Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 916: Against the sky, break through the semi-holy!

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian thought that this is a fantasy, can you also devour the essence of energy?

Suddenly, he could not help but utter his doubts. ++++

Nothingness and laughter said: "Children, you divide the illusion and reality too far. Some things are able to cross reality and illusions, such as the energy body, you just swallow it."

"Oh, good." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, he closed his eyes and began to devour this 16th-order medium limit energy essence.

Suddenly, an incomparably powerful energy instantly came in. Any energy essence that has been swallowed by the top of the sky is strong.

According to the usual example, such a powerful concentration of energy is poured into the mysterious veins and the sea of ​​gas. The blood will be directly squirted in the next second, and then the mysterious veins will be split and the whole body will be blasted.

However, in Yangdingtian, I felt that I was white, and I was fainting in an instant, and the whole body was about to be bursting.

Suddenly, a powerful energy shrouded and lived in this general trend of tearing.

Then, the moment of the essence of energy surged in.

Only a moment later, the sea of ​​Yangdingtian began to expand, and then it was an instant, and it blasted directly.

"Boom!" The whole body was completely immersed in nothingness.

Then, the gas sea of ​​Yangdingtian began to break through and re-entered the fourteenth-order four products.

After only a quarter of an hour, the sea of ​​Yangdingtian was filled again and began to expand and expand.

"Boom!" The world deep in the sea is once again exploded.

Yang Dingtian broke through again, returning to the highest level before, fourteenth five products.

Nearly a quarter of an hour later.

The weather in the Yangding Sea exploded again, breaking through the fourteenth-order six products.

After another quarter of an hour.

The weather in the Yangding Sea has once again expanded, but this time it is not so strong, and it seems that there is not enough power.

but. Yangdingtian’s luck is very good.


The gas sea world exploded again, and the repair of Yangdingtian was once again broken through, reaching the fourteenth order and seven products.

Finally, this 16-order medium-limit energy is completely consumed, and it makes Yangdingtian break through the four products.

After opening your eyes. Yang Dingtian finally couldn't help but ask: "Teacher, you are just a spiritual body, why is it so powerful?"

Vanity-free fluttering touched the head of Yangdingtian: "Children, I am just a spiritual body, how could there be such a powerful energy. Because I am in the Tibetan Scripture Cube, I can borrow the energy inside." This is an incomparably huge energy field."

Yangding nodded and finally understood.

Then, he turned to nothingness: "This 18th-order energy essence. Do you want to use it?"

"Of course."

Yangding Tiandao: "But, he has only one, can't be the ultimate energy essence?"

Nothing is fascinating: "Whoever tells you that an energy essence can't be the ultimate energy essence? The so-called ultimate energy essence is not the energy level, but the energy density, and the energy that can be poured out per unit of time. Is it right?"

Yangding nodded.

Nothing is floating: "You usually need a few energy essences to blend, because your repair is not big enough. You can't force it to compress its energy density, but I can do it easily."

Let me talk about it. It is a breeze to use the energy field of the Tibetan Classics, which compresses the 18th-order medium-energy essence and becomes the ultimate energy essence with high density.

Yangding Tiandao: "After being compressed, what level of extreme energy essence is it equivalent?"

Nothing is fascinating: "It's still an 18th-order medium energy essence, you have to be equal. Then it is probably better than the nearly eighteen-order limit energy essence that you swallowed before."

Yangdingtian took a breath, but this is more than three or four steps of energy essence. If there is no emptiness, it is definitely a dead end. One thousandth of the fly is extinguished.

He put this 18th-order energy essence in his hand, and then a warm energy directly enveloped it, almost protecting every inch of the body in Yangdingtian, except for the sea of ​​gas.

This 18th-order energy essence, for Yang Dingtian, is really amazing, so that no sham-free inflammation has to be treated with rigor and will protect Yangdingtian to the extreme.

"Well, you can start the child."

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and began to swallow.

Then, he only felt that the golden light flashed, and the whole person lost all the knowledge in an instant.

The integration of this energy is completely devastating, devastating, and mad.

Although Yang Dingtian's body was protected to the extreme, the whole **** instantly fell into a short circuit.

Of course, Yangdingtian soon woke up.

Then I found that the whole body seemed to be completely out of my own. There is no feeling.

Soon, the sea began to swell, oh no, even the process of expansion did not, it blasted directly.

The energy essence of the 18th order, very tyrannical, let Yang Dingtian break through the fourteenth order eight products.

Then, still very tyrannical, Yang Dingtian broke through the 18th-order nine products.

Next, it is the most important process to break through the fifteenth order and half-sacred. Yangdingtian can't help but jump heart.

The fifteenth order is almost one of the most difficult levels. Under normal circumstances, if luck is very against the sky, from the fourteenth order to the fifteenth order, it takes five energy levels of nearly sixteen steps.

So is Yang Dingtian’s compressed 18-order energy essence in his hand enough?

There is no point in his heart, even holding the heart of failure.

However, reality has almost no chance to give him a jealousy, leaving no suspense.

Unbeatable power, crazy into the sea, and soon began to expand, expand, expand, expand.

Yes, it has been expanding, it is not breaking out, it is impossible to break through.

Immediately afterwards, Yangdingtian felt a sense of suffocation and felt that the sea of ​​sea began to turn over the river and began to feel like a complete destruction.

Yangdingtian entered the most dangerous situation.

Because this kind of phagocytic energy is too quick and quick, the gas sea finally solidified and produced a lag.

In other words, in fact, Xuanqi energy has already broken enough. But the sea is not changing. It is impossible to produce a qualitative change. However, the mysterious energy is still pouring into the air.

In this afternoon, there is only one consequence. That is the real explosion of the sea of ​​air, completely bursting open, Yang Dingtian, the whole person is completely smouldering.

At this time, nothing can be avoided. A strong spiritual energy rushed in, and lived to block the entrance to the sea of ​​Yangdingtian, preventing the continued entry of energy.

At the same time, the black-green dragon that felt the danger of destruction finally stopped the tremor after swallowing, and violently explored countless claws from the abyss of the gas sea, and slammed the energy of the mysterious energy that had reached the limit. Rotate quickly and then slam.


The energy inside the sea in the Yangding weather finally exploded.

then. The whole body and the gods are immersed in nothingness.

He broke through the fifteenth order, and he broke through the semi-st.

Although there was a little bit of a little thrill, he still broke through the semi-st.

However, as if it was too smooth, there is no sacred and grand feeling.

Yeah, because in this Tibetan Buddhist temple energy field. Because of the existence of the emptiness of the spirit, it is so easy to break through the semi-Saint.

Compared to breaking Wu Zun. Break through the master and break through the big master.

Yangdingtian breaks through the semi-sacred, but it is the simplest.

Wu Ningming, after countless years, relied on evil spirits to break through the semi-sanctification.

No way, but also countless years after entering the Infinite Master. Rely on evil spirits to break through the semi-sanctification.

And Yangdingtian, from entering the infinite master, to breaking through the semi-san, it is probably more than two years, it is really against the sky to the extreme.

Since then. Yangdingtian really realized that it is so cool to have a strong backing.

In order to break through the semi-sanctification, others have almost endured their lifelong efforts.

In the face of nothingness, there is an understatement. If there is no emptiness, Yangding’s innocent heart does not know that the Year of the Monkey can break through. Because of the second dark field, almost no elemental creatures have been hunted.

With normal cultivation, even with the talent of Yangdingtian, it may take countless years. And the human kingdom has no enough energy density.

However, after breaking through the semi-san, the breakthrough of Yangdingtian still did not stop.

Soon, the sea of ​​gas once again fell into expansion and expansion.

"Boom!" Once again, it reached a fifteenth order.

However, the breakthrough has not stopped.

After a quarter of an hour, the sea of ​​Yangdingtian expanded and expanded.

"Boom!" Yang Dingtian, once again made a breakthrough, reaching the fifteenth order two products.

Yangding innocent heart is going crazy!

However, the breakthrough has not yet ended.

After almost half an hour! The sea of ​​Yangdingtian began to expand again.

This kind of surprise almost numbed the nerves of Yangdingtian.

It seems that one person buys a lottery ticket, obviously only thinks about 100,000, and the result is 30 million.

"Boom!" Yangding weather in the sea, once again break through.

Actually, even broke through the fifteenth order three products.

Finally, finally, the crazy breakthrough stopped.

This 18th-order high-density limit energy essence is completely exhausted. It turned out that Yang Dingtian broke through a big order, plus five products, it is really a wife.

Of course, at this time, Yangdingtian is only the fifteen-level three-products, but the real repair is still in the fourteenth-order nine products.

Because his sea of ​​gas and the entire mysterious vein need a sublimation. Otherwise, even if there is a half-sacred cultivation, it will not be displayed.

Yang Dingtian asked: "Teacher, my mysterious fire lightning, can help me to sublimate the sea and the mysterious veins, to achieve the real semi-sacred repair?"

Nothing is fascinating: "Of course. At this time, the power of your Xuanhuo lightning has completely exceeded the 19th order."

Yangding Tiandao: "But I can't master this energy level. If it is high, it will be destroyed directly."

Nothing flutters and laughs suddenly: "What a joke, what do I do? What is the dragon in your qi? What do you do with the highest level of Xuanhuo lightning?"

Suddenly, Yangdingtian once again felt that there is such a big backing, it is really cool, cool and cool.

"Call!" He released the spirit of the chaotic property.

"Call!" Then, he released the magical demon fire of chaotic attributes.

Finally, he summoned the void of the chaotic property.

Three Xuan Huo, violently flew to the top of the head.

At the same time, the emptiness of the ecstasy released an energy hood, ensuring that this black fire lightning is completely shielded within this energy hood.

"Hey!" Three Xuan Huo, slammed.


Once again, it is like the explosion of a nuclear bomb.

Unbeatable power, rushed into the body of Yangdingtian.

Actually, this energy is not enough!

That's right, such a mysterious fire of the sky, it is not enough to sublimate the sea of ​​the sun, this is a full twenty-level energy.

However, it is clear that this is not the case.

Almost at the same time, an incomparably powerful lightning bolt slammed into the sky and rushed into his body.

The energy is enough.

All the energy, slammed into the sea of ​​Yangdingtian.

His body surface has no traces.

The three Xuanhuo lightning, as well as the lightning energy created by the emptiness-free spirit body, all poured into the sea of ​​the Yangding, and instantly condensed into a small to the extreme point.

Then, violently exploded.


Within the sea of ​​Yangdingtian, it seems that once again, the explosion of nuclear bombs has been experienced.

Then, this extremely powerful energy moment was swallowed up by the sea of ​​gas, and it suddenly changed and upgraded.

Yang Dingtian, really repaired, broke through the semi-san, broke through the fifteenth order!

He became one of the few half-sacred in the world!


Note: The protagonist breaks through the semi-san, the brothers should vote for the vote, and ask for support! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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