Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 928: Insulting the Lingbi Palace!

Yangding did not go directly to the Lingbi Palace, but instead detoured to Beijing.

The konjac king, the claw, had to end his unruly life. In the past two years, he has been a child king, and his heart has already played wild.

Therefore, when Yangding rode it away, it looked reluctant and excited.

Excitement is because you can take risks with the Yangding, and you are not willing to be happy in Yunxiaocheng. Of course, it is very happy to be able to get rid of this female konjac beauty who has been obsessed with it.

It finally ended single, because many of the female konjac that it looked down on before, and many of them have seen the world. After the taboo of the mainland, there are dozens of powerful konjac.

One of the most elegant and elegant female konjac beads has become its companion.

At the beginning, the konjac king's claws were quite excited. But after a period of time, it was too much to stick to the Lingzhu stick. At this moment, I was so eager to leave her entanglement. It was really a lack of conscience.

However, she is obviously too happy to be too early.

Because, the konjac that the demon is riding, is the pearl. This black beauty, still do not know that she was dismissed by her husband, but also cheerfully posted it, stretched her neck to intimately honed.

The konjac king's claws, the inner pain, but had to make a happy look, and the spirit beads sharpen the neck.

And the other older konjac that Burlu was riding, turned a blind eye to all this.


Yangding made a short stay in Zhongjing, but it is not a government that must be dealt with.

It is mainly two things, helping Song Chunhua and Zhu Hongxue to rise to the sea and truly break through the Grand Master.

Yesterday's banquet, Song Chunhua and Zhu Hongxue were to be guarded in the first line, so they did not follow the Yunxiao City.

Even Yunjun slaves stayed in Zhongjing, dealing with extremely complicated government affairs.

Today, Yunjun slave is more than just a private secretary. In modern terms, she also serves as the secretary general of the Guangming Parliament and the secretary general of Zhongjing. One night, it is a real day.

It's hard to imagine that she would adapt to this kind of life. It seems that it should be like Song Lihua's work.

Today, Song Lihua and Tang Bozhao are already the highest civilians in the Guangming Parliament. Yunjun slave is the largest and largest internal affairs manager.


Yangding easily helped Song Chunhua. Zhu Hongxue used the Xuanhuo lightning to sublimate the sea of ​​air. After breaking through the master class, he came to the office and saw Yunjun slave in countless files.

Seeing that she was busy in madness, Yangding did not dare to bother. Or when she looked up, she discovered the Yangding.

Suddenly, she couldn’t help but shine, saying: "Come back."

"Yeah." Yangdingdao, then he found that Yunjun slave was almost thin, the whole face was sharpened, and his eyes became especially large.

However, the figure is still fascinating, and the bumps are obvious, showing the devil's curve.

Yang Ding said: "You should not be too hard, pay attention to the body."

Yun Jun slaved him with a glance: "It's light, not desperate, how do you get the job done? You help me."

Yang Ding suddenly became speechless, and in front of this secretary, he has not been strong.

Then, Yunjun slave glared at him with a charming look: "I think you think you are thin, let's go."

Therefore, Yangding did not know how to proceed.

"Well, you have to return a lot of things when you just came back. It is estimated that you are going to the Lingbi Palace. I can be sure that I am satisfied with it. I am going to leave you." Yunjun slave.

"Oh, good." Yangding said: "Right, how do you know that I am going to the Lingbi Palace."

Yunjun slave: "Please, I am the big steward of the Guangming Parliament. Almost 90% of the documents have to be seen. That cabinet is all about the Lingbi Palace. You don't go to the grassland first. It must be the spirit. Palace."

"It turns out that you are busy, I am leaving." Yangding said.

"Wait." Yunjun slave suddenly said.

Yangding, I don’t know what she is going to do.

Yunjun slave left the desk, came to the front of the cabinet, bent down to get a file.

Suddenly, the incomparable waist and hip curves are exposed, and directly facing the sun top, her graceful body is bent, as if to tear open the tight skirt.

The breathing of the Yangding is suddenly thick, and the curve of this woman is not as exaggerated as Wu Mozhi, but it is really fascinating.

After taking the documents, she returned to her desk and said, "Okay, you can go."

Yang Ding suddenly surprised, she is not going to take the documents to herself? Moreover, she took the file and put it aside and did not look at it.

As if, in order to bend down, let your devil's body hit the heart of the sun.

After adjusting the Yangding, he waved him to walk away.

When Yangding was full of mistakes and left, Yunjun slave couldn't help but squat on the table, shook his shoulders and smiled for a while, then in the direction of Yangding's departure, gently picked up the gorgeous mouth and kissed it.

Then she began to work hard again.


Yangding, Burlu, the three people of the demon, continue to ride the konjac and fly towards Nanmanzhou.

When passing the emperor's tomb, Yang Ding couldn't help but think of the emperor's release. Where did she go?

At that time, she and Yangding teamed up against the East, but did not play any role, but dragged their legs. Although Yangding did not blame a little, this incident has dealt a big blow to her, so now the entire Bright Parliament does not know where she went.

"Beauty, you are in the human kingdom, do you feel the retrogression of cultivation?" Yangding asked, Yangding thought that the enchanting is not willing to be in the crowd, and the demon spirit directly transforms into a fox shape.

The devil swayed his head and said: "It's not so fast, and it is much better for us to rehabilitate. The main consequence is to block the mysterious veins."

Yang nodded.

Soon, the three arrived in Nanbanzhou.

Just entered Nanbanzhou, suddenly Yangding scared a big jump!

This, is this still Nanbanzhou?

Although it has already been mentioned in the report, the change in Nanmanzhou is very large now, but it is too big.

Countless dense forests have been cut down.

The entire Nanmanzhou has been surrounded by a huge wall of defense, a wall nearly 100 meters high.

Moreover, the walls of the city are densely covered with amazing semi-human warriors.

Yes, it is a semi-human warrior of the Snake Empire. Even in the senior officers, you can see the figure of the snake warrior.

Not only that, but the entire Nan Man Chau is full of barbarians and half-human slaves, and is building a huge number of huge castles.

It seems that it is not just the Daomeng Bright Parliament that prepares for war.

Unexpectedly, the Snake Empire was so deep in collusion with the Lingbi Palace. The army of the Snake Empire has appeared on the land of Nanbanzhou.

No wonder, in many reports, the information on Nanmanzhou has become less and less. The fleet of the Bright Parliament has been difficult to get close to Nanbanzhou. Unless the konjac is above 10,000 meters, the flying squad can't enter Nanbanzhou.

And if it is above 10,000 meters, the things on the ground are like ants, and you can't see it at all.

The three men of Yangding have not really entered the mainland of Nanmanzhou, and they have been surrounded by a group of black scorpion flying squadrons, with hundreds of black crickets.

The konjac king clawed his mouth with a sigh of relief, sharply slashed with sharp wings, and lived a black scorpion out of a huge wound, bloody.

Suddenly see, its lover's spirit beads immediately screamed, showing the appearance of incomparable worship.

Despite being impatient with Lingzhu, the konjac king's claws are still very enjoyable and proud under the adoration and fiery eyes, so they are more provocative to use the whirlwind, and they must directly pick one! Be strong in front of your partner.

Yangding was completely speechless and said: "Well, we all know that you are amazing, will you perform well next time?"

The konjac king's claws whitened the top of the sun and flew downcast. Its lover, Lingzhu, quickly went forward to please intimacy, whispering comfort.

Yangding is a discovery. On the surface, it is the konjac king who will eat the spirit beads. In fact, it is Lingzhu who eats the konjac king's claws. She treats the claws, and it is like a couple, and it is like a child.

"Who is the person who dared to swear at me Nanbanzhou?" A warrior headed out shouted.

Yangding said: "Please go and tell the Lord of the Lingbi Palace that there is no spirit, and the Lord of the Parliament, the Lord of the League, Yang Ding come to visit!"

Suddenly, the warrior who was headed violently trembled and almost fell from the air.

There is really a feeling of scaring urine!

For the Yangding, it has already passed away. In particular, Yang Ding took the Bright Council completely to the face of the Lingbi Palace.

Although it is an enemy, but the top of Yangtou is so big, this warrior leader did not dare to neglect, immediately said: "Yang, Yang Zongzhu, please wait, I will go to report."

Then, he immediately flew toward the Lingbi Palace with the fastest speed.

However, Yangding will not wait for him to report, directly drive straight into, the three directly flew toward the Lingbi Palace.

For a long time, the surrounding black warriors wanted to stop, but they did not dare to block them, but they were surrounded by far away.

In this way, the three men of Yangding have been flying towards the Lingbi Palace.

All the way to the past, Yang Ding saw that thousands of years of dense forests, a large part of it has been destroyed. Completed one after another line of defense, one after another.

There are countless military forces.

These troops were all brought from the Snake Empire. You must know that the Bright Parliament is now an absolute maritime hegemon, and all relevant sea areas have been completely blocked. The Snake Empire wants to send troops to Nanbanzhou. It needs to travel far and far from the sea. It is really difficult for the Queen of the Sea.

But it has also been seen from this that both the Snake Empire and the Lingbi Palace have fully prepared for the upcoming war of extinction.

Soon, the top of the sun broke into the thick fog.

However, after entering the fog, there will be countless blacks. At this time, the black scorpion inside the thick fog is very sparse, but I don't know where to go.

Flying through the fog of the hundred miles, I really entered the Lingbi Palace in the fairyland.

Nanbanzhou has become a huge military fortress, and the Lingbi Palace has not changed much.

Close to the peak of the Lingbi Palace, Yangding shouted: "The light of the Parliament, Yangding, come to worship the Lord of the Lingbi Palace without a spirit!"

His voice is loud enough to ring hundreds of miles. Everyone in the Lingbi Palace can clearly hear it.

The Yangding is of course ill-conceived, and now the Lord of the Lingbi Palace has become a no-brainer, but the Yangding mouth is silent.

Sure enough, after the innocent heard, the heart jerked and the breath was a little short.

The brain emerges as a thought. If you join forces with Yangding, can you destroy the innocent? Can you re-do the Lord of the Lingbi Palace.

However, he quickly dismissed the idea very quickly. The demon is so powerful that he never dares to do this.

Moreover, the forces of the Snake Empire have entered the South Barbarians.

The most terrible thing is that the one who had been in charge of the Lingbi Palace for more than a hundred years ago was unpopular. After being deprived of the position by the innocent, the people at the beginning of the Lingbi Palace did not dare to do anything. Later, when they found out that they really changed, they looked paler.

As a result, more and more loyalty to the Taoist loyalty. There is no such thing as a person who has no spirits and a sorrow.

Just after shouting the second time in Yangding.

A figure, from far and near.

There is no way, I don’t know if it’s because of being the owner of the Lingbi Palace. He turned into a younger one. At first, all the white hair was directly blacked out after getting the second-class evil spirit. All hair is black and shiny.

Moreover, the whole person has also become a great bank!

Because the face is ruddy, so the paranoid smell of the previous, also faded a little, looks more like a top-notch strong style.

However, the eyes are still deep and the nose is already high. It seems that this person has a very strong personality.

"Ha ha ha, Lord Yang, don't come innocent." No way to smile, far from the ceremony.

Yangding immediately came down from the konjac king, floated in the air, and bowed down and said: "Yangding meets Yue Grandpa!"

No way to see, then the face twitched, said: "Yang Zongzhu does not have to be polite."

Between words, it is not a big recognition of the identity of this grandfather.

Then Yangding was surprised: "Yue Grandpa, may I ask the old master of the innocent? Why don't you see it?"

There is no more convulsions on the face of the Tao, and he said: "Lord Yang Ding, now the owner of the Lingbi Palace is the old man. Uncle Ling, it is already an elder."

Yangding said with amazement: "How can this be?"

No way to look up is not fast, said: "What can't be? Is the old man not qualified to be the owner of this Lingbi Palace?"

Yang Dingdao: "Yue Grandfather's bloodline is pure, of course, there are enough qualifications. But the Lingbi Palace can still be a member of the Orthodox and Bright Parliament. This kind of big event needs to be reported to the Alliance and the Bright Parliament headquarters. The highest level of voting was passed, and I got my consent, stamped the highest gold stamp, signed it personally, and formed the highest communiqué. You can't do this privately."

When I heard the words of Yangding, there was no way to vomit. R1152



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