Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 801: Secret will be innocent! Xuanhuo steps!

I got the enchanting character of this Chinese character, and I instinctively wanted to find a way to crack from the body of Yang Dingtian. But he quickly gave up, because not only did he not get what he wanted, but it would make Yangdingtian alert and find flaws.

So, the enchanting came to the largest library in Yindu and found the oldest scholar in it.

Then, he handed the parchment with three Chinese characters to him and said, "Excuse me, have you seen the above text?"

These three words are deliberately extracted from the enchanting words of Yang Dingtian, which are the first word, the most middle word, and the last word.

The reason why three words are taken is because the texts of various civilizations are likely to have repeated probabilities. For example, in the text of Xiao Xitian, there is a duplication with the human kingdom of the chaotic world. Although there are not many, there are dozens.

By taking three words, you can eliminate this chance of mishaps.

However, there are too many words that can't be extracted. If someone can read the text, it is likely to guess what it means.

The secret about the hollow fire can only be known to him alone.

The scholar who has been four or five thousand years old has taken these three words.

In fact, these three Chinese characters are: virtual, real, and more. In all cases, the physical strokes of these three words are more complicated, and the probability of similarity with other civilized characters is almost zero.

As if he was caught in endless memories, he is a fox family who has little interest in martial arts. For thousands of years, he has been reading books and reading books of every race, so almost all the words in the chaotic world, he know.

In fact, it is rare for the demon fox to see such an old man, and it wrinkles like a bark.

The enchanting held his breath and waited for the other's answer.

After a long time, the elder said: "I have rummaged through all the memories. I know almost all the text in the world, but I don't know the three words. I don't even know which plane is it?"

The enchanting first is the loss, but then, the madness is the curiosity of Yangdingtian.

This demon fox is in front of me. Fully proficient in all the words in the world, even if the words of the ancient seabed civilization, he can recognize. However, they do not know these three words. It seems that the identity of this great sage is far from simple.

The depth of the secrets of these three words is so much mysterious about the identity of this Yang Dingtian.

"However, I have seen these words." The demon fox elder said: "Although not the same word, I can guarantee that it is the same type of text. Because their logic of words is exactly the same."

The enchanting said: "Where do you remember where you met? Are those words?"

The demon fox elders said: "The very very accidental memory is really hard to remember."

The enchanting said: "My spirit master, can you help?"

The demon horde elders said: "The spirit master can only forcibly cleanse people's memory, or it is to eliminate mental defense and induce some memory fragments with hypnotism. But he is not a god, can't enter my head and look for memories. In fact, I How many years have you remembered? It will take years. So the spirit teacher can't help me."

The enchanting said: "So. Is there nothing to do?"

The demon fox elders said: "I need to meditate! If it is convenient, please leave these three words here."

The enchanting said: "Of course, it’s bothering you."

The old scholar of the demon fox sat in his position and slowly closed his eyes and began to search for his own memories.

This is a very, very long process. The enchanting can't wait here.

And the so-called word left here is just a very elegant way for this scholar. Even if these three words are destroyed, the shape of these three words is already in the head of this elder.

"So. The students have left." The enchanting body.

The demon fox scholars did not respond, and the enchanting quit the library and continued to search for alternative interpretation methods.


Next, the demon fox scholars have been in meditation.

One day, two days, three days...

Still searching for no clues in the memory, he burned the parchment.

Then, take out the parchment and pen and write these three words over and over again, trying to find inspiration from the middle and find the scales of the memory.

At this time, one of his students discovered the strangeness of the older scholar.

This is a beautiful woman, a beautiful demon fox woman, about two thousand years old at this time, is also a scholar, lifelong unmarried.

He came over and said to the older scholar: "Teacher, teacher..."

The elder scholar of the demon fox family completely fell into the world of the self and could not hear his cry.

The beautiful demon fox female scholar came over and watched him write these three Chinese characters over and over again: virtual, real, and more!

He shouted again and finally gave up completely, turned and left.


Of course, the enchanting will not pin all hopes on this elder scholar. In fact, in the past few days, he has used almost all means to find the three characters with no mathematics and knowledge.

However, these three words seem to come from other worlds. No one knows what these words mean. No one even knows what this is.

In fact, there is still a way, Yang Dingtian may teach this kind of text to the people around him.

Therefore, you only need to grab the words of Yangdingtian’s family and recognize these words.

But not to the end, he didn't want to do this. Of course, there is no such thing as a sin in his heart, but he instinctively avoids this article. He feels that he is a king. It may be very difficult to do such a thing. However, he sometimes thinks again, a king, this should not be a means.

So, he made a decision, he went to see the last person, if this person still can not give him the answer, then he sent people to the human kingdom, grab all the homes of Yangdingtian!


The enchanting singularly found the ambassador of the Netherland, Huali.

"I want to see your lord, innocent!"

"Sorry, our sovereign will not enter Xiaoxitian." Huali Road.

The enchanting said: "So, we can meet at the junction of Xiaoxitian and the human kingdom."

Wandering sea ambassador Hua Lidao: "I went to report, but I can't see you. The Sovereign has the final say."

The enchanting said: "That is of course!"

The secluded sea messenger Huali. Leave.

When the enchanting returning to the silver palace, he pointed to his two confidant masters and ordered: "You go to the human country, Yunxiao City, lurking. If you do not receive the order to cancel the mission after five days, you will be the owner of Yunxiaocheng. , all brought over. There are those who block, killing!"

"Yes!" The two demon fox strong men disappeared into the hall instantly.


Two days later, the enchanting and innocent appeared in the skull hall.

This hall is the boundary between the human kingdom and the small west.

"Long time no see!"

"Long time no see." Nothing.

Then two people fell silent.

After a long time, the demon said: "You, you are still the same beautiful. No, you are more beautiful than before. Beauty makes me completely unable to look directly."

Innocent and faint: "How? Is it more beautiful than your so-called fiancee?"

"More beautiful, she... is just a good wife and a good mother, and you, with magical beauty." The enchanting eyes appeared a blur.

Innocent and sneer: "What about that? Not being abandoned by your teacher!"

The enchanting said: "No, the teacher's heart is actually very painful, you are the only one he loves for life. Of course it is me... but your blood is too special. All the people who have gone to humans have failed all the time, so the teacher Only to see you as the only hope of success. Only then will you leave him and go to the human kingdom."

Innocent smile: "Unfortunately, I have not succeeded! You may not know, so I gave myself a name called innocent! This has two meanings. The first meaning is that it is only me underneath. No woman's dirty. Another meaning is that I will never have a descendant."

The enchanting face twitched and did not answer innocent words.

Nothing to say: "Hello, Lord of the Speaker, may I ask you what to look for me, is it forcing me to mate with Yangdingtian?"

"No. Students don't dare." The enchanting bowed down: "In my heart, you will always be my most dear person, and my goddess. I have been taking care of you for a long, long time. ”

Nothing to say: "Okay, let's talk about it."

The enchanting smashed a piece of parchment, which is still three Chinese characters, imaginary, real, and more.

"Do you know these three words?" asked the enchanting.

The innocent gaze shrank slightly, and this expression was instantly captured by the enchanting, and his heart jerked.

"I don't know the meaning of these three words." Innocently said: "But I know what these three words are. I also know that Yangdingtian falls into your hands, right?"

The enchanting face twitched and said: "Do you want to save him?"

"No, his life and death are not critical." Innocently said: "These three words, not belonging to this world, are from another world. In the chaotic world, there are only two people who really master this kind of text. ""

"Who?" asked the enchanting.

"Yangdingtian and the devil king ask the sky." Nothing.

The enchanting said: "What do you mean, I have not got the annotation of this kind of text? You do not understand these words."

"Yes, I don't understand." Nothing.

The enchanting sighed softly and did not speak.

It seems that there is no way, only to grab the wife and children of Yang Dingtian.

Innocent suddenly said: "In fact, there is still a person, neither Yangdingtian nor the devil king asks the sky, but they know the meaning of these words.

The enchanting gaze shines: "Who is he?"

"You don't need to know this." Nothing said: "Do you want all the translation comments for this text?"

The enchanting said: "Yes."

Nothing said: "I can go to this person and give all the comments of this text to you, but you have to promise me a condition."

The enchanting said: "What conditions?"

Innocent: "Let my people go to see your teacher, I want to make sure that he is still alive."

When the words came out, the enchanting face suddenly changed.

He will imprison this thing forever, no one knows, no one knows. So, in front of him, this former sergeant, how can he know the secret goddess?

Innocent and faint: "Because, he will write me a letter every six months, and tens of thousands of miles will be sent out from Xiaoxitian. However, half a year has passed, I have not received his letter. And for you, I I feel that I understand it."

After the enchanting silence for a long time, said: "You, do you still love him?"

"No, I have already moved in love." Nothing said: "Just, his life and death, I still care."

The enchanting said: "Well, I promise you. But I must also tell you that your person can only go see it, and I will be accompanied by the side. And after seeing it, she can never enter Xiaoxitian." I will also transfer the teacher to another dungeon."

Nothing to say: "The deal!"


The next day, the enchanting man went to the depths of the dungeon with the secluded sea messenger Huali. After seeing Yongshe, she immediately took her away.

From beginning to end, only when she saw Yongshe, she was awake, and the rest was completely in a complete coma. In this way, she did not know where the prison of Yongshe was.

Then, the enchanting girl took Huali and returned to the skull hall.

Hua Li, the ambassador of the Nether, nodded innocently. Innocent, handed a thin book to the enchanting.

The enchanting is turned over, and the inside is densely contrasted with the Chaos language and Chinese characters.

"So, I am leaving."


After returning to Xiaoxitian, the enchanting did not transfer Yongshe.

However, in the Shadow Ge tribes thousands of miles away, Yongshe’s substitute appeared, and the Ge’s nobles wanted to give a warm speech.

The order to kidnap the Yangding Tianjiatun was also cancelled. The two demon fox masters returned to Xiaoxitian from Yunxiaocheng.

Next, the enchanting contrasted the thin Chinese characters with the booklet, and translated the words of Yang Dingtian paragraph one word at a time.

The fissure fire will bloom after two quarters of seventy-nine days and eight o'clock, leading to the entrance to the void border, at the bottom of the Yinyue family's endless Yongfeng. You need the energy of dark crystallization in your body to enter the void border through this entrance. After entering, when you see the world inside, except for the dark land, the remaining void light and shadow, all are hollow flames, you just need to jump, you can get the hollow fire ~ Because his property is, space traversal!

Successful, successful! The enchanting body trembled slightly.

The emptiness of the flames will soon belong to him, and the treasure of the Naga Empire will soon belong to him.

Of course, he will still try to prove the true and false of this note book. In fact, this proves to be less difficult. Any text has very strict logic. As long as the inner logic of this mysterious text is clarified, any wise person can judge the true and false of the text.

Once he proves the authenticity of this booklet, he needs to do two things.

First, get dark crystals, and two.

Second, find a reason to destroy the silver moon family, kill two birds with one stone!


Note: The second one is sent, and it is more than nine o'clock. I really want to go crazy! Please ask for a monthly pass! (to be continued

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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