Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 772: Ice is now! The demon fox is visiting!

In this way, Wu Ningming and Ling Dance, lying on the rotten island, waiting for the arrival of death day by day, motionless.

For Ling Wu and Wu Ningming, Yang Dingtian still knows nothing about it. He is still busy to the extreme every day.

The entire chaotic world has basically been unified. Next, in addition to comprehensive preparations for the war, the next strategic goal is the Lingbi Palace.

The Nether Sea is a pure martial art force, and there seems to be no amazing power in the military.

For the Black Skull Legion in the Lingbi Palace, Yangdingtian is almost determined to win. ,

But now is the key moment to rectify Zhongzhou. Yangdingtian does not want to make extra-budgets, so the war is definitely not impossible.

Still have to use the old method, coercion and lure! The first step is to save the spirit of the spirit rabbit. Find a way to get him back to work and then recapture the Lingbi Palace.

However, this should be difficult to do.

At this time, the innocent is like a Grande, and it is extremely cherished for its own life and power. Once he has moved his power, even if it is a little bit of wind, he will be very alert.

Moreover, once someone moves his life, he will definitely be desperate. If a half-sacred man begins to desperately, the consequences are extremely amazing.

Therefore, the whole thing really has to be long-term.


To the west of the northwestern mainland, close to the seas that are taboo on the mainland.

Suddenly, the two figures are far and near.

A fascinating style, beautiful!

A handsome world, the world!

The fourth character of the Demon Road, Princess Peony. And Xiao Xitian's fox people are less masters, snow white masks men's enchanting!

"You and me, let's separate it here." Princess Peony (Oriental Ice Ling) said: "For the alliance, the enchanting lord no longer considers one or two?"

The enchanting swayed his head gently: "It is still the same sentence. Although your annihilation temple is very strong, we really do not need to form an alliance with anyone, and no one is qualified to form an alliance with us. The dispute between you and human beings, We are not interested."

Then, the enchanting figure flashed and disappeared directly into the air, flying toward the northeast.

The princess peony shines and flies toward the southeast.


After a few hours.

The enchanting figure instantly appeared above the tens of thousands of meters above the castle of Yunxiaocheng.

The enchanting is holding the baby and the flames to play mahjong, and suddenly the heart violently twitches, the hair of the whole body is violently erected.

Then she instinctively sniffed her nose and wanted to find something, but she found nothing.

"What about the demon sister?" asked.

The enchanting shook his head and said: "Oh, nothing."

Shi Niang softly said: "The enchanting, now Xiaotian's things are already busy, what is the matter, you should talk to him."


At this point, the baby in the enchanting arms suddenly looked up and saw only the ceiling, suddenly a small face confused.


Zhongjing Beifu, Yangdingtian is madly fighting countless countless documents. Today, he has become one of the most busy signing machines.

The mountain-like documents are waiting for his review and signature.

He originally wanted to look at the ten lines, and then signed it directly. But at this time, Yun Junnu’s eyes will become very strict with her, and then they will have a cough.

In short, Yang Dingtian can be aware of the truth as long as she is a god.

This secretary is also too competent, completely a housekeeper. Whenever this time, Yangding Tian is afraid of her as a tiger.

Yunjun slave is also a good intention. She knows that Yangdingtian does not like this job, and at least 999 documents in the thousands of documents I have read are ultimately signed directly. However, there are always one or two copies in one or two thousand documents. After Yang Dingtian has seen it, it is very inappropriate from his perspective, so it will be rejected.

For this kind of rejection, the Bright Parliament and Yunjun slaves are very cherished. Because Yang Dingtian can often see problems from different perspectives, these rejected documents will also become very important.

As for the Ling Rabbit, since she entered the Beifu with her wedding dress, Yangdingtian never saw her again.

Originally, he thought that this poor little girl had left the bitter sea, and after seeing another relative, Lingbi, the two would definitely not want to separate again, and the rabbit would enjoy this quiet and leisurely life.

Then, she will have some charming little interactions with Yangdingtian, even though Yangdingtian is extremely busy.

However, this has not happened.

Ling Rabbit only spent three days with Lingbi. In these three days, he fully understood Yangdingtian and learned about the Guangming Parliament. She suggested that she wanted to go to Xijing Tianqi College.

Yes, she wants to practice martial arts. She wants to take back all the lost time.

So in the past few months, she is in Xijing, and she is practicing madly. Of course, whether it is nominal or de facto, she is the wife of Yang Dingtian, so almost every day there will be information about her sent to Yang Dingtian.

In fact, this information is also very simple, nothing more than how much her cultivation has broken through. There is also the beauty of her recovery in a day.

Of course, in fifty days. What the information says is that the beauty of Mrs. Ling Rabbit should have been fully restored and shocked the entire Tianqi Academy.

As a result, fifty days later, the intelligence also said that the beauty of Mrs. Ling Rabbit is still recovering.

When it was a hundred days, please write on the newspaper that the beauty of Mrs. Ling Rabbit is still recovering.

In other words, since she has not eaten poisonous mushrooms, she has become beautiful little by little. In fifty days, the intelligence personnel felt that they had reached the limit. However, by the first hundred days, she was still beautiful, and when she stopped, she did not know.

"Since the beauty has been restored, I should come back to sleep, and stay in Xijing?" Yunjun slave.

Yangdingtian is not listening to it, nor does it go to see the men’s crazy waist-hip curve.

How long has he not touched a woman? Anyway, for a long time, a long time, a long time!

Last time, after defeating Wu Ningming, he and Wu Mozhi had an extremely crazy relationship.

Then, Wu Mozhi returned to the Xuezu in a hurry, because she was worried about the duel of Yangdingtian. She had not seen her twin daughter for several months, and she was thinking of being crazy.

It’s not just that she went back alone, Qin Zhi and the emperor’s side also followed, and the three are now as good as one.

Wu Mo weaving a walk, Yang Dingtian is not even a woman, and I can't find it. Moreover, when the busyness reached the extreme, there was no time to return to Yunxiao City.

He is a normal man, and his anger is stronger than others. So whenever Yunjun slaves talk about these topics, he is absolutely shut up. Otherwise, after being picked up, it will be troublesome if you are not satisfied.

In the private sector, Yangdingtian was passed down as a lascivious life. Every day, it is the Sangong Sixth Hospital, and it is very happy.

Yes, there are quite a few of his wives. But he said that he is colorless and unhappy every day, then, that's really heartbreaking. For four years, the number of times he and a woman are in bed, and the number of fingers and fingers can be counted.

Seeing Yangdingtian sullen face, Yunjun slave grinned and smiled a little, and stretched a little bit to make his waist and hip curve even more thrilling. Then he saw Yangdingtian directly twisted his face, and she had a kind in her heart. Inexplicable sweetness and satisfaction.

She has always enjoyed her life, and she feels very sweet every day. She enjoys this kind of spiritual sweetness. If it is a human being, it should give a noun, that is, Plato loves.

Of course, Yunjun slave is slightly closer than this. She is very happy with the slight touch.

"The Sovereign, there is a man outside, come to see you." Zhu Hongxue suddenly said outside.

Yangding Tianyi, said: "Is it important?"

"I don't know." Zhu Hongxue said: "But I feel that he is very important."

"Well, I am coming soon!" Yang Dingtian put down the documents in his hand, stretched a lazy waist and walked outside.


Soon, Yangdingtian saw this strange man, he took a white mask, but only the eyes that were exposed outside were already beautiful to the demon.

"Yangdingtian lord." The mask man bowed slightly to pay tribute.

At this time, Yangdingtian is almost the first person in the chaotic world. Although the man in this mask was polite, Yang Dingtian clearly felt the indifference in his eyes. He looked at the eyes of Yangdingtian, but there was a kind of human beings who saw animals in the zoo, a little curiosity, and appreciation.

Yes, there is appreciation. Just like you are at the zoo, you can see some animals playing acrobatics, and they show their appreciation.

"Hello." Yang Dingtian nodded and said: "Excuse me!"

"You haven't seen me, but I have seen you." The mask man screamed: "At the time I was in the taboo mainland, I saw you struggling in the illusion. But the lord Yang Dingtian is very amazing, even in such a short time. It is out of the illusion. In my impression, you are the second person to break away from the illusion by virtue of his own ability. Compared with another person, your time is much shorter."

"Thank you for praise." Yangding Tiandao.

The enchanting asked: "You are not curious, who is the other person who took the initiative to leave the illusion?"

Yangding Tiandao: "It should be Oriental Ice or Princess Peony."

The enchanting can't help but applaud: "Wow, Yang Dingtian is really making me look at me!"

I don't know why, the more the eyes of the other side appreciate, the more uncomfortable the feeling of Yangdingtian. So he went straight to the road: "Excuse me, thank you for your name, come to me, what's the matter?"

"My name is enchanting." The mask man said: "From Xiaoxitian, it is from a place with a enchanting."

Yangdingtian eyes trembled fiercely, and the heart jerked up, then said: "Fortunately, may I ask the enchanting lord, what is it?"

"Oh, nothing." The enchanting said: "It’s just to pick up the enchanting home. After all, she has been outside for so long. Over the years, I really want to thank you for your care!"


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one, and ask for support! R1152


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