Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 836: Spiritual jealousy! Blocking the sea heart has no way!

After an hour, Yangdingtian saw the coffin!

It was almost a year later, and once again I saw the coffin, and she seemed to mature a lot. At this point, it was no longer the appearance of the little girl, but turned into a beautiful woman.

Her face is also very refined, but it is really superior to the spirit of the rabbit.

Moreover, the face of the coffin at this time is a little more gorgeous. Of course, perhaps it is natural, her chest curve is still not spectacular, compared to just a little better before, with the earth's statement, it is still a cup, but the body looks a lot more rhyme.

"I didn't think that the Yangzong Lord had a day to take the initiative to visit the Lingbi Palace." Lingbi took a semi-tasking and said: "What's the matter? Let's talk."

Yangding Tiandao: "You can't do the Lord, I talk to your grandfather."

Lingbi said: "You just say it."

Yangdingtian is like a repeater. He said, "You can't do the Lord. I talk to your grandfather."

The coffin looked pale and said: "Well, I want to talk to my grandfather, but you personally enter the Lingbi Palace. Do you have courage?"

Yangding Tianyu snorted, is he still afraid to enter the Lingbi Palace?

Apart from anything else, Yangdingtian flew directly to the Lingbi Palace.


After the fog, the black scorpion burst, Yang Dingtian came to the Lingbi Palace.

At first glance, I noticed the deep crack in the ground of the Lingbi Palace and the entire mountain that had disappeared.

"This is the imprint of a breakthrough in the semi-sanctification?" Yang Dingtian asked.

The face of the coffin trembled and was unwilling to express any opinion on this matter. For this matter, the most irritating is the innocence, and the next is the coffin.

Although no one has publicly attached to the innocent, no one dares to say that it is not a sin. But from the eyes of the people in the Lingbi Palace, the expression. The coffin has felt a little wrong, and some people have begun to alienate her.

Still in the haystacks of the mountains, Yangdingtian saw the innocent son of the Xianfeng bone.

At this time, the innocent, still looks like a crane hair, but from the last Yang Dingtian, he seems to be a lot older.

See Yangdingtian. The innocent face is cold, and said: "Is the Yangzong Lord even dare to come? Isn't it afraid to come back?"

To talk about the list of hateless hatred, Yangdingtian is ranked in the top position.

Nearly a year ago, Wu Ling was repeatedly beaten by Yang Dingtian, lost tens of thousands of black scorpions, and forced to send out the spirit rabbit and pro, in exchange for the Yang Diantian truce.

Nowadays, when I see Yangdingtian, there is really a feeling of evil from the gallbladder. I can’t wait to see this person in front of me.

Yangding Tianyi smiled and said: "No spirits predecessors. If I were you, I would never do these boring threats. You should know that no one in the entire human kingdom has dared to kill me. Of course, it may not kill me."

"Is it?" Wu Lingzi said: "Do you want to try it?"

Suddenly, an incomparably powerful force instantly enveloped the entire mountain, making it almost impossible to breathe.

If you don't understand the innocent, you will probably be scared away. But Yangdingtian has a very ridiculous feeling. The color of this person is so guilty that it is really what Yang Dingtian sees.

"Okay. Okay..." Yangding Tiandao: "When are you going to play the prestige, when will we talk again?"

The facelessness changed, and I felt particularly angry and unwilling.

Although he is not the core layer of the demon road now, but also knows that with the complete failure of the Nether and the East, Yang Dingtian has regained the killing order.

He has no courage to dare to disobey the command of the devil.

but. It’s embarrassing to be so kind. At this time, Yangding Tianben should be pretending to apologize for apology, and he would not be able to squat down.

But Yang Dingtian did not, but instead spoke ironically.

It was so quiet for half an hour. The ignorant finally couldn’t help it, said: "What are you doing?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The innocent lord, the contradiction between you and me, is irreconcilable. However, recently no way has got a second-class evil spirit, breaking through the semi-san. Then the contradiction between you and me becomes The secondary contradiction. You and the innocent, have become the main contradiction, aren't you? More directly, it is completely a contradiction between your life and death."

"Is it?" Wu Lingzi said: "Not at all."

Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "There is no spirit predecessor. If you say such a thing, it is deceiving or deceiving yourself. If you have no way, will you let this **** sea enmity? Will you let this Lingbi Palace be put down?" If he doesn't have a choice, he will definitely kill you, and he will surely steal the Lingbi Palace."

Suddenly, the innocent face suddenly changed, and I could not wait to directly cover my ears.

"Yesterday, no way to find me, to bring the spirit rabbit back to the Lingbi Palace, I refused." Yangding Tiandao: "So he is angry and angry, to join forces with the Queen of the Sea Heart to deal with me. The enemy of the enemy, is a friend, We cooperate once, each takes what is needed, and destroys him without a word, how?"

The innocent eyes suddenly slammed.

And the coffin said on the side: "You don't let the rabbit come back?"

Yangding Tiandao: "No, I gave the choice to the rabbit. She said that if she wants to stay, then no one can take her."

The coffin's complexion became incomparably complicated, saying: "You, are you turning a face for a spiritual rabbit and a semi-classic strongman?"

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao.

The face of the coffin suddenly became bitter, and then became bitter, and said: "Why? Why? What did she think of the rabbit, she is just an ugly and dumb sly. Why did she get this treatment? Why is there no such thing for me, why is the dog thief Wu Ningming doing this to me?"

Yangding Tianmuguang said: "Why is Wu Ningming against you? Although she doesn't love you so much, he never lost you."

Ling Ling sighed: "In the ghostly land, he selfishly deprived me of the opportunity to get the Nether Ghost. Later, he did not hesitate to abandon me and abandoned the entire Lingbi Palace. His relationship with me, still Why are you doing this to me because of your relationship with the rabbit?"

Yangding Tiandao: "That's just because you are not enough in his mind. He is now willing to do anything for Ling Dance."

The coffin expression suddenly resentment: "Dog men and women, I know this pair of dogs and men! He is also worthy of the mean woman."

Looking at the Lingbi some distorted faces. Yang Dingtian lost the interest in talking to her, looking at the innocent child: "Hello, what do you mean? Because of the relationship between the devil and the peony, you dare not have no way, but I dare! After the Tao, no one will take you to the Lingbi Palace. How?"

The innocent is very heart-warming, but there are still tens of thousands of unwillingness in his heart. There are 10,000 doubts about Yangdingtian.

Is Yangdingtian so kind? impossible.

Suddenly, the innocent sneer sneered: "Yangdingtian, do you think I will be fooled? You obviously conspired with the innocent, want to kill me, you think I will be fooled, be your spring and autumn dream!"

Yangding Tianyi, I couldn’t understand the idea of ​​being innocent. Suddenly; "In order to force me to compromise, I have already gone to the Snake Empire to find the Queen of the Sea. Now, the masters of my bright parliament are taboo in the illusion of the mainland, and the innocent and the sea are about to destroy the destruction of the high-level parliament. Practice the plan and force me to compromise."

Wu Lingzi sneered: "What kind of joke? No way is a semi-sacred powerhouse. He wants to destroy the cultivation of your bright parliament. He also needs to find Haixin to help? Is there a person in your Bright Parliament who is his opponent?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Because, at this time in the taboo of the mainland entrance defense. It is Wu Ningming, he is already a semi-classic strong."

"Wu Ningming?" Lingbi said: "Impossible. You are his life and death enemies, how can he help you keep the entrance?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Because, the abuse is also cultivated inside."

"Dog men and women, dogs and men, can not die." Lingbi also screamed.

Wu Lingxiao laughed: "Yangdingtian, you don't want to act again. I know your conspiracy. You and the innocent colluding to kill me, you have to help the Taoist Temple to be the leader of the Lingbi Palace, don't think that I I don't know. I also said that because I want to leave a rabbit, and I have no way to turn my face, you are a three-year-old child? Don't say it is a spirit rabbit, even ten. One hundred, it is not worthy of you and a half-sacred The strongman turned his face, this is a conspiracy, this is a naked conspiracy."

Yangding Tiandeng was completely speechless and completely obedient.

People and people are really different at one point.

The innocent greed is afraid of death, and his suspiciousness is really rare in the world.

Moreover, this person is completely hard to eat soft! As long as he goes to the door to find him to help, he will never agree, because he is not willing to fulfill the benefits of anyone. Even this thing is very beneficial to him.

Such a selfish and suspicious person can't be described in words.

Wu Lingzi looked at Yangding Tiandao: "You and the spirit rabbit, very loving? She has your child?"

Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "No, we still have no husband and wife."

"Ha ha ha..." Nobody laughed and said: "This is a flaw, this is a flaw. You have nothing to do with the Spirit Rabbit, you will turn your face for her and no way? How is it possible? You are just colluding with the innocent I want to kill me."

Yang Dingtian gave up the idea of ​​explanation at once. For the sake of the spirit of the rabbit, he did not hesitate to face the half-sacred face, and he took the risk of life. This kind of thing is simply absurd in the heart of the innocent.

Take a deep breath, Yangding Tiandao: "If I really want to invite you to kill the innocent, would you promise?"

After the silenceless silence, he shook his head and said, "No."

Yangding Tianda said: "Why? You and him are completely fighting for your life and death."

Wuzizi said: "The Devil's Majesty needs me. No one can dare to do it right with me. It may not be able to grab my Lingbi Palace. He has his mission."

Yang Dingtian, really stunned.

This 200-year-old person is really wonderful in the world.

It’s sinful, and selfishness is afraid of death. The key, deep inside is still so embarrassing, and now there is no way to break through the semi-holy, he even has illusions, pinning his hopes on others not killing him, not robbing him of the Lingbi Palace.

Such people, greedy, sinister, sinister, bully, hard, but weak, are naive, and are not willing to take risks unless they die.

Of course, just because he is such a person, Yang Dingtian will be arrogant in accordance with the Lingbi Palace, forcing the innocent and dear. You must know that at the time, Yang Dingtian had no way to deal with the large-scale black-skinned army. At that time, it was only one-tenth of the innocent.

At that time, the innocent, as long as the order of more than 100,000 black scorpions directly invaded China and Beijing, or invaded the Western continent, would bring a devastating blow to the Guangming Parliament. Either, the innocent person will enter China and Beijing alone, and it will also bring a devastating blow to the Guangming Parliament.

But he did not dare to be scared by the strategic blackmail of Yangdingtian. I was afraid that Yang Dingtian would set a trap in Zhongjing to kill him, so he would rather humiliate and seek peace, but also shrink in the Lingbi Palace for peace.

Yangdingtian looked at the innocent child: "Hello, this may be your last and only chance to eliminate the innocent."

Wu Ling Zhizhu smiled and smiled: "Yangdingtian, don't act, don't dream. Lingbi, drop off!"


In this way, Yang Dingtian’s trip to Lingbi Palace ended and failed.

When he left, Yang Dingtian wanted to say something to the coffin, but in the end he did not say anything and flew alone to the west.

Yangding Tianjian believes that the big change in the Lingbi Palace is definitely coming soon.

Nothing is now being observed and brewing. Once prepared, it will kill the innocent and recapture the Lingbi Palace with the thunder.

He is completely different from the innocent. He is much more decisive in killing. From the fact that he can't take the rabbit, he decisively joins the sea to the soft-ribbed knives of Yangdingtian.

The failure to join hands has failed. Of course, Yang Dingtian can still go to find Duo, although he is less than half-sacred, but absolutely infinitely close to the semi-holy.

As long as the sun is open, the solitary will promise.

However, Yangdingtian can't do that. Yes, Yangdingtian has helped Du Guzhen many times, but all of them are protecting the family of Yunxiaocheng. These are private matters.

This time, it is absolutely an official matter to protect the high-level parliamentary high-rises in the main hall.

It is a violation of the principle that Tiandaomeng’s official business is to find a solitude.

Therefore, Yangdingtian has not found any helpers.

The only choice now is that he alone, went to the taboo of the mainland, and joined forces with Wu Youming to block the sea and the innocent.

So, can it be successful?

Undoubtedly, purely from the martial arts to the upper, Yangding Tianjia Wu Ningming, is far less than the sea heart plus no way.

However, if it is to block the other party, it may not be As long as Yangdingtian is willing to give up his life, it will reveal the will to be born after death.

Whether it is the sea heart or the innocence, it can only be compromised.

Because, they are trying to force Yangding to retreat, instead of desperately.


After arriving in Xijing, Yangdingtian rode a konjac and flew toward the taboo of the mainland.

At the same time, there is no way, Queen of the Sea, leaving the Snake Empire, marching towards the taboo of the mainland!

This abrupt top-level martial battle is a hit!


Note: The next one is still tomorrow at noon, thank you! (to be continued


(Enlightenment Book Network)

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