Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 629: Yangding Tianzhan wishes the Lord! Miracle victory!

Yangdingtian fell into silence, and after a while: "I wish the Lord, you must know that this battle, I must win!"

"Then let's do it." Zhu Qing master gently shook the kendo.

"That's offended!" Yangding Tiandao, then back a few steps.

Xiu Wanqiu, who is the highest in the ranks, is listed in the sword. "I wish my brother, please advise!"

"Please!" Zhu Qing said.

Qin Wanqiu wielded the sword, the mysterious fire in the belly, the ultimate in condensation. Arms martial arts, screaming out.

Suddenly, Wu Wu condensed Xuan Huo and hurried out.

In an instant, a flame of magic, roaring away.

The mysterious spirit of the Seven Star Grand Master, Xuan Huo, and Wu Wu.

Qin Wanqiu, do everything, fight with all strength!

Zhu Qing’s eyes are condensed, and the sword in his hand is slamming out!

A white sword mans, shot out.

Two amazing energy, slamming in the air.

"Boom!" An amazing bright man, instantly cut the middle of the mountain, directly into a platform of hundreds of square meters.

The earth-shattering explosion is as bright as day.

Qin Wanqiu retired a dozen steps back, and a blood rushed out of his mouth.

I wish the Lord a little bit of sorrow and peace.

"Acknowledge!" Qin Wanqiu said, then retired.

In this battle, Qin Wanqiu did everything, used Xuanhuo, Wuhun, and condensed all the mysteriousness.

And Zhu Qingzhu, just the ordinary Xuanqi Jianmang, did not use Xuanhuo, did not use Wuhun.

Qin Wanqiu, still lost!


The Eastern Nirvana is out of the list, and he said: "I wish the younger brother, please advise!"

At this time, the Eastern Nirvana did not conceal the voice, wishing the Qing dying fiercely: "Oriental brother?"

"It's me!" The Eastern Nirvana said: "However, this body is cold and dusty."

Zhu Qingzhu bent down and said: "I wish the Lord, see the Eastern brothers!"

The Eastern Nirvana nodded and smiled, waving the sword in his hand and shaking it gently.


The sword is swaying.

Wishing the body of the Qing dynasty, suddenly smashed a huge light and shadow. His body instantly rose several hundred feet high.

The sword shadow in his hand is also more than a dozen feet!

"East!" The Eastern Nirvana waved the sword! Suddenly wish the east side of the green master, all the moonlight slammed, the surrounding space, the moment of darkness, all the light, all condensed into a hundred-foot giant sword light and shadow.

"West!" Then, in the west space, the moonlight was condensed. Surrounded by darkness, it condenses into a hundred-foot sword.





After a while, Zhu Qing’s main things are from north to south, six directions, all surrounded by six hundred giant swords!

I wish the master a slight tremble, saying: "Chaos six swords?!"

"Yes, for the first time, it has failed before. I didn't think that after the soul rose, it was successful!"

"I didn't remember correctly. Even the West Gate has no way to learn this chaotic six swords!" Zhu Qingzhu slowly, and then the sword in his hand was gently thrown into the air.

In an instant, his sword instantly split into countless swords.

Dozens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands.

There is no sword in the West. These swords are created by living and repairing.


These tens of thousands of hard, instantaneously fast rotation, will wish the body of the Qing to completely protect it.

After a moment, it was a gorgeous scene. appearing again.

A few hundred meters away from the main body of Zhu Qing, all surrounded by flying swords, like thousands of meteors, gorgeous.

"Go!" Zhu Qing’s master’s sword slammed down.

Suddenly, the chaotic six swords, the six hundred-footed giant swords, slammed toward the middle of the Zhu Qingzhu.


Six giant swords slammed into the countless swords and shadows around Zhu Qing.

In the air, there were numerous sounds of intertwined weapons.

As if it were a real sword, there are countless swords and shadows, and the body is broken. There are countless pieces of swords falling in the air, like thousands of fireflies.

And six hundred hundred giant swords, inch inch broken.

Within a few tens of miles of space, countless swords are dancing and fighting.

Is the six hundred-foot giant sword win?

Or do you wish the master of the thousand thousand swords to win?

The result came out soon!

Wishing the thousands of swords and shadows around the main body, all of them are broken.

And the six hundred-footed giant swords, leaving only half a foot, the lightning generally pricked toward Zhu Qingzhu.


Almost instantaneously, Zhu Qingzhu seems to have produced six arms and six swords, blocking the six flying swords of the Eastern Nirvana.

"Dangdang Dangdang..."

The six swords of the East are destroyed.


Zhu Qingzhu said: "Oh, it's me! In the competition of the sword, I have lost! But in your competition, I won again!"

In the competition of the sword, Zhu Qingzhu did lose! Because of his thousands of swords and shadows, all of them are broken, and the soul sword of the Eastern Nirvana is still left.

However, when he was shot in the body of Zhu Qing, he was easily destroyed. Therefore, in the competition between the warriors, Zhu Qingzhu won again.

At this time, the heart is shocking, it is indeed Qin Wanqiu!

At this time, the body of the Eastern Nirvana is cold and dusty, and it has barely broken through the Grand Master. Even the two great masters are reluctant. And he is a seven-star master.

However, the Eastern Nirvana has a sword soul! Really stand up, he Qin Wanqiu may not really win! The possibility of losing is even greater. The soul of the sword is too strong.


After the Eastern Nirvana!

I would rather die!

Ning does not die, but also the strongest Wuhun, the strongest mysterious skill, the strongest Xuanhuo!

However, it still lost in one stroke!

The next big sorrow, still lost!

Then there is no shadow!


"No shadow!"

"Please advise!" Zhu Qing main road.

The two are opposite each other.


In an instant, no shadow disappears into the endless darkness.

In the twinkling of an eye, there was no shadow and it appeared in the body of Zhu Qing, and the sword in his hand slammed down.

Kill the pig sword, the second trick, kneel down!

I wish the Qing master a sword behind. Going to the shadowless.

However, Zhu Qingzhu stabbed, just a shadowless shadow!

Suddenly, in the darkness, a sword was slammed out, and it was immediately to the part of the sea.

Reverse 蜿蜒. If true.

This sword seems to be born out of thin air. The sword appeared in an inch and quickly appeared, and then there was no such thing as a shadow.

Zhu Qing’s right hand lightning strikes out, to clamp the sword without a shadow!

I wish the master's speed is extremely fast, and it is caught in a moment!

However, the sword that was caught by him was instantly broken and broken.

Then another broken sword, like a residual image. As if they were layered, they slammed into his chest.

Everyone, all shocked by the shadowless sword, completely stunning!

Yang Dingtian could not have imagined that killing the pig swordsmanship into the hands of the shadowless, even so terrible, so amazing.

I wish the Lord, so I am so blind. Looking at the shadowless sword, I immediately stabbed my chest!

Can't stop it!

Seeing. The entire chest will be pierced by a shadowless moment.

At this time, I suddenly wished the Lord’s chest to spurt a golden light.

Golden light changes from energy to instant.

"When!" The shadowless sword is directly stabbed above this golden light energy and cannot be penetrated.

Zhu Qingzhu’s energy is fascinating in this golden light. Slamming.

The shadowless sword slammed, and then the whole person flew out like a straw.

The shadowless face twitched and said: "Hey!"

Zhu Qingzhu said: "Hey! On swordsmanship. I am different from you, I can't stop your sword, I have lost. But on the martial arts, I won again!"

The six masters of the Yangdingtian side have already played five and five lost. Everyone is a trick!

Finally, it is the turn of the ancient behemoth to fight out!

"Hey, go!" Yangding Tiandao.

"Oh!" He yanked off his white cloak, revealing an ugly face.

The eyes of the people slammed, not because they had any prejudice against the ugly woman, but the woman was too ugly.

Zhu Qing’s eyes showed a trace of doubt, and then turned slightly over the head.

Everyone has a look of horror!

"Hey!" He suddenly rushed over like a humanoid cannonball.

Oh, it’s running straight, but he’s too fast, so it’s like a cannonball.

Zhu Qingzhu stood in the same place, hunting in green shirts, waiting for the trick.

"Ah..." He slammed his fist.


Rushing to the front of Zhu Qing.

He began to wave his fists and violently screamed.

In an instant, everyone was shocked again.

This, this boxing method, is completely a child fight, it is completely indiscriminate, there is absolutely no rules.

But the strength and speed of each punch is amazing to the extreme.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian completely thought of a word.

Pegasus Meteor Fist!

Really every punch, you can live a dinosaur.

The whistling sound of each punch is completely supersonic.

Every punch can squeeze out the wind of the air, and you can completely hit a piece of air to break the bones.

However, these fists have no rules.


The fists danced wildly, and almost one hundred seconds were thrown out in one second.

Suddenly, everything in her tens of miles was smashed.

Wherever her fists pass, whether it is trees or boulders, all of them are broken.

Every fist she smashed out was like a terrible cannonball, but if she couldn’t hit the target, it would only be bombarded.

Zhu Qing is really more and more shocked!

This, what is this monster? The strength of the fist is even greater than that of the lonely, alien, and beast!

Moreover, the speed is reaching the limit, and between the breath, hundreds of punches are played.

Zhu Qingzhu found out that this ugly woman’s fist is extremely powerful. Even if she is hit by her, I wish the Qing Master is totally uncomfortable, and even some can’t help it.

However, if you want to make this ugly woman hit yourself, it is too difficult to be in the same position.

However, this ugly woman is getting more and more violent, and the more violent. Both eyes are congested, the speed is getting faster and faster, and the power is getting bigger and bigger.

I wish the Lord, in order to end this amazing and boring battle, suddenly began to fight back.

He also uses his fist.

"Oh..." It was almost tidal, and in the end, I wished the young master to hit hundreds of fists of this ugly woman.

The ugly son wants to hit the middle of the green. It is even harder than going to heaven.

And Zhu Qingzhu wants to fight no, it is even harder than going to heaven! So every measure is hit.

Zhu Qingzhu only wants to fly her out, so she is merciful.

However, the things that made him horrified happened again.

His own fist, hitting the ugly son, is like a muddy sea, and there is no reaction at all. Don't say that vomiting blood flies out, even half of the hair is not lost.

then. I wish the Lord once again to work harder.

And suddenly slammed the ugly girl a few hundred times.

Still, there is no response.

Zhu Qingzhu once again increased his strength.




In the end, Zhu Qingzhu once again condensed the sea of ​​air into the double fist, transforming the arm of gold, the strength of several million pounds or more, and arrogant to the body.

How amazing this power is, even the thousand-year-old hell, the night beast, is also alive and tear.

moment. I wish the green master a few million pounds of gold fist, the rain is generally on the body.

this time. The body is responsive.

He frowned and glanced at the golden fist of Zhu Qingzhu. He said, "You, you are hitting me..."

When this is said, everyone will almost vomit blood.

I wish the Lord has no idea that you have been hitting tens of thousands of punches, and you feel it. It was the fist that hit your body just now. You don't even feel it.

I smashed the place where I was hit, and then snorted: "I, I am fighting with you..."

Then, like a wild beast, it is more like a furious monkey. Punch and kick, the storm suddenly rushed to Zhu Qing.

Suddenly, the two hit the ground from heaven, and the battlefield spanned hundreds of miles.

Where the two passed, it was gorgeous.

I don't know how many castles, how many mountains, how many trees, and the smashed fists are ruined!

At this time, Zhu Qingzhu is completely gnashing his teeth!

He really didn't think that he would face such a battle.

The power of the enemy is so great that it is completely unbearable to hit. The speed is faster than yourself, and the strength is bigger than the arm of gold.

However, the martial arts level of the other party is not as good as that of the martial arts. Even if you play for 10,000 years, you can't beat yourself.

If you close your eyes, you can hit each other, but when you hit her for 10,000, it will be similar to tickling.

Where does the Yangding Heaven attract this monster! However, Zhu Qingzhu probably also knows that this monster should be the humanoid shape of the ancient sea beast. It is no wonder so ugly.

In this way, two people fought wildly.

Hovering hundreds of miles.

From dark to dawn.

Then, from dawn, hit the dark!

The following hundreds of miles have been ruined, smashed and smashed.

Zhu Qingzhu was originally waiting for her to be exhausted, to beat him back and win the battle!

As a result, the ghost did not think that the power of this ugly woman seemed to be endless. Her mysteriousness has not been exhausted, but her own mysteriousness is almost exhausted.

And this ugly woman, I don’t know how many million hits, tens of millions of fists, not hitting myself, but still playing madly, the more the war, the more brave, simply do not know to stop.

"Ah... I can't stand it!" Zhu Qingzhu screamed!

The face slammed fiercely, and the evil spirits burst out suddenly, like a horrible ghost, rushing toward the scorpion.

"Ah..." I saw this horrible devil, suddenly screamed, and in a blink of an eye, running without a trace!

As if, it is very fearful of second-class evil spirits!

In this way, Zhu Qingzhu ended the battle and won this battle very, very hard.

Then he couldn't help but bend down and pant.

This game is really a win-win situation. In the end, it is actually scaring away the opponent, not running!

Zhu Qingzhu looked at Yangding Tiandao with hatred: "Where are you going to recruit this monster!"

Yangdingtian looked at the ground that was destroyed by a mess, and it looked bitter.

This is awesome and powerful, and it’s still very powerful. However, it is totally unreliable. As for the moves that the child is fighting, it is impossible to beat people. Don't say that you can't beat the Lord. Any guru who wants to avoid her attacks is easy.

And just because she is only this one. What is the mystery of the mystery, unless it is turned into a monster form, you can also spray lightning.

Therefore, she can say that she is extremely powerful. It can be said that it is useless!

"Well, your six masters, all lost." Zhu Qing said: "Now, you can let your six masters go together, but I will not stop anymore, the real gun battle I don't kill them, but I don't guarantee the specific serious injuries."

Yangdingtian face suddenly twitched!

I really want to fight like this! The picture of Zhu Qing’s murder of the four great masters is still vivid.

I wish the Qing Dynasty to kill four great masters. No more effort, no evil spirits, no enemy at all.

If you really want to open a battle, the six great masters of Yangdingtian are afraid of being hit hard.

Zhu Qingzhu saw Yang Dingtian standing still in the same place, saying: "Yangdingtian, your great masters have all gone out! I will give you another chance to let your six masters together. Fight! Anyway, it’s so critical. Don’t worry about morality.”

Then, Zhu Qingzhuan closed his eyes and floated in the air to restore the mysteriousness. He said: "When you want to go together, let me know!"

Suddenly, the five great masters of Yangdingtian’s side had a convulsion on their faces. Run the mysterious spirit, you have to fight with Zhu Qing master!

No matter what wins or losses, but such a humiliation, no one can bear it!

"Yangdingtian, either war. Or admit defeat!" Zhu Qing master sighed: "Reassured, I will never let Xuan Tianzong participate in the war! You only have to beat me, I abdicated, let Zhuo Qing ruler do Xuantian master, Give Zhongzhou to you. If you lose, you will get out of Zhongzhou. From then on, you and I will not make river water!"

Yangdingtian is silent again.

"Yangdingtian is a big battle, blood flow into a river. Or admit defeat, you make a decision." Zhu Qing main road.

Yangdingtian slowly walked out of the road: "Xuantiange and the city of the city, the bright council is determined to win, I choose to fight!"

"Ha ha ha ha..." Zhu Qingzhu laughed and said: "Okay, then it will be a good fight. I will not kill you, but I really have to lose three hands and two short, and don't blame me!"

"No, not the six great masters and you fight." Yangding Tiandao: "It's me, fight with you alone, the battle of gentlemen!"

When this is said, everyone is shocked!

Before the six major masters lost, all the tricks were defeated, Yang Dingtian still wants to win the Zhu Qingzhu, is this a dream?

Yangding Tiandao: "I wish the lord, the battle of the gentleman, a move to win, is that true?"

"Yes!" Zhu Qing said: "Just the six great masters, all the ones will be defeated, can not hurt me a hair! So, as long as you shoot down my hair, you will win! I will abdicate, let Out of Zhongzhou!"

When Zhu Qingzhu said this, he was full of absolute pride!

"I know that you have a power system, and you have lightning. But for me, it doesn't even tickle. Even my energy cover is not worn!" Zhu Qing said proudly: "You I want to shoot down one of my hair, it’s hard to go to heaven!"

The electric system is a myth, and it ignores any defense and can attack all energy hoods.

This is not wrong.

However, there is a loss in breakdown. Just like the energy hood of the devil, it is not impossible to break, but the energy of astronomical numbers is needed to explode.

And Yang Dingtian's electric energy, want to blow up the energy cover of Zhu Qingzhu, it is completely impossible.

Therefore, the five-star master of Yangding Tianqu District wants to shoot down the big masters of Zhu Qing, the nine stars and nine, and it is really a daydream, it is difficult to go to heaven!

"Yangdingtian, I advise you or six people to besieged me, so there are casualties, but at least there is a victory. You have to fight with me, and basically there is no possibility of even a half." Road.

Yangdingtian slowly said: "I have decided!"

I wish the Qing Dynasty to the East and the Nirvana: "Oriental brother, why do you let Yang Dingtian do it?"

The East Nirvana: "Yangdingtian is our common leader, his decision is our highest will!"

"Well, then you are ready to get out of Zhongzhou." Zhu Qing said faintly: "Yangdingtian, even if you have great kindness to me, I will not let water, because I am a warrior, I am a top-ranking Musha!"

"I know!" Yangding Tiandao.

"Well, since you don't have water in your head, let's get started." Zhu Qingzhu slowly.

Then, the evil spirits hood, began to cover the whole body, holding the sword in both hands!

Yangdingtian slowly lifted the soul sword of the emperor.


A white black fire! This is the billion spirits!


Then, another white black fire, this is the demon spirit!

Two heaven and earth level fire! It is enough to surprise the audience.

But it's useless!

Don't say that these two Xuanhuo lost their yin and yang at this time, without any lethality. Even the two black fires in the heyday can't hurt Zhu Qing's master hair, and can't penetrate the evil spirits of Zhu Qingzhu!

However, nowadays, Yangdingtian is a chaotic and sinister property, which can be easily penetrated into the evil spirits of Zhu Qing.

However, the mysterious fire of the chaotic property is without any lethality! I can’t completely hurt my heart!

Two heaven and earth-level black fires condensed to the extreme, and then lightning, in general, flew to Zhu Qing.

No one feels the two flames, there is any little temperature.

In an instant, everyone held their breath.

No one can believe that Yangdingtian will win! The six great masters can't hurt the Zhu Qing master, not to mention Yang Dingtian.

Two snow white Xuan fire instantly hit the Zhu Qing master and drilled into his evil spirit energy cover.

That's right, the energy of the chaotic property can go into any energy hood, including the evil spirit energy cover.

Even the two Xuanhuo directly hit the forehead of Zhu Qingzhu.

However, it is useless! It can't hurt.

Zhu Qingzhu sneered: "Is this your trick? It's completely useless! Next, it's my turn to fight back. I said, I won't be merciful, you are ready to get out of Zhongzhou!"

Everyone, suddenly closed his eyes in pain!

Sure enough, miracles are hard to happen!

The cloud forest in the distance, even a despair!

But it is at this time!

Suddenly, the two black fires that hit the forehead of Zhu Qing’s forehead slammed into it!


A terrifying lightning!

It’s a multiple of the lightning energy that hit Ning Wuming before!

Incomparably powerful lightning, bursting in the hood of the evil spirits of the Qing dynasty, directly beat the head of Zhu Qingzhu.

All the energy, there is no leak.

Suddenly I saw the head of Zhu Qingzhu, and suddenly illuminate the incomparably gorgeous light, the light, the thousands of times of the sun, as if directly to stab the eyes.


Because, a few square miles of lightning, is condensed to only a few centimeters!

How amazing this energy is!


After the bright mans!

Everyone almost fell into a short blind!

Gradually restored after the vision!

Everyone clearly saw that Zhu Qingzhu from the top of his head to the nose, lived and was opened a huge gap, bloody, deep visible bone.

The long hair on the top of the head was burned clean in an instant.

Zhu Qingzhu said that if you shoot down a hair, you will win, and Yangdingtian will directly destroy his black hair!

How can it be?

Everyone is shocked! How can Yangdingtian let the two Xuanhuo enter the evil spirit energy cover, hit the Zhuqing master, and collide with each other to produce the electric system? How can it be?


Note: The second six thousand six hundred words are sent, please support! (To be continued.)

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