Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 809: No fate! Xuanhuo entrance!

Innocent, not a person with deep and deep thoughts, she is not!

She is very smart, but more often, she is too lazy to think. Unless she is forced to think, she will think.

But one thing, she is very, very keen. Any creature's mood swings, she can clearly feel.

And the demon patriarch, is also not a very deep-hearted person.

Therefore, when he just saw the innocent back, the heart lake was completely fluctuating, and he could not do anything as calm.

He just stepped into the cave and could no longer move forward.

On the way, how many times he thought about his coping style. Pretending not to care about the general, talking with her, and then confirming her intentions, and decisively kill her.

This is the scene he imagined.

However, when I saw this unforgettable back, all the calmness, almost all disappeared.

A thousand words, only a sentence.

"You, are you coming to kill me?"

After that, he really wants to slap himself.

If you talk like this, would you just divulge your own cards? If the other party denies, saying that it is just to tell you about the old, what do you do? Do you still kill her?

Innocently heard this sentence, the hand shook slightly.

She doesn't like to think, but now she knows, the enchanting sees him, and this is a trap!

Put the sun in the sky, the ice and the innocent, trap together.

In fact, she did not wear the enchanting person very early in the morning. At that time, he was still very young and came to study under the seat of Yongshe. She is often obsessed with her, and often looks at her back, showing a strong possessive.

When there is a person. When you are treated as a goddess of dreams, you naturally underestimate his risk factor. Because the mind is always thinking, a person who dreams of your appearance to self-deprecating, then for you, the greatest danger is nothing more than it, and will not make him fantasies into a viper. I only dream of becoming a teenager who is trapped.

But now, she deeply feels the hidden depth behind the calm face of the enchanting.

"Yes." There is no denial of innocence, and it is straightforward to answer, even though she knows that it is likely to die.

The demon trembles in his heart, innocent or innocent, or does not speak. Or tell the truth.

"You set a trap, you want to kill the enchanting, and I become your obstacle, so you have to kill me." Devil asked.

Innocent silence for a moment: "Yes."

Demon said: "I am in your mind, so worthless?"

Nothing to say: "It doesn't matter, of course, it's not very heavy."

Demon said: "You have left Xiaoxitian, why do you want to intervene in Xiaoxitian? Why kill the demon?"

Nothing to say: "Not very convenient."

Demon sharply: "Because he imprisoned Yongshe?"

Nothing said: "Not all is this reason, you know. I have long since lost love."

Demon said: "You know, the enchanting just found me. I talked a lot with me. There is a sentence I have to ask you. When the enchanting is killing the enchanting, are you rushing to Yunxiaocheng? ”

Nothing to say: "Yes!"

Demon said: "Do you know that I and the enchanting, have formed an ally?"

Nothing says: "I should imagine it."

Demon sharply said: "Then you know that the enchanting sorcerer would have sent a master to ambush you. Kill all of you. But, I said that I want to commit suicide, he trusted me and handed you over to me."

Innocent silence.

Demon said: "Then you think, will I kill you?"

Innocent thought for a while. Road: "It should not be."

Demon Li sneered: "Ha ha ha, you are too much to overestimate your charm. I am dedicated to the public, only for the evil fox family, who blocked the demon fox, who is my enemy, I will kill who And now, you are the enemy of the demon fox."

Innocent again fell into silence and did not speak.

Demon fiercely said: "You, why don't you talk? You are still like before, can't you look down on Wufu like me? Or as before, even talking to me doesn't bother, right?"

Innocently said: "I never felt that I have any charm, nor how beautiful I am. Men are not male, female is not female. It is not a fox, not a human, not a non-language. I will like me, I will not love me when I ask, and he will love nothing."

Then, innocent and said: "I said, you will not kill me, because you asked me, I said this based on the judgment of you. Without any meaning of seeking for mercy, you must not think too much. ""

Demon said: "Do you think, can I kill you?"

Nothing said: "It should be OK, my martial arts have been abandoned for many years. If I have not promised something, I am not willing to come out, lying there every day to sleep. Yangding Tianpai army has taken me all the sea." Blocked, I am too lazy to pay attention."

Demon sharply said: "Then you are not afraid of death?"

I thought about it for a while, then shook my head and said: "Although I am curious about the ending of the world, I hope to really help my lover, but this is not strong, so I am not afraid of death."

The demon slammed the sword sharply across the innocent neck.


In the room of Yangdingtian, only he and the enchanting two.

Yangdingtian looked at the enchanting face. After a long time, he asked: "Can you let the ice skating?"

The enchanting shook his head and said: "I want to understand?"

"Well, I want to understand." Yangding Tiandao: "You let the innocent go to kill the demon, it is a temptation, a trap."

The enchanting said: "Your brain is OK, but it is usually too lazy, do not love to ponder. And this thing, you should think for yourself afterwards, instead of letting Ji Ya remind you."

Yangding Tiandao: "Sorry, my IQ is so high, it is hard to be stubborn."

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "Can you ask for it, spare the ice!"

"No... she grows too fast. If she grows stronger, we will be very troublesome." The enchanting said: "In fact, her head. On the way, I will give her to you."

Yangding Tianyi, said: "She, she is dead?"

"Yes, dead..."

Yang Dingtian’s whole body began to tremble fiercely, and his mood was like a volcano. Crazy surge.

"No, it's impossible!" He slammed hard and then sat up.

The enchanting slaps the shoulder of Yang Dingtian: "After a while, I saw it."

Then, Yangdingtian was almost completely unable to breathe, and he could not wait for time to stop.

He really didn't know whether the enchanting was telling the truth or the lie.

Time, just like a minute and a second.

There is a enchanting one. Every sentence speaks with Yangdingtian.

And Yangdingtian, there is no response.

After a quarter of an hour.

Someone knocked on the door, and the heart of Yangdingtian violently beat, a sharp pain, the heart almost broke out of the chest.

"Come in!"

The door opened and the whole world seemed to be chilling.

Then, the beautiful Jiya came in.

In her hand, carrying a human head. Beautiful and beautiful, the face of the country.

Blood on the neck. Solidified into ice.

It is the princess peony, officially his love, oriental ice.

Ji Ya directly throws, throwing the head of the peony in front of Yang Dingtian.

In an instant, Yang Dingtian’s brain blasted open.

It really seems to have a nuclear bomb that blows up directly in the brain.

then. Nothing is known. The whole body, the whole spirit, fell into complete numbness.

Sadness is at its peak, it is nothingness, and it loses any consciousness.

It’s like it. The whole person became a walking dead.

He was like this, holding the head of the peony, and her eyes, looking at each other, trying to find a trace of life from the inside.

At this time, the enchanting voice sounded at the top of the sun.

"Yangdingtian, what is the real secret of the fissure?"

In an instant, the answer came out in Yangdingtian’s brain.

Then, he violently screamed.

No, this is a spiritual trap, all this is fake, ice is not dead!

Then, Yangding suddenly bit his tongue.

In an instant, the scene in front of the moment changes instantly.

The head of the oriental ice linger in his hand turned into a white snake head! This is a big white snake, and the eyes even have light.

The former Ji Ya has also become an incomparably old man, this is a enchanting spirit master.

The enchanting use of the ice-killing fake news, unlocked the heart defense of Yangdingtian, and then the moment the door opened, Yangdingtian entered the illusion created by the spiritual master.

In the illusion, the head of the white snake became the head of the ice. Yang Dingtian holds this head, tearing the heart and tearing the lungs, and even the whole mind is completely lost.

Then, the enchanting questioned the secret of the emptiness.

Although Yangding Tianqing wakes up very quickly, he immediately understands that this is a spiritual trap.

However, it is too late.

This spiritual master quickly wrote a paragraph on the parchment, and then he did not look at it and handed it directly to the enchanting.

The enchanting took a look, still Chinese characters.

The Void Fire will bloom after two quarters of eighty-eight days and eight o'clock. The entrance to the Void border is at the bottom of the sea under the endless peaks of the Silver Moon. This entrance is like a black hole. It will appear 13 days before the flames burst, but it will only open when the Void Fire is about to bloom. No one can get in when it is not open.

The enchantress read it himself first, then frowned. "Wow, this text is really difficult. I have been studying for two months, and I still have no way to fully grasp it."

Then he took out the Chinese character annotation and reinterpreted it again.

Then he used the chaotic language: "I read it again, do you see if there is anything wrong with it."

Then, the enchanting read it again in chaotic language.

And Yong She told him the real information about the fissure of the fire, it is not wrong, completely correct.

Then, the enchanting sighed: "Yangdingtian, you are terrific, you will also shield your brain. My teacher is really amazing, even set such a powerful trap to kill me, deliberately let me out of your mind I got fake information, and the fake information was only two different. The first one was for me to take the dark crystal into the mouth, and the second one was ten days earlier than the real one. I almost got it, almost It’s dead.”

Then, the enchanting took out two dark crystals in her arms. Road: "I have traded two dark crystals from the east. One is intended to be used by other demons to see if they will die. But I know that other demon foxes will definitely not die, and I will definitely Die. Although I don't know why, I will definitely die when I take it. Because many of my things are taught by my teacher, so some of my life is in his hands."

Yangdingtian looked at the enchanting, and he was not even stunned in the face of the real emptiness.

When you meet face to face, when you encounter an opponent who is close to the demon, really nothing can make up for this gap.

After a long time, he only said one sentence, saying: "Let the ice. Let go, no, okay?"

"Okay..." The enchanting said: "But you have to punish you for writing a poem! To write enough enough to make me stunned and self-confessed, I will promise you."

Yangding Tiandao: "When to use?"

The enchanting said: "Do you know? The demon patriarch has already surrendered to me. So the war will soon end. At that time, the nine tribes of Xiaoxitian will be there to celebrate my great victory. This poem. Need to be used at this great ceremony!"

Yangding Tiandao: "I copy, can I?"

The enchanting said: "You can just write it out."

Yangding Tiandao: "What is the most beautiful wine here?"

The enchanting said: "French!"

"Wow, it’s so good!" Yangding Tiandao.

After a while, Ji Ya came in. Give Yangding the day to grind ink.

There is no brush in the human kingdom because it does not pay attention to calligraphy. And Xiaoxitian, there is a brush.

Yang Dingtian did not choose the thin gold body, but chose a random brushstroke, written on the big parchment.

Be a song to wine. Life geometry?

For example, if you are exposed, you will have more troubles.

I am embarrassed and unforgettable.

Why worry about it, only the husband.

Green Zijin, Youyouwoxin.

But for the sake of the king, I am still in the air.

Lu Hanming, the apple of the food field.

I have guests, harp blowing Sheng.

Clearly like the moon, when can you marry.

Worry comes from the middle, can not be cut off.

The more you are unfamiliar, the more you use it.

Congratulations on the feast, the old grace.

The moon star is thin, and the black dragonfly flies south.

Around the tree, what can you rely on?

The mountains are not high, the sea is not deep.

The demon vomits and feeds, and the world returns to the heart.

This is Cao Cao's "Short Songs", perhaps the most suitable for this time, full of enthusiasm and generosity.

Of course, Yang Ding Tian copied this first, it can be regarded as a curse of the enchanting.

Cao Cao sang this song before the Battle of Chibi, and then greeted his biggest failure in history.

And just right, this song can be directly translated into chaos, and without losing the mood, just need to change three words.

Of course, this is no one to appreciate in the human kingdom. Only in Xiaoxitian, Xiaoxitian, which has a very high artistic accomplishment, will be tasted.

Sure enough, the enchanting and Ji Ya, looking at this piece of music, eyes blurred, deeply shocked and fascinated.

Especially the enchanting, there is a kind of whistling out, this song, as if the heroic in his heart, is completely released in a very elegant and majestic way.

He also wrote a book for the upcoming ceremony, but... really not as good as this one.

This one is really a swan song.

After a long time, the enchanting gentleman said: "Mr. Jiang Shang, I finally know why wisdom life will be intoxicated in art. Because the martial arts have a end, and the art is really endless. See you this poem I even swayed in my heart and felt that art is more great than martial arts. You are still talented."

Yangdingtian looked at the enchanting and seriously said: "I am really copying."

"Okay, okay..." The enchanting smile said: "Just when you copy it."

Then, the enchanting roll the song and took it away.

Yangding Tiandao: "Remember what you promised me."

The enchanting said: "I didn't intend to kill them. Now I can't kill them. It's not the time. And, the demon can't help the innocent, and because of this, I will let him go."


The demon sword is on the innocent neck.

Nothing said: "Damn, you will kill me. If you don't kill me, don't cut my neck?"

The demon slammed and screamed, "You, don't think I don't dare to kill you."

Innocent shook his head and said: "Well, I am leaving. I went to Silvermoon City, took the peony and left."

Then, innocent, he went out and flew in the city of Silvermoon.

And demon, then instantly fell to the ground.


Then, he screamed wildly, without any arrogance, without any defense, directly with his fist, madly beat the hard wall.

With his cultivation, it is easy to ruin the entire Dongfu, and it is unscathed.

However, he deliberately let his blood drench, to ease the pain of his heart.

After half an hour, innocently took the peony and the east away, and quickly left the Silver Moon City and quickly left Xiaoxitian.

And demon, did not carry out any blocking.

Then, the demon savage upper body, carrying a sharp iron thorn, came to the front of the enchanting, kneeling down to sin.

And, hand the sword to the enchanting, let him cut his head.

The enchanting slammed a sword and cut off the iron thorns of the demon, but without any comfort and appeasement, just sighed with a sigh, then turned and left.


The next day, the silver moon patriarch was demon, and officially led the Silvermoon City, surrendered to the Alliance Army and surrendered to the enchanting Speaker.

And, in the presence of all, announce the loyalty to the demon sergeant and request the disposition of the Supreme Council.

At this point, the war that lasted for more than a month was officially over.

The enchanting won an unprecedented victory, not only completely dispelled the Justice League ~ ~ also got the loyalty of the most brave and good war silver moon.

Not only that, the silver moon chief demon Li immediately went to the Haiqi people after surrendering, and talked long time with the Haiqi people.

So after three days, the Haiqi people also announced their allegiance to obey the enchanting speaker.

Since then, the nine tribes of Xiaoxitian have all surrendered to the enchanting majesty.

The enchanting speaker, in less than three months, completely mastered the entire Xiaoxitian, and the reputation reached the peak.

Then, with Yang Dingtian, he came to the bottom of the endless Yongfeng behind the Silvermoon City.

Sure enough, I saw a dark door to time and space.

Here, it is the entrance to the Void Fire, which has already appeared! As long as the flames burst, the entrance will open automatically!


Note: The second is sent, please ask for the monthly ticket, boss! (To be continued.) ()

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