Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 859: 7 breakthroughs! who are you?

Yang Dingtian estimated that about 100 ordinary master-level energy essences can be combined with an infinite master class energy essence. ?

Of course, the energy essence of the infinite master class is also high and low! For example, the elemental nightingale that Yangdingtian hunted was a very high infinite master class.

This time, Yangding Tian is full of energy essences of ten infinite masters.

The energy essence of the previous element of the night, enough to make Yang Dingtian break through twice.

Then, this time there are ten infinite master class energy essences, how many times can you break through?

Yangdingtian began one by one, and the virtual grip was in the palm of your hand, then released the mysterious entrance of the whole body and began to devour the essence of energy.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...

Almost all of the energy essence has been swallowed up, and the result is still no breakthrough.

When I finally swallowed the tenth, the sea began to swell, expand, and expand...

"Boom!" Then, caught in a void.

Yang Dingtian finally broke through and entered the breakthrough of the sixth infinite master.

day? How could this be?

He had previously imagined that the energy essence of ten infinite masters should at least break through four or five times.

The result is once! Just once.

Yangdingtian is afraid that he can't bear it, so he didn't combine the ten energy essences into one. He knew that it would be better to integrate one directly.

But why is this? Ten infinite masters of energy essence, can only let him break through once?

Although, these infinite masters of the energy essence, there is no big elemental nightingale, but it will not add up to ten, it is worth it.

Yangdingtian shook his head. No longer think about it.

In short, this reality proves one thing. That is, he can't cultivate in this first dark field. First of all, the elemental creatures here have been hunted almost (of course, this is an illusion, and many are lurking)

Second. The elemental biology level here is too low, all of them are below the masters, and the infinite master class has seen one.

It is conceivable that the energy essence that you need next will be more and more, more and more, this first dark field can never support your own consumption.

Yangdingtian looked at the front abyss border and it appeared very timely. Yangdingtian is the time to enter the second dark field.


The Yangding Tianjia lightly released a snow-white void fire and drifted directly into the front abyss border.

Then, this emptiness fire began to devour the energy of the abyss, and then began to split black and white fire.

One changed two, two changed four, four changed eight...

Wait, just keep cycling.

Time, within the entire abyss border. All are filled with black and white two-color fissures.

Then, two Xuanhuo began to merge. Become a colorless and transparent fire.

Time, the entire abyss border, once again turned into a completely transparent crystal abyss.

At this time, the emptiness of the flames swallowed up all the energy of this abyssal border and thoroughly purified the area.

Yangdingtian jumped down.

Suddenly, it seems to have entered the time tunnel again!

Falling and falling and falling.

It belongs to the time of Yangdingtian. Stop again.

As if it is an instant, it seems to be permanent.

"Call!" Yangding rushed out of the abyss border and entered a new world.

And countless hollow fires, once again condensed into a single, directly into the sea of ​​Yangdingtian.

And this time. Yangdingtian has enough mental preparations.

The whole sea is constantly expanding, expanding and expanding.

"Boom!" blasted again, and the whole person fell into nothingness.

Yang Dingtian entered the seventh breakthrough of the Infinite Master.


After waking up, Yangdingtian began to observe the world in front of him.

Is this the second dark field?

It seems that there is no difference between the first dark field. It was still dark at this time, and it was still not reaching out.

Then, Yangding Tian squatted down and stroked the stone on the ground.

He felt the difference. In the first dark field, although all the stones were black, at least they were stones.

The stone here is not like a stone, but it is like a metal.

Of course, he is not metal, but it is like metal.

That is to say, this area is a time in the dark field, which is slightly longer. After a long period of melting and solidification, the stone has also deteriorated.

Well, there is no doubt that the elemental creatures here are definitely much stronger.

For example, in the first dark field, although Yang Dingtian only found an infinite master class elemental creature, the rest are also the master class, and none of the masters have encountered it.

Is it because there are no elemental creatures? Certainly not, because all elemental creatures must have come from low-level to high-level breakthroughs.

It is certain that all the elemental creatures below the master level are crouching, quietly carrying out the most primitive energy engulfing. Only elemental creatures that have reached the Grand Master level will start to show up, try to hunt other elemental creatures and improve themselves.

Therefore, the elemental creatures in this second dark field, as long as they appear, must be very powerful. Then, the situation that Yangdingtian is facing at this time is definitely a crisis.

As a result, Yang Dingtian carefully released countless grievances and detected everything within a few tens of miles.

Then, proceed carefully.

Exploring fifty miles, one hundred miles, two hundred miles...

A whole night passed, and Yang Dingtian did not find an elemental creature.

Huh? This, what is going on? Why can't you even have one? This is too strange.

Next, it is impossible to explore Yang Tiantian calmly because the sun has risen.

Soon, the whole world has become extremely transparent.

The surrounding temperature rises sharply.

Yang Dingtian immediately put on sunglasses, running the mysterious gas and lowering the temperature. Sustain life.

Then, move on!

Soon, the whole earth began to melt.

Yang Dingtian discovered that this second dark field is much higher than the temperature in the first dark field.

In fact, the sun's illumination should be similar, but these are like metal under the soles of the feet. It is also like a stone thing, madly consuming heat, so the temperature rises sharply.

Yang Dingtian feels that the temperature of this surface is at least two thousand degrees.

As a result, the ambition of Yangdingtian passed away more quickly.

With a terrible heat, Yangdingtian continues to move forward!

Fifty miles, one hundred miles. Two hundred miles, three hundred miles, five hundred miles...

Didn't encounter an elemental creature, is this a hell?

Why is this so? How can you not even have a single elemental creature?

This has been a thousand miles deep.

The second field is formed longer than the first field, and it is said that elemental creatures will be more. Of course, because they hunted each other. So the number will definitely drop, but not even one.

In this way, Yangdingtian continues to advance. Go forward and move forward.

Going forward a thousand miles!

Really nothing.

It’s dark.

The temperature drops sharply, melting the red ground and quickly solidifying again.

Yang Dingtian quickly sat down to replenish the body with new medicinal herbs and then swallowed the poly dandan. Start to restore the battle of mysterious.

After everything was restored, Yangdingtian released countless grievances again, began to hurry at night, and searched for elemental creatures.

But this night. More than a thousand miles, still nothing.

The next day, staring at the terrible heat and magma, Yangdingtian once again traveled more than a thousand miles and still had nothing to gain.

The third day!

The fourth day.

The fifth day.

The sixth day.

The seventh day.

The eighth day!


After ten days have passed, Yangdingtian has explored more than 10,000 miles of darkness.

Still nothing, even a single elemental creature has not been seen.

This, is this really a ghost?

Yangdingtian was amazed.

It won't, so I will finish the second dark field in vain, then go through the abyss border and go to the third field?

This is unreasonable. How can the second dark field be seen by an elemental creature?

Despite the disappointment in the heart, Yangdingtian still released countless grievances and proceeded cautiously.

Advance, advance, and advance.

At this point, it should be late at night.

This kind of purposeless walking, Yangdingtian is a little drowsy.


In the first few tens of miles, there was a tremendous energy fluctuation.

Yangdingtian could not help but be shocked and ecstatic!

Finally, elemental creatures have appeared? However, this energy fluctuation is very, very powerful, at least more powerful than that element night.

That means that this elemental creature may be very powerful. Can you deal with it?

However, it’s hard to meet an elemental creature. It’s absolutely impossible to escape without fighting. Anyway, there is a magical fog coat, and you don’t have to worry about losing So, Yangdingtian Use stealth and mysterious skills to fly away from the energy fluctuations of dozens of miles away.

Just a moment later, Yangdingtian arrived at this destination.

Then he stood even more stunned!

Because, this huge energy fluctuation, there is no elemental creature, only a black cave entrance.

An incomparably powerful energy constantly emerges from this hole.

It turns out that it is so!

It is no wonder that no elemental creatures are seen on the ground, and they are hiding underground.

So, do you want to go down?

You know, underground caves are definitely more dangerous than the ground. And this is the depth of the second dark field, the elemental creatures must be extremely powerful, and the energy fluctuations of this hole are faint, there must be powerful elemental creatures, perhaps more than one.

Into? Retreating without fighting is not a style.

Yang Dingtian stealth, sneaked into the cave.


This cave is really deep, deep and deep...

Three kilometers, five kilometers, ten thousand meters...

It’s hard to explore.

Then, Yangdingtian was completely shocked!

This is a huge cave house with an incredibly powerful elemental creature.

But this is not the reason why Yangdingtian is shocked.

He is shocked! In addition to the powerful elemental creatures, there are still five people?

Here? How can anyone? Who are these people? (To be continued.)

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