Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 911: The fifth stage of killing the sword, the big space!

Originally, Yang Dingtian felt that it was very, very difficult to enter the Tibetan Classics Cube.

However, Yangdingtian entered the Zangjingge cube almost without any effort. This smoothness almost made him feel wrong.

This is so important, it is not that there should be countless passwords. Isn’t there a secret door that should be extremely mysterious and difficult? Why did you go in so easily?

After waiting for it, Yangdingtian was completely shocked.

A world that is extremely incomparably huge, directly coming to the surface.

After the gods of Yangdingtian entered the cube of the Tibetan Classics, the whole person immediately entered a spiritual fantasy.

This is a very incomparably huge Tibetan Buddhist scriptures.

How big is it? God knows, maybe a few million square meters, maybe tens of millions of square meters.

In short, once entered, it is exactly like the vast ocean. The scrolls and books inside are completely astronomical figures, like the stars in the sky.

Before, Yang Dingtian still thought that if he could enter smoothly, the time in half a month would be more than enough.

It seems that half a month is totally inadequate.

Because the scrolls and books here are really too much, not just tens of thousands of millions, but tens of millions or more.

Inside the huge Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures, the huge shelves are layer by layer, filled with countless scrolls.

In this countless reels, finding a way to kill pigs is a very difficult thing.

And the most important thing is that these reels are not classified. Yangdingtian had to start looking from the first reel.

Picking up the first scroll and seeing it, I am very fortunate that the above text is recognized by Yangdingtian, which is the common text of Chaos mainland.

At this point, the Naga people are very remarkable. The universal text of this world is actually the universal text of the human continent. The Naga people are the gods of the demigods. As the master of the world, in fact, it is entirely possible to invent the text itself, which is absolutely tall.

But they do not, but directly use the universal language of the human kingdom.

Yang Dingtian’s scroll in his hand turned out to be the first epoch climatology. Yangdingtian slightly looked at it, the so-called first era. It turned out that it was a matter of hundreds of millions of years ago. Yang Dingtian took a closer look and found that it was just the hard rock plain.

And this scroll has a million words.

Then, Yangdingtian began to pick up the second reel and opened it for a double-day and double-month of the first era. This scroll also has millions of words.

Then, Yangdingtian picked up the third reel. Opening it up is the material science of the first era.

Yangdingtian picked up and kept picking up the scrolls below, and found that all the colors were first-episode.

He knows that this Tibetan Buddhist scriptures is not a pure martial arts cheats room. It is really a narrow-minded wife.

There must be a martial art scroll here, but the proportion is very small.

This Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures is actually the history of civilization in the entire chaotic world. Everything in natural history, philosophy history, and so on.

In short. Everything in the chaotic world is in this collection.

The contents of these scrolls are not only the Naga people, but the crystallization of all the intelligent races in the history of the chaotic world. However, the Naga people have spent countless years collecting these wisdom and knowledge.

Yangdingtian understands. When the world was destroyed 10,000 years ago, the Naga people thought that this was the complete destruction of the chaotic world, leaving no civilization, leaving no vitality to the mainland. Therefore, they do their best. Isolated a thousand miles of space, independent of the chaotic world, avoiding the big Nirvana. The price is that the entire Naga family is dead.

The 10,000-mile territory of the New Naga Empire is all the demigod Naga, exchanged for life.

Then, the ancient Naga hides all the knowledge, wisdom, and civilization of the chaotic world in this Tibetan scripture cube. Passing on, this is equivalent to, if one day, the earth will be completely destroyed. Then human beings will certainly build a huge spaceship, put a very small number of elite humans in the spaceship and sail to the depths of the universe. All the history, material, nature, philosophy, art and other knowledge civilizations of the earth will all be brought together into a digital library and sailed together to the universe.

Even if the earth's humanity perishes, the civilization once the earth will remain.

Therefore, this new Naga empire is equivalent to a spacecraft independent of the world.

This Tibetan scripture is all the records of the chaotic world. It is no wonder that it is so vast.

It is no wonder that this Tibetan scripture is in the form of an energy cube. Because, in the heart of the ancient Naga, this cube may have to be passed down for hundreds of millions of years, and any realistic scroll, or Tibetan classics, will be ashes for tens of thousands of years. Only the energy body may exist for countless years.


If you have time in Yangding, you will definitely look at all the contents of the Tibetan Classics. But unfortunately, he has no time, he is very urgent. Therefore, he can only go to find the sword-killing method.

This Tibetan Buddhist scriptures is not classified, but it is based on the span of time. The scroll of the first era is at the forefront, so the scroll before the big Nirvana must be at the end.

So, Yangding Tian flew to the last side of the Tibetan Classics Pavilion and began to look for it, starting from the last reel of the countdown.

How far is it from the forefront of the Zangjing Pavilion to the last side?

A full hundred miles! That's right, it's hundreds of miles! This Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures is bigger and bigger than the imagination of Yangdingtian. The scrolls here are more than the most imagined in Yang Tiantian.

Yang Dingtian picked up the last reel.

When I opened it, my body was slightly shocked because it was a declaration of destruction.

Above, densely signed are the signatures of countless Naga badges, all of which are **** signatures.

This is the signature of 30,000 Naga, before dying.

Yes, this 10,000-mile new Naga empire is completely isolated and surrounded by an incomparably powerful energy.

And this energy is the death of the 30,000-year-old **** Naga.

The 30,000 Naga was not died after the arrival of the Great Nirvana. But before the Great Nirvana, I chose to blew myself and chose to fly out.

Their death will smash the front of the energy that destroyed the earth. Officially the most powerful energy in history, it will be a full 10,000-mile territory. Thoroughly isolated and independent. Even the innumerable sacredness of this new Naga empire was left after the ancient Naga smog.

Including, this vibrant life.

That is to say, every inch of land in the New Naga Empire, every flower. Every plant is the flesh and blood of the ancient Naga.

At the end of the signature of the 30,000 badges, the ancient Naga did not say too much, only a few words for the later generations of Naga.

My younger generation, don't take my way!

During the Yangding days, I was a little relieved. Although Naga ruined the world, but after dying, she repented. And Queen Lancome. Although it was completely isolated from the entire New Naga Empire, there were 30,000 ancestors who stood with her.

The continent of the Naga Empire, flowers, rivers, and she stood together.


Next, Yangdingtian continued to rummage through the killing of the sword.

Pick up the penultimate reel. The scroll says, Introduction to Space Isolation.

This is the new Naga. What I dreamed of. Yangdingtian is also not full of interest.

But after opening, Yangdingtian found that it was completely a bunch of garbled. Entering mysterious gas is completely useless.

It is completely unreadable, purely a bunch of garbled. It is not a common text in the chaotic world, nor is it a common code for cheats.

Yangding Tianyi. Is this wrong? When the ancient Naga recorded these words, what happened?

Soon, Yangdingtian denied this. Because the third last reel, the fourth reel. Even most of the next reels are garbled.

Yang Dingtian understands that this is not garbled. It is a kind of precautionary measure of the Naga people. All the contents are encrypted and cannot be read and cannot be opened.

These scrolls can only be opened when the spirit of the new Naga family breaks through a certain category.

In other words, if the Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures is opened, it does not matter. Because the new Naga can't read, can't practice.

There is only one way to practice, that is, the spirit breaks through to a certain realm.

However, this time, Yangdingtian is very troublesome.

The new Naga can't read it, and he can't read it even more.

Now, Yangdingtian can only hope that the killing of the sword is different. Next, he only does one thing, constantly open the reel, and then put it back. Open and put it back.

In this way, repeat and repeat.

Soon, one day and one night passed.

Yangding Tian has turned over tens of thousands of reels, and the inside can be read, probably only one percent, but all have nothing to do with the martial arts.

Yangdingtian did not find the fifth order of killing the sword.

The next day, Yangdingtian turned over tens of thousands of reels, and still did not find the fifth order of killing the sword.

The third day.

The fourth day.

The fifth day.

The sixth day.


Ten days passed.

Yangdingtian has already rummaged through hundreds of thousands of scrolls, and still has not found the fifth order of killing the sword.

He looked at the vast scrolls and really lost confidence.

This has been going down all the time, really want to turn to the Year of the Monkey, half a month, really is completely inadequate.

Moreover, here is the illusion, there is no way to help countless grievances, even if it can, countless grievances are not literate.

In this way, Yangdingtian is completely mechanically rummaging, rummaging and rummaging.

Just when Yangdingtian was almost numb.

Suddenly, a large amount of text appeared directly in the eyes of Yangdingtian.

"killing the sword, fifth, big space!"

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was so excited that he almost fainted and found it. When he was completely numb, the method of killing the pig sword suddenly appeared in front of him.


Note: Boss, please ask for tickets! (To be continued.)

Ps: Thank you for the tens of thousands of dollars in reading the book, thank you.

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