Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 898: I just ask the sky! Queen is close!

Soon, two people appeared in front of Yangdingtian. "

A figure, very stalwart, full of more than two meters high, wearing a gold robe on his body, with two slightly pointed sharp corners on his head. However, the first time to attract Yangdingtian's attention is not the sharp corner of his forehead, but his big and straight nose.

Yangding innocent has never seen such a straight nose.

The average man's nose is the more straight and the better. And the man's nose, the pen is up to the extreme, but it does not look good at all.

Moreover, his facial features are also very handsome, and the edges and corners are extremely clear, like a knife and axe. But it is also very strange, this should be a very handsome face, but it is not good at all, but it makes people feel awkward.

In short, this person appears to be sharp when it appears, as if to be stunned. He should be the leader of the Nazars of the sea snake, Bu Yi.

The man next to him was just the opposite of him. His slender and slender body seemed very weak around Bu Yi Khao.

His five senses are different, but no one looks particularly delicate and beautiful, but when combined, it looks very delicate, and there is a kind of charm, the mysterious and close temperament is extremely rare.

Because mystery and closeness are completely temperamental two kinds of contradictions, it is difficult to put together.

For example, Yangdingtian, comparing the sun, also gives people a sense of closeness, but there is no sense of mystery.

This man, who is ordinary but has a beautiful face, gives this contradictory trait, mysterious and close.

In the first time he came in, Yang Dingtian barely went to see the Bu Yi test, and he directly looked at this beautiful man.

The same is true of this beautiful man. After coming in, he did not look at the Queen Lancome on the side. His eyes fell directly on the face of Yangdingtian.

Just one confrontation, two people seem to have communicated countless times.

Even Yang Dingtian read a sentence from the other's eyes: "You are that person!"

At the same time, Yang Dingtian also read the identity of the other party almost for the first time. Although, Yang Dingtian has never seen him.

There are sometimes no surprises in this world, and the expected things happen so naked.


"Lord Lancome." Bu Yi took a trip. Road: "I heard that there is a human VIP coming to our new Naga Empire. Is this the one around you?"

Lancome did not hide his inner unhappiness and nodded: "Yes, this is the commander of the human kingdom, Lord Yang Dingtian."

Bu Yi examines the light and looks to Yang Ding Tiandao: "Lord Yang Dingtian, you come to our new Naga Empire, should it be very, very hard?"

"It's not just hard work, it's just a life of nine deaths." Yangding Tiandao.

"Ha ha ha ha..." Bu Yi Kao laughed and said: "That is nature. How can ordinary people enter my noble Naga empire. For you, this is equivalent to the world from the human world."

The superiority in this Buyi test is almost completely bursting.

Yang Dingtian smiled and did not answer.

Lan Lan said: "I would like to ask you what else is there, if there is nothing, I will continue to read the scrolls with Yang Dingtian."

Bu Yi’s eyes trembled and then laughed loudly: “Why, the female lord of the New Naga Empire. Can’t stand the loneliness, do you have to fly with the man?”

Lancome's gaze is a cold road: "Bu Yi Kao. You don't want to believe in the mouth."

Bu Yi Kao did not pay attention to Lancome, looking at Yangding Tiandao: "This human guest, this part of the palace is quite female, you may be uncomfortable. Why not go with me to go with the old? Moreover, There is already a human being around me, and there should be more common language between my compatriots."

Yangding Tian smiled: "I am very grateful for your invitation. I have just been to the palace and I am curious about the scrolls and books here. If you stay in the palace for a long time, and you are still hospitable, I am willing to be a guest. ”

Bu Yikong stared at Yangding for a long time, then smiled and said: "There are many beautiful people in this palace. Especially around you is a beautiful woman. But don't forget your identity, you are just a human being, don't have I am too fascinated. When I am really at the end of the game, Naga will be out of the original shape, I am afraid that your roots will be crushed into pieces together with your people."

When the words came out, Lancome looked cold and angered: "Bu Yi Kao, don't use your dirty thoughts to speculate on others."

Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "I am very grateful to the warnings of Bu Yi Kao, I will definitely pay attention."

Bu Yi Kao then took a deep look at Yang Dingtian and said: "Are you sure, don't you go to the old capital with me?"

Yangding nodded and did not answer.

Bu Yi Kao suddenly no longer concealed the gaze of the eyes, and then left with the beautiful man around him.

This time he came, as if he really came to see Yang Tiantian, and warned it. For the case of the Tibetan Classics, he did not mention it at all.

After the two men left, Yang Dingtian did not have a chance to say a word to the beautiful man.


"What is the name of the human being around Bu Yi Khao?" Yang Dingtian suddenly asked.

"Unnamed!" Lan Lan said.

The name of Yangding is a bit strange, and the name is really strange.

Then Yang Dingtian asked: "It’s strange, why Bu Yi’s test did not mention the matter of the cabinet from beginning to end.”

Lan Lan said: "He doesn't have to say it, it doesn't work."

Then, Yangdingtian and Lancome, continue to read the scrolls inside and explore each other.

However, at this time, the mood of Yangdingtian is not so calm, and the figure of a beautiful man always appears in his mind.

He and the Queen Lancome have been reading books all the time, and they have been watching the darkness, and then they ate together.

The dishes are still very beautiful, the wine is still very mellow, and only two people enjoy it.

The Lancome Queen eats very slowly, as if she is feeling the taste of every food, while Yangdingtian eats very quickly.

When I saw the big day of Yangdingtian, the Queen Lancome showed the envy of the light, saying: "You must be a lot of things very busy, so even the time for eating is gone?"

Yangding nodded and said: "Yes. I rarely ate very much."

Queen Lancome said: "And we can actually not eat anything, but our days are so boring that we need to use food to pass the time, lest we be too bored."

Two people eat while, next to the beautiful maid, constantly bring new dishes and snacks. fruit.

Yang Dingtian noticed that her body was covered with scales, but not the scales of the snake, but similar to the scales of the fish.

"This is the second generation of Naga in the New Naga Empire." Queen Lancome said: "In fact, it is only our generation that can be turned into humanity. Even our generation cannot be completely transformed into human form. For example, Bu Yi Kao’s head will have a long horn, and I also have the characteristics of a fisherman.”

“Hey?” Yang Dingtian curiously said: “The characteristics of the mermaid on your body? Why didn’t I see it, where?”

Queen Lancome smiled generously and said: "It is not convenient for you to see."

Yang Dingtian immediately felt very embarrassed.

quickly. Another Naga, who has served, came over, but this Naga has less than half of the human characteristics, and the lower body is completely a snake.

"This is the third generation of Naga in the New Naga Empire. She is actually a descendant of the combination of the mermaid descendant Naga and the descendant of the sea snake Naga, but it reveals the characteristics of the sea snakes."

Yang Dingtian looked at this third-generation Naga, her face was very beautiful and gentle, not at all like the face of the Sea Snake, while the tail was swimming. It also looks very elegant, and Yangdingtian eyes look at the past. Her beautiful face is a little red.

Yangding Tiandao: "Why can't you see the third generation of Naga, which is characteristic of the mermaid?"

Lancome sighed: "The third generation of the mermaid, Naga, is difficult to walk on the land, so most of them live underwater."

Yangding Tianyi said: "This way, is it more and more unfavorable to you, the power of the Naga, the descendant of the Sea Snake, will become stronger and stronger."

Lan Landao: "Yang Dingtian, you are very keen. Yes, after the third generation of the mermaid Naga, you can only live at the bottom of the water. But the current palace is on the ground. So the Buyi test race The power is getting stronger and stronger, so his ambitions have become more and more difficult to stop."

Yangding Tiandao: "I found out today. He is still restrained against you because he seems to love you very much."

Lancome sighed: "It should be like this, so my palace can still be safe."

Yangding Tiandao: "If Bu Yi is rebellious, what should I do?"

Lancome silenced for a moment, then shook his head and said: "I don't know. In fact, you also saw that our exploration in the spiritual field has fallen into a bottleneck. The entire New Naga Empire is immersed in darkness and disappointment. So the shackles of the ancestors have become more and more dissatisfied. Once this dissatisfaction breaks out under the control of Bu Yi Kao, then I don't know what will happen?"

Yang Dingtian thought for a while and asked: "Now the power contrast is already very different?"

"Yeah." Lancome nodded. "Bu Yi Kao is very kind to the tribe, and I am very democratic. But at a critical moment, democracy means sloppiness. In case Bu Yi is rebelling, attacking Wang Cheng is to open Tibet. After studying the space scroll, I tried to rush out of the imprisoned space of the New Naga Empire. I don’t know that there will be less Naga willing to follow me to stop this happening. Because obeying the creed’s creed means imprisoning yourself, it is equal to sacrifice. And this race in the world is not a race, and there are always a few who are willing to sacrifice themselves."

Yangdingtian nodded. It can be imagined that the Sea Snakes are naturally cruel and cold-blooded, even if the Queen of Poisons can completely ignore the lives of tens of millions of people. The mermaid is more intelligent, but naturally romantic, and may be inferior in combat effectiveness.

Once Bu Yi’s rebellion was rebellious, the consequences were really unimaginable.

And at this time, Yang Dingtian thoroughly understood one thing.

In fact, there is no real Naga in the New Naga Empire. The only real Naga in the world is the Solitary.

There is only one kind of true Naga. That is the birth of Naga, the crystallization of the imperfect first-generation Naga and humanity.

The Queen of Lancome, including the most powerful 8000 Naga of the New Naga Empire, is actually the product of Naga and Naga, and it is the second generation of Naga.

The strength of their bodies is far from the true generation of Naga.

In short, only the first generation of Naga and human beings were born, is the real demigod.

During the conversation, Yang Dingtian has clearly felt the difference between the Queen Lancome and the Naga Frost.

Although Naga Frost is very attached and tender to Yang Dingtian, her bones are cold, bloodthirsty, and completely indifferent to life.

The Queen of Lancome in front of us, the genetic properties of the mermaid family is undoubtedly very romantic, curious, and kind, and pity for life.

Although she is the so-called queen, she is not really a Naga.

Next, she began to curiously inquire about the life of Yangdingtian, the relatives around her, and the things of the human kingdom.

Yang Dingtian said it was very detailed, but he did not say anything about the war of extinction at the beginning, nor did he say that the human kingdom is about to die, not to mention the devil. It’s just about your wife and children.

Queen Lancome, very much like to listen to this, especially when Yang Dingtian talks about her own children, the light in her beauty seems to be drunk, even she instinctively reaches out, as if to touch the sun The little face of a daughter born in the sky is average.

Although Frost is his own lover, Yang Dingtian has to admit that the heart of this Lancome queen is really beautiful.


In the following time, Lancome Queen and Yang Dingtian are completely inseparable from each other. They are eating together, and of course they are not sleeping together.

Yang Dingtian also fully realized how lonely and boring her so-called queen is. Her only mission is to protect the Tibetan Classics and block the Tibetan Classics. The rest, she really has nothing at all, and no government.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian taught her chess, Go, and landlords, playing mahjong and so on.

Suddenly, she seemed to fall into the ocean of joy and spend the most joyful time in her life.

And with her, Yang Dingtian's inner heart is more and more contradictory and more and more contradictory.

Do you want to open the Tibetan Classics? This is important to but for Queen Lancome, it seems to be more important.


One night, after Yang Tiantian and Lancome Queen finished playing chess, they returned to their bedroom and saw the beautiful man and human being. He was sitting there quietly waiting.

"Unfortunately, please forgive me." He smiled.

Yang Dingtian paused for a moment, then sat on his opposite side and said, "Excuse me, are you asking God?"

"Oh, yes, I just ask heaven, the devil in your mouth asks the sky." The beautiful man said.

Although it has been guessed, Yangdingtian is still a shock, and then said: "Hello Lord, come, what is it?"

The devil asked Heaven: "Do a deal with you!"

transaction? What transaction? (To be continued.)



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