Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 877: Broken! Advanced geometry?

Although the energy essence assigned to the demon and other people is quite a lot, especially in the nearly 12th order, a total of thirty-two, Yang Dingtian directly out of the majority.

At the beginning, Yangdingtian is going to devour this nearly twelve-order energy essence. When it is critical to sprint, it will use nearly thirteen-order leaps and bounds. This is also the most reasonable solution!

Thirty-two of the twelve-order, Yangding talented out seventeen, and there are still fifteen left.

Of course, Yangdingtian is very close to the eleventh grade, so it is almost instantaneous, it breaks through, and almost no energy essence is spent.

Soon, Yangdingtian broke through the eleventh order.

At this time, the first nearly twelve-order energy essence was exhausted, and the second one took most of it.


Yangdingtian broke through the eleventh order and three products.

At this time, the fifth energy essence also consumed most of it.


Yangdingtian broke through the eleventh order four products.

At this point, the seventh nearly twelve-order energy essence has been exhausted.

"Boom!" Wait until Yangdingtian breaks through the eleventh-order five products.

The tenth energy essence of the twelveth order has been exhausted.

"Boom!" When Yang Dingtian broke through the eleventh-order six products.

The fourteenth energy energy essence of the twelveth order is exhausted.

Then, immediately after the last nearly twelve-order energy essence is exhausted.

Yangdingtian began to devour nearly 13 energy energy essences.

In fact, at this time, you can retain a part of the ordinary 12-order medium energy essence, which can be safely broken.

However, Yangdingtian still chose the energy essence of the limit level, so the breakthrough will be very strong, and there will be no waste of energy.


When the energy essence of the thirteenth order poured into the body of Yangdingtian, he felt a white light in front of him, and then the whole person instantly fell into nothingness.

This is the energy essence of the thirteenth order. It is too strong.

In just a moment, Yangding suddenly rushed to the eleventh-order seven products.


In a moment, directly rushed to the eleventh order eight products.

Then. When it is about to break through the eleventh-order nine products, this first is the thirteenth-order energy essence. It is completely exhausted.

Look, this is the strength of the ultimate energy essence, absolutely not dragging the water, crazy sprint.

The second nearly thirteenth-order energy essence rushed into it.

Unsurprisingly, powerful energy rushed in.

Yangdingtian directly broke through the eleventh-order nine products, and then continued to soar!

Nine, twelve, fifteen. They are all big orders.

Of course, it is still the ninth order and the fifteenth order, which is more important. Even if the 12th order is bigger, it is an excessive level!


After breaking through the eleventh-order nine products, the energy essence continues to flow insanely.

Soon, the sea of ​​Yangdingtian began to expand.

The second energy level of nearly thirteenth order is exhausted.

The sea is still expanding, lacking the power to break through.

The third energy essence of nearly thirteenth order surged into the air.


Finally, in the third nearly thirteenth energy essence is exhausted.

Yang Dingtian successfully broke through the twelve major steps.

Nearly thirteen energy essences. There are twenty-one in Yangdingtian, and five are given, and there are still 16 left.

now. After breaking through the 12th order, three were used, and there were thirteen remaining.

Breaking through the 12th order, only one is used.

Break through the twelve-order two products and use two.

Break through the twelve-order three products and use two and a half.

Break through the twelve-order four products and use four.

From this data, we can see that in fact, the breakthrough of the sea, the energy essence needed. Not very regular, just have a general rule. It will be more or less because of various situations.

And when Yang Dingtian used all the energy of the near twelve-order energy. Has not broken through the twelve-order five products.

At this time, he still has about forty thirteen energy essences in his hand.

He can choose to directly devour the thirteenth energy essence, or he can choose to synthesize forty four.

After a little hesitation, Yangdingtian chose to synthesize.

Forty of the thirteenth energy essences, after synthesis, there are only six energy levels near the fourteenth level!

Yangdingtian took a deep breath.

This number, if you want to break through the thirteenth order, the problem should be small.


The devour of Yangdingtian continues and begins to devour nearly fourteenth-order energy essence.

In an instant, the golden light flashed in front of me, and the feeling of complete loss of consciousness of the whole person came again.


In an instant, the powerful energy essence is insane.

The sea of ​​Yangdingtian seems to be not a breakthrough, but it is directly blasted to the twelve-order five products.

Then, continue without any stop, directly breaking through the twelve-order six products.

Then, the energy surged again and broke through the twelve-order seven products.

At this time, the first nearly fourteenth-order energy essence is used to exhaust.

The second nearly fourteenth-order energy essence began to devour.


Yangdingtian broke through the twelve orders and eight products.

But when it is about to break through the 12th-order nine products, the second nearly fourteen-order energy essence is exhausted.

Begin to devour the third near-fourth-order energy essence.

"Boom!" No surprise, Yangdingtian directly broke through the twelve-order nine products.

Then, I started to break through the steps!


When the third nearly fourteenth energy essence was exhausted, there was not much change in the sea of ​​gas.

When the fourth one is exhausted, the sea begins to expand.

When the fifth one is exhausted, the sea of ​​gas expands to the limit.

When the sixth one began to swallow, the sea of ​​air exploded.


Yang Dingtian finally got his wish and broke through the thirteenth order.

Moreover, this sixth energy level of nearly fourteenth order, after breaking through the thirteenth order, still did not stop, directly let Yang Dingtian break through the thirteenth order!

It seems that the breakthrough in the essence of engulfing energy, in a certain scope, there is really no very accurate law.

From the eleventh-order nine products, breaking through the twelve-order, that is, using two or so nearly the thirteenth-order energy essence.

but. Break through the thirteenth order, even use nearly four! Of course, although it eventually broke through the thirteenth order. However, the energy essence of this consumption is indeed a little more.


Yangding Tianzhu opened his eyes!

at this time. It has been a full few hours.

His devouring and breakthrough is finally over!

This means that the harvest of the entire big taboo day is completely over.

Of course, Yangdingtian still has a batch of nearly nine-order, nearly ten-order, nearly eleven-order energy essence.

Because, phagocytosis is effective as a lower energy essence. But the price is not high. Therefore, Yang Dingtian intends to bring this energy essence back to the human kingdom and give it to the top of the Guangming Parliament to help them break through the cultivation.

At this time, there are eight fourteenth-order energy essences in the hands of Yangdingtian, five fifteen-order energy essences, two sixteen-order infernal magic crystals that have not been purified, and an eighteenth-order unpurified hell. Magic crystal!

And within his space ring, there is also a group of Hells Magic Crystal. If you don't have the best, there are probably hundreds of them, and there may be thousands. but. Specifically, how many orders, Yangdingtian can not be estimated.

At this point, Yangdingtian has to face another choice!

Do you want to devour the remaining eightteenth-order energy essences? According to his estimation, these eight fourteenth-order can synthesize a nearly fifteen-order, and then one or two remaining.

After thinking for a moment, Yangdingtian decided to put eight energy sources of fourteenth order. Perform the synthesis.

Sure enough, only one of the fifteenth order was synthesized. There is still a normal fourteenth order.

Yang Dingtian took this huge nearly fifteen-order energy essence, and could not help but sway.

This energy essence. It is already close to gold.

Yang Dingtian decided to try to devour the ordinary fourteenth-order energy essence.

Soon, Yangdingtian discovered its characteristics, and soon Yangdingtian discovered why it was necessary to synthesize the ultimate energy essence.

This fourteenth-order energy essence contains very much energy and is very strong, exceeding the fourteenth order.

However, it is not strong! The process of entering the body and the sea is relatively slow.

Therefore, in the whole process, it caused huge overflow and waste.


The energy essence of this fourteenth-order four-product is obviously stronger than the energy of the fourteenth-order, but it took only about twenty minutes to complete it.

Finally, Yangdingtian swallowed this 14th-order four-product energy essence, breaking through the thirteenth-order two products, and that's it.

And if Yangdingtian devours nearly fourteenth-order energy essence, it may be less than one and a half, and it can also have such a breakthrough.

The energy contained in the fourteenth-order four products is almost several times that of nearly fourteen products.

It seems that I don’t want to do it in the future. It is right to directly synthesize the essence of boundary energy.

Because the five or six energy essences are combined, the energy cohesion is much higher and the impact is much stronger.

Then, in the hands of Yang Dingtian, this synthetic ultimate energy essence is held, nearly fifteenth order.

It has been faintly golden.

Taking a deep breath, Yangdingtian began to swallow.

"Hey!" Almost, a spurt of blood spurted.

Yang Dingtian only felt that the whole body had to be violently opened, and the whole person was almost instantly broken.

He made a mistake!

At least to the thirteenth order of six products, only to devour nearly fifteen energy essence.

Otherwise, the body is completely unbearable.

Fortunately, his Xuanmai and Qihai were transformed by Naga Xuanmai.

Otherwise, it has already exploded directly into the body, and the mysterious veins are broken and can no longer die.

Then, in the midst of unparalleled pain.

Powerful energy, crazy into the sea of ​​Yangdingtian.


Break through the thirteenth order three products.


Break through the thirteenth order four products ~ ~ bomb! ”

Break through the thirteenth five products.

In the end, his sea of ​​air is still expanding, as if he is going to break through the thirteenth order.

But in the end, there is still no breakthrough.

This combination of the ultimate energy essence, really powerful!

The essence of the fifteenth order energy is absolutely impossible to move.

Yang Dingtian began to think about it. There are about a thousand infernal magic crystals in his own space ring. If you purify it into an energy essence, will you break through the fourteenth order after you swallow it?

Suddenly, Yangdingtian is full of expectations! (To be continued) r655



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