Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 649:7 Xiufang face! Travel to the magic city to find the secrets!

"French, you are coming back!" When Yangding Tianzheng and the enchanting squat kissed, the sound of the flames was full of joy.

The enchanting reluctantly left the mouth of Yangdingtian.

Then, the flame came in and held the big baby in his hand!

"Brother, younger brother..." The big baby was outside the door, and he reached out to the little baby with a chubby little hand.

Flames came over, and the big baby suddenly reached out to the little baby and carefully touched the baby's face.

Yan Yan whispered: "Fei Jun, Dabao are more than two years old, there is no name, you are a father, really not like!"

Yes, this time, I have been crying baby! Dabao is not without a name, but the name is taken by Du Gufeng. It is called Solitary. I don’t know if it is because of the birth of the grassland in the east.

Yang Dingtian does not like this name very much! This is not to write a novel to take a name, the cooler the better. The name of the solitary duo sounded to be enough to be sorrowful, plus a word that could not be done, too lonely.

However, Yang Dingtian took the baby away from the Du Gu Feng dance. If the baby's name was deprived, it would be too unfair to the Du Gu Feng dance, so the baby's name was delayed.

Now I can't delay any more, because there are more than two babies at home, and another female babies can scream, this male baby must always be distinguished.

"Yes, today, if you want to take the name of you, you should take it." Qin Jiaojiao also walked up. The little niece was not easy to sleep, the chubby white face, the eyes wide open, the curiosity looked at the eyes. all.

Dabao saw his brother and sister. I don't know if I feel particularly good because he is the biggest among the three babies. Suddenly people are crazy and excited.

Yang Dingtian quickly nodded: "Must take the name!"

Yang Dingtian also hugged the little girl, one by one, the more I saw the more love, the kiss kept!

Dabao usually doesn't care much about his father. Now he sees Dad only holding his brother and sister. Do not hold yourself, suddenly a small mouth, want to cry out. However, I felt a little shameful in front of my younger siblings, so I turned my head and saw the enchanting snow-white chest. I immediately shouted and shouted Mimi Mimi, and then rushed to the enchanting.

For the enchanting, the flames still feel a little weird. Suddenly, I looked at her.

The enchanting man was generous at this time, reaching out and holding the big treasure. Dabao skillfully opened the clothes and ate it.

Because the flame is too fond of love, Dabao is more than two years old and has not been weaned.

Dabao was eating and dancing, and he was proud of the two little babies in the morning.

Unfortunately, the two little babies are still too small. I still don't know jealousy.

Xiao Yan sneaked a yawn, and some of his sleepy eyes were blurred. The little baby quietly looked at the baby as small as himself, except that he was crying at the beginning and was always quiet.


In the evening, Yangdingtian began to scratch his head and wrote that he did not know how many pieces of paper, because he had to give his baby a name.

He is not very good at it. And all three names are needed at once.

Moreover, the flames that were originally obedient, are very uncooperative on this wenti. Yang Dingtian takes a name and she denies one. The name of the prestige is too powerful. I am afraid of rushing the baby's blessing. The name of the prestige is too mediocre. The serious name is not too cute. The lovely name is not official after being grown up.

In the end, Yangdingtian couldn't bear it. She was irritated by her negation. She directly smashed her pants and fanned her snowy plump ass.

It has been a long time since she has not been punished.

As a result, this punishment, the punishment came out of the fire, and no need to take a name.

Flame flames beaten while twisting the waist and winking.

So, Tian Lei hooked the fire, two people tossed one or two hours.

Finally, the flame flame lies in the arms of Yangdingtian, and softly said: "Frather, don't call Yangshuo!"

As the flame flame said, he used his fingers to write on the top of the sun.

It seems to be the same as the name!

"The word of the solitary phoenix dance is too lonely, but this is her son after all, and we completely deprive her of her name is not good, so the same reading, but not the same word." Flame flame.

"You thought for a long time, didn't you?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Well, I thought you had a more haode name, and the result you took was too bad."

"You dare to laugh at me." Yang Dingtian went to the waist of the flame.

Suddenly, the flame is like a big white sheep. She is desperately rolling in her arms, and she laughs out of breath. She is really too itchy.

"Baby, let's regenerate a baby." Yangdingtian suddenly said.

The flames of the flames are blurred, softly: "But, Dabao is still too small."

"It's not too small, more than two years old, waiting for our baby to be born, she is three years old, and she is sensible." Yangding Tiandao.

The flames of the flames suddenly rushed. After a long time, she shook her head and said: "I, I still can't bear it, wait for Dabao to go to the castle to study, I will regenerate, anyway, I am still small!"

Yangding Tiandun twisted the delicate face of her powder makeup jade, baby, can your face be thicker? You are twenty-two, still pretending to be a girl?

"In any case, I am still small!" Flames and emotions, arched into the arms of Yang Tiantian, greasy voice: "I am your little girl!"


"Where is the old lady, it is the big milk of Ximen, which is not normal. Do you understand that you are a ghost." Qin Jiaojia said with anger: "My is normal!"

When Yang Dingtian and Qin Jiaojiao were intimate, they occasionally said that after the baby was probably not enough to eat, the result was met with Qin Jiaojiao’s loud crusade.

She has always been a little inferior to her own chest. Originally, she did not have this kind of psychology at all. Among the sisters and sisters of the Qincheng in the northwest, she was almost the biggest, and she could be proud of her. Look at Qin Qiqi, look at Qin Yuyao, even half of her.

After the result of marrying Yangdingtian, it was hit hard. She was the biggest in the Qincheng sisters, and she became the smallest here.

Ximen Flame, enchanting, Mu Xi, Ning Luoer. Qin Meng is away.

One game is quite exaggerated, especially Ximen big breasts, and that Ning Luoer! The chest is so big, do you want to face?

"Well, I am wrong, I am wrong..." Yang Dingtian quickly admits. Otherwise, Jiaojiao must be from Yan Yan to Qin Meng.

Jiaojiao squatted on Yangdingtian, looked at his own crisp breast, and then asked: "You said, after pregnant with the baby, will it get bigger? I think the enchanting was a little smaller than the Ximen big milk. It’s almost catching up now.”

"Should be it." Yangding Tiandao.

"But I didn't think of it. Ning Luoer, a woman, usually looks gentle and wise, and is dignified! The result is so big. It seems to be bigger than Ximen's big breasts. It's really shameless." Qin Jiaojiao said.

Yang Dingtian gently tore her mouth and said: "You should sew you in this mouth."

Jiao Jiao white Yang Tiantian eyes, Jiao said: "It's good to sew, it doesn't have to be ruined by you."

Then, Qin Jiaojiao was a red face, I am embarrassed to talk about this topic: "Hey name. Have you taken it?"

"Calling Yangshuo?" Yangding Tiandao.

Qin Jiaojiao turned around and thought for a while, and did not feel very good. I didn't feel bad, and at this time, Yang Dingtian's hand touched her, making it difficult for her to infiltrate into thinking, so she nodded and said, "That's alright!"

Hey, the brain and grass bag, there are certain benefits. At least in the name, not as difficult as the flames!


"Soft sister, I heard that you are bigger than the flames?" Yangding Tiandao.

Ning Luoer is making a nightingale for Yangdingtian. After listening to Yangdingtian’s words, he suddenly became a red face. White, he glanced: "Is Qin Qinjiao tearing his mouth?"

"Yes!" Yang Dingtian said: "You go to beat her!"

"The aunt, I can't afford it." Ning Luoer said softly.

Before the Ningrouer, it was completely gentle and watery, and after the Yangding Tiancheng pro, it also showed a little naughty and delicate.

As she spoke, she watched the pot carefully. She is gentle and sleek, dignified and beautiful, but it is quite ordinary, that is cooking. Basically, the best one is the following.

"However, I think she makes sense." Yang Dingtian walked behind her, clinging to her embossed body behind her, and said to her ear: "I really can't be seen, you look so Gentle, it’s so fierce!”

After all, Yang Dingtian’s hand did not honestly climb up.

Ning Luoer's mature petite body suddenly stood soft and could not stand, said: "You, don't mess, I am below."

"Oh, get it below, okay..." Yangding Tiandao.

"You, you are a rogue..." Ning Luoer shivered: "Don't, don't wake up your daughter..."

"Well, then you whisper." Yangding Tiandao, directly opened her skirt.


In this way, Yang Dingtian finally ate the noodles in his mouth, and all of them became confused.

After eating, he got into the room of Mu Wei.

But what I didn't expect was that Mu's side was very straight and he was inside the bed, and a beautiful snake was lying there.

"Hey, are you so anxious?" Yangding Tiandao.

"I want to give birth to a baby!" Mu Mu is extremely domineering, and then directly turned over and ride on the waist of Yangdingtian.


So, when Yang Dingtian returns to the enchanting room, the sky is already bright.

Then, when he tried to give the baby a name, the enchanting directly said: "No, the name I think, I don't trust your taste and knowledge!"

Yangdingtian is completely speechless!


In this way, Yangding spent a full two days in the family, in addition to accompanying his wife and children, by the way, made a meal. Then, I gave the children a half-day class at Yunxiao Castle!

The children were so excited that their eyes were red.

Of course, what Yang Dingtian did not think was that when he left class, Xiao Ning directly stood up and said: "This is my father. All of you will listen to me in the future. Do you know if you have it? Who dares to carry me? Engage in small groups, small groups, I will punish her in the name of the princess!"

Of course, after this passage, her words were transferred to her mother's ear, and then the small buttocks blossomed directly.

However, after the fight, she touched the little **** and said a word, let Ningrouer press her on her leg again.

Xiao Ningning said: "Hey, soft children, after marrying, the temper is rising!"

Moreover, the tone of the speech is completely imitated by the imitator, and it is necessary to cry Ningrou directly.

After the fight, Xiao Ningning said another sentence, directly let Ning Luoer take her to go to the teacher to complain. This daughter, she can't manage it, she can only let her grandmother discipline.

Because Xiao Ningning said: "You hit me today, I always have to come back, I will let Dad call me back when I wait!"


Two days later, Yangdingtian reluctantly returned to Zhongzhou! When the master of the East was destroyed, he returned to Dongzhou, where he was fully responsible for the reorganization of Dongzhou.

The Zhongzhou is too complicated, and the two masters of Qin Wanqiu and Zhuo Qingji are jointly responsible! Song Wei, Duan Yi, Qin Huaiyu, Song Chunhua, Kwai Si, etc., each person is divided into sub-regions responsible.

Almost all the elites of the Bright Parliament are all invested in the integration of Zhongzhou.

However, the progress is still very limited! Because the benefits involved are too many, and the degree is very difficult to grasp!

After Yang Dingtian returned to Zhongzhou, he was not responsible for specific matters, and more was to participate in various activities of the Central Asian forces. A bit like the head of state in the Earth era, it is basically brushing your face everywhere.

The Guangming Parliament has already released a reward for the fourth-order scroll of the Sword Sword, and even if it provides clues, it can get an extremely rich bounty. However, so far, nothing has been achieved.

Finally, one day, Yangdingtian’s brushing activity stopped.

Because, this day was invited by Qi Xiufang Gongsun Aunt.

Gongsun Auntie has always supported Wu Ningming. This point is not intended to be considered by Yangdingtian, so I plan to attend a major event in Qiuxiufang.

However, I heard that the so-called activities of Qiuxiufang turned out to be the entrance ceremony of Gongsun Liu Niang. And this Gongsun Liu Niang, just happens to be Ling Dance.

This is not to brush your face, this is a face.

Yang Dingtian directly interrupted the public activities and sent a letter directly to Gongsun Aunt.

Good self!

Of course, in the ceremony of the Ling Dance Induction, Gongsun Auntie and her two, in front of all the guests, showed the words of Yangdingtian and then hung on the hall of Qixiufang, which is even more provocative. !

Then Song Wei went directly to the door to ask for the third killing order. To destroy the Qixiufang door, Yangdingtian quickly persuaded him! Under such circumstances, you can only secretly guard, or even suppress, what you can't do on the bright side.

Then, Yangdingtian went straight north to the Sky Magic City and asked about the whereabouts of the fourth step of the killing of the sword!


One day later, Yangdingtian is in the sky magic city!

This time, Yangdingtian did not hide the tail and tail, but led the gorgeous Devil's Guards, flew directly into the Sky Magic City, and came to the identity of the Emperor.

Suddenly, the entire sky magic city vibrates, like a huge wave, the whole city is running fast!


Note: The transition chapter of this chapter needs to be conceived for the next important chapter for a long time, so it takes a long time and it is very late, sorry! (To be continued...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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