Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 866: Against the sky and the sky, crazy harvest!

The demon stunned and glanced at it with a glance, and did not know how Yangdingtian did it. After a hundred miles, the cave of elemental creatures could be found.

"Yangdingtian, you are accidental, or you can do this every time." asked the demon.

Yangding Tiandao: "Every time, you can do this. In half a quarter of an hour, I can search every inch of the square."

When this was said, everyone was shocked.

This, this is really against the sky.

More than 100 miles in a square, converted into a face {3w. product, but thousands of square kilometers, even a few people's team, a quick search, it will take a few hours or so, because a square more than 100 miles let a person search Running, it is enough to run more than 10,000 miles.

The search speed of Yangdingtian, dozens of times before the team of five people in the glass, more than a hundred times.

Even Bolu and Avon Awu showed a very excited expression. In this way, they can completely find the elemental monster in a short time.

The demon looked at Yang Dingtian and then went straight to the road: "In this case, the proportion of the division should be changed. You can't take a quarter, you take a third!"

Then, Yang Dingtian did not speak, she directly waved a hand: "It is so fixed."

This woman is really strong. If she says it, she will not be allowed to refute it. However, such a bright and outgoing character is really very cute.

"Well, let's go in. If someone is playing, we try to avoid it, don't kill it with others, because now we can find elemental creatures in a short time, no need to take risks."

Then, a group of six people quickly rushed down the bottom of the cave.

After going deeper than 10,000 meters, it will soon be over.

Yang Dingtian suddenly waved: "You all stop. I will go down and explore. If anyone, I will come back immediately, and we will leave here."

"No, I go, I am the highest. You stay." The glass, then you have to rush.

Yangding Tianshou once stopped, "Don't argue, I will be invisible, will flash, I will go!"

Then, Yangdingtian disappeared directly into the horizons of several people. Moreover, even the energy breath can not be sensed.

The demon and other people are really completely shocked.

Actually, will it be invisible?

And, is it so invisible?

The demon and the Burlu and others looked at each other. The demon purple beauty is bright, she is in the midst of the soul, especially curious about the mysterious and powerful things, suddenly feel that Yangding is really mysterious, very remarkable. Looking at the back of Yangdingtian disappeared, the beautiful big eyes lit up the little stars.

The demon smashed her, cold channel: "Azi, don't forget. He is human, and there are already many wives."

The devil's delicate face is red. Ruan said: "What do you say in a mess, I did not say how to be with him, you really hate to die."

The speed of Yangdingtian is very fast, and it is only less than half an hour later.

"There are no people below, but I have not seen elemental creatures." Yangding Tiandao.

The glazed road said: "There must be. Just hiding it."

Then, six people rushed to the bottom of the cave.


This abyss of the cave is very small compared to the previous Hydra and the sorcerer, only about a few hundred square meters.

But the bottom of the black lacquer. Nothing, no elemental creatures.

Because of this, the talents such as the demon and the glass are all enemies, and the pores of the whole body are blocked.

Then, the devil turned his head and opened his mouth in the morning. "It’s a shadow, we retreat, we can’t fight!”

She didn't even dare to use sound waves to transmit sounds, but to use mouth shapes.

Shadow magic? Yang Dingtian is completely puzzled. Is this shadow magic very powerful?

"Yes, it's a shadow magic, there is no way to fight!" Burlu's face is full of fear: "Any team, a strong team, are not willing to touch the shadow magic, even if it is a nine-order, ten-order shadow It will also make a team of dozens of people completely annihilated. It’s not worth the loss.

Although Yang Dingtian is puzzled, and seems to have a few concepts for the Shadow Magic.

However, since both the demon and the burrow said that they would not fight, they would not fight.

So, after the demon led the team, the six slowly withdrew from the cave.


It is here that there is a sudden sharp sound energy in the ear, even in the vacuum, directly into the ear.

Then, a black shadow flashed out from the depths of the abyss. If you couldn't see the body at all, you could only see the green eyes.

When the demon and other people just heard the sound, they immediately ran wildly, but it was too late.

In the blink of an eye, the shadow immediately came behind.

"It’s over..." The demon sorrows and sighs: "Run fast, Yangdingtian takes care of my sister..."

The fastest speed of the demon glass, to block the shadow, cover a few people to escape.

Sure enough, the claws of the black shadow, almost lightning, slammed into the back of the demon glass, and instantly torn into pieces.

The speed is almost completely impossible to resist.

When you look at the demon glass, you will have to scent it.

Suddenly, this black shadow stopped, did not attack the demon glass, but turned the target to Yang Dingtian, slammed on him and squatted directly on his back.

In an instant, Yangdingtian is chilling.

This shadow, known as a bug, is like a demon, licking his neck and sniffing.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian knows what this is.

Devil! It was only in Xiaoxitian, it was become a shadow and it was also very image.

No wonder, Xiao Xitian's demon fox master is not willing to touch it! Just a thousand-year-old demon, you need several masters, dozens of twenty masters, and hundreds of Wuzun cannon fodder to kill.

Face it, unless you can kill it, how far it is, how far it runs.

Because of its several anti-day capabilities, it is completely preventable.

First of all, it flashes faster than any master. And its claws are sharper and harder than the blood black sword. And its eyes, as long as they are stared, the gods immediately blasted, madness, crazy killing.

"Everyone. Close your eyes, stand in the same place, do not move." Yang Dingtian shouted.

Although I don’t know why Yangdingtian wants to do this, but with the instinctive trust, the demon glass still says: “According to what Yang Dingtian said.”

Yangding Tiandeng was moved for a while, and it was difficult to get along with this demon. She is hard to believe in people. But once she believes in others, she is almost desperate.

At this time, Yang Dingtian said that everyone does not move, she does not move, and does not escape, it is completely a life to be placed on Yangdingtian.

This demon spirit is on the top of the sun, and the sharp claws are on his neck, but there is no hands.

Because it feels very strange, it seems to feel a very familiar atmosphere.

Of course I am familiar with it. Yang Dingtian is wearing a magical black armor and a magical fog coat.

The devil is a creature that is wicked and wicked, instinctually killing, but very stupid. So, it kills and kills like this, puts it away, and sniffs it in Yangdingtian.

at this time. Yang Dingtian’s life is always at the gate of the ghost. Because as long as the devil is willing, he can grab his head at any time, no one can save it, and Yang Dingtian can't stop it.

"Bale glass, this shadow magic, about three feet five inches long. Paws eight inches two, then it is a few years old, is a few orders of the beast?" Yang Dingtian asked.

The glazed road said: "It should be around 2,900 years old, eleventh order."

Two thousand and nine hundred years old, the dark border of the human kingdom. I have never seen this level of magic, the biggest and biggest thing that Yangdingtian has seen is 2,300 years old. At that time, it was killed by the Holy Spirit.

"What are you going to do?" asked the demon.

Yangding Tiandao: "Reassured, I have a way to kill it."

When this was said, everyone was shocked.

Killing the shadow? Yang Dingtian Is this scared?

A team of more than a dozen people, encountering the eleventh-level shadow magic, may also be wiped out.

Even if the semi-classic strong, encounter the eleventh-order shadow magic, unless you escape fast enough, it will be dead.

Therefore, in the dark field, everyone is not willing to encounter the shadow magic, because it means death. And the Yangdingtian District District Jiujie Jiu Pin (Infinite Master) wants to kill the 11th-order Shadow Demon (Magic), is this a dream?

Yangdingtian carefully took out an energy jade box from the space ring and opened it.

Inside, it is a fourth-class evil spirit, which is derived from Qin Qiqi.

Sure enough, after seeing the evil spirits, the Shadow Demon stayed directly, staring at the evil spirits in a foolish manner, motionless.

Even the eleventh-order 2,900-year-old demon, the brain is stupid.

Yangdingtian puts the fourth-class evil spirits on the ground. This demon spirit jumps from Yangdingtian, and squats in front of the evil spirits, and his mouth keeps lingering as if he is thinking of a spell.

Then, Yangdingtian lifted the sword of the Emperor, and slammed it toward his left hand.

Suddenly, the glass was so stunned.

Yangdingtian is not easy to get out of the way, even if he still does not run away, he still has to attack the shadow magic. Is this looking for death?

But then, something very strange happened.

This movie magic did not move, let the sword of Yang Dingtian cut down.

The arm of this demon spirit is really hard to the extreme. The sword of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Sun, who has cut a hundred swords, is alive and well.

In this way, Yangding Tianjian sword slashed, and the two thousand and nine hundred years old magical limbs were all cut down.

In this way, it will not move at all, and it will not hurt people.

Then, Yangdingtian used a thick black cloth to cover his eyes.

It still has no reaction, and it squats on the ground, watching the evil spirits of the fourth, not moving, chattering. Because even if the eyes are blindfolded, it can feel the energy of evil spirits.

At this point, all of its attention is drawn to evil spirits.

I want to devour the energy of evil spirits, but I am afraid, I dare not.

It’s so entangled, wanting, and scared. If there is no accident, this magical spirit will be entangled in this way, ten years, one hundred years, forever.

This is an extremely ferocious but extremely simple creature.

Yangdingtian cut off its limbs, but still can't kill it. Even if you look at it, you can't kill it. Because it is an energy life, you must attack the energy and explode it.

Looking at the ground lost his limbs, blindfolded the magic of the eyes, Yangding Tiandao: "Well, everyone attacked it with the fastest speed, attacked with Xuanqi, exploding its energy shield, it will die. ”

Then, Yangdingtian first started.


The magical sky splits the lightning and bursts out quickly.

Seeing this shadow magic that only makes all the fox fox masters stunned, even if they are completely beaten, they will not be able to fight back. The brains of the glaze and other people are almost short-circuited, and they are completely unwilling to look at this scene.

Then, the demon glass began to work, directly bombarded with Xuanqi.

Then, Burlu, demon purple, Awen, Awu four, also used the fastest speed to launch a mysterious attack.

"Booming and banging..."

Six people, exhausted their efforts and desperately attacked.

This eleventh-order demon is really against the sky.

It took about twenty minutes to play. Yang Dingtian was alone, and he exported more than 300 magical lightning bolts.

Almost everyone's mysteriousness is running out.

"Hey!" Suddenly, the energy cover of this eleventh-order magic spirit burst open.

The demon spirit after the explosion of the energy cover is extremely fragile, and it is directly killed by gently attacking the mysterious spirit.

After the demon died, Yangdingtian used the fastest and fastest speed to directly use the energy cloak to quickly wrap the body of the demon.

The two thousand and nine hundred years old demon, the whole body is baby. The heart of the devil, the eye of the devil, the black armor of the demon, the fog of the devil. In the human kingdom, it is a treasure that is inevitable and worthless.

After the devil died.

An eleventh-order energy essence floats directly in the air.

"Yangdingtian, you go get it."

Yangding Tiandao: "The body of this shadow magic is very precious, I want it. This energy essence, I will not be divided, you take it!"

He said: "If you take it, you will take it. Because you have to break through the tenth order as soon as possible, then the combat power will rise one step, which is also good for the combat effectiveness of our team. But this one eleven The energy essence is not enough, the next energy essence is still for you. After the next four, we take it away."

"That's good." Yang Dingtian is not tempted, directly took it, put it into the energy jade box, and then hunt an eleventh-order essence and swallow it together.

To be honest, every time I went to practice, Yang Dingtian was a leader. All the distributions were carried out by him.

Now, the leader of the team is the demon, and the right to assign to her. This feeling is strange, but it is also very good.

Because, the devil is indeed a very fair and selfless leader! Although she is a woman, she also has the charm of a leader. If the enchanting is not dead, she and Ji Ya, one of the texts, can indeed become the most powerful assistant of the enchanting.

Time, Yangdingtian could not help but sigh for the enchanting counted, Xiaoxitian's two most outstanding women, admired him. He is definitely a generation of people.

"Okay, let's go! If someone else discovers this cave, we are in danger!"

Then, six people quickly left the cave and continued to explore the north.

Today is the lucky day of Yangdingtian. I hope that there will still be surprises.

Six people, constantly going north, and Yangdingtian, released countless grievances and continued to search every inch of the ground.

After only two hours, suddenly there was a sudden violent energy fluctuation.

No, I found another place? This is too bad! (To be continued...)

Ps: Continue to recommend the works of the thief road Sancha, "Top Hanshi", "Ya Sao", "Qingke", one of the most outstanding online writers.

I hope he is strong and happy! Pray for him!

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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