Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 757: The magic of the sun! Nethered shocked! The day of the duel!

Song Yupan sits on an absolutely dry wooden couch.

In this way, it is for the absolute insulation of him and the ground, otherwise the electric current enters the ground through his body, but all enters his body, forcibly expanding his mysterious veins and sea of ​​air.

"Song Huizhu, I used to help Mrs. Lingbi and myself to break through the Grand Master, but it is in a very, very complicated environment. Now the power of my Xuanhuo lightning will be amazing, so if it fails. You may die." Yangding Tiandao.

"Death is dead." Song Hao haha ​​smiled: "The sovereign, you said that you have almost 80% of the grasp. In my opinion, don't say eighty-nine percent, 30% chance, I will be willing to take risks."

Before, Song Hao would wear fake legs, but in order not to let the breakthrough master have any accidents, Yang Dingtian let him remove the prosthetic leg.

At this time, both Kwai Si and Yun Cai Lin stood behind him, and on the top of the entire castle, only four of them.

The energy level of Xuanhuo lightning is calculated secretly in Yangdingtianxin! And if you don't use Xuanhuo lightning, but use the magic sky to crack lightning, can you?

The result is not, and it is completely impossible to complete the "miao> point" novel m.m, even after Yang Dingtian broke through the semi-san, it may not be possible.

Because, using Xuanhuo to create lightning, Yangdingtian can inject all the energy in the sea into the lightning, and also the energy of the Xuanhuo and the reaction energy of the Xuanhuo impact.

And the magic sky crack is a kind of mystery, Yang Dingtian even if the energy level is output to the maximum, but also can not use one hundredth of the body's mysterious energy. Moreover, the lightning that is directly converted by the mysterious gas will have a much lower energy level.

So the conclusion is that the lightning energy of the magical crack is less than one percent of the energy of the Xuanhuo lightning.

Of course, that might be said. If Yangdingtian attacks the people with Xuanhuo lightning, who can still suffer?

Yes, when Zhu Qingzhu was so powerful, he was directly torn apart by a black-and-white lightning from Yang Dingtian. What's more, Yang Dingtian is already a six-star master at this time.

Does that mean that Yangdingtian can attack Wu Ningming with Xuanhuo lightning?

The answer is still no, because Xuanhuo lightning from brewing to bursting. It takes a few seconds to fully. At this time, people are hiding and don’t know how far it is, and they simply can’t beat it.

Moreover, Wu Ningming also has a black line on the body. This ghost thing is like a life. If the lightning strikes Wu, it will ensure that it will be swallowed up in the first time.

Then, Yang Dingtian has a whim, since Xuanhuo lightning can help Jiuxing Jiu and other masters to break through? So what is the direct energy of Xuanhuo?

The result turned out to be still not possible. Because the direct energy expression of Xuanhuo is amazing high temperature or low temperature. So when you enter the body, it instantly destroys the human body.

When the energy of the electric system enters the body, it first reacts with the human body, and then generates high temperature to burn the human body.

However, when a person is a master of nine stars and nine, the sea of ​​air in the body will naturally form an energy black hole. A huge lightning energy enters the body. I haven't had time to react yet, and I haven't had time to burn the human body. It was directly inhaled into the sea of ​​gas.

Therefore, this is the top of the sky with the Xuanhuo lightning can help break through the mystery of the great master, Yang Dingtian thought for a long time, only compiled this theory. Therefore, he used Xuanhuo lightning to help himself break through, and it was really a dog.

then. When Yang Dingtian helped Lingbi break through the Grand Master, he used less than one-third of the energy of the whole body. At that time, Yang Dingtian’s cultivation was a four-star and five-class master. Now he is just breaking through the six-star master.

In other words, to help Song Song break through the big master, he only needs to spend about one-eighth of his own energy. of course. This is not much more.

This Xuanhuo lightning, which consumes one-eighth of the sea of ​​the sun in the sun. It sounds like it's small, but it's actually nearly a hundred times that of Yangdingtian. It is already an amazing energy level.

Oh, it’s a pity that this Xuanhuo lightning is too slow. If it’s as fast as a magical crack, it’s used to attack opponents. The nine-star master can’t escape.



Yang Dingtian’s left hand floated the chaotic attribute of the Yiling demon fire, and the right hand floated the chaotic attribute of the demon spirit.

One-eighth of the mysterious energy is slowly injected into two mysterious fires.


Then, two black fires, like a meteor, flew over a few kilometers above the head of Song Song.

Hit hard!

"Hey!" A loud noise.

Almost half of Zhongjing is bright as white.

A kilometer long, a few hundred meters thick lightning, slammed down.

Then, it became a blue mans with a thin and bright light, and slammed into the top of Song's head!

"Hey!" In an instant, Song Yi’s entire body violently burst into a terrible white light.

The people on the top of the castle are almost instantly blind!

After nearly a minute, all the talents gradually recovered.

Yang Dingtian quickly opened his eyes and looked at his achievements.

Although he has calculated countless times in his heart, there should be no mistakes. In fact, the proportion of his use of mysteriousness this time has been accurate to the three digits after the decimal point.

Although there is enough theoretical support, Yang Dingtian is still worried, this is the life of others, not his own life. In the event of an error, he would lose a general, and Song Chunhua and Song Lihua also lost their father.


It should be called the ultimate perfection!

When I helped Lingbi break through, the energy spilled a little, leaving her body and clothes a black.

And Song Wei, it is intact. Even the clothes are not burned, let alone the body is damaged.

At this time, he has fallen into a complete confusion.

The whole person, constantly trembled, constantly trembled.

This is the energy of the electric system all entered its sea of ​​air, is preparing to explode, to completely expand his sea of ​​air.

Huh? what happened? what happened?

Yang Dingtian discovered that Song Yu constantly trembled, but never entered nothingness.

Then, his face became more and more ugly and more and more terrible, as if the whole body was torn.

not good. The energy is still a little bit, a little bit, he is about to break through, but still a little bit, so the energy may be reversed.

At this point, it doesn't matter if the energy is much less. After the gas sea world swallowed up, there will only be a slight reaction, the most fear is that it is a little bit worse, even a little more does not matter.

Yangding Tianshen, looking at Song Hao to completely break the bones.

When the machine was upright, suddenly a magical day splitting the lightning, and slammed down to the top of the Song dynasty.

The length of this kilometer, the lightning of a few meters, slammed into the body of Song Yu. It disappeared instantly without a trace.


Yang Dingtian can even feel it, within the spirit of Song Yu, it seems to detonate a small nuclear bomb.

At the same time, the Beijing-Beijing ground seems to resonate in general, shaking slightly. It does not reach the level of the earthquake, and it does have obvious vibration.

Then, Song Hao completely entered a void!

Became! Successful!

And Yangdingtian, almost half life is scared. The whole body is cold and trembling!

Who knows this will happen. Who knows that energy is a little less, it will be so dangerous. Fortunately, he was fast enough to directly drop a magical lightning bolt, otherwise Song Hao had already become a muddy mud.

After a quarter of an hour, Song Hao opened his eyes!

In an instant, his eyes glowed. As stupid as quality!

His entire person has changed directly!

He got off the wooden couch, limped, hit his fake leg, and walked to the front of Yangdingtian. Almost ninety degrees of worship!

"The wish of this life, finally got what you want. In the future, it will kill the lord!" Song shuddered, and then went straight downstairs.

Breaking through the Grand Master is his wish for a lifetime, and it is also the pain of his life.

Nowadays, his heart is full of emotions, he can't be himself. He needs a person to vent his inner feelings in a separate space.

Sure enough, soon after, from the underground secret room of Nanfu Castle, there was a burst of squeaky sounds, and then there was a crazy laugh!

More exciting than him, there are clouds and forests.

He is the most difficult person in the world, and he has not known how many years he has broken through the nine-star and nine-time masters.

When she was still young, she broke through the guru and got the envy and jealousy of everyone in the world. How crazy she was at that time. All waiting is waiting, she broke through the Grand Master before she was forty.

However, five years have passed, ten years have passed, fifteen years have passed, and twenty years have passed.

She still values ​​it, and she does not see the hope of breaking through the Grand Master.

Therefore, when someone is fifty, she is still young and beautiful, and when she was fifty, she was already old.

Not only that, her face is getting more and more mean, her eyes are more and more sharp.

Now, seeing the hope of success, she is so trembled that she can't walk, and even needs the sunflower to help her and come to the wooden couch to sit down.

After sitting down, she was still shaking and trying to keep herself from crying.

"Sovereign, wait first, wait first, I am too nervous now, the state is not good, will definitely affect the results, or let the sunflowers come first." Yun Cailin trembled.

Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "No, you don't need any state. When I helped Lingbi break through, she shook even more and kept crying."

"That, what needs me to do, I must work hard to do well, what kind of mouth to run, how to run the mysterious?" Yun Cailin shouted.

"No, nothing is needed, you can sit there!" Yang Dingtian laughed.

Then, directly released two Xuanhuo of chaotic attributes, and entered more than one-eighth of one-eighth of the mysterious gas. This is Yang Diantian has been carefully calculated.


Two mysterious fires, flying straight into the sky.

Then, under the impact, the light was louder and brighter than before.

At this time, a large part of the Jingjing people, all of this lightning was awakened from the slumber, thinking that something had changed.

Lightning beaten on the body of the cloud, once again bursting the light of temporary blindness.

After a minute, the light faded away.

The result of this time is indeed more perfect than that of Song Wei.

The ground of Zhongjing, once again shivered slightly.

Without any accidents, it was directly successful. Cloud mining, successfully broke through the Grand Master!

After a quarter of an hour, Yun Cailin opened his eyes. I touched my hand first, then I felt my own breath.

Next, she did something that Yang Dingtian couldn't imagine.

She flew straight over, hugged the sunflower, and kissed him in the mouth.

Let Yangdingtian be good, please. You are also... well, people in their 50s and 60s.


The next Kwai Si, there is no accident!

The perfect success has broken through.

Since then, there have been three big masters in the Bright Parliament.

Duan Yi is a master of Jiuxing and Jiu, but Yang Dingtian does not dare to break through for her. Because she relied on evil spirits to reach this cultivation, and his time as a nine-star and nine-class master is still relatively short, and he did not want to sing them, it has been several years.

The three seas of Song Yu, in fact, have long been in place. There is no external force.

And Duan's qihai, it should be that there is not enough energy enough to force a breakthrough with external force, it will only fly away.


Wu Ningming has been standing at the top of Nanfu Castle, looking at the amazing lightning that is dozens of miles away.

The coffin stood on his side and said: "That was from Beifu, what is Yangdingtian doing?"

"To do the most terrible thing in the world." Wu Ning said: "Making a great master."

"What?" Lingbi said: "He, he can also make a great master?"

"Boom!" At this time. The ground of Zhongjing trembled fiercely, and a big master was born.

"Yeah. From now on, it is not only the Netherland and the Lingbi Palace, but also the Yangdingtian." Wu Ning said: "Although I don't want to admit it, this person is really amazing." what."

"How is Bifujun?" asked Lingbi.

Wu Ningfu frowned and did not answer: "This is meaningless. Because he can live for two days, two days later, he will die."

“Is there an accident?” asked the coffin.

"No accidents." Wu Ning said: "He has, I have all, he does not have me. I also have. My cultivation is far more than ten times twenty times!"

"The Bright Parliament seems to have been going on for a long time, and I don't know what decision to make?"

"First of all, it must be the top of the Yangding Tianding. This duel, he does not hope, so he will use the magical fog coat, the magic spirit black armor, the Qiang Kun ring, guard the ring, use all means to save his life." Wu Ning "Then, they will negotiate, after the defeat, the Guangming Parliament will withdraw from Zhongzhou, or go directly to war!"

I have to say that Wu Nguyen’s speculative power is amazing.

"Then you think, what decisions will they make?" asked the coffin.

"If I used to, I think they will withdraw from Zhongzhou, because it is most beneficial to them." Wu Ning said: "But now I understand Yangdingtian, he will not do this. After the defeat, he will definitely choose to go to war. Even the last person who died in battle has to fight to the end."

"He can't beat us." Lingbi said: "The Black Scorpion, he has no way, let alone we have an amazing number of great masters, and two and a half holy!"

"There are a lot of people in this world, which can't be described by reason." Wu Ningxiao said with a smile: "For the person like Yangdingtian, I admire it, but I still have to swear, idiot! No hope, no future idiot In fact, it is not important for them to make decisions. What is important is that Yangdingtian will die. After the duel begins, his living time will not exceed a moment. In my father’s words, it will not exceed one second. Once Yang Dingtian is dead, the Guangming Parliament will automatically collapse, and Qin Wanqiu will take the initiative to lie in front of me. So, what is the significance of their decision?"

Suddenly, the face of the coffin became complicated, and then ironically said: "In fact, Ling Dance and Yang Dingtian are similar people, the same innocence, but Ling Dance is a bit more stupid and ignorant!"

"Shantou, you don't want to say her like this." Wu Ningwu said: "And, it is best not to take her and Yangdingtian!"

The face of the coffin suddenly twitched, and then smiled again: "French, only two days away from the duel, what should we do in these two days? Do you want to increase the pressure on Zhongzhou, do you want to continue to work on the Guangming Parliament? ”

"No, don't do anything." Wu Ningwu said: "As long as Yangding is dead, we will harvest everything."

Two days, just pass by! The day of the duel, finally arrived!


Note: The second one is sent, thank you for your support! (To be continued.)

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