Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 613: Yi Jin returned? Goodbye teacher!

Most of the time, Yin and Yang are the first major in the world.

However, since the disappearance of the Eastern Ice and the Cold Blue Dust, the Yin and Yang Dzong did not have the first major style of appearance, and it appeared to be an unusually low-key.

At the first Tiandao League meeting, when the Tiandingtian was crusaded, the representative of Yin and Yangzong directly declared his abstention and then left.

For the second time, I wished the Tiandao League Conference hosted by the Qing Dynasty to discuss the crime of Yangdingtian and the Tiandao League. The Yin and Yangzong representatives even directly abstained.

As the world's largest, not only does it no longer preside over justice in the world, but it has repeatedly abstained. This reputation for the Yin and Yang dynasty can be said to be a fatal blow.

So this low-key has become extremely abnormal.


The eastern Yunzhou, where the Yin and Yang dynasties are located, is also considered to be a large island and part of Dongzhou.

In the entire martial civilization of Chaos, it is divided into three parts.

Dongzhou, Zhongzhou and the west (now renamed Xizhou), among the three continents, Dongzhou has the smallest area but the highest status. Compared with Zhongzhou and the west, the influence of Dongzhou’s martial arts Zongmen is much stronger.

There are not many cities in Dongzhou, there are not many troops, there are not many princes, and there are not many castles. But there is a lot of Dongzhou, that is the number of warriors.

The population of the entire Dongzhou is less than one-third of the state, and the number of three nine-seven twenty-seven factions is not as much as that of Zhongzhou. However, the number of military personnel is indeed twice as large as that of Zhongzhou.

Therefore, this is a relatively pure martial art continent.

The Yin and Yang dynasty is undoubtedly the holy place of the entire martial arts.

There are still three or four thousand miles away from Zhongzhou in Yunzhou, and almost all the way to the sea.

Yang Dingtian and the Eastern Nirvana two. Take the konjac, and it is almost two days and two nights. I rushed to Yunzhou in the east.


However, only the Yangdingtian is a person who landed in the eastern city of Yunzhou. Master Oriental Nirvana, there are plans!

It’s been three years since Yangding once set foot on the land of Zhongzhou.

Yangdingtian walked on the quaint streets of Yunzhou in the east, and it was still difficult to settle.

Three years ago, when he set foot on this land, his heart was full of tenderness. Fantasy, restless, and of course more expectation.

Originally, he thought that until the war with the Oriental Ice Ling, he would not set foot on this land. I did not expect that the battle with the Oriental Ice Ling had not yet arrived. He had to come to Yin and Yang.

The eastern part of Yunzhou is not a big city. Compared with the big cities of Zhongzhou and even Xizhou, it looks slim and beautiful, and it also looks very simple.

Walking on the streets here, it seems to be much more peaceful.

Walking on the mountain road of the Big Wuliang Mountain, although the Yin and Yang dynasty has been extremely low-key at this time. But it is still the holy land of the world.

Therefore, people who visit the Yin and Yang dynasties in the world are still in a constant stream.

The wide stone path above the mountain has already gone smoothly.

Yangdingtian is a person, walking in a row.

Suddenly, others could not help but reveal a curious look. Then everyone's eyes sneaked into the sky and looked at it.

The TOEFL Zhu Qingzhu’s wanted order now knows Yang Dingtian almost all over the world. So almost everyone on the road feels. This person and Yangding are innocent like this. But no one is sure that this is Yangdingtian, because the portrait is a portrait, not a photo.

And the minds of most people think so, what is the character of Yangdingtian, the owner of Xizhou, the number one figure in the world. That row is definitely huge, and it is sure that the water will splash the streets and the people will open the road.

In front of this person, wearing a common clothes, even a mount did not go directly to the mountains, how could it be Yangdingtian?

However, there are still many people who can't help but look at the sun and look at it.

Go to the gate of the Yin and Yang dynasty.

This is a square in the mountains, which is directly born and born.

At this time, there are still hundreds of warriors, lined up in a long queue, hoping to enter the Yin and Yang dynasty, either worship or learn.

Of course, less than one percent can really enter the Yin and Yang dynasties.

Before Yang Dingtian came directly to the mountain gate, the queued warriors suddenly did not do it. They shouted: "Queuing, queuing, not allowed to jump in the queue!"

The yin and yang sects of Shoushanmen also sighed coldly: "Don't allow the queue! You don't even have half of the education, you can go, don't want to enter the Yin and Yang dynasty for life!"

Yang Dingtian took out a fire jade token: "Please go in and tell me, Xizhou Yangdingtian visit!"

Suddenly, the scene is dead silence.

Almost a moment, all eyes were on the top of the sky. Everyone is completely unbelievable.

For some people in the place, Yangdingtian has completely belonged to the legendary figure, even the legendary legend. They have seen the biggest and biggest people in this life. At this time, they have no seats in front of Yangdingtian. Even the people who have access to the largest level have not even qualified to see Yangdingtian.

Although Yangdingtian is absolutely approachable, whether it is riding with the black blood, or with the Dragon Dragon Corps, the warriors of the Konjac Legion, often eat and fight together. Even Yang Dingtian and the ordinary people of Yunxiao City put fireworks together and walked together to chat.

But his duties are destined to have a natural distance from most people in the world.

Now, he is so living in front of everyone. This feeling, although not as exaggerated as the emperor's micro-visit, is not far behind.

Of course, Yangdingtian can of course land directly in the Yin and Yang dynasty, so that everyone does not know. However, after deliberation with the Eastern Nirvana, it was decided to use the Yin and Yang dynasties in this way. Because I have already got the news, just before a few hours, Xuan Tianzong’s second-in-command, Zhu Qing’s uncle and Zhu Hongyu have come to the Yin Yangzong to meet.

After the Shanmen disciple took over the token of Yangdingtian, the whole body trembled. He couldn’t hold the token. He quickly grabbed it with both hands and shook his voice. "Please, please wait... I, I I am going to sue!"

Then he took the token of Yangdingtian. The fly ran in general. He couldn't even say anything, and he didn't know how to salute. After hearing the name of Yang Dingtian, I only felt that my brain was blown up, and then I didn’t know anything. I could only grasp the token instinctively and turned and ran into the obituary.

"You, are you really the master of Yangding Tiancheng?" asked a teenage teenager with courage.

"Yeah." Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, hundreds of doors before the yin and yang Zongshanmen stepped back several dozen steps. After leaving the Yangdingtian tens of meters, he kneels down.

"See the Lord of the Sun City."

"See the Sun Dian Tianzong!"

"See the top of the Yangding Day!"

What is really called, the name of the Yangdingtian meeting is because Yangdingtian established the Guangming Parliament, so Yangdingtian became the president.

Of course, the reason why they bowed down is that there is nothing to ask for Yangdingtian. In fact. These people either worship yin and yang, or they learn from the teacher, so there is nothing to ask for Yangding.

Their embarrassing rituals are completely in the instinctive reaction of seeing the legendary figures and seeing the leader of the Heavenly Alliance.

Of course, Yang Dingtian’s reputation in the chaotic world is very polarized. Either extremely admired or extremely resentful. After all, Zhu Qing and Demon Road have been smeared for a long time by Yang Dingtian, and the Yin and Yang dynasty's long-term attitude towards Yang Dingtian is also very cold.

Even if it is the person who stands in opposition to the position and the top of the sun, I really see Yangdingtian at this time. It will also lose all positions in an instant. Because of the presence, almost all of them are the bottom warriors. This kind of position is too extravagant for them.

However, their squatting is to make Yangdingtian feel overwhelmed and quickly waved: "Get up, get up, don't have to, don't!"

After these hundreds of bottom-level warriors got up, and then both sides fell into silence, they just stared at Yangdingtian with fiery eyes, but did not know what to say. Direct chat, or directly talk about the views of the Bright Parliament, they do not have the courage. So the two sides are so deadlocked there.

Of course, there are many people who want to say their admiration for Yangdingtian, but they also find that they can’t say it.

Finally, the cold and proud people came to ease the shackles of Yangdingtian.

"Yin and Yang are cold and proud, and they meet the Lord of Yangcheng."

Yang Dingtian bent down and said: "Yangdingtian, I have seen a cold brother!"

"Yangcheng Lord, please come in." Cold proud.

"Please!" Yangding Tiandao.

Then, Leng Ao led Yang Dingtian into the Yin and Yang Dynasties.

After a long time, the people at the bottom of the scene were waking up, and some people couldn’t help but say: "The patriarch of Yangzong came, the yin and yang lords are not there, at least all the members of the yin and yang ancestors, all out of the mountain gate to greet. Send cold and proud adults to meet It’s not a gift!”

Suddenly, the people in the field nodded.

It does not matter! Even if Yang Dingtian is now the owner of the entire Xizhou, he has been on an equal footing with Zhu Qingzhu and the Yin and Yang lords. Not to mention, Yang Dingtian is still the Lord of the Hidden Sect, and is already the first leader of the entire Tiandao League.

Therefore, regardless of the identity, the yin and yang lords are not there, and the entire yin and yang sects come out to meet and meet the etiquette.

Nowadays, only one person who sent cold and proud to come to greet is considered to be dwarfed, because the members of the Presbyterian Church are not.

Of course, if Yangdingtian is only the identity of the owner of the city, then there is nothing wrong with the cold arrogance.

Because the Yin and Yang dynasty Yunyun City is a traitor to the Yin and Yang dynasties, so when the West Gate was indefinitely personally, it was only an ordinary elder of the Yin and Yang dynasty. Although Yangdingtian is the owner of the Yunxiao City, it is still smaller than the West Gate, so let the cold proud.

Therefore, the attitude of Yin and Yangzong at this time is only to treat Yangdingtian as the owner of Yunxiao.


After entering the Yin and Yang dynasty, the only one who received him was cold and proud, and it was in the partial hall. The main hall should be inviting Xuan Tianzong too elders and a row and Zhu Hongyu.

"Yangcheng Lord came to me Yinyangzong, what is it?" Cold proud opened the door to see the mountain.

"I want to go to the teacher first, then talk about business." Yangding Tiandao.

Cold proud nodded and said: "Please come with me."

Then, Leng Ao took Yang Dingtian to the little Taoyuan where the mother was.

The Yin and Yang dynasties are in the upper part of the Daliangshan Mountain, so there are white snow everywhere. Only the little Taoyuan of the teacher's mother, because of the nourishment of the hot springs, the soil is special, so the flowers bloom all year round, like warm spring.

After coming to the door of Xiaotaoyuan, the door was closed. The entire wall was covered with rattan grass, which was very embarrassing. obviously. The entire courtyard door has not been opened for a long time. The original small peach source, the birds and flowers, like a fairyland. Today, it is desolate and desolate.

Moreover, Xiaotaoyuan is also far away from Yinyangzong, in the remote area of ​​Daliangshan.

Leng Ao did not explain that since Yang Dingtian was driven out by the Oriental Ice Ling and wounded, although the Mother-in-law saved the Yangdingtian, she never refused to forgive the Oriental Ice. So after returning, I closed the courtyard directly and never opened it again.

She said that the door of Xiaotaoyuan, unless Yangdingtian returned to the Yinyangzong, became the yin and yang lord to pick her up, she would open the door. otherwise. Until the old death, will not leave the small Taoyuan half a step.

Three years ago, Yang Dingtian suffered a shame and was driven out of the Yin and Yang dynasty and was beaten to death. Not only can she not forgive the oriental ice, but she cannot forgive herself. She feels that she has no ability. Unable to complete the husband's entrustment, can not protect Yangdingtian.

"Mrs., cold and arrogant to see." Cold proud voice.

"Don't see, please leave." There was a woman's voice saying: "We don't make river water between us. We don't step into your yin and yang sects. I hope you don't bother us to be quiet!"

This is the voice of the maidservant, and Yang Dingtian has seen this girl. It seems to be called red sleeves.

Cold pride will not open again, but the sun will look at the sky.

Yang Dingtian suppresses the emotions of excitement, and does not let his voice tremble: "The disciple is Yang Tiantian, come to see the teacher!"

Yang Dingtian's voice is not big, but it is enough to spread throughout the small Taoyuan.

Within the high wall, suddenly it was quiet.

Then a series of footsteps, ran quickly, and ran and heard the sound of crying.

After a few minutes, the dusty door opened for a long time, and the rattan grass on it was broken.

Behind the door, Shi Niang’s beautiful and beautiful face, full of tears, dare not look at Yangdingtian. Full of extreme surprises, extremely surprised.

Yang Dingtian trembled, the whole eyes instantly turned red, his eyes jerked hot, and then immediately squatted.

But before I left, I was directly held in my arms by my teacher.

"Xiaotian, Xiaotian... My child, I have never seen you again... I, I don't miss you all the time!" The teacher tried to hold Yangdingtian and tried to cry.

Next, the teacher is desperately trying to talk, but she can't speak at all, she can only cry all the time and keep crying.

In the past few years, she has been keeping herself in Xiaotaoyuan, and she has never seen it in the East. She is completely isolated from the world.

She and Yang Dingtian actually add up together, no more than two days.

But in Yangdingtian's mind, she is the closest relative in the world. For the singer, for the past three years, sorrow, responsibility and worry have turned into deep thoughts. Because of the blame for the Oriental Ice Ling, and the daughter of the Oriental Ice Ling is too deserted and independent, she has transferred all her daughter's love to Yangdingtian.

Therefore, in her mind, in fact, Yang Dingtian is already a son, not just a husband's apprentice.

Crying for a quarter of an hour, Yang Dingtian can only force her back, input Xuanqi, lest she cry and hurt her body.

The teacher was hugged, cried for a while, and let go of the face of Yang Dingtian. There was a kind of worry that it was not true in front of me. After seeing it clearly, I cried again with a pain in Yangding.

"Madam, can't cry any more, let the young master hurry to the house." The red sleeves came forward, softly.

"Yes, yes!" The teacher wiped away the tears, and the sun was warm in the morning. "Small day, have you ever eaten?"

"Not yet." Yangding Tiandao.

"That hurry, the teacher will do it for you." She just forgot to call her mother, and now she shouted back to the teacher, and then grasped the hands of Yangdingtian and walked into Xiaotaoyuan.

The red sleeves went to the cold and proud, cold and cold: "Where are you from, go back, don't fall here."

Cold and arrogant, he bowed to the lady and bowed down: "Mrs, cold and proud!"

The teacher’s mother did not seem to hear it. She grabbed Yang Dingtian’s hand and walked inside.

After the red sleeves came in, the door was closed again and isolated from the outside world.


After coming to Xiaotaoyuan, it is still warm as spring.

However, it is no longer a flower. Originally there were flowers everywhere, and there were gardens everywhere. Today, there are vegetable fields and fields everywhere.

The crops in the fields, the vegetables and fruits in the fields, and the chickens, ducks, and sheep on the grass.

Although Xiaotaoyuan is not as prosperous as before, it is still a small peach source. There is another beauty.

Obviously, in the past three years, the mother and the entire Yin and Yang dynasty have been in a state of break. Even food, vegetables, fruits and fruits are self-sufficient, and they are not willing to have a yin and yang sect.

There are about a dozen women in the entire Xiaotaoyuan. These acres of fields, as well as dozens of ridges and vegetables, are all manipulated by these dozens of women, but it is not simple.

The original hot spring pool, like a mirror, has been filled with green. Because it is full of water plants. Inside the water grass, it is full of all kinds of fish.

Yang Dingtian couldn’t keep his eyes on it, and the red sleeves were eager to observe the eyes of Yangdingtian. “Yeah, it’s amazing.”

"Great." Yangding Tiandao, raised his thumb.

After entering the pavilion for ten years, white silk was everywhere. It was just woven out, and the outside corner was still full of dry meat and dried fish.

After entering the pavilion, Shi Niang finally released the hands of Yang Dingtian, tied the apron and walked into the kitchen: "Small day, you wait a little longer. The teacher will cook for you."

"Yeah." Yang Dingtian smiled and followed the kitchen.

The singer smiled and cooked, and the red sleeve had another maid who was responsible for burning the vegetables and cutting the hands.

And Yangdingtian, then stand on the side.

The movement of the teacher is very skilled. A smile, full of infinite tenderness.

she was. It is the gentlest and most beautiful woman in the world, as if there is endless maternal love. Only the Oriental Ice Ling is cold and independent, so that her maternal love can not be released!

Shi Niang fried three vegetarian dishes, three leeks, one soup.

Then, three people gathered around the table to eat.

The craftsmanship of Shi Niang is really good. It is completely full of color and flavor. The Yangding Tianda is so fast that it directly adds four bowls of rice.

The teacher took a bowl and put it down, then happily held her chin and watched Yangding eat.

At the beginning, I was still smiling. After seeing Yang Dingtian and eating four bowls of rice, I suddenly changed my face, my eyes were red, and my tears were coming out.

Because, she suddenly thought that Yang Dingtian’s appearance like eating was not very hard outside, and even the rice was not enough.

Then I saw the top of the sky, the face is rough, the palm is rough, compared to the appearance of three years ago, it seems to be ten years old.

Suddenly, the sorrowful grief, almost can not help but tears have to fall.

Yangding Tianyi looked and hurryed: "Sister Niang, I am too busy. I usually have no time to eat. And the dishes made by Shi Niang are so delicious, they have eaten so much."

"Yeah." Shi Niang said: "I will live here after that, and I will not be able to ask for a man. How can I stay in the Yin and Yang dynasty and not let you be sinned outside?"

During the time when Yangding was in the sky, I didn’t know where to start. “I, I’m fine, I haven’t been guilty.”

"You must have suffered in Yunxiaocheng. Ximen brother is a good person, but because of your injury, Yunxiaocheng must be hostile to you. If the Ximen brother is gone, your life will be even worse."

In the past three years, Shi Niang has been completely isolated from the world.

"Young Master, you came to Yin Yangzong this time, did you see Miss?" Red sleeves said: "She, she did not come to see his wife, it is too much!"

"Red sleeves, don't say her." Shi Niang coldly said: "I will never forgive her, I will not have this daughter! From now on, I have only son, no daughter!"

Speaking of the Oriental Ice Ling, Yang Ding Tianxin suddenly paused. The singer didn't even know about the accident with the Oriental Ice.

For a time, Yangding did not know where to start.

Seeing Yangdingtian stopped the chopsticks, the teacher reached out and held the hand of Yangdingtian. She said softly: "Small day, the woman like Ice Ling is not worthy of your love, she will not be a good wife. The red sleeve is ten times better than her. It is gentle and virtuous. It is beautiful and generous. Although it is three years older than you, it will definitely hurt you. The teacher is the master, and she will be given to you."

Suddenly, the red sleeves were red and red, and I was at a loss: "Madam, you, what are you talking about? I, I am only a slave, where is the young master?"

"You are not a slave, you are my righteous woman." Shi Niang said: "The daughter of the Oriental Ice Ling, I can not afford to climb ~ ~ I don't want it, you are my daughter, she is not! ”

Every time I talked about the Oriental Ice Ling, the voice of the teacher is full of pain, and there is no forgiveness.

"Shi Niang..." Yang Dingtian thought for a while, said: "You, don't blame the ice, she is proud of her, but she is a good girl."

"You don't want to talk to her, she will never forgive things that I have done to you." Shi Niang smashed the railroad.

"I, I and I have already kissed the ice." Yangding Tiandao.

In the end, Yangdingtian chose this thing as the beginning.

Shi Niang suddenly stayed, not convinced to look at Yang Dingtian, said: "You, you and ice have been married? Where? I don't know?"


Note: The second and sixth thousand words were sent, and today the headache is splitting, but the update of nearly 10,000 words is completed, and the monthly ticket is requested!

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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