Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 826: Fu Ji Ya! Kill the pig sword method 5 steps down!

Once again, I entered the Yangdingtian of Xiaoxitian World, and the body became the language of the non-language for the first time. ?

Before going to Yindu, he decided to go to the Shadows to visit!

Then, Enchanted II with joy and with a complex expression, told Ji Ya pregnant things to Yang Dingtian.

Yangding Tiandeng was shocked on the spot.

And Enchanted II, sitting silently opposite, did not move.

After a long time, he suddenly said: "Some time ago, I went to the Yinyue family and I saw the demon."

Yang Dingtian suddenly raised his head and looked at him.

Enchanted Second World: "I am very strange to his retreat. I believe that he is sure to know a lot about other people, so I have to ask him why he wants to retire. How does the enchanting die?" of?"

Yangding Tiandao: "How does he answer?"

Enchanted Second World: "He said that he congratulated me and got a son-in-law who was deeply in love."

Then, Enchanted II raised his head and asked Yang Dingtian: "Mr. Jiang Shang, what do you mean by saying this sentence?"

Yangding Tianzui suddenly burst into a groan, the meaning of the devil's words is clear, a deep affectionate son-in-law.

This so-called Jiang Shang and Ji Ya's feelings, the demon anger II knows clearly, not at all, Ji Ya for the enchanting, and even more than this so-called Jiang Shang.

Then this son-in-law, naturally, is the enchanting husband, Jun Yang, who is in the sky, in order to enchant the mother and child, not afraid of life and danger.

The devil's sentence is tantamount to telling the fascinating identity of the so-called Mr. Jiang Shang.

Enchanted Second World: "I asked him, how did the enchanting die? He said, let me ask you. Now I will ask you, how did the enchanting die?"

Yang Dingtian was silent for a moment. Then he replied: "Probably, it was killed by Lord Yongshe."

Enchanted Second World: "Why killed him?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The political views are different. Yongshe thinks that the enchanting will bring the whole demon foxes to a dead end, which will destroy Xiaoxitian and destroy the whole world. And I think that the enchanting will destroy before the destruction of Xiaoxitian and the world. The human world."

Enchanted Second World: "You also participated in the process of killing the enchanting?"

"Yes, but he was seen by him." Yangding Tiandao: "Then his death, I was extremely shocked and unexpected. Of course, I also enjoyed his death, even though I admire the enchanting in my heart."

Enchanted II, the face is cloudy and uncertain.

Is he resentful in his heart? Of course, resentment, because the resources he spent on the enchanting, turned into nothing.

But he is a realistic and sensible person, and things have already become a foregone conclusion. Then look for the most beneficial aspects of yourself.

After a long silence, the Enchanted Second World said: "Mr. Jiang Shang, I don't care who your true identity is, but in the small western world, in front of me, you can only be a non-language Jiang Shang."

"Of course." Yangding Tiandao.

Enchanted Second World: "And, the political transaction between me and Yongshe cannot be changed. Even if it is you or Yongshe, it is impossible to change. If anyone wants to change this. My and my allies, immediately and silver. The month of the alliance formed an alliance and instantly overthrew the Silver Council."

"Of course." Yangding Tiandao.

Enchanted Second World Road: "And, the son of Ji Yasheng, can only stay in Xiaoxitian."

Yangding Tiandun was silent for a long time, for this matter. He didn't have a little mental preparation at all. He always thought that Ji Ya would contraception because she didn't like herself very much.

Her pregnancy is really an extreme accident.

At the moment. Yangdingtian is simply unable to take the child away from Ji Ya.

Enchanted Second World: "So now you can tell me, what are you looking for?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Several people of mine have to enter the taboo of the mainland for a few months of cultivation, so I want to close the silver gate in the head hall and not let any demon foxes enter the hall."

Enchanted II raised his eyes and said: "Do you want me to send people to hold the silver gate? You should know that the high-level demon fox is very reluctant to enter the human kingdom, because the cultivation will be constantly weakened. So the enchanting and demon Oh, it’s all under the circumstance that we have gone to the human kingdom. So even if we don’t guard, it’s possible that for a few years no demon fox has entered the hall to go to the human kingdom.”

Yangding Tiandao: "Keeping one guard, after all, it will benefit."

Enchanted II nodded toward Yangding Day and said: "Now you and me are allies, right?"

Yangding nodded and said: "It’s Weng, and there are grandchildren who can’t change.”

Enchanted II nodded and said: "That's good, I promised. And I tell you, I don't care about other things. Even if the human kingdom is destroyed in the destruction of the world, I don't care." I only care about one thing. One hundred years, or two hundred years later, my daughter, Ji Ya, is going to sit on the speaker of Xiaoxitian. I don’t care about the things of the human kings and dogs."

"Understand." Yangding Tiandao.

After bidding farewell to the Enchanted Second World, Yang Dingtian went to Yindu and met Yongshe.

This thing seems ridiculous, and it is a demon to ask the sky. However, Yang Dingtian asked for help to let the Guangming Parliament practice in the taboos to improve the cultivation. We must know that after the core of the Bright Parliament has been upgraded, it is the demon road to fight.

However, Yang Dingtian bet, Yongshe asked the day to completely ignore the improvement of the people in the Guangming Parliament.

Today's questioning day, I have taken charge of many planes, and I have never looked at the Bright Parliament. Even the higher levels of the high-level council of the Guangming Parliament have been able to add several high-level undead to the Nether Empire after the war.

Moreover, Yang Dingtian proposed to let him help, and even more will let Yongshe feel that Yang Dingtian did not have any doubts about his identity.


I came to the Silver Palace again.

Yongshe is still in a wheelchair, Yangdingtian pushes him to walk in the garden.

"You have been away for more than a month, I thought you would not come back." Yongshe laughed.

"The original, I really don't plan to come back." Yangding Tiandao: "But there is something that needs your help."

"What is it?"

Yangding Tiandao: "You know that I used to practice in the banister of the banquet for a few months, and the cultivation was very fast. So, I want the high-level members of the Guangming Parliament to go into cultivation and improve."

Yongshe suddenly smiled and said: "This is a good thing, I agree. But you also know that I have not mastered the masters of the demon fox, so I suggest that you ask the enchanted second master to guard the entrance to the silver gate."

Yangdingtian nodded: "I think so too."

Yongshe said: "Does it take a long time?"

Yangding Tiandao: "It should not be more than half a year."

"Yeah." Yongshe responded. Then said: "Yes, Ji Ya is pregnant, can you know?"

Yangding Tiandang said bitterly: "I already know."

Yongshe said: "Then go see her!"

Yangding Tian sighed: "This is really an accident for me."

Yongshe smiled slightly: "Go, go check it out."

Yangdingtian pushed Yongshe and returned to the temple.


After Yang Dingtian left, he entered the room of Yongshe innocently.

"Yangdingtian is coming back this time, very strange." Nothing.

Yongshe said: "He wants the high-level parliamentary high-level members to practice in the taboo of the mainland. I want the demon fox to block the silver gate and prevent anyone from entering the skull hall."

Nothing said: "You promised him?"

Yongshe said: "Accepted, half a year. In the past six months, do you need to go to the human kingdom?"

There is no saying: "There are peony in the human kingdom. You should not need me. I will stay here to help you better. Moreover, are we not fixed? Before the World War, we will not move the sun and the bright council." Just waiting for the end of the world war."

Yongshe asked Tiandao: "Yes, the high-level council of the Bright Council has become stronger. It is equivalent to a few more powerful undead in the future Nether Empire, not worth mentioning."

Innocent sneer: "Yangdingtian knows that he has worked hard for the war of the world. I don't know that we have not put the war of destruction and the army of heaven and earth in our eyes. I don't know what it is."

Yongshe asked Tiandao: "I still can't be underestimated to him. I feel it. When he saw me, I had some doubts and fears for me."

Innocent: "Do you need to use a psychic to explore his brain?"

Yongshe asked Tiandao: "You don't need it for the time being, so you don't have to scream."

Then, Yongshe said: "I can't change anything anyway. Besides, I am responsible for the Xiaoxitian plane. I must first make sure that he is a living stallion and can breed many demigods."

Innocent suddenly said: "Yes, Ji Ya has seen the evil from the east. In case she said it to Yang Dingtian, Yangdingtian may see you."

Yongshe said: "Do not worry, she will not say, can not say. As for the East, imprisoned, and let him in the dungeon within six months, so I can wake up my brain."


In the office of Ji Ya.

Yang Dingtian first saw her, she looked at her belly, and there was no uplift.

But the whole person has become a little richer, and the original beauty is similar to the sculpture, and there is a brilliance of female.

When I saw Yangdingtian suddenly appeared in front of me, Ji Ya suddenly took a look.

"When is it pregnant?" Yang Dingtian asked.

After a moment of silence, Ji Ya said: "When you remind you of the enchanting strategy."

Yangding Tiandao: "That is, three months?"

"Yes." Ji Yadao.

Yangding Tiandao: "At the time, did you do contraception?"

Ji Ya looked up at Yang Dingtian and said: "Being contraceptive, you know, I don't like you, of course I don't want to have a baby for you. I also think that one day you are dead, I am remarried to the enchanting."

Yangdingtian couldn't help but wrinkle his face and did contraception. He was still pregnant. Is his own kind so powerful?

Ji Ya suddenly said: "Actually, you can be regarded as an accident, don't care. I am fully capable of raising this child, you can think that nothing has happened."

Yang Dingtian sighed: "I believe that I am not so easy. It is not so easy for you or for me."

Then, Yangdingtian suddenly said: "I, touch your stomach, can you?"

Ji Ya trembled, and this kind of request was very uncomfortable.

Yangdingtian walked over, gently stroked Ji's lower abdomen, closed his eyes, and wanted to feel the little life inside the stomach.

At this time, ordinary human beings are of course unable to feel the breath of the little life in the stomach, but Yangdingtian can feel it.

A quiet, yet strong atmosphere.

When the hands of Yang Dingtian touched the lower abdomen, Ji Yajiao had a soft body and had the urge to lean back.

However, she held back and stood there motionless.

Yang Dingtian gently touched Ji Ya's lower abdomen, and the two people fell into a complex silence.

After half an hour, he said: "Okay, then I am gone."

Ji Ya nodded.

Yangdingtian turned and left.


On the way back to the head hall, Yangdingtian shrouded his body in the cloak. When passing through the Shadows, the Enchanted II had already waited on the road with two holy powers.

After seeing Yangdingtian, the other party said nothing. The two holy powers, directly behind him, went to the head hall. And, according to Yang Dingtian's request, he handed him a bottle of related drugs.

After Yang Dingtian entered the head hall, two holy powers were kept outside the silver door.

Because Yongshe and Enchanted II agreed, so this silver gate, within six months, no one can open.

In the hall of the skull, Yangdingtian waited for an hour, and the green gate of the human kingdom opened.

Because the captive of the Netherland entered the taboo of the mainland, opening the green door for Yangdingtian.

That's right, almost all of the masters of the Netherland Grand Masters are practicing in the mainland. However, they are only stuck in the sixth world. So far, the most distant in the taboo of the mainland is the princess peony, and even others do not know, the world behind, how she passed.

After the beginning of the skull hall, Yangding flew more than a thousand miles, suddenly in the taboo of the mainland waters, saw Ling dance, of course, still did not see Wu Ning.

But obviously, he has begun to guard the entrance.

The Eastern Nirvana and the Emperor Shibian and others, as well as another hostage of the Nether Sea, are waiting for Yangdingtian at the entrance.

"Small West Heaven, has it succeeded?" asked Ling Ling.

Yangding Tiandao: "It has been successful, and you can enter the taboo mainland illusion at any time. Ling Dance, the entrance to the human kingdom, will be handed over to you. I will return to Zhongjing first, after handling related matters, up to two or three days ~ www. will return to the head hall and take you to the first batch to practice."

"Good." Ling dance.


After returning to Beijing!

Yun Junnu handed over a letter to Yang Dingtian, saying: "This is the letter left before the master left."

“Before you leave?” Yangding Tianyi.

Yunjun slave said: "After she left Zhongjing, she went to the Lingbi Palace and then returned to the Snake Empire. This letter was left after she returned to the Snake Empire."

Yang Dingtian opened the letter and saw it, suddenly shocked.

There are only a few simple words on it: Want to know the fifth-order drop of the killing sword? Promise my conditions, otherwise..."


Note: The next one is still around noon tomorrow, thank you! (To be continued.) ()

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