Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 930: The coffin is a tragedy! A terrible battle!

Yangding looked at the coffin, and although the woman became mature, her mind was completely rusted compared to before. Oh, ww○w..c□om

Although not intelligent, but very clever. And now, even the last cleverness has been lost.

However, it is very strange that she will not be able to ask her in front of her.

Before, she hated the most hateful Yangdingtian, preferring to fall behind again, and definitely not willing to take it soft in front of Yangdingtian. Because Yang Dingtian is almost the only man who is good to her, because of her betrayal, she is to maintain dignity in front of Yangdingtian.

Unexpectedly, at this time she actually said that she would like to give Yangdingtian a lover's words.

It seems that she has been very unhappy for more than two years.

Yes, the coffin is not too bad. Compared with before, it is exactly like hell.

After the innocent loses the supremacy of the Lingbi Palace, the biggest loss is not the innocent, but the spirit.

She used to be in the Lingbi Palace, under one person, above the 10,000 people, calling for the rain and omnipresent. Before Ling Linger was in the Lingbi Palace, she was completely an ant. She wanted to fight and wanted to fight.

However, since no one has compromised and surrendered. He is still a semi-sacred strongman, and naturally no one dares to provoke. And the status of the coffin is completely lost, although no one dares to open a satire directly in front of her, or to shoot bullying and the like. But the entire Lingbi Palace, all of them are chilling her, ignoring her.

The Spirit Rabbit, however, was loved by all the disciples of the Lingbi Palace. Because she is extremely beautiful and very kind.

You must know that after you have gone to power, the means to get rid of dissidents is very fierce. Only the kindness of the spirit rabbit can neutralize his sternness. During the two years, she did not know how many people were saved.

Therefore, the Spirit Rabbit is completely like an angel in the Lingbi Palace, completely replacing the former princess status of the coffin. Moreover, the disciple of the Lingbi Palace is completely admiring her from the heart.

And the comparison of the coffin has been completely ignored. When the disciples of the Lingbi Palace saw her before, they all desperately went to the front. At most, I just nod my head. Even directly ignore it.

The coffin is completely unable to accept such a gap, lost and hate, her heart is increasingly unbalanced.

In fact, the scorn of her in the Lingbi Palace is not entirely because the innocent is not the owner of the Lingbi Palace. After all, the coffin is still a natural talent, still very mysterious and powerful.

Everyone despised her, or because of her feelings and marriage.

At the beginning, she and Wu Ningming married, almost envied by everyone. Those male disciples are somewhat jealous. However, the status of the coffin in the mind is even higher. It is necessary to know that Wu Ningming was the master of the Heavenly Alliance (at least half of the leader of the Heavenly Alliance).

In Wu Youming and Yang Dingtian duel, after the defeat.

The status of the coffin has not been greatly affected, because the Chaos Times reported one month after another. Although Wu Youming has been defeated, but the prestige and reputation are even higher, and everyone knows that he is one of the devils of the demon. And his failure has nothing to do with cultivation. His cultivation at that time still surpassed Yangdingtian.

I remember that after a month of serializing Wu Ningming’s notes. His female fans in the human kingdom are skyrocketing.

Thousands should not, never do. The coffin should not be ruthlessly separated after Wu Ningming’s defeat. This makes her image instantly plunged, how can a woman be so realistic, Wu Ningming defeated, lost the Lord of Heaven and Earth, you are going to leave?

If only this is fine. The most deadly thing about the reputation of Lingbi is her remarriage.

And after the Nether and the departure, she actually remarried to the notorious East, and still no name to remarriage, just a small break from the east.

then. In everyone's mind, she and the broken shoes are no different. In the Lingbi Palace, the reputation has already scented in the wind, and even some people in the Lingbi Palace have publicly discussed her behind the scenes.

According to her temper, I have already killed those people. However, no spirit is not allowed, and no one can be given a handle.

The ignorance of such a sac, so that the coffin has long been seen through, disappointed. However, this is already her only backer.

She once pinned her hopes on the east, even at the expense of serving. However, the former ghosts left, as if they had completely changed. Although sometimes it is very abnormal, most of the time, he barely speaks, like a cold metal man.

The little princess has a feeling that the sky should not be called, and the land is not working.

Therefore, she completely pinned her hopes on the Queen of the Sea. After all, now the Snake Empire has entered the South Barbarians in a big way, and the Queen of the Sea Heart is so powerful that the innocent and the innocent are shuddering.

The Queen of the Seas summoned her, and she asked for the Queen of the Sea to support the innocent, and gave up supporting the innocent.

In the face of the requirements of the coffin, the Queen of the Sea smiled. Then, as if joking, he said: "Well, as long as you can pull Yangdingtian into my bed, how can I help you?"

This is a joke, but it has been a life-saving straw. So, she had her deal with Yang Dingtian.

After listening to her words, Yang Dingtian could not help but say: "Ling, your dignity, your pride?"

Upon hearing this sentence, the coffin trembled fiercely, the beautiful face was white, and ridiculed and laughed: "Lord Yang Dingtian, when you are all stepped on the soles of your feet, let you be tortured by a pervert, what pride, What dignity will disappear."

Then, Ling Ling looked at Yangding Tiandao: "I am telling the truth, as long as you help me get everything back to me, I am willing to be your secret lover, just play with you. I want to be in some nights when you are quiet, you I definitely have a crush on me."

Yang Dingtian stared at her, and suddenly felt that even the coffin two years ago, although very vicious, very selfish, but also more lovely than this time.

Suddenly, he saw her neck as if there was a strange pattern.

The coffin yanked open the collar, revealing the upper part of the snowy white, only to see her snowy body, densely tattooed, all tattoos of snake scales.

Then she said with a cruel smile: "There is more perversion. Do you want to watch?"

"No, I don't see." Yangding Tiandao.

Lingbi opened the shirt and turned around. She only saw her neck and neck. A piece of delicate gold fins pierced from the tender skin.

It seems so that she becomes enchanting sexy. It looks more like a sea snake.

"There are a few species that live in life, not in the flesh, but in the bones."

"Distressed, isn't it?" Ling said: "If you feel bad, help me."

Yang Dingtian stared at her and said slowly: "I can't help you."

Then, he and the demon, Burlu left directly.

"Yangdingtian, you bastard. You bastard..." Lingbi said: "Do you want to look at me and fall completely to the 18th floor hell?"


"The one has no spirit, **** it." The demon glass suddenly said.

Yang Dingtian’s silence has no words, and Burlu suddenly said: “Lord Yang Dingtian, I feel a very terrible breath from this woman.”

"What kind of breath?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"As if, like a terrible king of serpents, is struggling in the depths of hell. Change. Once successful, it may become a fierce and terrible dragon."

Yangding Tianyi said: "Weird. How do you feel this way? She is now very stupid."

The demon glass suddenly said: "Yangdingtian, Pelu is opposite to each other and has a certain understanding. Therefore, in the dark field, he can recognize you at a glance."

Yangding Tiandao: "She is the talent of the Tianling Master. There is no one in the billion. But she is awkward, selfish and vicious, and now she is repairing, there is no breakthrough space."

Burludao: "From my point of view, she is now the most tragic time. You must kill her. Or just accept her. Otherwise, I am worried that there will be changes in the future."

Yang Dingtian thought for a while, said: "It is impossible to accept her. My wife and children in my family are kind and lovely. Once I join her, they will be restless."

"Then kill her." Burlu said: "I noticed that there are signs of bloodyness in her eyes. Bloody people will bring huge disasters."

Yangding nodded and no longer said anything. The three men rode the konjac and flew quickly to Zhongjing!


After returning to Zhongjing, Yangdingtian directly held the highest meeting of the Guangming Parliament.

"I propose to dispatch the Navy, the Air Force, and completely block the Nanbanzhou, and annihilate any vessel within a thousand miles along the coast of Nanmanzhou."

"I propose to send an air fire corps, follow the fleet, and be ready to take off and annihilate all the Nanbanzhou Air Force in the field of vision."

"I propose that the medium and large-sized missile units will be fully loaded on the ship and ready to carry out carpet-type bombing on all the grounds in Nanmanzhou!"

"I propose that the South China Central Army, the Pazhou Army, the First Army of China and Beijing, a total of two million ground troops, ready to board the ship, once the devastating blow to Nan Manzhou, immediately ready to land!"

"And, all this is to cut off the rebellion of the Lingbi Palace and expel the invaders of Nanmanzhou."

When Yangdingtian’s words came out, he was shocked by four. Song’s excited hair was almost erected.

The East Nirvana: "The Sovereign, this will use force to directly recover Nanbanzhou?"

Yangding Tiandao: "No, this time it is mainly prepared to fight. It is the power of the Snake Empire in Nanmanzhou. As for Nanmanzhou, I hope that I can fight back without using too much force. I really don't want all the Black Skulls. All died under our phoenix missiles."

Qin Wanqiu said: "What is your idea?"

Yangding Tiandao: "A million troops, surrounded by the invaders in the name of the innocent, surrounded by Nan Manzhou. Although our army is ready to go, and is very close to Nanmanzhou, to complete the siege, at least seven days or so After seven days, I and Duozi will have a duel at Tianqi College."

"What?" The East is horrified.

Yangding Tiandao: "The master is assured that if there is no spirit, I still can't say it. But there is no way, I almost have the grasp of victory. After defeating him, he will be completely expelled from the Lingbi Palace. If you don't recognize it, we will have to be re-supported by us. Then, our million-strong army will only play the Snakes, and will not play the Lingbi Palace. With the innocent character, we will definitely make the tortoise, neither side. After the elimination of the Snake Empire in the South Barbarian Empire, our million-strong army directly landed in Nanbanzhou, truly taking charge of the power of the Nanbanzhou defense zone, and caused a factual encirclement of the Lingbi Palace."

Qin Wanqiu said: "With the spirit of innocence, it must be very angry, but there is nothing to help."

"Yes, he is a man who is guilty and guilty, conscientious and frivolous, fearful and timid, greedy and fearful of death, can not be embarrassed, can only fight!" Yangding Tiandao: "After completing the encirclement of the Lingbi Palace, internal disintegration, internal penetration , strive to eat all the black scorpion corps, and in fact complete the annexation of the Lingbi Palace!"

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "Of course, this is the most ideal state. There may be many changes in the middle. The biggest and biggest change is the Queen of the Sea of ​​the Snake Empire! Once she interferes, the consequences are very serious. So, It is necessary to carry out greater deterrence against the Snake Empire. Send large-scale troops to the east to the grasslands, conduct military exercises, and make an attack on the East from the grasslands to support the rebel forces of the Snake Empire."

Qin Wanqiu said: "That way, then, perhaps the army that is dispatched will be very large and large..."

Yangding Tiandao: "Some of the legions of Xijing, part of the legion of the northwestern mainland, the Iron Furnace City Legion, the North Army Corps, and the Yunxiaocheng Legion are all sent out!"

Qin Wanqiu said: "This, this may be more than eight million troops."

Yangding Tiandao: "It was a drill for the expeditionary snakeman empire. Without such a big force, it would not be able to shock the snakeman empire. And this is not enough. There are still two things that need to be done to make the Queen of the Sea feel that the Snake Empire is ours. The real offensive direction."

The East Nirvana: "Which thing?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The first thing, now the head of the human kingdom of the head hall, is guarded by the strong man of the snake empire. I lead all the infinite masters and above to destroy the strong of the snake empire and recapture. Then, the master of the human kingdom. Then, the master and you, Burlu, enter the snakeman empire, waiting for the opportunity to help the resistance army ~ ~ large-scale assassination and destruction of the city of the snake empire."

The Eastern Nirvana silenced for a long time: "This way, it may really irritate the Queen of the Sea."

Yangding Tiandao: "I will anger her, but she has asked for me, and she can't really turn her face completely."

Qin Wanqiu said: "The practice of the sovereign will have a great risk. But now, if you don't take risks, it is equivalent to doing nothing. I think, just do it!"

Thus, at the highest level of the Bright Parliament, they voted to carry out the largest military operations against Nanmanzhou and the Snake Empire.

After the meeting!

Suddenly, hundreds of konjac messengers flew in all directions.

One day later, Tiandaomeng’s tens of millions of troops began to assemble in all directions, indicating that an unprecedented war will be waged!

Suddenly, shocked the world! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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