Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 947: Big day! Queen's Holy Land!

This, this, this is really a hell! !

Not long ago, the entrance to the Holy Valley was clearly seen, as well as the rebel army.

During the routine aerial investigations before the two, the Valley of the Holy Valley was full of people. Three years ago, when Ghost Zizi entered the Holy Valley, there were people everywhere.

In this short effort, the people in the Holy Valley have thus evaporated.

Is it impossible to drill underground? If three or five people still return, it can be more than a hundred thousand people.

The entire holy valley is completely surrounded by three-dimensional, and the water is leaking. The people inside are so hungry that their legs are soft, and it is simply difficult to fly. Now all of them have disappeared without a trace, and even the human world has evaporated.

The supreme commander of the battlefield, the general of the snake people, flew in the holy valley and flew several times, completely failing to believe this fact. Then he screamed and screamed: "Deep the ground three feet, find every inch, and find them."

"Yes!" All the senior generals shouted in unison.

Then, millions of semi-human army forces began to destroy the Sacred Valley as never before.

All the houses were completely demolished and shattered. So the plants, all the trees, are all cut off. It’s the real three-foot dig, oh no, it’s three feet, thirty feet.

In the end, even the dragon was sent and madly drilled into the holy valley a few hundred meters underground.

Even so, no half-personality can be found.

The snake man general is really going crazy, and he screams: "All the hawks, to explore the endless sea, the seabed, all to search."


Then, 100,000 eagle people, all flew toward the endless sea.

The day of the occlusion is normal, and the sky above the endless sea and the bottom of the water are all filled up in an instant.

Keep going east. Go east, east, and search east.

After searching for thousands of miles, I didn't see half a figure.

The demon really has to collapse completely, and Her Majesty has given the task of attacking the Holy Valley to herself. This is a breeze. result. More than a hundred thousand people in the Holy Valley have disappeared.

After searching for a few nights, the demon finally confirmed that everyone in the Valley has completely disappeared.

Then, she had no choice but to report to the lord of the city and the secret of the queen.

Of course, these two people have already known about the things inside the Holy Valley.

Ghost Zizi is still full of unwillingness, and personally explored every place in the Holy Valley, after all, nothing.

At last. Ghost I decided to personally report this to the Queen of the Sea!


At this time, more than 100,000 people in the Sacred Valley Rebels have completely settled in the torn space.

Of course, in this torn space, there is nothing but a floating boulders. It must have been extremely difficult.

However, compared to being slaughtered. It’s always better.

Of course, it is only temporary relief in this area, and it will not last long. Although it brings in more than 100,000 kinds of various medicinal herbs, at most it can only stay in it for more than a dozen.

Of course, after the 100,000 people entered this space, they were completely shaken. I was shocked.

It is clear that it is running along a giant wooden channel, and it is actually in this strange world. This is really mysterious.

Thus, more than 100,000 people dedicated their worship to the phoenix. This is really a thorough function.


Demon glass, demon purple, day by day. Bella, Huang language, temporarily became a group of four, comprehensive management of the escape of more than 100,000 people, responsible for order, and the distribution of the drug, and responsible for a certain force suppression.

Of course, the so-called suppression of force is only prepared, and the probability of occurrence is very low, almost impossible.

Yangding, then began to explore this tearing space.

The best result is that this tearing space overlaps with other areas and boundaries, and it is best to be a human kingdom. In this way, the Yangding can directly bring people back to the human kingdom.

Of course, this possibility Yang Ding feels there is.

Because the chaotic world is an extremely complicated place, there are many planes and many spaces. Every space is irregular and naturally has more than one boundary.

For example, the northernmost part of the snow and ice is bordering the first dark field. The east side of the grassland is bordered by the torn space.

The Yangding constantly flies toward the southeast of the torn space, and constantly avoids floating boulder along the way.

It is reasonable to note that this tearing space is bordered. Just as they jumped in, it was the border of the west, and to the west was the complete darkness and nothingness.

In the direction of the southeast, flying, flying, and flying.

Flying more than 30,000 miles, there is endless floating boulder and tearing space. Again, there is no life here.

Finally, I flew to the fourth.

Yangding saw the southeast end of the torn space.

The floating boulders are getting sparse and sparse, and more and more sparse. In the end, they are completely empty and dark.

The top plate sits on the last boulder and begins to swallow.

After the Xuanqi was fully restored, Yangding flew out of the southeast for a hundred miles, then released the dark mysterious fire, creating a dark vortex, forming a black hole, and finally engulfing an isolated space.

Then, in the isolation space, the impact of the space, the emergence of a beautiful space door.

Going to the door of this space, slam!

Suddenly, the feeling of shuttle time and space came again, the body trembled a little, and then the eyes jerked.

The top of the sun jumped out of the tearing space and entered another space.

Wow, a dreamy picture, a beautiful picture, and a... a familiar picture.

There is no estimation error in Yangding. Here is the Yinyang mirror, which is the end of the human kingdom in the northwest.

Sure enough, the yin and yang mirrors and the torn space are bordered.

However, before the Yangding has never been to the end of the Yinyang mirror, of course, it does not seem to end, because it is very similar to the endless sea, the same color.

Empty, endless.

ground. Just like a mirror, there is no other vision at all.

A few years ago, the devil's death Ji was with the oriental ice, disappearing at the end of the north side of the Yin Yang mirror.

When she was demonized, the energy was too great. Caused the imbalance of the ground. As a result, the entire yin and yang mirror emerged with a black flame, and the entire ground was completely torn.

Now that the years have passed, the yin and yang mirrors have completely restored their original appearance, just like a complete mirror, endless.


Since the tearing space is directly bordered by the yin and yang mirror, the Yangding can transfer more than 100,000 rebel forces to the Yinyang mirror.

Of course, this is a very huge project.

This plan. Only the konjac can be completed, because only the konjac can fly tens of thousands of miles without stopping. Of course, because the konjac is the most loyal flying ride of the Bright Parliament.

Now, there is a problem. Can such a huge body of konjac pass through the space door?

When the machine was turned off, Yangding did not return to the torn space first, but flew back to Yunxiao City with the fastest speed.

Go back to Yunxiaocheng. Yangding did the experiment for the first time.

Finally, it was discovered that the konjac can pass through the space door. In fact, the shuttle of the space door has nothing to do with the shape of the body, but is related to the energy.

Then he rode the konjac king's claws, went to Zhongjing, and then secretly appeared at the headquarters of Zhongjing.

When I saw the appearance of Yangding, the Eastern Nirvana was very shocked. He should be away from the grasslands in the east. The army of the northwestern mainland did not receive any information on the large number of people entering the sea.

Yangding directly issued a secret order, dispatched a thousand konjac, and immediately assembled.

Moreover, this thousand konjac. No need for any knight, there is a konjac king claw and its partner Lingzhu to command.

This top secret command is written entirely in passwords and is basically not publicized and decrypted.

After the gathering of a thousand konjac, Yangding directly took the thousand konjac and returned to the northwestern continent.

Then, on an island in the sea, secret supplies, countless remedies, and countless foods and clothing.

Finally, fly directly toward the northwest end of the yin and yang mirror.


After half, the top led a thousand konjac and came to the end of the yin and yang mirror.

The reason why there is a konjac, and there is no konjac warrior, is to keep it secret. The konjac will only obey the order and will not leak it.

Then, at the end of the northwest of the Yinyang Mirror, the Yangding created a space door, and then continued to input energy to maintain the operation of the space door.

"A claw, you command the konjac, one by one into the space door." Yangding Road.

The konjac nodded and then prevailed.

Suddenly, a thousand konjac were lined up in the air, one after the other, flying over the space door and entering the torn space.

According to the order, the thousands of konjac can't move after entering the torn space, and they must be neatly arranged there.

In less than half an hour, a thousand konjac passed through the space door and entered the torn space.

Finally, the Yangding jumped into the tearing space.

At the end of the yin and yang mirror, the dark vortex that lost energy stopped rotating, and soon the space door was directly exposed to the air, and the smoke quickly disappeared.

Yangding rode the konjac king and led a thousand konjac to fly northwest in the torn space.

The floating boulder in the torn space is too dense, and it is very dangerous and it is easy to hit.

But fortunately, these floating boulders move very slowly. However, more than a thousand konjac, still have to fly in the heart, it is impossible to imagine that before, each time flying thousands of miles.


The distance to the torn space is already almost ten.

All kinds of medicinal herbs are almost exhausted. The excitement and excitement at the beginning was also replaced by the tension and oppression of the closed space.

More than a hundred thousand rebel forces are becoming more and more uneasy and increasingly desperate.

They are densely packed and all crowded on a hundred miles of boulders.

This sense of loneliness and drift is very, very deadly. This feeling is more desperate than waiting for the slaughter in the Holy Valley.

After all, it is full of vitality within the Holy Valley.

Of course, despite this, there have been no riots in the hundreds of thousands of rebel forces. But some people have already started to commit suicide.

In the beginning, they chose to jump directly from the edge of the boulder, then squat on other boulder, and die.

This kind of suicide has brought tremendous stimulation to others. As a result, more and more people committed suicide.

Huang Yu angrily refuted this behavior, and her husband will soon come to save them. This kind of suicide is a cowardly act.

Thus, this fall of suicide is gone. Many people choose to commit suicide.

As the days passed, the drug was gradually exhausted and the number of suicides increased.

The demon purple has been crying, and the anger blames: "How can they do this? Yangding and us, in order to save them, so desperately rushing, they managed to save them, but they have to commit suicide, how can they be so selfish ?"

The demon glass suddenly stopped saying: "You shut up, what does your child know?"

"I don't know what? I don't know if they commit suicide."

Demon glass whispered: "Suicidal, all are weak, old. They choose to die, give the drug to other people, and leave the opportunity to others."

When the words came out, the demon purple suddenly screamed, then covered his face, and even more sad crying.

"Yangding is also true. How can I not come back for so long? He will not come back again. The people here will all die." The demon purple turned the gunfire to the Yangding Road: "If everyone here is dead, see me not." Spare him."

At this moment, suddenly there was a dense scream in the distance.

Then, only in the distance, countless black shadows are flying in the cracks of countless boulder.

Yangding came back. He took a thousand konjac, with countless foods, countless remedies, countless fruits, and countless clothes.

Saved, saved!

Huang Yu suddenly burst into tears, and felt incomparably proud of her heart, proud of her man.

Her husband never disappoints, will always create miracles, and will never give up anyone.

However, her face became very difficult to see. Because, the demon purple flew directly to the past, directly rushed to the front of the Yangding, and suddenly grabbed him.

"Yangding, you are too great, I love you, love you."

Then, her kiss is like no money.

He is his wife who hasn’t done it yet, you are a girl in front of me.

The demon glass was a little embarrassed and whispered: "I'm sorry."

Then, fly over at a faster speed, twisting the ears of the demon purple, and tearing her shameful sister out of the Yangding!


Queen of the Sea Heart is not on the pyramid of but in the new holy place of the Snake Empire!

The so-called new holy land is the center of the east from the grassland, the place below the lake, where the Yiling demon fire was born.

Here, it has become the top secret of the Snake Empire.

Every snake who is allowed to enter this area will be swollen.

Of course, after they come out, they will not remember anything.

Therefore, it has become the holy place of the Snake Empire, the most mysterious place!

Ghosts squatted on the edge of the lake and said, "Ghosts, please see the Queen!"

Suddenly, this huge lake of water trembled fiercely. To be continued. .



(Enlightenment Book Network)

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