Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 805: Silver Moon is off! Demon spirits!

These two assassins, practicing the dark martial arts.

Therefore, the whole body and cultivation have become dark energy, piercing into the sea of ​​Yangdingtian, and it is necessary to instantly abolish the entire sea of ​​air.

When Yang Dingtian was completely locked in the body by Ji Ya, he was really eager to break. I felt that I was afraid that I would be spared this time.

Because this is a matter of energy balance.

Yangdingtian is a master of seven stars and nine, so the repairs within the sea are the seven masters of the seven stars and nine.

The two assassins, all of them are the nine masters and nine masters, equivalent to the level of the enchanting to the human kingdom.

Therefore, these two energies add up to far beyond the range of the sun in the sun. Then the only result is the complete abolition of the sea.

Then, under the suppression of the powerful energy of Ji Ya, keep the body.

This is the enchanting assassination plan, and it is foolproof.

However, after these two incomparably powerful energies entered the sea of ​​sea, they have not caused any damage. The tentacles of the black and green Xuanhuo quickly protruded from the abyss of the sea of ​​sea, and the three powerful energies have disintegrated.

Yes, it is disintegration!

If you describe it with a very vivid image, you will tear up and break down the violent energy.

In fact, these energies are not their dishes at all, and they are not good or even bad for their growth. But in order to save the owner, there is no way. The black and green black fire almost bites his teeth with tears, and swallows the garbage energy.

Moreover, it is also very wise to block the tentacles with dark energy and block the sea of ​​Yangdingtian, creating the illusion that the sea of ​​sea is completely abolished.

So suddenly, the feeling of Yangdingtian is very strange.

This black and green mysterious fire really turned from a mysterious fire to a life. And the feeling of completely connected with your own mind.

Therefore, this assassination has almost no harm to Yangdingtian.

"You, why don't you kill me?" Yang Dingtian suddenly asked Ji Ya.

Ji Yadao: "I don't know, I only obey the orders of the Speaker of the Speaker!"


In the following time, Yangding Tianqiang endured a beautiful snake on the side. Let her serve in every possible way.

But he went through all sorts of books all day long.

The key point is that the devil asks Tian Chuan.

The service of Ji Ya is still very impressive. It is like a robot. No matter what you do, you can do it.

Including all the intimacy, and even once the sun was in the morning, she also helped him solve the problem very naturally.

And the enchanting has come a few times. However, there is no communication with Yangdingtian.

Because the two sides no longer need a customer. After Ji Ya completely locked Yang Dingtian's body and allowed the assassin to successfully assassinate, the two sides had completely torn the face, so even the ideal words need not be said.

However, there is always a doubt in the heart of Yangding. Why the enchanting does not kill himself and let himself die in the hands of the assassin of the so-called Justice League. It should be the most favorable situation.

And the value of himself as a non-language identity. He has already been dug up by him.

So, what value does it have for the enchanting? Let him just choose to abandon his own sea of ​​gas. Instead of killing yourself?

During this time, the enchanting is very busy.

Because the huge power machine he is in charge of is beginning to work.

He used all the public opinion to attack the Yinyue people in an all-round way. The case concerning the Yinyue people’s assassination of the great sage, Jiang Shanghe, and the speaker of the deputy, has been thoroughly conclusive.

Now Xiaoxitian. In particular, every newspaper in Yindu is madly attacking everything in the Yinyue family every day.

The enchanting, also met with the leaders of various tribes and the nobles in large areas, and strived to hold a nine-member tribal meeting.

The support rate when the enchanting electionist was elected. This is quite dangerous, and it is only barely more than half.

Nowadays, with the assassination, the support rate of the enchanting is even higher.

With the fermentation of the assassination of the non-language ginger, the situation of the Yinyue people is even more precarious.

Originally used as a justice alliance against enchanting, there are four large tribes and dozens of small and medium-sized tribes. Nowadays, the disaster is flying in the first place. This Justice League has only the Silver Moon and its hard-core ally Haiqi.

Xiao Xitian’s democratic politics is not the one-person-one-vote system.

Only members of the coalition parliament have the power to vote, and the members of the tribal parliament have a total of 1,158 people.

Nine major tribes, one family of one hundred, are evenly distributed. The remaining 158 members, this was born in the nobles of Yindu.

The patriarchs of the nine tribes constitute the Presbyterian Church and constitute the highest power structure of the parliament. And the nine elders are a lifelong hereditary system. Of course, if a certain tribe is killed, there will be another big family to make up.

Therefore, if you want to be elected as the speaker, you only need more than five tribe owners to agree. Because once the patriarch has promised, then the members of this tribe will never dare to violate it.

And the enchanting, officially became the speaker.

First of all, the marriage between him and the Shadow Go family, the tying of the Gogo and its absolute ally, the Tianzu, also affected the floating butchers sandwiched between the two tribes.

The enchanting teacher, Yong She, the so-called greatest speaker in history, has a huge influence on the members of the capital, plus the support of the two tribes who have always been close to him.

Therefore, the enchanting sat on the position of the speaker.

In general, the voluptuous qualifications are totally inadequate. He relied on the support of the teacher Yongshe and the Shadow Gore Enchanted II to sit on the speaker.

Even so, at the time the members voted, he only got six hundred votes.

Nowadays, because of the valuable political resources of the non-language Jiang Shang, the enchanting reputation can be said to be a direct surge.

Next, he will use the Silver Moon family as his own stepping stone to make himself succeed in the shadow of the teacher Yongshe and the Shadow Go.

Therefore, the Yinyue people are destroyed and destroyed.

Wait until you have destroyed the silver moon and get the treasure of the Naga empire. It is time to completely release the succumb to the semi-god descendants. At that time, you can fully grasp the human-shaped stallion resources of Yangdingtian, and you can easily decide which family to give birth to the demigod, and which family can not give birth to the demigod.

At that time, whether you like it or not. Higher aristocrats must breed a demigod, or the family is destined to fall. The enchanting decision, the first demigod, is only ready to approve 30 places.

In this way, in less than two hundred years, he will completely master the entire small West. At that time, the tribal parliamentary system can be dissolved and the Western Empire can be established directly.

And himself, the first emperor of this empire.


After twenty days, the enchanting momentum was finally completed, and the suppression and drawing of the various tribes was completely completed.

He held a tribal alliance meeting in the Silver Palace.

There is only one content in the meeting, which is to confirm the Yinlu people’s crime of rebellion and to lift the name of the nine major tribes of the Yinyue nationality. And Yindu and the various tribes formed a coalition army to completely slash the silver moon family.

The parliament unanimously passed the resolution, and then the entire Yindu army began to assemble.

In Xiaoxitian, Yindu is the capital, and its power has always been above the nine tribes.

In addition to the armed forces possessed by the higher aristocracy, the army directly in the hands of the speaker. It has reached more than 500,000.

This time, the enchanting army will be his elite army. Get out of the nest. Moreover, the silver aristocrats also gathered nearly half a million troops.

As a voluptuous irons, the Shadow Gog also dispatched 500,000 elites, while the other major tribes sent a total of 800,000 troops, and many small and medium-sized tribes. Send 500,000 troops.

The Tribal Union Council, a total of 2.8 million troops, formed a coalition army to fight against the silver moon.

As a hard-core ally of the Yinyue, the Haiqi people did not turn their backs. But there is no war, and neutrality is chosen in this war.

Of course, his choice makes the enchanting very disdainful and is regarded as the most stupid choice.


The days of Yangdingtian's happyness will soon end.

Because, as a great sage teacher, he also has to follow the enchanting.

In fact, his safety is always concerned with the hearts of countless nobles. As for his body, almost all newspapers are always concerned every day.

Everyone now knows that the sea of ​​the great sage has been destroyed. As for the damage to the body and brain, can it be restored? It is not known at the moment.

The reason why the enchanting is going to take the Yangdingtian expedition is of course not to leave him in the silver palace. Yang Dingtian is the most important thing for the enchanting, directly related to whether his future empire can be established, and his ability to monopolize the birth of half-life descendants.

Moreover, he refused the visit of all people on the grounds of the great sage.


There are still ten days from the date of the expedition, and Yangdingtian has been lying on the bed for twenty-five days.

During this time, in addition to reading books, he also read a lot of Xiao Xitian's newspapers. Nowadays, his mastery of the demon fox script has been leaps and bounds, and he has almost reached the level of reading.

Then he saw a message.

The Yinyue Princess demon spirit, who was sentenced to death for attempting to murder the speaker, will be executed three days later.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian could not help but recall the beautiful and sharp girl, the eyes that were as stubborn and stubborn as the enchanting.

Then, he asked Ji Ya to transfer, he wants the girl, so please lift her death sentence!

One day later, the demon spirit appeared in front of Yangdingtian. Only the mysterious body of the whole body was locked.

From this day, he became the maid of the great sage Jiang Shang (Yangdingtian).

Therefore, Yang Dingtian's side, there is another girl who is bitter and hateful. While serving the Yangdingtian, she tries to use her eyes to smash the yang dynasty.

Moreover, what she often said is: "Stupid non-language, you are helping others. Now that you are degraded to waste, you are completely self-sufficient and deserving!"

Moreover, he often borrows the opportunity to wipe the body from Yangdingtian, the opportunity to wear clothes, and use his nails to lick the meat on the top of the sky, secretly privately retaliating.

Yang Dingtian completely ignored her behavior, even though she was blue and purple, but with the demon spirit, it was much more comfortable than Ji Ya.

In fact, his mind has been placed on the flames of the void.

Because a few days ago, the part of his memory that was blocked was restored.

So he remembered that he and Yongshe set up a trap to kill the enchanting.

The entrance to the Void Fire is not false on the bottom of the Yinyue's endless Yongfeng, but the message to the enchanting is enough for ten days. At that time, although the entrance had already appeared, it was closed. And in the message, you can enter the entrance as long as you take dark crystals. The purpose is to attract the enchanting, and to put him to death.

In fact, at the moment when the memories were restored, Yangdingtian was shocked.

Then I began to worry that the fake information that killed the enchanting demon, did not let the enchanting success succeed.

Because the day he came out of the underground palace, the enchanting launched a powerful mental attack on him. But he remembers that he seems to be strong defense. If the enchanting does not get this false information, then it is really bad, then your own defense is wrong.

However, immediately after Yang Dingtian recalled it, it seemed to be the moment when the bet was over.

In my own mind, this false information about the secret of the hollow flame has indeed emerged. Because, at that time, the enchanting singer had been asking in the ear, after the gambling ended and he won, the mind immediately slackened, and then the message appeared in his mind.

If, at the time, in addition to the enchanting, there are spiritual masters, then this information is likely to be leaked out.

Therefore, Yangdingtian could not help but suffer.

But soon, he determined that the enchanting must get this false information. Because he formed a coalition army to fight against the silver moon.

If it weren't for the flames, he would never be so anxious to launch a big fight. Because his position is not very stable, there is a certain risk in launching a war.

Well, now the enchanting has stepped into the first step of the trap.

Next, the enchanting will completely occupy the Silver Moon in a month.

Once you see the entrance to a void border on the bottom of the endless Yongfeng, the trap is halfway through.

Yangdingtian needs to worry about whether the enchanting will die after taking dark crystals.

Moreover, the enchanting can completely experiment with other demon foxes, he can completely get two dark crystals!


Five days later, the army of the Alliance, from all directions, was vast and flew toward the Silver Moon family in the north. (The land of Xiaoxitian is fragmented, so cross-border expeditions need to fly!)

For four hundred years, Xiao Xitian finally broke out again in a major war.

And Yang Dingtian, Ji Ya, enchanting, Yang Yi, demon spirit, all with the army.

At this time, there is still forty days from the emptiness of the emptiness. And the distance from the real void fire, there are still fifty days!

That means that the enchanting must solve the battle completely within forty days and completely occupy the silver moon family.

Three days later, the Alliance Army arrived at the Northern Silver Moon.

There is no waiting without any chills, the enchanting announced a direct battle.

Then, a war that has nothing to do with Yangdingtian, broke out instantly!

Millions of coalition forces, madly attacked the defense line composed of the silver moon army.


The forces on both sides are too disparate, so the isolated and helpless Yinyue people are almost retreating.

Thirty days later!

The Alliance Army completely surrounded the King City of the Silver Moon!

The destruction of the Silver Moon is coming soon!

This night, the demon spirit squatted in front of Yang Dingtian, crying: "Please ask Mr. Jiang Shang to save my silver moon family life, the demon spirit is willing to be a slave, lifelong service!"


Note: The second one is sent, thank you. (To be continued.) ()

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