Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 891: Please sin, the third field is shocking!



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Even though the big fission has ended, the two days have returned to an amazing light.

However, the three Xuanhuo lightning of Yangdingtian still completely obscures the light of the two days, completely brightening people to temporarily blind.

That kind of extreme light can't be described in words at all, and all images have been turned into nothingness.

At this time, the repair of Yangdingtian is already fourteenth-order four products, so at this time, the three Xuanhuo lightning, the power is almost 19th-order or so, completely unparalleled energy, plus the three Xuanhuo lightning The energy attribute seems so special, and now Yang Dingtian can't figure it out. It should be considered as a kind of energy.

"Oh..." As the autumn wind sweeps the leaves, a dense group of elemental creatures is swept swiftly. I don't know hundreds of elemental creatures.

In an instant, the encirclement of the south suddenly slammed into the air.

Hundreds of elemental creatures are instantly spiked.

And many of the demon fox masters, also violently vomiting blood, flew directly out. Although this time is far apart, there are still many demon fox masters who are directly shot and flew out.

At this point, the encirclement of the southern part of the elemental biota has been completely broken.

Although there are still dozens of elemental creatures of fifteen or sixteenth order or more, the number is very rare, and it has not completely formed a circle.

The most important thing is, after the San Xuanhuo lightning is bursting, the elemental creature that is being killed by the madness is suddenly stunned by this terrible energy. Even the surviving high-level elemental creatures are plunged into desperation.

Suddenly, the entire battlefield fell into a brief calm.

The demon slammed and slammed, and then the whole body and mind trembled.

It’s the day when Yangding is coming, and the whole monster of the demon fox is about to be completely exhausted, and it will be wiped out when the whole army is over.

He appeared. Directly open a gap with the incomparably powerful San Xuanhuo lightning, and let countless elemental creatures. In a brief tremor and pause.

However, just a few hours ago. The entire demon fox has just turned his back and expelled him.

Later, in the last place of the Great Fission, he continued to fight back. He still did not care about the suspicion. He came to save thousands of miles.

Suddenly, even before the shameless and shameless, I couldn’t describe the feeling in my heart. I just shouted loudly: "All break through."

then. Only half of the demon fox masters survived, screaming out of the encirclement, madly fleeing in the direction of the northwest.

Soon, the countless elemental creatures were awake. However, the number of experts who come to chase the demon foxes is very small. The first thing to wake up is to continue to kill each other madly, and you must fight for a life and death.

In this way, it has been exhausted. The demon defensive line facing the destruction, under the key hit of Yangdingtian, broke out. Escape from birth.

Although, half of it has already died on the chaotic battlefield, it has not been completely annihilated.

After running out of a hundred miles, the team led the team to stop, and then shouted: "Yangdingtian, I know you are nearby, please come out and accept our apologize."

After escaping. All the demon fox masters feel the value of life more, just now they have already reached the end of the tough. There is really nothing left in the air, Yang Dingtian only has to take a few minutes late. They may have been wiped out by the whole army.

And this time, the demon fox master who did not understand Yang Dingtian finally understood what kind of anti-day is this human being?

Their hearts are really regrettable, they did not listen to the cold words, and contributed all the energy essence to help Yang Dingtian powerful. If you do that, then you will not face such a tragic ending. They have already broken through and will not die more than half.

But now regret it, it is too late. And fortunately, the tolerance and benevolence of Yang Dingtian saved half of the lives of the people, otherwise they have all gone away, and four no power seems to be.

After hearing the cold cry, Yang Dingtian did not respond.

The demon cold eyes coldly shot to the demon, said: "Lord Yang Tiantian, I know that you have anger in your heart, that is, this stupid and despicable demon sinned you, so that our fox family is so afflicted. We are here Let him give you a request, and be punished by the sword!"

When this is the case, the demon brother, the golden Albanian demon singer has changed.

However, almost everyone looked directly at him and no one publicly supported him. Because, indeed, because of the despicable and stupidity of the demon, the demon fox is suffering such terrible and terrible loss.

In public and private, the demon has committed a major crime, and should sin!

After a while, Yang Dingtian broke the silence and said loudly: "I am a man, I am a human being, and it is inconvenient to intervene in the small West. And it is entirely appropriate for me to save. In the face of the world disaster, all races are The same is true. Saving the West Heaven today is not for saving humanity tomorrow."

Demon cold rejoicing: "Please Yang Dingtian, you can see you!"

Yangding Tiandao: "I am very, very uncomfortable to say goodbye. I feel very unnatural. Since I have already said goodbye once, I don't have to say goodbye again. I will leave now, and I will!"

Then, Yangding suddenly flashed north and disappeared without a trace.

Leaving the demon fox family a master, completely confused.

The demon cold in the direction of the disappearance of Yangdingtian, the loud voice: "Reassured, Yang Dingtian, I will certainly protect the sisters of the glass."

However, there has been no response from Yangdingtian.


Yangding Tianyi Road goes north, north to north, north.

At this point, the second dark field has completely recovered from normal, but one elemental creature has not been seen at all.

No matter whether it is day or night, there is no trace.

Although turned upside down, although the entire land has torn many cracks and abyss. But after a few days of exposure, countless magma filled all the gaps and abyss again.

Soon, the second dark field completely restored the hard ground of the previous one.

Even the ground is harder than before and is more full of metal.

Moreover, the whole place seems to be much lower, and the gravity multiple has been significantly improved.

Yes, after the Great Fission, the second dark field took another step toward death and took a step closer to the dead continent.

Although some of the demon fox masters survived the big fission, it is clear that they will face a disaster next.

Their hunting results may be low enough to make people feel awkward. Elemental creatures will not come to the ground for a long, long time.

Moreover, throughout the second dark field, the elemental creatures are afraid that even the second is not enough, and the rest are dead in the big fission.

These demon fox masters have to be in this dark field for nearly two hundred years. In the face of unharvested hunting, perhaps the situation will evolve very crazy.

Therefore, Yangdingtian must break through half-life as early as possible, get the fifth step of killing the sword, find the whereabouts of the vain, then return to the second dark field in the shortest time, return to the human kingdom with the glass and others, otherwise The consequences will be unimaginable.


This dark field is really big.

Yangdingtian has been going north, north, and north to the end of the second dark field. (To the west and north, you can reach the end of the second dark field as long as you don't go back to the east or south.)

Finally, 50,000 miles in advance, that is, from the depth of the second dark field, full of 80,000 miles, only to the end of the second dark field.

Finally, Yangdingtian once again saw the familiar abyss border.

It is still the bizarre light and shadow of Guanglu, still the most mysterious and mysterious place in the world.

This is the transition zone of the abyss border, the continent is gradually dying, and it is a demon abyss where the mainland destroys and devouring another continent.

Anything, any life that enters, will be completely wiped out.

And this abyss border is also the source of energy for the fissure.

Yangding Tianshou sat down and swallowed Xuan Dan and resumed the battle.


After recovering the battle of Xuanqi, Yangdingtian turned his head and finally looked at the second dark field.

He stayed here for almost a year, and he got the biggest breakthrough here. From the 9th order to the 14th order, it was a relatively successful result.

In the third dark field, if you can find the fifth order of the killing sword, then break through the fifteenth and half-sacred, it should be a problem.

As long as the breakthrough is half-sacred, the mission of this cultivation is completed.

Taking a deep breath of the air that does not exist, Yangdingtian summoned a emptiness fire and then released it directly into the abyss border.

Soon, the familiar scene was once again staged.

The emptiness of the emptiness began to split into black and white fires, one split into two, two became four, four eight, eighty six...

In this way, it seems as if it is endlessly split.

Finally, in the abyss border that Yang Dingtian can see, all the fascinating illusions disappeared, leaving only countless black and white fires.

After splitting to the limit, the black and white fires began to merge and became a transparent void fire.

Then the entire abyss border, completely turned into a huge transparent crystal.

Yang Dingtian once again took a deep breath of air that did not exist, and then jumped wildly.

Suddenly, once again, as in the time-space tunnel, it is constantly shuttled and shuttled.

Throughout the time, it has fallen into a still state.

It seems to be moving, and it seems to be falling.

Maybe only for a moment, or maybe a long time passed.

The shuttle is over and the fall is over.

Yangdingtian crossed the abyss border and reached the third dark field!

Here, it should be the place where he broke through the semi-sacred, and the last destination of his cultivation.

Through the abyss border, Yang Dingtian first saw this third dark field, and the whole person was completely shocked and shocked! (To be continued) R580

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