Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 644: You are a fart! Kill and kill!

"This sword, I think many people will know." Wu Ningming raised his sword in his hand and gently entered Xuanqi.

Suddenly, the blade flutters out of colorful Huamang! Such as the dragon like a phoenix, travel the sky!

"The emptiness of the lord is forging the soul sword, before the sword spirit is practiced, it is the Wuhua sword." Wu Ning said: "This is not the ordinary hidden sword, but the hands of the emptiness of the lord!"

Everyone, looking at the Wuhua sword!

That's right, this sword is indeed one of the hands-on swords! There is usually three swords in the void, and Wuhuajian is one of them. I didn’t think it was in the hands of Wu Ning.

Then, Wu Ningwu faintly said: "The sacred swordsmanship, the mother-in-law crossed the sword, because I was worried about the yang brothers, so I have not made it out. Today, let everyone see, the real mother-in-law crosses the sword!"

After all, Wu Ning's body was gently shot, and the sword in his hand was gently pulled out.

The mother-in-law crossed the first sword of the sword, and the river cried!

Wu Ningming flutters in the air and floats in the air.

The sword in the hand, gently wrap around and circle.

One circle, another circle.

Every lap looks the same, but each lap looks different.

After nine laps!

Wu Ningxiao retreats back gently.

These nine circles are still condensed in the air for a long time!

At this point, the spirits handed out a sword and passed through a circle.

"Hey!" In an instant, this iron sword that passed through the circle was instantly broken.

The solitary phoenix dance will also be this trick, but it does use its own mysterious spirit to create the effect, only the shape does not have God.

Yang Dingtian saw at a glance that Wu Ning’s sorrowful rivers and rivers cried more than the height of the solitary phoenix dance.

Next is the second move, leaving the soul mirror!

The swordsmanship that Wu Ningming has made is once again more than a few times better than the solitary phoenix dance.

I only saw his sword. It is easy to cut the space of the entire hall, then twist and deform!

Time, everyone saw everything in front of them. They have become fascinating.

The picture of the entire hall seems to have been cut into countless fast, and then combined indiscriminately, some stretched, some twisted.

This sword method, everyone on the scene really only heard of it, never really seen it.

A set of swordsmanship can actually distort the entire space and it is almost unseen. Unheard of it.

This world, to be able to do this, really only the hidden swordsmanship!

Today I really opened my eyes and I was shocked to be a man of heaven.

Then there is the third move, the fourth move, the fifth move, until the ninth move!

After the completion of the robbery of the mother-in-law!

Wu Ningmiao floated back to the original place and stood by Yang Dingtian.

at this time. Everyone is as sleepy as he is, and he has not recovered from his swordsmanship.

Looking at the shadow of Wu Ningming. Suddenly, I felt that this person should be the real secret descendant. This set of swordsmanship, really only the hidden ancestors made it out.


Wu Ning said: "Next, it should be the most important electric talent!"

He returned to the sword and stretched his fingers!

At this point, the talents noticed Wu Ning's hand! Slender as jade. Although it is as big as a man's hand, on the shape of the skin color, it is really more delicate than the woman's hand.

I saw his finger a little lighter.

"Oh..." Suddenly, a flash of lightning fell in the air!

There is no doubt that this is the electric energy!

"I am not a power system. It is just the energy of the electric system, the release of the talent of the electric system." Wu Ningming smiled.

Everyone nodded, yes, this is definitely the energy of the electric system!


Wu Ningming showed three pieces of evidence, the hand-free sword with no vain, the sacred sword and the sword, the electric talent.

Finally, he looked to Yangding Tiandao: "Yang brother, you said that the emptiness of the lord passed the position of the lord to you, let you show evidence, you are not, right? But, I have!"

Wu Younm took out the shadow jade, held it in his hand and gently entered Xuanqi.

Suddenly, a huge light and shadow appeared in the sky above the main hall.

The light and shadow were blurred at first, distorted, and gradually became clearer.

Everyone saw a woman who was a wonderful woman. Many people had never seen a real person, but she had seen a portrait, and she had seen her image many times in the shadow jade two hundred years ago. So I recognized it at a glance, this woman is nothing.

She didn't get old at all, and she was as beautiful as 200 years ago, turning people down.

Then, there is Wu Ning in the picture!

He came to the front of nothingness and slowly squatted down: "The disciple Wu Ningming, see the Master!"

Nothing flutters out of the jade hand, slowly said: "Get up!"

The picture is over!

Everyone, holding their breath in an instant, all eyes are looking to Yangdingtian!


This is a fatal blow!

In front of the virtual zero-free hand-sword, the mother-in-law crossed the sword, and the energy of the electric system is nothing.

Only this retrospective jade image is an absolute fatal blow, and the absolute ironclad is like a mountain!

And Yang Dingtian said that the emptiness of the lord passed the position of the lord to him, but he had no evidence!

In comparison, the balance of almost everyone on the scene turned to Wu Ningming! I feel that Wu Youning is a true patriarch, and Yang Dingtian... Although the hero is very good, but... but it is really fake!

At this time, Wu Youming's face is full of pain and helplessness, only Yang Dingtian can read the smug smile from his eyes!

The worst result of worry before Yang Dingtian appeared!

The Lingzong and the Netherland completely fell to the Temple of Destruction!

It turned out that the disappearance of Wu Nguyen in the past few months, simply not to bring the spirits back to the Netherland to see the mother. Instead, go to the devil and die!

Looking back at jade, no one can make a fake. So, this image is true!

However, this image is just recorded! The illusion of zero in this area is no longer the illusion of zero, but the demonized after the demon!

The Wuhua sword in Wu Ning's hands is also what she just gave, and his mother-in-law crossed the sword, perhaps just learning.

That means that the two are the most transcendental. The most mysterious power finally fell to the Temple of Destruction!

After Li Ming’s running dog Ning Wuming completely dies, after Zhu Qing’s complete abandonment, he will see that Yangdingtian will dominate the world and prepare for the evil demon, preparing for the battle of extinction.

The Temple of Desolation feels bad. So I finally compromised with Netherland and Lingzong, and made some kind of transaction.

At this most critical moment, the Lingzong and the Nether Sea finally stood up completely! In this transaction, Lingbi Zong and Netherland got what they didn't know, but they certainly got a lot.

At the very least, if Wu Ning is successful, then the whole Tiandao League will belong to the Netherland and the Lingzong.

prior to. They enslaved Ning Wuming, forcing the Zhu Qing to sign a shame agreement, all in order to get the biggest bargain! Today, the two men die and give up! Yang Dingtian was born, Wu Ningming had to turn from the behind the scenes to the front desk!

Of course, this is only a guess of Yangdingtian. Perhaps the truth is far more unfathomable than this!

One thing, Yangdingtian can never understand! Wu Ningming started from the beginning. Do you try to torture yourself and trample yourself? Why is that? He is the pride of the sky, you should not look at yourself, why is it so directed at yourself?


The spirits slowly said: "Today, the ironclad is like a mountain. Everyone still does not come to see the Lord of the Hidden Sect, and does not come to see the new leader of Heaven and Earth Alliance?"

then. The spirit of the rhythm took the lead and sighed: "Ling Ling Palace, see the Lord of the Emperor, Wu Youming!"

"Qiu Xiufang Gongsun Auntie, see the Lord of the Hidden Sect, Lord Wu Ningming!"

"The Sky City. See the Lord of the Hidden Sect, Lord Ng Nguyen!"

Countless people, continue to kneel down!

In the end, the entire Zhongjing Hall, nearly halfway down!

Yes, half of them are going down!

Yin Yangzong, Xuan Tianzong, standing still, supporting Yangdingtian!

Among the nine gates, Qincheng, Tianxiahui, Lishicheng, Yuntiange, Rouran Valley, and Biyucheng also stood still. Among the 9 homes, six support Yang Dingtian, and three support Wu Ningming!

Rouran Valley is the absolute follower of Yin and Yang. Jasper City, and Xuan Tianzong walked very close, but it was only very close. She stood at the top of Yangding, and it was really amazing!

As for the twenty-seven faction! Under the majesty, I met Wu Ning, a total of nine, and the remaining seven, all standing, supporting Yangdingtian!

Tiandao League has fifty-three powers in the first line. His Majesty supports Wu Ningming, a total of eighteen, and the remaining thirty-five, all supporting Yangdingtian!

Oh, there is also Simon fear, leading the exile in Yunxiao City.

There are also several other people, led by the exiled Qiu Shui Jianpai, in exile in Baiyun City, and also support Wu Ning.

However, there are more than a thousand affiliated Tiandao alliance forces, but there are nearly half of them, supporting Wu Youning!


Lingna looked at the crowd and slowly said: "The Eastern Sovereign, Zhuo Zongzhu, are you going to bully the Lord and turn black and white? Are you going to rebel, to completely split the Heavenly Alliance?"

"Fart!" Song said loudly: "I don't care what kind of **** Wu Ningming is what identity? I know that we only recognize one master in the bright parliament, that is, Yang Dingtian! Other cats and dogs, even the king, The Bright Council does not recognize it!"

"Song Song, are you going to rebel?"

"Rebellion is rebellious, how?" Song Yu’s violent temper, slamming the table, screamed: "Wu Ningming, this dog thing, pretentious, disgusting! It is not a good thing at first glance, I only recognize one sentence, He is not a demon or a ghost, let me be loyal to him, dreaming!"

When I heard Song Song’s straightforward speech, Wu Ning’s face finally twitched!

At this time, the Kuicheng Kwai Si also slowly stood up and said: "I also affirm here, my city is a member of the Bright Council of Heaven and Earth, and I am only loyal to the Lord Yang Dingtian. As for a fairy face I have already seen it, and I am sick now! I feel sick when I look at it, so don’t say it!"

The words of the Kwais are more poisonous!

"Fart, you dare to say this to me, I killed you, I killed you." The little princess was so angry that he violently pulled out his sword and screamed: "My family is more than a hundred times better than the sun." The righteousness and justice are unparalleled, and the integrity is unselfish. And Yangdingtian, ambition and ambition, only the false and false meanings to brainwash people! Not to mention other, you even grab your own wife, do you say it is not? Yangdingtian yourself Say, have you robbed Qin Huaiyu’s wife, Ning Luoer? Such a shameless person, you still have allegiance, it’s ridiculous!”

This is the case. Everyone was shocked and completely unwilling to look at Yangdingtian.

In all minds, Yang Dingtian is a fake hero, but also to fight against the evil demon. He is still a hero. But if the coffin is true, Yangdingtian will even rob the woman who is loyal. That is really a bad animal.

"Yangdingtian, you told me straight away, did you rob Ningrouer to do a small squat? Is it still not, you told me straight away!" Lingbi pointed to Yangdingtian.

"You shut me up, you are a little monk!" Qin Huaiyu suddenly stood up and screamed: "You turn black and white again, I will break you down!"

"Ha ha ha, Qin Huaiyu, you are really a shack. The woman was robbed, and she was wearing a green hat by Yang Dingtian, and she dared not to speak." Lingbi sneered.

Qin Huaiyu was so angry that she shook her sleeves first, slammed her sleeves, and slammed her sword, and said: "The coffin, before I speak, will break off with you. From then on, you and I will have no love for Jinlan. Only Enemy's enemies!"

"Oh, whatever." Lingbi sneered: "I still don't want to be with you! I will ask you a word, is Yangdingtian stealing your woman?"

Qin Huaiyu attended the meeting as an officer of the Guangming Parliament, so the position was very late. He came to the Tianfengge section and bowed his head!

Then I looked at the crowd: "I used to be a despicable and shameless person! Eight years ago, I went to the southwestern mainland to find the treasures left by Li Tianxiao. I met the Tianfengge female disciple Ning Luoer and suddenly rose. He raped her and made her pregnant with my child."

When this is said, everyone will change! Qin Huaiyu even admitted to her adultery and **** in front of countless people.

"After the incident, I returned directly to Qincheng! And Ningrouer girl, directly lost all the cultivation, leaving a daughter, my daughter!" Qin Huaiyu said: "Later, Yan Yanmei in my Qincheng His father rebelled, my father imprisoned the leader of the section!"

When this was said, it was like a thunder. Qin Huaiyu also involved his father’s scandal.

Qin Wanqiu got up at this time and bowed down to the stage!

"Well, I know that you have a crush on me, so I am imprisoned, I forgive you." Duan Yi waved.

Qin Huaiyu continued: "So, Leng Yanmei made a new Tianfengge master. Ningrouer did not have a place in Tianfengge, so she came to me with her daughter. At sea, she and Yang Zongzhu met by chance. At that time, the Yangzong master was very poor and poor, even the big bastions were reluctant. They met the pirates, and the Yangzong masters killed them, so Ningrouer thought the Yangzong masters his brother."

"Later, the Emperor Yangzong went to the secrets of the Five Elements Temple. And Ning Luoer came to my house. After seeing my daughter, I felt the pain brought by sin a few years ago, I am more and more afraid to face her. So, I dare not marry her, she is not willing to marry me." Qin Huaiyu will take the journey of two people, as well as their own transformation, all!


"I thought that Ningrouer and I would have been so stagnant and entangled, we couldn't be together, and we could never find our own happiness." Qin Huaiyu said: "One day, I saw Miss Song Lihua, she easily penetrated. My heart, let me directly worship under her beauty and wisdom. The more I love her, the more I feel that she is not worthy of her! She knows all the scandals I have done, but still does not care! Finally in the half of the sovereign With persecution and semi-pushing, I finally got married with Miss Song Lihua."

"Ningrouer said, I don't get happiness one day, she won't marry one day." Qin Huaiyu said painfully: "And I, why not? I myself got happiness, and it is the most beautiful happiness in the world. What about the poor woman of Joer? She can't get happiness, how can I feel relieved in my heart? So, she finally married the sovereign!"

"The beginning of Ning and Luo is my sin. We can have a wrong beginning, but we can't have a wrong result." Qin Huaiyu said with pain: "Ling, according to your words, Ning Luoer does not want to marry. I can't marry the sovereign, then what should she do? Can she be alone?"

Then, Qin Huaiyu sneered: "You might think that the lord is rather ruthless because it is erotic? Then I can tell you that the lord and Miss Ximen Yanyan have been married for two years, and the time when two people are really together is no more than half. Months. The Sovereign is out every day, fighting for the Chaos of the Continent, fighting to save the world. What kind of vicious people I used to be, why should I be loyal to him, when I am a fool?"

Then, Qin Huaiyu laughed and said: "What is the master now? Master, my father, the Song Dynasty, the leader of the section, the owner of the Kwai Si, and even the former cloud grove owner who hated him. Which one is not better than him. Is the strategy of the high-ranking lord high? Is it just normal, is his means high? More general! Why are we loyal to him, are we stupid?"

After all, Qin Huaiyu rushed to the top of the sun, saying: "My Qin Huaiyu vowed here, always loyal to the lord of Yang Dingtian. Even if he let go to kill the emptiness of the lord I also bravely go forward!"

"Tell it well!" Qin Wanqiu laughed and said: "I am not afraid of everyone's jokes! A few months ago, I was still guilty of the lord's sin, even a little bit, I went to the evil demon to destroy the temple, because they promised to give I am second to the evil spirits. But now, I can solemnly tell you that you are loyal to someone! We are loyal to someone, definitely not because of his origin, his identity, or what tokens. People are not pigs, not dogs, but also rely on a certain A sign indicates identity. We have a loyalty to someone, only one reason, that is because he deserves allegiance!"

Qin Wanqiu overlooked everyone and slowly said: "So, I solemnly declare here! No matter what happens, Qincheng will stand firmly on the main side of Yangzong. As for rebellion, what does it matter? It doesn't matter, you can start today!"

Yun Cailin violently pulled the sword and screamed: "What is the waste? To start playing, play now! I am now killing the animal of the consonance!"

After all, standing on the side supporting Yang Dingtian, violently fetching swords! As soon as you make an order, you must kill it!


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one! (To be continued.)

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