sky suddenly heard a whistling sound!

Incomparably distant and whistling.

Then, a piece of golden light, violently stimulated Song Chunhua's eyes.

Then, I saw only a dark sky.

Numerous golden eagle screams, covering the sky and covering the sun, flying towards the direction of Yunxiao City!

Golden Eagle Legion, the Golden Eagle Legion of the Eagle State in Zhongzhou!

Revenge of the enemy! Not yet finished sent the demon wolf demon corps after the army was over, followed by the air trump card, the Golden Eagle Legion.

A golden point, all over the air, whistling to fly toward Yunxiao City.

Everyone on the city of Yunxiao looked into the air with a shocked look.

Binocular, undisguised horror, even fear.

The dense enemy came from the air.

They can't help but think, is the decisive battle already coming in advance?

Qin Huaiyu Chao Song Chunhua said: "It is the enemy's Golden Eagle Army. Now you are the supreme commander, and immediately command our killer, the konjac army attack, will be able to kill the enemy Golden Eagle Legion!"

Note: The first six thousand words are sent, I will continue to write the second!

Brothers, monthly, monthly, monthly! Sincerely, please! (To be continued.)

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