Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 889: Departure, the last breakthrough!

"Yangdingtian, we will follow you." "I said that in your lifetime, you will always follow you. This is my vow."

Yangdingtian sighed: "Beauty, I have thought about how we will bid farewell to it. It seems that such farewell may be the best. Have you always wanted me to escape alone?" You also know that if I have only one person, not only is there no danger, but also can kill elemental creatures, which is very rewarding. Now, the big fission should have come to an end, and you should be safe in this big team."

While talking, Yang Dingtian secretly took out the energy jade box of the fourth evil spirit and handed it to the demon glass: "If you encounter the demon, use this thing to attract his attention, then live it. Death. In this way, even if you encounter a demon, you will not be destroyed.

"No, you gave me this thing, what do you do with the shadow magic?" asked the demon.

"Reassured." Yangding Tiandao: "The Shadow Magic always thought that I was the same kind, and I am now carrying a 19th-order Shadow Magic, and they are even more unable to attack me."

"But, if you encounter the right shadow, you can't kill it, and you can't get the essence of energy."

Yangding Tiandao: "But, compared with your life, what are these things? You don't have to say it, I have already decided."

Suddenly, the demon glass was silent.

Once Yang Dingtian decides what to do, no one can change. Now Yangdingtian is the leader, and the glass is the follower.

"But we want to follow you to the third dark field." The demon glass suddenly said.

Yangding Tiandao: "I have a hunch that the third dark field will be very complicated. You may not be good to go. It is more appropriate to stay here. For no more than one year, I will come back to the second dark field to find you, then Let's go to the human kingdom together."

"Are you sure?"

"I am sure." Yangding Tiandao. Then stretched out his hand.

The demon glass reached out and hit the sky with Yang Tian.

Yangdingtian looked at her beauty and said: "The big fission should be coming to an end. Remember that once you are over, the five of you will leave immediately. Maybe the demon will invite you, don't promise. Because then, the demon and There must be a huge conflict in the demon cold. And after the big fission, the demon cold may return to the previous temperament, you should never take risks. And when you are hunting, don’t take risks. Also protect the lives of yourself and the team."

The demon glass nodded hard: "I remember."

"Okay. Go back." Yangding Tiandao.

The demon glass looked deep into the sky and then returned to the team.

And the devil purple wow, directly cried out, and then rushed out into the embrace of Yangdingtian, loudly said: "I don't want you to go, I will follow you."

Yang Dingtian gently tapped her back, softly said: "Reassuring, fast for half a year, slow for one year, I will definitely pick you up."

Demon purple cried for a while. Looking up and tears, she said, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Yangding Tiandao: "Okay, go back."

Demon Purple reluctantly returned to the big team.

Then Burrow came forward and hugged Yang Tiantian: "Yangdingtian. I was not qualified to hug you, but I just want to do this. I feel equal and respected here, so I am with you. In the past year, I have been the most glorious moment. I will always look forward to fighting with you. I look forward to returning to the human kingdom with you and accomplishing a great cause with you."

"Thank you." Yang Dingtian patted the road to Bolu: "Take care of the glass."

"I will." Buru.

Avon Awu came forward without a hug, but kneeled on one knee. Then he said nothing and slammed his chest. Said that he will not forget his duties and will not forget his promise.

Although the two brothers have very little exchange with Yang Dingtian. But Yang Dingtian gave them more than others to give them all their lives. In their hearts, they are looking forward to truly following the day of Yangdingtian.

Seeing this scene, the face of the demon became extremely ugly, and the cold voice: "I don't want to eat the goods outside the shackles, after affixing the enchanting, and then put a despicable human."

And the cold face is also a bit unsightly. Because of the departure of Yangdingtian, his heart is somewhat embarrassing. But for some people, it is definitely not a good mood, but it will have many negative effects because of jealousy.

Yang Dingtian knows this very well and is facing the devil. "You are a qualified leader, and you will definitely become a better leader in the future. After the end of the fission, pay attention to the demon. Stay away as soon as possible."

The words of Yangdingtian, suddenly like the sun, directly scatter the negative dark emotions in the demon cold heart.

He really felt embarrassed and felt that he was really a villain's heart. He felt that Yangdingtian would blame himself, so he had some bad thoughts about him.

Suddenly, he made up his mind, even if Yang Dingtian left, he will certainly treat the demon glass purple.

This is also the purpose of Yangdingtian. In fact, he said that these words are very shallow. But this noble flattery will inspire the devil, and continue to work in the direction of Yang Dingtian. So at least at this moment, he deeply felt that Yangdingtian was a confidant and friend.

The demon cold has always been denied, and Yang Dingtian, as an outstanding leader, has affirmed him and appreciated him. This seems to be a huge encouragement to him.

Because, Yangdingtian is definitely a presence that people can look up to, even though he is only a human being.

Therefore, whoever said that Yangdingtian does not understand the people, he understands. However, in the face of like-minded comrades, he did not want to use these mental arts, and always treat people with sincerity. He also always believes that sincerity and benevolence, justice and selflessness have always been the most powerful weapon and the real king.


In this way, in the completely unimaginable situation, Yangdingtian left, and a single person quickly went north and left the demon fox group.

His speed is very fast, and instantly disappears into the eyes of everyone.

In an instant. No one is waiting for the glass, and I feel that I have lost a large piece in my heart.

After getting together for a year, five people have become a dependency on Yangdingtian. With his departure. The demon and other people even think that even after the end of the big fission. Practice and breakthrough have also become less attractive.

But no matter what, Yangdingtian still left.

Yangdingtian quickly went north and headed for the end of the second dark field.

Although he is not at ease with the safety of the glass and others, he clearly feels that the whole earth is getting calmer and calmer, and the sky is obviously flattened.

It seems that the big fission is really coming to an end.

Moreover, the demon has a fourth-class evil spirit. There is no danger of encountering the devil, so they should be safe.

In this way, Yangdingtian is alone, constantly going north and north.

Indeed, when there is only one person, even if it is a fissile day, even if it is an elemental creature frenzy, he will not be in any danger.

Whether it is flash or stealth, it is enough to ensure his safety.

Even, encountered eighteenth order. The 19th-order elemental creatures can also easily escape.

Moreover, when he encounters the fourteenth elemental creature of the order. He will also kill. Especially when encountering a Hydra, or a flaming demon, or a demon, even a stone man.

Unfortunately, there are few such opportunities.

First of all, the fourteenth-order elemental creature, he encountered a lot.

Even the Hydra, the Stone Man, and the Fire. I have encountered a lot of unknown. But there are almost none of the orders.

These elemental creatures. Basically a group of people. Although it is possible that they are killing each other, they are also a group. .

At this time, Yangdingtian may succeed if it is shot. However, it is very difficult to kill successfully in a short time. Once entangled by an elemental creature, other elemental creatures attack again, and the consequences are completely fatal.

It’s one of the most terrible things.

Although so many elemental creatures are very tempting, at this time, Yangdingtian will still be very restrained of his greed, Booth and the opportunity is very good, he must not be shot.

And this very good opportunity is only two times.

A stone man of the fourteenth order is not only single, but there are no elemental creatures within a few miles.

Yangdingtian used a half-quarter of an hour, quickly decided to kill it, and then used its fastest and fastest time to get its energy essence.

Another time, it is the blaze, it is also the order, and there are no elemental creatures around.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Yangdingtian destroyed it and got its energy essence.

Of course, when elemental creatures kill each other, there will be an energy essence. At this time, Yangdingtian can be obtained without any effort.

But the reality is not that simple, because the current energy essence will be wiped out as soon as it is exposed. So, when you see it, it’s already too late to flash again.

Moreover, when the elemental creature kills the opponent, it will devour the other's energy essence together.

Even so, Yangdingtian still has a lot of gains. Full of five fourteenth-order, three fifteen-order energy essences, it is also a small windfall.


The Great Fission Day is finally over.

Because the whole earth has been very calm, and the torn earth has gradually healed.

Moreover, the darkness that covers the two days is gradually spreading. Although the speed of the spread is very slow, the sky is still a little brighter, and the positive energy has a little advantage.

This long fission day, which lasted nearly three days, is finally over.

However, the consequences for the entire second dark realm are completely catastrophic.

In this catastrophe, at least 80% of the elemental creatures were completely destroyed.

That means that even if the demon fox master survives, the future hunting will become extremely difficult. Because most of the elemental creatures are dead.

Moreover, even surviving elemental creatures will have a long, long time to hide in the ground and not want to come out, even if that will make them weak. However, the ground really makes them too insecure.

Yang Dingtian clearly saw that although the Great Fission Day has not completely ended.

But the elemental creatures on the ground have been drilling into the ground with the fastest speed, they are not willing to be on the ground.

Soon, there is almost no elemental creature around Yangdingtian.

Taking advantage of this calm moment, Yangdingtian dug a cave and then entered the cave to carry out the last energy devour in the second dark field for the final breakthrough. After the breakthrough, he will go to the end of the second dark field, and then shuttle the virtual border to the third dark field.

At this time, he had three 14th-order energy essences hunted in his hand, and fourteen-ordered fourteen-order, which easily combined a limit energy essence of nearly fifteenth order.

In addition, he has three fifteen-order energy essences in his hands. There were five 15th-orders on the big taboo day, plus the fifteenth-order fire energy essence that was taken away from the demon cold. There are only nine of them, and after synthesizing a nearly sixteen-order limit essence, There are still two left.

The sun top is sitting down and begins to devour these two extreme energy essences for the final breakthrough! (To be continued) r655



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