Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 840: Yangding Tianshen! Shocked the audience!

The mysterious energy of the innocent is condensing!

The energy of the semi-class is completely condensed in the palm of your hand. {

Although it seems that his palm does not change, he can feel a terrible sense of oppression.

Then, the air around the innocent, as if unable to withstand tremendous pressure, began to burst into a burst.

At this time, there are no tens of meters around the road, as if the air can not stay, completely turned into a vacuum.

Then, the sea below, has also been greatly oppressed.

Just after the calm sea, it began to boil.

The entire surface of the sea seems to have been boiled, and the surface of the water is constantly rolling.

Over the top of the head, the black dark clouds began to condense quickly, and soon covered the sun's rays.

The battlefield in the absence of the Tao, suddenly darkened, as if it was a dark feeling.

Concentrated to the extreme.

This is the semi-classic energy. When the attack is about to take place, even the surrounding world environment will change color.

This is because there are no creatures around, otherwise within a few tens of miles, all the animals will all escape.

No way to look at the peony, and finally looked at Yang Dingtian.

"Compromise, or find death?" Nothing is cold.

If you are playing psychological warfare, now is the last chance, whether it is compromise or hard resistance, this is the last chance.

Next, maybe it’s not acting, it’s not a psychological war.

No way, has been forced to the cliff. And got the approval of the peony, he probably wants to kill the sun.

"Either shot, or roll!" Yangding Tian cold road.

"You are looking for death, to fulfill you." No words to drink.

"Boom!" His palms burst out.

Suddenly. The earth-shattering power violently rushed to the sun.

I only saw that the dark clouds above 10,000 meters were suddenly torn from the middle.

The sea below, also violently tearing a vacuum crack from the middle.

This is the energy of the semi-class level, and it is completely the power of the mountains.

Any one of the nine stars and nine great masters. The only result of this strength is that the instantaneous gray smoke disappears, and even the broken bones are not.

The semi-classic energy of the thrilling power, instantly flew over 10,000 meters.

Like a giant missile, it is in the middle of the sky.

This level of attack is really like a missile, attacking a sailboat floating on the sea.


Suddenly, endless. It is a dozens of times more than the energy of the Yangdingtian body, and it is injected into the body of Yangdingtian.

Everyone trembled fiercely, waiting to see the scene where the sun was burning.

The peony only feels a suffocation of the body, the oriental ice icing inside the body, and the madness of the desperate atmosphere, there is a strong life to destroy this body, she is crazy to go with the peony.

So instantly. The entire body of the peony was actually banned.

In the face of Yangdingtian, which is going to be smouldering. She couldn't do anything.

Then, everyone waited in horror, waiting for the energy of the semi-class level to burst open in the Yangdingtian body, completely destroying everything in this body.


Endless energy, dozens of times the energy of Yangdingtian, all into the body.

Yang Dingtian only felt that his eyes were suddenly white. The whole body is completely lost in confusion and nothingness.

Then, in an instant, the body must be broken and the smoke is gone.

His mysterious veins are stronger, and the sea is no longer strong. Can't afford such amazing energy.

However, it is at this time.

The black-green black-and-white dragon, crouching in the depths of the sea, slammed out from the abyss, and stretched out countless tentacles. This half-level energy that would destroy Yangdingtian was swallowed up.

Almost instantaneously, the energy of the semi-class level was swallowed up, and there was no one left.

Of course, this kind of mysterious energy, black and green Xuanhuo dragon is not a little bit of interest.

It violently stretched its tentacles to the exit of the mysterious veins of the Yangding Day, all released!


All the half-level energy of the innocent attack is released into the air.

Suddenly, it was like an explosion of a small nuclear bomb.

In the tens of miles, all the air is instantly heated into a flame.

Everything, all crazy burning.

A few kilometers away from the top of Yangdingtian, it was filled with terrible flames in an instant.

Below the bottom of the sea, blasting a huge hole.

Just as the last time it swallowed a huge dark crystal, the enormous energy generated by the masculine day could not be withstood. It chose to be released on a thousand miles of ice and snow. The ice melted into water and then re-solidified into ice.

The energy of astronomical numbers is released all the time.

After releasing all the energy, the black-green mysterious dragon re-crouched deep into the sea.

This is its characteristic!

If the sun is dead, it is also dead. Therefore, unless Yangdingtian is in danger of being smouldering, it will never be shot.

Of course, if there is something delicious, such as dark crystals or the energy of some heaven-and-white fires, it will also be shot. Otherwise, it is always in the abyss of the sea.

The last time in the silver palace, a demon fox master assassin, the same is true when it is to destroy his sea of ​​air. Seeing that the sea of ​​Yangdingtian is to be completely destroyed, the black and green black fire will soon have no place to live, it immediately Hands-on, all the energy is swallowed up.

However, the energy at that time could be completely swallowed up.

At this time, this semi-class level energy is too strong, it can not be turned into nothing, so it is released directly into the air.


The peony looked at it with horror.

Yang Dingtian’s body suddenly exploded, and the air around him was instantly turned into a huge fireball.

He, he must have vanished.

However, just a moment ago, the Oriental Ice Ling was completely attacked by the soul that had been ruined, and her body was imprisoned.

Then, she could only watch the sun and die.

She had a big disaster, and the devil did not kill him. She knew that she should not take risks, but she couldn't help it. Especially when I saw the horror of the Oriental Ice Ling, she couldn’t help but put Yang Dingtian in the gate of the ghost gate. She couldn’t help but be crazy.

The Queen of the Sea, the heart of the five flavors.

sad? Can't talk about it, maybe a little bit. Because the Snake Terran completely lost the opportunity to degenerate the demigod.

However, there is still a feeling of happiness.

Yang Dingtian’s hostility towards her made her very angry, but she could not kill him. It was a hundred times to see him die at this time.

Anyway, if you have a lifetime, it is not a big problem to break through the holy level.

Moreover, only their own descendants can become demigods, and they cannot become demigods.

No matter whether Yangding is dead or not. Whether or not she gave birth to a demigod, her Queen of Hearts is still a world.

As for the future of the snake race, if you say something ugly, after I die, I will control him.

Therefore, Yangdingtian is dead, not necessarily a relief.


However, all the rays dissipated after all the flames were dispersed.

Yangdingtian. Still safe and sound, sitting in the air floating in the air.

The whole body. There was no response, and even the posture did not change. Don't say that there is no broken bones, even a hair is not hurt.

The clothes on the body, although stained with blood, did not have any traces of burning.

In short, he is completely unharmed.

Princess Peony. Completely shocked!

This, what is going on?

Half-level energy attack, Yangdingtian can be safe and sound.

That's right, it sounds like a semi-class and a nine-star and nine great masters. It's actually a world of difference. There are many times the energy gap.

Because there are many energy levels above the nine stars and nine great masters. However, these energy levels can't be shown in the repair, all of them are accumulated, accumulated, and so on, when they accumulate to a sufficient extent, they burst out in an instant and break through the semi-sanctification.

Therefore, the Grand Master and the nine stars and nine masters are worlds apart.

The semi-san and nine-star nine masters are also very different. The more you reach the back, the bigger the gap between you.

Under such terrible energy attack, Yang Dingtian turned out to be safe and sound, and how could it be?

Is it true that the spokesperson of God is really doomed to be undefeated, not dead, not destroyed?

impossible! God just chose Yangdingtian, he can't control Yangdingtian.

For the first time, Princess Peony felt that there was a sense of powerlessness. Almost every time, at the crucial moment, Yangdingtian is always unbeaten, not dead, not destroyed!

Then, does that mean that the great cause of the demon king and the demon road will eventually fail?

No, impossible! The demon king squats, the devil's squat, the yang is more powerful than hundreds of times.

Just by yourself, it is easy to kill Yang Tiantian at this time!


The Queen of the Sea, seeing Yangdingtian live, also stayed in an instant.

It is still a mixture of five flavors. I don’t know if it’s fortunate that Yang Dingtian is still alive, or he is angry that he is still alive.

However, under the semi-class energy attack, it is not dead, it is also a huge shock to her Queen of the Sea.

Although, the repair of innocence is far less than the heart of the sea. But there is no way to kill the sun, then can her sea heart kill?

The sea heart can of course kill!

In fact, the semi-class-level strong, as long as the use of physical attacks, swords, including the direct attack of the flesh, black and black Xuanhuo dragon, have nothing to do.

It is powerful, and it can only devour energy, but it cannot devour a substantial sword.

As long as the Queen of the Sea Heart just attacked Wu Ningming, the snake body directly penetrated the body, and Yangdingtian will die.

However, the scene just now is really scary.

The semi-class energy, the explosion caused, the space of a few kilometers is all flames, he is still safe and sound.


Yangdingtian looked at the innocent, cold and cold: "The three strokes are over, let's go!"

No way to look at the convulsions.

Yes, the three strokes are over and he has failed.

There was only one thought in his mind about the scene in which Yang Dingtian was unscathed.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

He glanced at the peonies and then looked at the Queen of the Sea.

It must be one of these two women to save, because they will definitely not let Yangding die.

But no matter what? Yangding Tian won.

"Appreciate, admire, I lost." No way to look at Yangding for a long time, then salute: "Frank."

The Queen of the Sea Heart looked at Yang Dingtian, opened his mouth, and finally did not say anything, disappeared directly into the air, and left.

Lonely and not happy with the peony, I want to move: "His Royal Highness, just Haixin’s shot saved Yangdingtian, you should not be blinded. He is already vulnerable, let me shoot, to ensure that his paintings are directly uncovered. It is life or death, let you dispose of it."

A few people present, only three people know that Yang Dingtian did not have anyone to save! The semi-sacred energy attack did not damage him.

Sea heart, peony and nymph!

The rest of the innocent, cold and proud, lonely and joyless, all feel that either the sea heart shot, or the peony shot, in short, someone at the last minute, saved Yangdingtian.

Of course, the peony will not explain this kind of thing, faintly stunned and lonely, and said an idiot in his heart.

You and Yangdingtian hands? What qualification do you have? Who do you think you are?

She nodded to the top of the Road: "Yangdingtian, thank you."

"Goodbye." Yangding Tiandao: "One day, I will destroy you and rescue my wife from your energy prison."

Peony smiled and said: "Then I am waiting for it!"

Then, the peony fluttered away.

The cold arrogant face left with no expression, lonely and full of joy, not staring, staring at Yang Dingtian coldly, followed and left.

Suddenly, the entire taboo of the mainland's waters, only Yang Dingtian and Wu Ningming.


Note: Because I am helping my baby to take a bath with my wife, I am a little late for dozens of minutes today. Thank you. (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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