Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 714: Breaking! Lingbi’s crazy revenge against Wu Youming!

After the coffin finished this sentence full of decisive words, the whole heart slammed and felt a pain. . .

She is indeed a little girl. Although she is clever, but everything goes with her, she is not willing to think more. She does not like to think about her brains.

Even if you encounter emotional problems, you are not willing to think more, just follow the feelings.

When she saw the first sight of Wu Ningming, she was deeply fascinated by the temperament of his body, and she was completely unable to extricate herself.

Moreover, she is a bold and direct girl who loves to love.

For Yangdingtian, her feelings are also very complicated. How did the former Yangdingtian pamper her and protect her. And the key is that Yang Dingtian will discipline her every time, often knocking on her head, and they are all very painful. This feeling makes her very obsessed.

In the Lingbi Palace, Tian Lao Da, her little princess is the second child. No one can dare to provoke the entire Lingbi Palace, and no one can discipline. She has always been willing to do what she wants to do. The ignorance is not blocked, but it is carried out.

Even when she left the Lingbi Palace to walk the world, she did not have moral honor at all. If she wanted to kill, she would kill it.

I have been confronted with Yangdingtian. This person directly disciplined her and even knocked her head. This feeling really made her obsessed, so she inexplicably bowed to Yangdingtian and followed him.

So she was sixteen or seven years old, it was the moment when the spring heart sprouted, and Yangdingtian became the first person to leave a shadow in her heart.

Moreover, she is a girl who is bold and curious, so when she was in the city of despair, she did a lot of things for Yang Dingtian. Although it was not as exaggerated as Wu Mozhi said, it was indeed too hot.

If you follow this development, one day, sooner or later, the coffin will climb up the bed of Yangdingtian because of curiosity. That's right. It is because of curiosity, not because of emotion.

As a result, she met Wu Ning.

Seeing the first sight of Wu Ningming, the coffin was almost obsessed with the moment, and the radiant appearance instantly covered everything.

Her feelings for Yangdingtian. Only a small number of men and women sprout, most of them are family and attachment.

The girls in any plane are like this. During the rebellious period of 16 or 17 years old, they liked handsome guys and cool brothers.

In the earth plane, Yangdingtian is still a relatively bad boy. In high school, he had a small time with the Chinese teacher under the erroneous mistake. When he went to the university, he directly went to find his own English teacher. Be a girlfriend.

But to the chaotic world. After a few years of hardship, he lived from a small bad boy to a good man with a good sunshine.

In the eyes of many women, a good man means no charm.

Therefore, compared with Song Lihua, Qin Huaiyu, who is more incomparable in history, is more liked, because Qin Huaiyu is more complicated, and that kind of apology is always forbearance. The man who is so savage and poisonous is very attractive to some women.

So when Wu Ningming appeared. The heart of the coffin was transferred in an instant.

At this time, if the Yangding innocent to win the coffin, of course, there is still a way. Like Xiang Shaolong, who is looking for Qin, he slept and said that once he was not enough, he would sleep a few more times.

but. Yang Dingtian has been taking Ling Ling as a sister.

In this way, the coffin chose to leave the emotions of the brothers and sisters and Yang Dingtian, and chose the fascination with Wu Ning.

It is this fascination that makes her grow up gradually!

She is a smart woman, but she is not willing to think more.

This time. The things I encountered were too big, and Wu Mozhi’s words gave her too much excitement.

So she thought about it for a day and night when she closed herself in the door, so many questions were clear.

Wu Ningming is a hypocritical person!

Although he is very disguised, the time is so long after all, as long as you think clearly, there will be flaws.

Especially in so many things happening in the Netherland, it is enough to prove that Wu Ningming is a hypocritical person.

Wu Mo woven the words, which forced Wu Youming's flaws.

In the past, Wu Youming only used his mouth to say, he could express all his noble and benevolent meanings, as well as his love for the spirits.

However, Wu Mozhi’s forced use of words has made him useless words, and he must use actual actions to express it.

However, he likes to weigh the pros and cons and chooses to leave.

He said it, but he could not. This is hypocrisy!

A person only looks at the pros and cons, whether it is love or hate, it is hypocrisy.

Once he recognizes the hypocrisy of Wu Ningming, his role may not be very glorious.

He and Yang Dingtian who are righteous and who are evil, may be reversed.

For Yangdingtian, Lingbi is actually still understanding, but also trusting his character.

However, the coffin is a person who is extremely emotional. I love husband, you are the enemy of my husband, then you are my enemy, after tearing your face, everyone will not be polite.

Therefore, for the repeated damage to Yangdingtian, there is no psychological pressure on Lingbi.

However, Yang Dingtian’s shot hurts him, and he feels the pain of the cone, which she can’t even describe in words. There is even a feeling of being abandoned by parents and abandoned by their families.


Then, perhaps Yangdingtian is just right, and Wu Youming becomes evil again?

For this idea, the coffin is just a flash. If she is placed on Ling Dance, she will definitely think wildly, frantically find the answer, and negate the proposition. She will struggle for a long time, until she fully convinces herself.

The coffin is completely unconcerned.

Wu Ningming is justice, or evil, what is her.

There is only one thing she cares about? Oh, or two.

First, do I really love Wu Ning?

The second one, Wu Ningming’s feelings for me are not fake?

She is a selfish person, and of course everything is self-centered.

So most of the time, she was thinking about these two issues, and later she knew a lot.

Regarding the first question, does she really love Wu Ning?

Yes, no! ?

She is still very obsessed with Wu Ning, this obsession is very superficial. She is obsessed with the image and temperament of Wu Ning, as to whether Wu Ning is not hypocritical and evil, she does not care.

But this fascination is not love. As if it is not clear. Besides, she feels that she is a selfish woman. She only wants to love herself and she does not intend to love others too much.

The second question, is Wu Ningming’s feelings for her, is it fake? at this point. She thinks more clearly, it should be fake!

After confirming this, the coffin once again felt the pain of the cone. In addition to heartache, there is anger, even hatred, and a sense of shame.

She wants to vent this anger and shame.

Therefore, she went out and said to Wu Ning, we are away!

She wants to see the reaction of Wu Ningming! If Wu Youyi tries every means to ask her not to break up. Her mind will be very comfortable. Because she knows that the struggle between Wu Ningming and Yangdingtian is now in the downwind, and he really needs the Lingbi Palace.


"Wu Ning, let's break up! And leave!"

Wu Ningming first stayed, then his eyes trembled and his face was white.

A sigh of relief flashed from the eyes.

The lips tried to tremble a few times, as if to say something!

I saw this reaction of Wu Ning. Although Lingshu is not sure if this is acting or true, she still feels a bit of pleasure.

"Okay. I promise you, if you have already thought about it!" Wu Ning said.

Suddenly, the coffin was turned into a thunder in the head, and instantly, nothing could be felt.

She proposed a divorce, not a swearword. It was just a provocation and revenge. She firmly believed that Wu Ningming could not agree. She just wanted to see Wu Ningming tearing open the mask and asking him.

She is convinced. Wu Ningming is still inseparable from the Lingbi Palace.

The coffin is very clever, but the mind is absolutely not deep enough. There is nothing that can't be hidden, and it will burst out immediately, so she chose this most intense means.

However, she did not think that Wu Ningmou had promised, he dared to promise! ?

The pain in the heart of the coffin was first filled with the fear of losing Wu Ning. Then there is complete anger and even hatred.

"Well, you, you dare to promise, you dare to promise, good, good..." The spirits suddenly trembled, and the reason disappeared cleanly and rushed out.

Ling Dance quickly catch up and pull her hand: "Ling, I know that you are talking about everything, you calm down now and take back what you said."

"What identity do you use, and I say this?" Ling said.

Ling dance trembled and said: "I regard you as my sister. Lingbi is just a conspiracy of Yangdingtian. He is leaving you."

"Close your mouth, you think who you are, you call my sister? What is your identity, a citizen, a woman who runs a boat, but also a shameless call to my sister?" "You think you are a close-knit female officer of Wu Youming. Your identity is going up. You are qualified to say this to me. Don't be stupid. If it is not because you have a relationship with Yangdingtian, we want to fight. Yangding is using you, you are not a shit. A woman like you, I will not even look at the right eye."

The words of the spirits are like poisonous snakes, like the daggers, and they pierce the heart of the dance.

Almost instantly, her head blasted!

That kind of pain, the kind of insult, the **** tear that completely tears the mask, almost let her suffocate.

When she was whipped under the eyes of the public, she was not so shameful, not so painful!

She felt completely unable to breathe.

Because the spirits have always been awkward, but in front of her is really close to her sister. But did not think that her mouth actually spurted such venom.

After a brief silence, Wu Ning rushed out and shouted at the voice: "You shut me up, you get out of me!"

The coffin trembled fiercely and screamed: "You, you yell at me for her?"

"I have always been a sister, a brave sister." Wu Ning said: "You humiliate her, then you will humiliate me!"

"Hey, what kind of sister, and the dog and man who are adultery." The spirit of the angry hatred, regardless of disregard, spit out the most vicious words in her mouth, she just wants revenge.

"Still that sentence, you shut me up." Wu Ning Ming cold channel.

"Wu Ningming, you will regret it, remember, you will regret it." Lingbi pointed to Wu Ningming, one word and one sentence, and then did not return, and went out.


Ling Dance felt like he was in the hail, not a little warm.

The mysterious truth of Lingbi, tearing her heart apart, is all true, is it true?

Wu Ningming is so against himself, is it really just using his own retaliatory Yangdingtian? Is it really worth nothing?

Wu Ningming did not speak any words, but looked at Ling Dance.

After a long time, I saw the focus of Ling Wu gradually got the focal length.

Wu Ning said: "Now, can you hear me talking?"

Ling Wu Muran nodded.

"You have been trying hard to prove yourself, no matter how much you hurt, you have to prove yourself." Wu Youxiao slowly said: "And I also try hard to prove to myself, I am not someone. Dependency, I am not because of the talents that exist in the world, I am me, I am Wu Ning."

"Ling dance, the road we choose ourselves, whether it is right or wrong, we must go on, even if we are squatting, we must finish it."

"Otherwise, we will... nothing worth it!"

After that, Wu Ningming turned directly and returned to his attic, looking out the window.

The lips trembled, and a few tears finally slipped off his handsome face.


The entire chest, like a burning coffin, walked aimlessly on the streets of Zhongjing.

There is nothing in her mind.

In her heart, there is a flame of hatred and anger.

She wants revenge, she wants revenge, she must retaliate against Wu Ning, to make him feel a bitter shame.

How to retaliate? How can we retaliate to make Wu Ningming feel the most bitter pain?

In her mind at this time, she only thought about one thing, that is, how to retaliate against Wu Ning.

Soon, she came up with a few ways!

Who can make Wu Ningming feel stinging? Of course it is Yangdingtian!

What can make a man feel pain?

Of course, the wife’s betrayal, Wu Ningming is so proud, if his wife puts him on a green hat, his pain is definitely unbeatable.

Moreover, her coffin is still a virgin.

A wife who is still a virgin, to dedicate his chastity to the enemy he hates the most, must be very enjoyable.

The coffin thought about it, and then filled with the excitement of revenge.

Suddenly She looked at the direction and walked toward the headquarters of the Beijing-Guangming Bright Council.

Wu Ningming, I said that I will regret you, I will definitely make you regret it.

In this way, the coffin is full of boundless anger and moves faster and faster toward the Bright Parliament.

Soon, the coffin came to the door of the Beijing headquarters of the Guangming Parliament. She was afraid that her will was not strong enough, and went to the restaurant not far away, and bought four or five bottles of spirits at once.

Then, two bottles were poured in one breath.

Did not use any mysterious, instant wine rushing.

The coffin is full of decisiveness and courage, and walks towards the headquarters of the Bright Council!


Note: The first four thousand words are sent, I will continue to write the second one, and ask the brothers for support! Thank you all! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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