Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 798: The Secret of the Void Fire! Cut the throat and enchant!

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Ji Ya did not have any resistance, took the initiative to kneel down, and even took the initiative to reach out to solve Yang Tiantian's waistband.じ.じ

Only in the whole process, she still has no expression, like a robot.

Yang Dingtian understood at this time, what is sculpture. This woman in front of me is an extremely perfect sculpture. Beauty is at its peak, but even if a **** faces him, he will be happy.

The violent temper of the heart in the sun, calmed down in her formatted faceless expression, waved her hand: "Go, let's go..."

Ji Ya stood up and said, "Are you sure you don't need to vent me? I am very happy."

"No need." Yang Dingtian waved his hand.

"Then rest, I am leaving." Ji Ya glanced at the torn clothes and walked out like this.

"Slow..." Yangding Tiandao.

"Oh, have you changed your mind?" Ji Yadao: "Please come."

"No." Yangding Tiandao: "When I turned into a fallen silver dragon, how do you feel?"

"Shocked." Ji Yadao.

“Is there no worship or enthusiasm?” Yang Dingtian strangely asked: “You demon foxes have an unparalleled enthusiasm for the fallen silver dragon.”

Ji Yadao: "First, as a non-speaking family, you are only closer to the blood of the fallen silver dragon. There is still a fundamental difference between the two. Second, I am a demon fox, so I will always think about the problem from the perspective of my own interests. ”

"Oh, I understand..." Yangding nodded.

"Do you have anything else?" asked Ji Ya.

"Nothing." Yangding Tiandao.

"Then I said goodbye." Ji Yadao.


Ji Ya, who was wearing a silver robes, returned to the hall.

"Lord of the Speaker, this **** is very dangerous." Ji Yadao.

"Yeah, it is very dangerous." The enchanting said: "After taking the dark crystals, I was able to set off the shape of the fallen silver dragon. This will undoubtedly cause the most ardent worship of the whole fox fox. The fallen silver dragon is the totem of the whole small West. Once the aristocrats saw his deformation, then this **** is likely to replace me and become the only leader of the whole small West."

"So? Kill him?" Ji Yadao.

"No, no..." The demon said: "That is too violent, maybe one day he will die. But it is when his use value is completely exhausted."

Ji Yadao: "I still have a worry. I didn't want to ask for it. I didn't like it. I didn't like it. I didn't like it. After taking the dark crystallization, I had a negative emotion. I think this is a real danger. Because it is very likely It will also be born, with the wisdom and talent of the non-language, once it is born, plus the enchanting worship of the demon foxes. It is very likely that they will become the master of the whole small West."

The enchanting nodded.

Ji Yadao: "So, I think it is necessary to secretly kill all the non-language people in Xiaoxitian."

The enchanting nodded and said: "Perhaps, this mission still falls on the head of Mr. Jiang Shang."


In the following period, Yang Dingtian, the counterfeit non-language, became the most noble person in the silver palace, and almost went hand in hand with the enchanting speaker.

He can go to any corner of the silver palace, including to see the enchanting mother and child.

Of course, he can't leave the silver palace alone. Because it is worried that there are still some rebels in the east, it will be bad for him.

And the enchanting is in front of him. It is also very respectful, and it is exactly the same as Ji Ya.

Not only that, but the enchanting also announced the entire Xiaoxitian world. He officially worshipped Mr. Jiang Shang (Yangdingtian) as a teacher and listened to his teachings for life.

And after half a month, I want to have an unprecedented banquet for Mr. Jiang Shang.

The banquet was held at the Silver Palace. Nearly all the nobles will be invited.

At the banquet, the enchanting will officially worship the teacher, and hire Mr. Jiang Shang as the lifelong system sage of Xiaoxitian World.

Daxian Shi, the status is above the Daxian.

And the enchanting teacher once gave up. Originally the great sage, and then elected the speaker.

After leaving the speaker, Yongshe was also treated as a great sage.

Therefore, Yangdingtian became the second great sage of Xiaoxitian.

This is a very detached position, almost no longer under the speaker, and is lifelong.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian, the fake non-verbal Jiang Shang, became the most noble person in Xiaoxitian. The whole singer of the fox fox has risen to a new level.

He took up the Daxian Division ceremony and held it at the banquet half a month later.


"My great sage teacher, ten days later, I will hold the grandest banquet for you in the history of Xiaoxitian." The enchanting said: "I have sent tens of thousands of messengers to inform the small nobles of each large and small tribe. It is."

"Thank you." Yangding days faint.

"You have seen the enchanting mother and child, how do you feel?" asked the enchanting.

"The enchanting borrowing success, the child named Yang Yi, is the family of the half god." Yangding Tiandao.

The enchanting eyes are bright: "I heard that the child is very close to you?"

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao.

The enchanting said: "This child will become my heir in the future. After a few hundred years, he will become the first emperor of the entire Western Empire. After a thousand years, he will become the only supreme emperor of all planes in the chaotic world. ”

Yangding nodded and did not respond.

The enchanting said: "You also know, I want to marry the enchanting lady, but obviously she is not ready to cooperate, what do you think I should do?"

Yangdingtian shook his head and did not respond.

"Haha, of course I know that you won't help me in this matter." Demon said: "So, I still have one thing, please help me?"

"Please say." Yangding Tiandao.

"In the deepest palace of the Silver Palace, a person is imprisoned. There is a secret in his mind about the fissure of the void." The enchanting said: "We all know that the fissure is in the void border, that is another Plane. But we don't know where the entrance to this plane is, how to get to this plane."

In an instant, the heart suddenly trembled in the sun! The Void Fire, he finally heard the term.

"And this person knows?" Yangding Tiandao: "He knows where the fissure fire is? How to go to the Void border plane?"

"Yes. He knows."

Yangding Tiandao: "Why don't you ask yourself?"

"He won't tell me."

Yangding Tiandao: "Why do you think that he will tell me?"

"He will tell you, because you are not a language."

Yangding Tiandao: "You want him to tell me, then I tell you?"


"So why do you think I will tell you? Is my will not as good as the imprisoned person?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"You will tell me." The enchanting faint said: "Well, you will go to the prisoners in the underground palace. I am also like the past. I am going to see the enchanting lady."


Under the leadership of two incomparably powerful demon foxes, Yang Dingtian entered the deep underground palace.

How strong are these two demon foxes? Yang Dingtian did not know, in front of them, Yang Dingtian was completely unable to detect their energy level.

This deep underground palace martyrdom is really deep to the extreme.

How deep is it? Ten thousand meters? 100,000 meters? Even deeper?

In the end, I arrived in a palace near the depths of the Nether Hell.

Here, you can't see your fingers, there is no brilliance, it is extreme darkness.

Even with the cultivation of Yangdingtian. Also can't see anything.

Yangdingtian walked into the prison of the underground palace, and the giant door behind it slowly closed, and then the two non-word masters, completely away from, returned to the ground.

In the entire underground palace, there is Yang Dingtian and the prisoner.

Of course, in fact, Yang Dingtian could not see the imprisoned person at all. I don't even know if he exists.

Then he will light the flame.

"No. Don't point, this is an incomparable energy prison. You can't output any energy, otherwise everything will be gone, including you and me." Suddenly, a hoarse voice sounded.

Yang Dingtian took off his clothes. Showing his body.

Because, his rune has a natural light. Although very light, it is already very bright in extreme darkness.

then. What he saw was not a person, but a white fox. Its entire body is surrounded by special energy black lines and cannot move at all.

"No language, no language..." The fox trembled with a very excited voice, and the tears almost rushed out.

"Teacher, teacher, are you sent to save the little Western world?" The fox trembled in the sky.

Yang Dingtian bowed to him and bowed his way: "No language, Jiang Shang, I have seen Mr., please ask Mr. Your surname!"

The fox used his most solemn attitude to make himself ritual: "The demon fox disciple, Yongshe, meets the non-speaking sage!"

Time, Yangdingtian was completely shocked!

He, he is Yongshe? The enchanting teacher, his biggest political backing. The greatest and distinguished speaker in the history of Xiaoxitian, and the only great sage teacher before the arrival of Yangdingtian.

Didn't he travel away from the world? Why, how can you be imprisoned here?


The enchanting once again went to see the enchanting.

And the enchanting, still holding Yang Yi, draw on the drawing board.

Only this time, it’s Ximen’s flame.

Every day, the enchanting will come to see the enchanting mother and child. And the enchanting to him, completely as if nothing.

"She is very beautiful, is the wife of Yangdingtian, it seems to be called Ximen Flame, right?" The enchanting smile.

The enchanting is still when he is air.

The enchanting continues: "You paint the portrait of Yangdingtian every day, and paint the portrait of Ximen Flame. It seems to be against me. It is for the baby to remember, these are his family." In fact, you are doing this, just fighting yourself."

The enchanting body suddenly trembled.

The enchanting smile said: "You are actually afraid that you have forgotten the Yangdingtian, and forgot the Yunxiaocheng. You are afraid that one day you will compromise with me and put it into my arms, so you desperately draw and let Yangding recover. I am engraved in your mind one day."

The enchanting jade hand slanted, and suddenly on the canvas, there was a line that should not be there.

The enchanting said: "You have a love and love for the family, but it is difficult to have love for men and women. After all, you are already over a thousand years old? And he. After all, it is also human. I heard that, It seems that there is nothing else in the relationship between you. In fact, the time you spend with each other is very short, and there is no love. The child in your arms is almost the only one with him."

The enchanting continues to be quiet.

The enchanting continues: "So I don't worry at all. I don't force you too much. Because I know that one day, you will forget. Even if you have a love of the bones, you can't experience the washing of time, let alone you and her. Before, it was just a child fucking, a child and his father's relationship. You draw, paint, and one day. The more you paint, the more blurred you will be until you can't completely remember the appearance of Yangdingtian."

The enchanting petite began to tremble and the lips began to whitish.

The enchanting said: "Of course, your heart is still waiting for the arrival of Yangdingtian. If he comes, even if he can't save you, just appear in front of you. Then all the blurs will become awake, then Your heart will change in an instant. It will have a strong love for him. Love is very simple and very mysterious. But he will not appear in front of you. Although you let him not come, but your The heart is eager for him. In this desire and waiting, your impression of him will gradually become blurred and faded until you are completely involved in my arms."

The enchanting is poisoning! Poisoned in his enchanting heart.

That's right. The enchanting has never wanted to let Yangdingtian come. She only thinks one thing, that is, waiting for the power of Yangyi, and then bringing her back to Yunxiaocheng.

The enchanting girl planted a seed for her, waiting for the sun to come.

And Yangdingtian did not come. The enchanting heart will feel that this is a kind of betrayal, and finally change your heart in resentment and disappointment.

This is the poison that the enchanting gives her.

This is a very scary opponent!

Seeing her mother's hand trembled, Yang Yi suddenly took the brush in her mother's hand and then opened her arms to the enchanting.

A fascinating glimpse, then instantly flattered. This is the **** of the demigod, all his hopes for the future. And this demigod is always cold to him. He always wants to hold a hug, but the other party will never pay attention to it. At this time, Yang Yi’s baby actually took out his arms.

The enchanting breath, and then immediately reached out and hugged Yang Yi baby.

"Yang Yi, can not recognize the thief as a father." The enchanting suddenly angered.

Yang Yi baby is beautiful to the extreme face and smiles toward the enchanting, the enchanting also quickly returns to laugh, as if to condense all the emotions and pleasing.

Then, Yang Yi baby used a brush and slowly stroked his neck.

This is a red brush, leaving a **** red mark on the enchanting neck.

Cut the throat!

Yes, Yang Yi gave the enchanting a cut throat! Cut his throat with a **** red brush.

That means that in the future, you will use a sharp blade to really cut his throat, and when it comes down, it is not red pigment, but real blood!

The enchanting moment shocked, and the whole body seemed to be fixed. It was extremely stiff and could not move.

In other parts of the body, it seems to completely disappear, but the coldness on the neck is extremely clear.

It was a brush, but he really felt that his throat seemed to be cut open.

After a long, long time, the enchanting gaze is on the incomparably beautiful little face. His gem-like big eyes are still full of innocence and tranquility. He is not as beautiful as a human face, and still looks at him innocently.

It seems that the cut throat ceremony was not the one she painted.

After the painting, Yi baby opened his arms to his mother.

The enchanting stunned, instinctively hugged the baby back. And Yang Yi took another brush and pointed at the face on the canvas. The milk voice was: "Flame Flame Mother."

After a long time, the enchanting seems to have resumed the movement, looking at the Yang Yi baby road: "Protoss, Protoss, really is the Protoss."

Then, he suddenly smiled and said: "Ha ha ha ha, only such a protoss can be worthy of being my successor. Yang Yi, you will grow up to know who is the best person for you. I will get the Void Fire for you, I will get the ruins of the Naga Empire for you. I will lay a big empire for you, and within 30 years, you will become the Prince of the entire Western Empire!"


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one, thank you for your monthly pass.

Thanks to Mo Xiao’s infatuation and the 10,000-day starting point of the bookworm, and thanks to other brothers’ rewards and monthly passes, the cakes are deeply worshipped! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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