Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 935: Great victory! No way to destroy!

Yangdingtian is still a slow step.

The incredible magical sky-breaking lightning, slamming into the top of the road without a road. All his avatars have disappeared, and all the evil spirits are returned to the body.

"Oh..." The huge lightning bolt hit the innocent.

Only seeing the blue light flash, his entire body quickly burned out and then returned to its original shape more quickly.

Because, at the moment he was recognized by the real body, he had already recovered the evil spirits. At this point, the magic sky cracking lightning has not been able to hurt him at all.

Nothing to look at the 19th-order demon squatting on his own body, revealing the expression of horror, and trembled: "Yangdingtian, you are really amazing, you can get the magic spirit of nearly 10,000 years. Pets. However, how about it, it’s just a little trick, can you help me?”

Then, the two men quietly confront each other again.

What means have been exhausted by both sides, and even no one can help each other.

Yangdingtian stares at the innocent, and the evil spirit energy of the ghost is so difficult. If there is no such evil spirit energy, even if there is no road, it is 16th, and it will die under its own sword.

No way to look at Yang Dingtian, sneer: "What else do you have, even if you let it out."

Yangdingtian gritted his teeth and began to release the mysterious fire.

"Call!" Yiling demon fire.



Of course, he is not trying to create a black fire, because the black fire lightning is too slow, no way can easily escape, he is a simple black fire impact.

Three Xuanhuo, began to condense quickly, rotate, and jump in the palm of Yangdingtian.

No way to look a little stunned, then slammed his teeth.

Suddenly. The evil spirits rushed out of his body, forming a powerful energy cover that enveloped his entire body.

"go with!"

The sacred fire of Yangdingtian, slammed out, like a lightning bolt.


The three groups of fast-moving Xuanhuo. Very fiercely squatting on the bodyless.


Another array of earth-shattering loud noises is a dazzling light, like the nuclear explosion.

Even after tens of thousands of meters, the people on the ground could not see any situation in the battlefield and fell into a brief blindness.

After half a minute.

The light faded away.

No road is still floating in the air, safe and sound.

"Ha ha ha ha..." No way to sneer: "Yangdingtian, you are poor. You are three heavenly and orderly fires, but they are extremely powerful. But they still can't break my evil spirits. Hahaha... ..."

When Yangding Tiandeng gritted his teeth, he thought that this battle would surely win, and it would be very easy to win.

But the power of evil spirits is far beyond her imagination.

Electric energy, of course, can ignore the evil spirit energy cover. But the attack of Xuanhuo lightning is too cumbersome, and the position is completely fixed. Just avoid that position and you can be safe.

Then, no way to look at Yangding Tiandao: "Now it seems. You can't help me, so your plan is going bankrupt. If you haven't found another way, I will not accompany you to play, I will return to me. The Lingbi Palace."

Yangding Tiandao: "There is no way, you didn't say that you want to kill me, will you smash me a corpse? Why are you leaving in a hurry now?"

No way to laugh: "I know that things can't be done. That's an idiot. I can't kill you, but if I join forces with the Queen of the Sea, I will force the uninhibited to take it together? You still have to die." !"

Yangding Tiandao: "So, how about picking me up before you leave?"

"Isn't it a Xuanhuo lightning? It's useless, it won't hit me." No way laughed.

Yangding Tiandao: "No. It is not Xuanhuo lightning, but another more mysterious method. Do you want to try?"

"Haha, I don't believe that you can still have any exercises. There is no energy in the world that can be higher than evil spirits." No way: "Try, try. But if you do this, you can't I am very sorry, I will not accompany you to play."

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao: "If this trick, I still can't beat you, then this contest is a draw!"

No way to raise the evil spirits hood again, smiled: "What is the trick, even if it comes!"

Yangdingtian slowly closed his eyes, and this move must be sure.

Otherwise, if you put the tiger back to the mountain, your own big plans will be abandoned. And there is no way to feel the threat of Yangdingtian, and we will do everything possible to force the innocent to join hands to get rid of ourselves.

There is no way, Yangdingtian is not afraid, but if you add the innocent, even the Queen of the Sea, then Yangdingtian is hard to escape.

At present, it seems that the evil spirit energy cover of the innocent is almost completely unsolvable, unless the attack energy is far more than the innocent repair. But this is impossible, Yangdingtian is only fifteenth order, and no Taozi is sixteenth order.

Xuanhuo lightning has a fixed position and it is impossible to hit it.

Therefore, Yang Diantian thinks of the way is dark Xuanhuo! Yes, it is a dark mysterious fire.

Of course, it is useless to rely solely on the darkness of the fire. Because, the energy level of the dark Xuanhuo is not as good as the evil spirit energy, and completely helpless to the evil spirits.

What Yang Diantian conceived is that the dark vortex that is carved out of the dark mysterious fire, the real black hole, should be able to devour all energy.

Then, is it also wrapped in evil spirits!

When the evil spirits are in the body of the Tao, there is no way in Yangdingtian, but it is released into the body and becomes an energy cover. Can the vortex black hole made by the dark Xuanhuo directly devour the evil spirit energy cover completely?

No matter whether it is done or not, Yangdingtian will try it.


Open your eyes.

Yang Dingtian left hand, once again summoned three heavenly-level Xuanhuo, began to rotate, becoming a terrible energy.

His right hand summons a powerful dark fire. But not a whole summoned, but a trace, a piece.

Suddenly, these dark mysterious fires constitute an incomparably beautiful energy array.

This is extremely complicated. The incomparably beautiful energy array begins to spin and spin.

In an instant, it became a whirlpool black hole with a mysterious mystery.

"Call..." Yangding violently spurred the vortex black hole out.

No roads suddenly horrified, and suddenly avoided like lightning.

However, this is impossible to avoid, the vortex black hole. As usual, it shrouded over his head.


The black hole of the black fire formed by the dark black fire is getting faster and stronger.

Crazy to swallow all the energy.

No way to the horror, the evil spirits on the surface of his body are rapidly escaping and disappearing into the black hole vortex above his head.


No way to move frantically, desperately to avoid this vortex black hole, but it is completely useless. The vortex black hole that is being swallowed is always followed closely.

In a twinkling of an eye, the evil spirits on his body are getting thinner and thinner.


In the end, all the evil spirits were swallowed up.

Of course, it is not gone. Still connected with the innocent, but was swallowed into another isolation space.

Then. No way to find even more dazed, this dark vortex at the top of the head, even even himself must be swallowed in.

"Ah..." He violently angered and transported all the mysterious energy flowing through the body.

Suddenly, this feeling of engulfing is over.

Because, his energy level exceeds the repair of Yangdingtian. It also exceeded the maximum phagocytosis of this energy black hole, so the vortex black hole could not successfully engulf him.

But for Yangdingtian, this is enough.

The three fast-moving Xuanhuo in his left hand slammed into the body of the innocent.

No way to avoid it. Avoid it quickly.

However, the three Xuan Huo, quickly chasing, as the shadow.

Finally, slammed into the body of the innocent.


Once again, like a nuclear explosion, the body of the innocent, lived by the energy of three Xuanhuo.

Almost instantaneously, the whole body instantly became a group of coke, and then immediately disappeared.

His handsome and majestic body directly turned into a powder.

But even then, the entire evil spirit energy still protects his heart, skull, Xuanmai, and Qihai.

He was just the whole body, completely smouldering.

But the most important parts of the body are all protected by evil spirits.

The dark vortex can **** away its evil spirit energy cover, but it can't completely **** it away from the body.

Therefore, even if he is broken, even if he is smouldering. Evil spirit energy will still make him recover quickly, as intact.

Ghostly evil spirits, ghosts of evil spirits!

At this time, the body of the innocence became extremely strange, leaving only a group of mysterious veins under the protection of blue light, heart, sea, and skull. The whole person seems to have completely become a group of energy bodies.

Sure enough, under the protection of the evil spirits, he began to recover.

First, the head, an inch of flesh and blood grew back, eyes, nose, and even hair, all grow out.

However, because a lot of evil spirit energy is shielded in the black hole of the black fire, the speed of recovery becomes very slow.

There is only one head with no way to complete, and slowly said: "Yes, Yangdingtian, I will lose this battle."

Yangding Tiandao: "Then you fulfill your promise."

"Commitment?" No way to slow down: "What promise?"

"Returning the freedom of the Spiritual Rabbit, returning the position of the Lord of the Lingbi Palace to the Lingchuzi, and exiling yourself forever." Yangding Tiandao.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ..." No way to laugh: "Dream, do your spring and autumn dreams, Yangdingtian! I lost, does not mean that I will fulfill my promise, you do not know, for the top strong Is the promise completely fart?"

Then, No Road began to gradually recover the neck and neck, saying: "I will not fulfill my promise. After returning to the Lingbi Palace, I will force the innocent son for the first time, and I will contact the Queen of the Seas with the Snake Empire. Kill you. Of course, you can let Queen Haixin successfully borrow your species and kill you. Your scourge, so humiliating me today, how can I make you live?"

Yangdingtian looked at the innocent and slowly said: "You are more despicable than the innocent. It is shameless."

"Despicable, is a pass for the despicable, have you not heard of this sentence?" No way to slow down: "What can you do with nobleness? Can you come to eat? Yangdingtian, if you have the ability, you kill." I will not madly retaliate against you. But you can't kill me, you have nothing to do with me, I have second-class evil spirits, I have no body to die, I am all broken, or die. No."

After all, no way to laugh.

Yangding slammed forward, and his sword pointed at his head and slammed down.

Suddenly. It was easy to break his head.

However, only the bones and flesh and blood, its brain, and the mysterious veins are still protected by the evil spirits, and have even become a pure energy body. At the end, it cannot be eliminated at all.

This is the second-class evil spirit. It is completely different from the third-class and fourth-class evil spirits.

The third-class evil spirits have life. But it is only to protect the mysterious veins, the sea of ​​air and the brain.

The second-class evil spirits have completely transformed the mysterious veins, the sea of ​​air, the brain and the heart into energy bodies. It is completely inexhaustible.


Yang Dingtian's magic sky cracks lightning, madly squatting on the energy of the innocent brain.

However, it is still completely safe and sound.

Yangding is innocent to be completely crazy.

Their, evil spirits are so perverted, how to fight? how to spell?

"Ha ha ha ha..." There is no flesh and blood in the head. Still growing slowly.

"Yangdingtian, I am so happy to see you in a hurry. You wait, wait, wait for me to come over with the innocent and the Queen of the Sea, and you will be ruined and will be you." The bright parliament and the Heavenly Alliance, killing the dogs and dogs, hahahahaha..."

There is no way to laugh, so that within a few hundred miles, you can hear clearly.

Not only the Tianqi Academy, but also Xijing City can hear clearly.

This voice is completely frightening!

Yangdingtian looked at the innocent and slowly said: "I originally wanted to banish you to the edge of the world without asking about the human world. But now you are so crazy, so shameless. Then don't blame me."

"Ha ha ha ha..." No way to laugh out loudly: "Can you give me what? You can take me..."

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, I can't kill you. But I can imprison you forever, exile to the dark world forever, and exile to the mainland of death!"

Then, Yangding suddenly released a hollow fire.

"Boom..." A hollow fire broke out, getting bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger.

The black and white fires are completely integrated into a transparent fire, and then swell continuously.

In the end, the hollow flame broke open an energy gate, leading to the first dark world, the space gate of the dead continent.

"Go, there will never be life, you will never think of it again." Yangding Tian Li said: "This is what you are taking."

Yang Dingtian firmly locked the energy body of the innocent, while slowly slamming the empty door.

Nothing is struggling with horror, but now, all the evil spirits are used to restore the body. Most of the evil spirits are swallowed up by the vortex black hole, so it is impossible to avoid the magical demon lock of Yangdingtian.

"No, no, no, Yangdingtian let me go, let me go..."

"I promised you, I promised, I admit defeat, I am self-exiled to the edge of the world, and I will surrender the position of the Lord of the Ghosts."

"Yangdingtian, let me go, I will return the spirit rabbit to you, ah...ah..."

No way to desperately beg for mercy, desperately.

Seeing that Yangdingtian is indifferent, he is incomparably complaining: "Yangdingtian, you dare to banish me to the world of death. Once I am out, I will sue you the most insane revenge, your woman. , your child, I am all clean, hahahaha..."

"Yangdingtian, let me go, let me go..."

Yang Dingtian used all the sinfulness of the whole body to push the empty door and move forward slowly.

In this way, in the innocent crazy roar and curse, crazy pleading.

The empty door slammed through the energy body of the innocent.


The horrible innocent disappeared instantly without a trace, was completely exiled to the mainland of death, the continent of death without any vitality.

If no one opens the dark door to the dead continent, he will never come out!


Yangdingtian slowly landed on the smashing field of Tianqi College, and then raised the **** head of the innocent.

Suddenly, the entire Tianqi Academy boiled.

"Long live, long live, long live the Sun Yat-Sen master!"

The whole Xijing is boiling!


Note: Please ask for a ticket. (to be continued


(Enlightenment Book Network)

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