Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 655: Snake Empire! Phoenix dance guess!

Before the departure, the enchanting has already been modified for the Yangding Tianda. W-w--o-m.

Not only changed the face, the eyes, even the race has changed.

Nowadays, the appearance of Yangdingtian is a fox man! The so-called is not familiar with life, Yang Dingtian has a little understanding of the Fox people, but also has a good impression, so it is pretending to be the appearance of the Fox people.

The level of enchanting is very high, and it is very pit!

She took a certain pill for Yang Dingtian, and then the ears of Yangdingtian became inexplicably turned into fox ears, and the eyeballs became inexplicably brown. Of course, the fox family has a tail, and the enchanting does not know where to find a tail, and put it on the tail vertebrae of Yangdingtian.

So, a brand new fox man appeared.


In order to keep secret, Yangding Tianlian did not ride the konjac, but flew directly over 10,000 miles with his own mysterious spirit. After two days and one night, he arrived at the east.

Yangdingtian is prepared to restore the mysteriousness on a small island first, then secretly sneak into the Dongfeng grassland and enter the snake people's territory.

But when I was not close to the east, I felt that it was not good.

Because the air is full of flying animals.

On the sea, there are patrol barbarian warships everywhere. On almost all the islands, a variety of castles have been built, monitoring the entire east-east coastline.

How could this be?

Yangdingtian had to be careful and flew to the height of 10,000 meters before he escaped the inspection of countless flying beasts.

The east is close to the mainland, and it is a desert of three or four thousand miles. These three or four thousand miles are completely uninhabited, and there are blood-red deserts everywhere.

And now looking down, it is brightly lit. Bright as white.

The entire desert turned out to be a huge construction site.

The half-man is actually building a line of defense here!

That's right, it's a defense! And it is very strong, very strong defense!

The huge stones excavated from the bottom of the desert are built into huge walls. Every three miles. There is a castle. Behind the city walls are countless tents and torches.

How long is the coastal desert in the east from the mainland, full of six or seven thousand miles!

This group of crazy half-humans have to build a wall in these thousands of miles. Is this crazy? Is this the challenge of Qin Shihuang and the construction of the Great Wall?

However, the power of the semi-human beings is much more powerful than that of Qin Shihuang.

This look is going. The desert is densely packed with half-humans! Oh no, there are usually beasts.

Millions of half-humans, plus millions of beasts!

Here, it is a semi-human show! Hundreds of races, everything.

There are also a variety of beasts, more than half of the Yangding days have not seen! Like a mammoth beast in the same building, a three-eyed giant with a height of more than ten meters.

Only these millions of people are half-human. All are slaves. Because they have collars around their necks. With ankle on the foot. Everyone is scarred and dying.

In addition to millions of slaves, hundreds of thousands of semi-human army are supervising.

One hundred and a half of the hundreds of thousands of people's army, one third is the werewolf, one third is the leopard, and one third is the eagle who will fly!

But other than that!

Yangdingtian saw the snake people!

That's right. The snake people who have lived for a thousand years have even appeared in public.

The Eastern Nirvana has said that the Snake Terran is the hegemon of the Savannah in the East, but since the millennium, the Snake Terran has never participated. No one dared to enter the Serpent Territory, and the Serpents never left their territory.

Therefore, for thousands of years, everyone knows the existence of the snake race, and also knows the existence of the queen of poison. However, almost no one has ever seen it.

Now, the snake people have appeared in public, what is going on?

Moreover, Yangdingtian also saw it! Among the hundreds of thousands of troops, the number of snake-man warriors is very rare, only a few hundred!

But these hundreds of Snake Warriors are the absolute masters of hundreds of thousands of troops and the highest commanders of the entire army.

Has the snake people left their territory? And has it begun to dominate the grassland? How could this be? What happened?

Yang Dingtian stealth and finally saw the face of the snake people!

Very ugly, terrible, even ugly to the point of disgusting!

It is said that it is a snake human, in fact, most of the snake people, human characteristics are very small.

It’s just a thick snake, two arms for the elders, and even the arms are covered with scales. As for the face, it can only be said that the face is faint, but whether it is the eyes or the mouth, it is still a characteristic of a snake.

There are hundreds of snakes in the field, and 80% of them are such ugly, horrible and disgusting.

Among the remaining two adults, human characteristics are relatively obvious. At the heart of the snake-woman, the human characteristics are already very obvious. Almost the entire upper body is human, but the whole body is covered with scales.

The face is also the face of human beings. There are only thin scales on the face, and there are no human ears. If you abandon these two points without ears and scales, the face of this snake-woman woman is long and glamorous.

Soon, Yangdingtian was clear. In the snake people, the more similar to humans, the higher the status, the stronger the power!

Therefore, this beautiful snake-woman woman has become the highest leader of these snake people!


Yangdingtian flew back into the sky and began to look down on everything on the ground.

He discovered the Fox people, and it is a huge number of Fox people! All of them became slaves with collars and ankles. They built castles and walls under the whip of the Werewolves army, and everyone was scarred. Even in order to prevent these slaves from possessing weapons, these slaves don’t even have any clothes, they can only barely cover themselves.

Even, there are more ugly pictures of sin!

Not far from the wall, there is a mass grave with countless half-human slaves.

Yang Dingtian tried hard to search, and finally did not see the Xiangxiang princess and the day. Bella's figure, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, it is only about one and a half years away from Yangdingtian. And in these thousands of miles of desert, there have been countless castles. The huge wall of six or seven thousand miles has actually built nearly half

This project is comparable to Da Yunyu City, which is several times larger than the Baili City Wall of Yunxiao City, hundreds of times!

Yangdingtian built Dayunyu City, and there are almost no dead people. All dangerous things are done by the person who is the highest. And this desert defense line from the grassland, but did not know how many semi-human slaves died.


Before, Yang Dingtian once noticed that Yun Junnu’s walking was forced by the waist, so Yangding’s genius felt very special.

The solitary phoenix dance is also completely leaning against the waist, so she walks very **** and seductive.

Of course, there is another person who walks completely on the waist. That is the Naga frost!

Yunjun slave was brought up by a monk's rose teacher from childhood! Coincidentally, Yun Junnu walks in exactly the same way as Du Gu Feng Dance. Coincidentally, the Rose Master disappeared shortly after the disappearance of the solitary phoenix dance, so Yunjunnu had to return to Yuntiange.

Therefore, Yangdingtian had to produce associations! The so-called era of the lost is the mother of the solitary phoenix dance and the solitary arrogance.

Of course, if there is only this identity, there is nothing. More importantly, she is also the second generation of Naga who came to the world! Defective second generation Naga!

even. When Yangdingtian heard the first beauty from the grassland in the east, the first strongman. When the snake-man's poisonous queen is born, Yangdingtian will produce more remote associations!

Therefore, although Yang Dingtian did not say it, he is very much looking forward to encountering the solitary phoenix dance in the east from the grassland!

Nowadays, the snake people have begun to enslave and rule the entire east from the grasslands, turning the good races of almost all the semi-human beings into slaves. Turn the whole desert into hell!

Then. Everything has changed, and Yangdingtian will first put down an unrealistic fantasy for the time being!

Then the question arises. What is the purpose of the Snake Terran to build the largest line of defense in history? Is it to resist the destruction of the World Corps, or to resist the human legion?

Yang Dingtian also knows that the demon road has a hidden and powerful force lurking in the east. So is there anything in front of you that has nothing to do with the lurking lurkers? Is the snake man's birth related to the evil demon?

Qin Qiqi is not very clear about the lurking power of the demon road in the east. I only know that the supreme leader of the Demon Road is called the Lord! Of course, this little master is not a savvy, it is not known.

Yang Dingtian also knows that another great master-level Wu Lingshi, a ghost who has defected from Xuantianzong, may be in the east from the grassland. He used to be the biggest demon stalker of Xuan Tianzong. In the fox family, Yang Dingtian once encountered the land of the ghosts of my son Yin Tianchong, a master-level powerhouse.

And the ghost my son is over a hundred years old, obviously it can't be less... the Lord!

Ghosts are the only wizards in the world. The masters of the great divisions decades ago seem to be only the masters of this young master. The possibility that this young master is Li Ming seems quite big!

I did not expect that after a year and a half away from the grassland, actually changed this.

At this point, there are too many mysteries!

Who is the Queen of Poison? The entire east is tens of millions of square kilometers from the grasslands. Have they all become the snake empire? Who is this desert defense line in front of? Does the complete rise of the snake people have anything to do with the evil demon? The so-called East Savannah Demon Road Master, is it Li Ming?

Another point, Yang Dingtian saw so many fox people slaves here? The fox people tribe, does it still exist? Fragrance Princess and every day. Bella, is there anything?


Nowadays, the Snake Terran has completely changed. It is no longer a seclusion. Instead, it has grown a terrible fangs and began to rule the entire east from the grasslands. There is no doubt that the plan must be changed. It is not possible to directly rush into the Snake Terran. At least it is necessary to investigate everything.

If the power of the demon and the snakes have been fully colluded, then Yang Dingtian goes in, it is entirely self-investing!

Therefore, we must first investigate and act again! However, Yangding Tiandong is flying east from the grasslands! (To be continued.)

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