Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 872: 3 Xuanhuo lightning! Break through the eleventh order!

Yangdingtian looked at the nine energy essences in his hand, and the two eleventh-order nine-energy essences were taken by the Nether Ghost Emperor, and the remaining one was left to himself.

There are also three eleventh-order elementary energy essences, and Yang Dingtian gave the demon glass and the Buru one, and the other one for himself.

Five ten-order energy essences, demon purple, Awen, and Awu one person.

As a result, all four people except the demon purple refused the energy essence of Yangdingtian.

"Yangdingtian, all the harvests on the day of the big taboos, all of you are alone." The glass smashed the railroad: "We five people, half of them can't, because there is no waste of effort."

After all, the devil glared at the sister demon purple to take a look.

The demon purple is eager to collect the energy essence, and seeing her sister’s gaze, she can’t help but reluctantly.

Yangding Tiandao: "We are a team. Your strength is also in my interest. Therefore, I will take half of the harvest of the big taboo night."

Yangdingtian is not a saint, nor is it hypocritical. He has his own purpose, that is, to turn all five of them back to the human kingdom, and join the human race to participate in the battle against the demon.

This possibility is quite large, because as long as the demon glass goes, Bolu will definitely go, and the demon purple will follow Yangdingtian, and Awen Awu will follow the demon purple.

The demon glass, at this time was rejected by her own family, she completely followed the enchanting, but the enchanting is already dead, so she should have almost no place in Xiaoxitian, and lost the goal of struggle.

Then, fighting against evil deities and saving the world should be a good goal.

Although Yang Dingtian knows a lot of demon fox masters, but five people in front. Almost the only team he can bring to the human kingdom.

Once these five people successfully followed him into the human kingdom, it would be equivalent to a few more masters in the Bright Council.

Especially the demon and the Burlu, if you can, Yang Dingtian hopes that these two people can also break through the semi-sheng with the fastest speed.

After hearing the words of Yangdingtian, the demon glass still resolutely returned the energy essence to Yangdingtian.

Under the façade of Yangdingtian, the big channel: "Tonight. I am the main force, I have the final say!"

Then, sit directly behind the ground and start to devour the essence of energy.

First combine the two ten-order energy essences into the eleventh-order elementary level, and then integrate the eleventh-order nine-energy essence.

In this way, it becomes an energy essence that is very close to the 12th order.

Then, begin to release the entrance to the mysterious vein and begin to swallow.

Today, the repair of Yangdingtian is a ten-order seven. From the fifteenth order of the semi-san, there are four orders of three.

At this time, he swallowed an eleventh-order nine, which is not enough to break through. I hope that this energy essence close to the 12th order can make a breakthrough.

Devouring, swallowing...

The powerful energy essence constantly floods into the sea of ​​Yangdingtian.

After a short quarter of an hour, the sea of ​​Yangdingtian began to expand. Swell...

"Boom!" Yang Dingtian's entire knowledge and body, into nothingness.

Finally broke through. Yangdingtian broke through the ten-order eight products.

Then, he took the time to take down the Ju Xuan Dan and resume the battle.

After only a quarter of an hour, Yang Dingtian resumed the battle of Xuanqi.

"Well, we are carrying out the second harvest of the undead." Yangdingtian was excited.


Yang Dingtian and his party are six people. Disguised as a dead soul, wandering along with the undead army.

Although, the whole process is chilling and terrible. But they are safe.

On the way, Yangdingtian did not know how many semi-class undead encounters.

usually. The undead will also start with the same kind. But now, it seems that all the undead are busy gathering in one place, and then absorb the energy essence of the two months. Therefore, the killing between the undead did not begin.

Therefore, these half-level undead souls are completely blind to Yang Diantian’s group.

Soon, Yangdingtian found a place where the dead are most dense. Then, he hides between the dead souls in the distance, to release the mysterious fire lightning.

Just when he wants to release the demon spirits as usual, when the billion spirits are demon. Suddenly there is a sound inside his mind. What if you add a hollow flame?

Because, the Void Fire has its own black and white fire, with its own yin and yang properties. And in the transparent state, it is the chaotic property.

This thought together, Yang Dingtian immediately shot.

"Call!" The left hand, the chaotic property of the billion spirits.

"Call!" Right hand, the magical spirit of chaotic attributes.

"Call!" On the chest, the hollow chaos of the transparent chaotic property.

Then, Yangdingtian injects Xuanqi.

Almost all of the body's ninety-nine of the mysterious gas was injected, leaving a little bit of mysteriousness, leaving to escape.

"Hey..." The mysterious fire of the three chaotic attributes slammed into the sky a few miles away.

Almost all the undead are completely blind to these three black fires.

Yang Dingtian’s heart is extremely excited and looking forward to it.

Before, it was the lightning caused by the collision of two black fires. This time, the three Xuanhuo, I don’t know what the result will be.

Suddenly, three black fires slammed into the air!


A burst of nuclear bomb explosion.

Within a thousand miles, it is as bright as white.

Yang Dingtian only felt that his eyes were suddenly white, and then nothing could be seen.

Then, an incomparably powerful energy swept through.

"Call..." Then, he suddenly found his body, and the body of the person like the glass, flew directly, as if by a very powerful shock wave, directly flew out.


This energy is too, terrible, amazing!

The demon hurriedly hugged her sister for the first time, because although it was very far apart, it was impossible to resist this terrible shock wave with the cultivation of the demon purple.

And Burlu also protected Avin Awu for the first time.

Yang Dingtian and others, after being directly hit by a few kilometers, fell to the ground.

After half a minute, this terrible light faded away.

Then, Yang Dingtian discovered that the densely dead soul had just been completely empty.

The sky within ten miles. There are countless **** magic crystals floating.

Of course, there are dozens of undead in the area that are shuddering wildly.

However, all of them are the undead of the twelveth order or more, and all of them are below the eleventh order. All were spiked.

Yang Dingtian and the demon glass were completely shocked.

"The 16th-order attack turned out to be a 16th-order attack." The demon looked at Yang Dingtian unbelievably.

A ten-order martial art strongman can release a 16th-order attack. This is really scary!

Yang Dingtian was completely shocked by this result.

The lightning produced by the three Xuanhuo is not just lightning, but a very, very special state of energy.

at least. The lightning just now is no longer pure lightning, not blue, but a colorless one. Moreover, it is like a nuclear bomb, bursting open, no longer like the previous spherical lightning, a huge lightning wall is densely covered.

Then. If it is the lightning of four Xuanhuo? If that day, you can control the black and green fire. How amazing is the Xuanhuo lightning made by the four Xuanhuo?

I can't imagine it at all.

At least, the lightning produced by the three Xuanhuo is definitely not only twice as powerful as the two Xuanhuo, but many times.

However, it is too late to think about it.

Yang Dingtian uses the last point of mysteriousness to flash quickly. With the fastest speed, collect all the **** magic crystals within a radius of ten miles.

Then, with five people in the glass, flee quickly.

Because, Yang Dingtian's Xuanhuo lightning. These undead have been thoroughly stimulated, and they have begun to kill each other.

Six people in Yangdingtian, among these undead, the body is still too small, and stay here again, may be killed at any time.

With the remaining mysterious gas, I escaped a few hundred miles directly, and the Yangding genius stopped.

The undead here is relatively sparse and still in a relatively quiet state.


Then, Yangdingtian began to calculate the harvest, and then completely stunned.

More than 3,000 Hells Magic Crystal! The ghost of the Nether, has been thrilled with excitement.

And not just more than 3,000 Hells Magic Crystals, including one hundred eleventh-order Hell Magic Crystal.

More than five hundred are ten-order, more than one thousand are nine-order, and the rest are all below eight.

This harvest is not only three times the harvest of the first attack, it can even be said to be ten times.

Really, it is amazing!

When Yang Dingtian injects these **** magic crystals into the soul ring, the voice of the Nether Ghost is crying when it is refining.

He has been hungry for too long, and now he is so crazy, he really wants to go crazy.

Even his mind thought that if he had been following Yangdingtian, it might not be good. But he soon began to despise his own thoughts. Hey, he was a master of a plane, and he wanted to follow a human being. It was too much.

However, it is good to find a way to use Yang Dingtian to recapture your own Nether Empire.

The Nether Ghost Emperor, while swallowing up his own part, while the essence of another two-thirds of Hell Magic Crystal.

And Yangdingtian, then sit down and take Ju Xuan Dan to restore the battle.

The Ghost Emperor originally wanted to squander a part of it, but when he saw such a crazy harvest, he was afraid of causing dissatisfaction with Yang Dingtian, and temporarily put down this kind of mind, strictly in accordance with the ratio of one-third.

After Yang Dingtian completely restored the battle of Xuanqi, the Nether Ghost Emperor Purified Hell Magic Crystal has also ended.

The results have come out, all the **** magic crystals, all placed in the palm of the palm of the sky.

Although he was psychologically prepared, Yangdingtian almost cried out.

The Nether Ghost Emperor is very intimate, condensing all the energy essence into three kinds, infinitely close to the 12th order, the eleventh order medium, the tenth order high.

Because, this is more reasonable for the team of Yangdingtian.

Infinitely close to the energy essence of the 12th order, there are enough... six!

Yes, it is six, which is made up of thirty eleventh-order nine-energy essences.

The eleventh-order medium energy essence is only two, which is formed from ten eleventh-order elementary.

Tenth grade, a total of four.

Yes, the harvest is about ten times the first wave!

In other words, Yang Dingtian's three Xuanhuo lightnings hunted more than the total harvest of the previous two months, exceeding the ten-year harvest of the normal demon fox nobles.

The big taboo day is a terrible day for others. But for Yangdingtian, it is definitely an absolute feast.

At this time, Yangdingtian really felt the anti-Japanese sword-killing method. If there is no killing of the sword-sword method, it will not be able to use the magical sky to crack the lightning, and it will be less than a mysterious fire lightning.

Then, Yangdingtian began to distribute.

Six nearly twelve-order energy magic crystals, divided into three parts, two each.

A glass of demon, a copy of Burlu.

Two eleventh-order medium energy essences, all to the devil purple.

The rest are four of the ranks, all to Avin Awu, who only took two energy energies of nearly twelve orders.

Because, after thinking about Yangdingtian, he found that Burlu and the demon glass are the best choice for guarding the human door of the skull hall.

Even for this goal, it must be certain that they should be allowed to break through the semi-sanctification.

Only the semi-class-level powerhouse can stand the door of the human kingdom.

However, the demon glass is really unbearable for the distribution of this ruined son.

She took the energy essence of Yangdingtian.

Give yourself a nearly twelve-order energy essence to yourself. The other one is handed over to Burlu.

Then, two of the ten-order high-level essences were handed over to the demon purple, and the remaining two ten-order high-level essences were given to the Avon Awu brothers.

The rest, all returned to Yangdingtian.

In this way, Yang Dingtian took four nearly twelve orders, two eleventh-order medium, and he got more than half of the share.

Then, the devil said: "Original, this energy essence of nearly twelve orders should not be taken. But since you want to give it to me, I will leave it. What do you want to do in the future, I will do it. ""

Yangding nodded.

Then, began to devour four nearly twelve-order energy essences.

As for the remaining eleventh-order medium-energy essence, Yangdingtian saves it and waits for the emperor to wait for the emperor.


Yang Dingtian releases the entrance of the mysterious veins of the whole body, and madly devours the energy essence of the next twelve steps.

Nearly endless energy, really like a raging sea, madly pouring into his sea of ​​air.

In just a quarter of an hour, his sea of ​​gas was filled directly, and then began to swell and expand.

"Boom!" Yang Dingtian directly broke through the ten-order nine products.

At this time, four energy essences of nearly twelve orders consumed nearly one and a half.

Then, the powerful energy essence continues to surge.


Endless energy, crazy into the sea.

After a quarter of an hour Yang Dingtian's gas sea, once again filled, feeling the expansion.

Yangdingtian is about to break through, and it is about to break through the eleventh order.

But... the essence of energy in his hand is running out.

A little bit worse, it will break through the eleventh order.

At this time, I have been paying attention to the glazed glass of Yangdingtian, and immediately shot my nearly twelve-order energy essence into the palm of Yangdingtian.

"Boom!" Yang Tiantian's gas sea, bursting open.

The whole body and the gods are in a state of nothingness.


Note: Big guys, ask for a ticket! (To be continued...)



(Enlightenment Book Network)

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