Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 784: Thank you, brother! The death of the enchanting!

Yangding Tianhe Ling Dance has only one face. {

At the moment of seeing Yangdingtian, Ling danced and said: "It turns out that you are fine! Then, are we not too expensive?"

Yang Dingtian is really dreaming, and Ling Dance will save him. Even if he opens a big brain hole like a skylight, he can't think of this result.

"Ah no, Ling Dance, I am very happy to see you here." Yang Dingtian quickly said: "Thank you, thank you!"

"Oh..." Some of the complex dances looked at Yang Diantian’s eyes and looked at him with a complex look. He said, "But you are really amazing. No matter where you are, there are beautiful lovers who are obsessed with life, and still No race."

"Hey, hehe..." Yang Dingtian was embarrassed: "Yes, the Nether Brother is coming?"

"Well..." Ling Ma just finished, and he whispered, because Wu Ningming disappeared without a trace.

Anyway, what he said, definitely does not face the sun.

"That, I am leaving." Ling dance.

"No, no, you should go slowly." Yangdingtian.

Then, he yelled at Zi Zhe: "Do you really not return to the human kingdom with me?"

Yan Zi shook his head vigorously: "I want to stay and find ways to save them. Remember, when you are not strong enough, you should never come back. After leaving here, you should go directly back to the human continent, don't go Look for incense and phoenix. If you don't look for it, they won't die. If you go find it, they will die. And they are a big group of people, you can't take it all."

Yang Dingtian nodded hard, and then danced to Ling: "Ling dance, then trouble the Nether brother to shoot, stunned me around this purple, do not let her cause the Queen of Hearts doubt."

Ling dance stayed a bit. Then nodded.

Before Yangding was in the sky, she gently embraced her and said: "Thank you, tell me the Nether Brother, and I thank him."

"Oh..." Then, Yangdingtian flashed instantly. It disappeared without a trace.

Above the pyramid, Wu Ningming is a master of dozens of snakes. Breaking through the semi-sacred, it is such a fork, a person holding dozens of top players, easy to use.

"Youth brother, thank you." Yangdingtian floated in the air and shouted.

Wu Ning Ming flashed and flashed into the dungeon at the bottom of the pyramid. Anyway, he and Yangdingtian are the kings who don't see the king.

"Let's go. Hey what you are looking for." Wu Ningming grabbed the arm of Ling Wu and immediately disappeared without a trace.

"Wait..." Ling Wu said: "Big Brother, Yang Dingtian let us help to stun him this snake human lover."

"My day..." Wu Ningming couldn't bear it. He never said swearing, and finally said a swearing word.

Yan Zi is embarrassed to smile at him: "Thank you, you are a friend of Yangdingtian..."

When she didn't finish it, Wu Ning Ming slammed her hand and stunned her directly. He didn't want to hear the next words.

Looking at the other three snake-like corpses on the ground, they slammed them out. Instantly broken bones, gray smoke and smoke.

Then, grab the arm of Ling Wu, flashing quickly, disappearing without a trace, and heading northwest.

"Little dance. There is such a thing next time, you don't want to find me anymore." Wu Youming hated.

This is what it is called.


Yangdingtian vaguely knew where the phoenix should be, that is, the last position of the Holy Land that the center of the sea led the rebel army.

He wore a magical fog coat and quickly reached the sky above the holy valley.

really. Here, Yangdingtian saw a large group of people and lived the toughest life in the Holy Valley.

Not far from the outside of the Valley, it is the great line of defense of the Snake Empire, and hundreds of thousands of troops.

Within the Holy Valley, every day. Bella, incense, and phoenix are all there.

They are not currently rebel, they are considered exiles, and different streams of people.

The reason why they live here is to express a complete break with the Queen of the Sea.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in the entire valley.

Yangdingtian did not go down to see them, just like Yan Zi said. Haixin can tolerate the gradual break of Huang Yu and others, and does not put their point of force at all. But once Yangdingtian contacts them, the sea heart is completely intolerable and will directly destroy everyone in the holy valley.

Therefore, Yangdingtian cannot go to see them.

Seeing this group of rebels, it is difficult to collect trees and tap the roots of vegetables as food. They are living hard, and there is no power to resist.

Taking a deep breath in the air, Yangdingtian looked for the phoenix in the crowd.

She was wearing a rags at the time, leading the young and growing house, the permanent house. As if she is going to settle here for life.

Yang Dingtian suppressed the urge to meet her and said, "Heavenly language, waiting for me. East from the grassland, waiting for me."

When Yangdingtian is strong enough, it will return to the grassland in the east. At that time, it was the death of the Queen of the Sea, the day of the resurrection of the Queen of Poison.


At this time, there are still five days from the enchanting appointment time, which is completely enough.

Then in the next five days, Yangdingtian will fully deal with the enchanting. In any case, it is absolutely impossible for the enchanting to take away the enchanting and Yangyi.

Yangdingtian is in the south from the south of the grassland, and meets with the konjac king's claws. Then, riding the claws, he returns to Yunxiao City at a speed of two thousand miles per hour.

After more than four hours, Yangdingtian entered the sky above the northwestern mainland.

At this point, he saw a group of high-flying parliament flying, flew to the west of the sea.

On the sea, the ships of the Northwest Qincheng Fleet are densely packed, spread over the sea, leaving the port and heading for the western waters.

Yang Dingtian’s heart jumped, what happened? There is such a large military operation.

He did not ask, but continued to over 10,000 meters of high altitude, lightning generally flew back to Yunxiao City.

On this road, Yangdingtian saw countless flying horses, at least tens of thousands of them, and they continually took off from the northwest Qincheng and flew west.

Not only the northwest Qincheng, but also the flying ride in the direction of Yunxiaocheng. It is also constantly going west.

Even the flying horses in the defense zone of the Northern Territory will continue to fly to the west.

It’s an accident, and it’s a big deal.

Otherwise, the Northwest Qincheng Fleet will not have such a big move. The Qincheng Fleet is dedicated to defending the Snake Empire, and it is almost unmoved. It is almost out of the nest today.

On this road, there are nearly 100,000 flying rides seen by Yangding Tianguang. What he did not see, the air power of the Bright Parliament in Xizhou was almost in the nest, and all flew to the west, as if searching for something.

It must have been an accident, and it is a big deal!

Yang Dingtian desperately flew in the direction of Yunxiao City.

Just entering the sky above Yunxiao City, the master of the East Nirvana will come up.

At this time, the entire sky is over the city. All the master-level masters of the Bright Parliament almost came out of the nest, and the top players of more than ten people floated in the sky above Yunxiao City, guarding every direction.

"Master, what happened?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"You have to be mentally prepared."

Yang Dingtian nodded hard.

"The enchanting and Yang Yi, were arrested, your sister, she... was seriously injured!" The East Nirvana said: "At the time. There is almost no master in the whole Yunxiao City. It is your teacher's highest level. Also, Yunxiao Castle The flying samurai inside was almost killed."

"Boom..." In an instant, Yang Dingtian’s brain exploded almost fiercely.

Endless anger, the anger of the sky. Almost surging.

All the blood rushed almost to the brain, almost bursting with the blood.

Enchanting, enchanting... shameless enchanting!

You have said it clearly, give me ten days. There are still five days now, and you are screaming that I am not under this poisonous hand.

Shameless! Extremely wicked!

And the enchanting, actually still treat you as a brother! Still trust you so.

Enchanting, you must die for sin, and sin must die!

"The enchanting, I must smash you the corpse, the corpse of corpse ..." Yang Ding Tian a word, bite his teeth and cut the tooth.

The Eastern Nirvana complex complex: "No, Xiaotian! Isn't he doing it?"

Yangding Tianyi.

The East Nirvana said: "He, he is already dying, desperately sighing, to see your last side. It is Xiao Xitian who robbed the enchanting and Yang Yi, we were not at the time, if not the enchanting shot, Your sister-in-law is also dead, and even the entire Yunxiao City is finished."

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian was completely shocked, and his heart was completely shocked.

The almost morbid racist, in order to save the demon, and to save his mother, almost sacrificed his life?

Yangdingtian immediately rushed into the valley of the Yunxiao City, and the East Nirvana quickly chased it up.

"Where is the teacher?" Yangding Tianqin.

"No, let's go to see the enchanting, he... will die at any time."


Yangdingtian saw the enchanting.

At this time, he is completely unremarkable before the beautiful!

The whole person seems to be a toy that has been completely torn.

The whole body was up and down, and it was ripped open to countless cracks. All the wounds were blue.

Moreover, the wounds of the whole body did not have a little blood.

His beautiful and unparalleled face almost became a coke, only two eyes, still visible.

The heart of Yangdingtian trembled, and the tears almost rushed out.

This person who was hostile to him and was deliberately dealt with by him, now lives to die to save his wife.

This racist who has become a brain-destroyed person interprets his pride in his own way.

Yang Dingtian immediately took out only one of the few holy water medicines that he had to feed into his mouth.

However, he found that he has no mouth!

Who is so cruel? Even to his own family, so under the enemy.

"No, your monkey's medicinal herbs are useless to our noble silver dragon blood." The voice of the enchanting voice accurately said that it was directly in the Yangdingtian brain.

At this time, he still kept your monkeys, your monkeys.

But at this time, Yangdingtian heard that he only felt a burst of fever in his eyes.

"My body is actually dead. My soul is actually dead, but I have left a little bit of knowledge and can communicate with you." Demon said: "As a man, you can't protect yourself." The woman is the biggest shame. Many years ago, I didn't protect the enchanting and let her leave Xiaoxitian. Now, I still can't protect her and let her fall into the hands of the devil. I...I...I really don't have Qualification is called a man."

Yang Dingtian is desperately biting his teeth. If this is not a man in front of him, then no one in this world can have this title.

"Although I can't get rid of your human monkeys, but...but I can't find a second person to entrust." The enchanting said: "So the next responsibility to protect their mother and child is yours, you have to go to Xiaoxitian, Will the enchanting and... and the child rescued, since I am dead, then let her remarriage to you. Although you are just a human monkey, but ... but better than the devil."

"Who is this? Who is the demon?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Heroes!" Demon swearing: "This despicable plunderer, this insidious and vicious ambition, this conspiracy who tried to dominate the whole small West Heaven. Your son is the only descendant of the half-god who gave birth to success. He will be strong and enchanting, forcibly become the father of Yang Yi, and then take the opportunity to come to the world and end the Xiaoxitian tribal alliance meeting."

"How is his repair?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"No..." The enchanting sighed: "Don't think about the frontal defeat, you are just a human monkey, impossible! Use strategies, strategies! And he is doing everything possible to get a hollow fire to jump into the Naga Empire. He wants to monopolize the ruins of the entire Naga Empire."

Then, the enchanting cold voice: "Next, if I say, you must remember all, do not miss a word."

Yangdingtian nodded hard.

The enchanting said: "We are small West Heaven, because there is a fallen silver dragon blood, after death, we can reincarnate again, our soul imprint can be truly reborn, once again reincarnation. But ... can also choose not to reincarnate, turn into A silver dragon blood crystal! Then, I will not reincarnate, this silver dragon blood crystal gives you, after you swallow it, as long as you cover it, you can have the characteristics of the silver dragon blood, you can lurk into the small West Waiting for the opportunity to save the enchanting, waiting to kill the enchanting."

"How to kill him?" Yang Dingtian asked Void fire, Void Fire, use the hollow fire ... I, I ... the limit is up..." Way, think of ways to devour my silver dragon blood crystal..."

Then, the enchanting dies completely.

The whole body gradually shrinks into a small fox that turns into coke.

Then, a silver energy spar slowly floated from its body.

This is the fallen silver dragon, the blood left to Xiao Xitian, the energy source of the entire Xiaoxitian race.

The enchanting, the racist who most defied humans, did not choose reincarnation, completely gave up his life, and gave the silver dragon blood to his most hostile Yangdingtian!


Note: The first one is sent, and the double monthly ticket is called. Everyone is happy on New Year's Day. (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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