Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 950: Receive aroma! Tell the truth!

Looking at the lake that has gradually calmed down, Yang Dingtian’s mood is complicated. Oh,

He really didn't think that this storm had just subsided, and the Queen of the Seas actually counted it. Originally, Yangdingtian was prepared to use the murderer as a threat.

You must know that Yang Dingtian’s Sanxuanhuo lightning is completely powerful, far exceeding the power of the 19th order. Although I can't beat the Queen of the Sea, the so-called Snake Man Empire can't move, it must be unable to stop the three Xuanhuo lightning of Yangdingtian.

At that time, Queen Haixin must be compromised.

Because of this holy place, this is the lifeblood of the Snake Empire, and it cannot be damaged.

And Yangdingtian is determined not to surrender the body of the poisonous queen. Therefore, this dispute can still be calmed down.

Of course, the tearing of Yangdingtian and Haixin Queen is even more powerful.

However, I did not expect that the Queen of the Seas finally gave up the relatives who threatened Yangdingtian.

I don't know if she has the bottom line in her mind in Yangdingtian's affairs, or for other reasons. Or maybe she does not care about the life of the phoenix, but after all... that is her loved one, the second relative in the world, the first person is of course the Queen of Poison.

But this result is the best.

Yang Dingtian finally understood the cultivation of the Queen of the Sea Heart, and it is really not what he can now match. She didn't fight directly with herself. Just using a lake of water, she almost had her own life.

And her strong roots are undoubtedly the huge holy place in front of her. This holy place is under the lake. It should be the biggest secret of the Snake Empire, and it is also the reason why the Snake Empire masters appear quickly.

Yangdingtian is very eager to enter into the situation, but it is absolutely impossible at this time, because the Queen of the Sea is below.

Finally, I looked at the lake. As if trying to see through the lake, see the holy places inside, and the deepest Queen of the Sea.

Then, Yangding suddenly vacated and flew south.

Flying a few hundred miles, the konjac king's claws immediately greeted. Yangdingtian rides on the konjac king, flying with the fastest and fastest speed toward the northwestern continent.


Half a day later, Yangdingtian came to the sky above the northwestern mainland, but he did not stop at Yunxiaocheng, but flew directly to the surface of the sea.

Yangdingtian has already returned to the Serpent Empire, and the fleet carrying the Semi-human Rebels is still far from Nanmanzhou.

After only two hours, Yangdingtian caught up with the fleet. Landed on the largest ship, Huang Yu and every day. Bella, the fragrance is on this ship.

When I saw Yangdingtian returning safely, the heart of Huangyu was finally put down.

And the little baby, Yang Dance is sleeping, this little girl sleeps, but also the fragrance is accompanied.

The ship of this fleet has a very large tonnage. Each ship has more than a thousand people, which is more than enough. Like phoenix and incense. They all have a single cabin, which is more than ten square meters.

After Yangdingtian came in, Huangyu rushed into his arms in the first time, and it was absolutely impossible to do so.

"Fu Jun, did she have to treat you?" asked Huang.

"No, this thing has passed." Yangding Tiandao.

"She has such a good speech?" Huang said: "I think she must have tried to you. Don't think I didn't see it."

Then, she gently snuggled up in the arms of Yangdingtian: "This thing has passed, and I don't want to worry about her kindness. Then, I don't care about anything, I am safe." Be your wife. When we grow up with our baby, we will regenerate a male treasure after the baby is a little bigger!"

Yang Dingtian instinctively wants to say that in fact you still have a male baby, but after all, he did not say it, just said a gentle voice.

In front of the character of the phoenix, the heart is not a solitary phoenix dance. Phoenix Dance is definitely not the ideal of being a good wife and a good mother.

Therefore, the phoenix seems to be overbearing, but the actual soul has become a small woman.

Yunjun slave looks delicate and charming, but in fact it is very ambitious, so she does not marry Yangdingtian, but instead becomes a close-knit female official, becoming one of the very important figures of the Guangming Parliament. This is very similar to the phoenix dance.

"Hey, if you want to be intimate, go to my cabin, your baby daughter is not easy to fall asleep, it is very difficult to sleep with her." Xiangxiang suddenly said, the tone is a bit sour.

Yangding Tiandun was embarrassed to smile, but the phoenix language turned out to be hot and whispered: "French, let's go there? We haven't had any intimacy for a long time, I thought again."

Yangding Tianyiyi, it’s okay to have no intimacy in the past few years, this time is almost a month.

However, he was also busy for a month without a break, let alone being intimate with a woman. Since your own woman wants, then you have to do your best.

So she directly picked up the phoenix and walked toward another cabin.

Before the beginning, the phoenix language is directly eye-catching and breathless.


After coming to another cabin, Yangding threw her on the bed, and Huang said: "No, husband. Last time we were too intense, now there is a lot of time, I want to take it slowly, very gentle. That kind."

Yangding Tiandao: "No problem, I know a lot in this aspect, to ensure that the spring breeze is fine, let you completely ascend to heaven."

"But, I want to take the initiative." Phoenix said and laughed.

Yangding Tianyi said, "Well, but I am coming in a thousand miles, I still haven’t bathed, and I have an estimated taste."

"I washed it and washed it with fragrance." Huang said: "You don't want to wash, what I want is this kind of thick taste."

Yangding Tianda, this, what is this hobby? Phoenix dance does not seem to have this hobby. It seems that there is no phoenix before.

He was in a hurry and was directly pushed to the ground by Huang Yu. Then, she sat on the waist of Yangdingtian, took down her delicate body, and stretched out her small tongue to gently rub his eyes, nose, mouth, every inch of his face.

As she said, what she wants is the taste of Yangdingtian.

Her tongue is very soft, as if it is very light. It seems to be more forceful.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian was kissed and smashed, and there was a feeling of shuddering.

Her kitten-like tongue, when I kissed the top of my chest, kissed one inch and took off an inch.

that's it. Every inch has been baptized by her little tongue, and has been going down...

Yang Dingtian suddenly trembled: "That, then wash it, or it tastes..."

"What you want is your taste."

Yangding Tian suddenly slammed and his toes bent.

This, this is definitely not the result of the solitary phoenix dance, Yunjun slave will be so charming as a fox!


The general love of this spring breeze has been maintained for one and a half hours.

After the end. Yang Dingtian felt that every toe was twitching.

This is more intense than the storm, and it is completely the feeling that the soul is shaking.

And the phoenix language is completely a beach of water, soft in the arms of Yangdingtian.

"French, do you say that I can be pregnant this time?" Huang asked suddenly.

"Today, is it the date you are easy to conceive?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Probably, maybe. I hope so." Huang said: "My cycle, very very inaccurate."

Yangdingtian knows. The same is true of Yunjun slaves, and the cycle is very inaccurate. Of course, he did not have a close relationship with Yunjun slave, because when she came to the cycle, she was completely moody. A quarter of an hour ago, I still had a bad temper. Grab the opportunity to train Yang to top the day. But after a quarter of an hour, he would suddenly seduce him.

Therefore, every time Yunjunnu is especially moody, it is probably the cycle. And her cycle is very confusing. There is no law at all.

This should also be the consequence of the evil experiment of Queen Haixin.

"French, will you marry other women?" Huang asked suddenly.

Yang Dingtian was silent for a moment and said: "I don't know."

"Happiness ghost." Huang Yu sighed and complained.

Yangding Tiandao: "Some, it is responsible."

Huang Yu gently circled the chest of Yang Dingtian, and then said: "You must give Xiangxiang an account, she has waited for so many years, and take care of your daughter."

"I know." Yangding Tiandao: "And, I take the fragrance, it will also give the marriage of the Fox people and human beings, to set an example, will make the semi-humans better integrated into the human kingdom."

"Hate..." Huang replied: "It’s a very good thing, you are so snobbish."

Then, Huang said: "Xiangxiang used to be very daring, but now it has become very sensitive, so you must take the initiative in this matter, you know?"

"Well, good." Yangding Tiandao.

Then he said again: "You said, I want the master to think about it day by day. Is the Bella chief's proposal to be more solemn and serious?"

Huang language thought for a while, then nodded, said: "It is good, but it seems not enough, can not only propose to her father, but also to Xiangxiang."

Yangding Tiandao: "Well, I went to the flames and proposed to Xiangxiang."

"Is that the boss of our sister?" Huang Yu used a very strange tone.

Yangding Tiandao: "Well, you can't bully her when you get home, because she is the most vulnerable to being bullied, so she is the boss."

"Hey..." Phoenix smiled, then stunned Yang Tiantian, and said: "Eccentric ghost!"

Yang Dingtian was silent for a moment, looking at the eyes of the phoenix, could not help but reveal the embarrassment. He is sorry for many women, but the solitary phoenix dance should be the most sorry one.

"Why? I said to play, this is also angry." Huang said: "She is a big woman, we are small, of course, we must be careful to wait. I can not fight back, I will not fight back, always Okay."

"A fool..." Yang Dingtian gently squeezed her butt, and said: "Oh, child, I don't know if I should tell you?"

"What is it? Is it important?"

"Well, it is very important." Yangding Tiandao.

"About me?" asked the phoenix.

"Well, it’s about you." Yangding Tiandao.

"You really hate it." Huang Yu slammed Yang Dingtian's chest and said: "I didn't want to know important and heavy things, but after you said it, I became very curious. Then let's talk."

Yangding Tiandao: "That, then I still started from very early in the morning."

"Well, you said, but if I am asleep, you can't blame me."

"This thing should have been said more than seven years ago. At that time, I had just arrived in Yunxiao City. The flames were slandered by the forces of Qin Shaobai and were sinned to kill people. In order to save her, I asked for a contest. Duel, and Qin Shaobai is also trying to use this opportunity to kill me." Yangding Tiandao: "At that time, he was a lot of high, I have about two orders. It is completely unreasonable, I go to Wanxue Palace, it is the demon. The site of the Tao, going to the Wanxue pool there, seeking a breakthrough..."

Yang Dingtian will tell the story of himself and the solitary phoenix dance, and every detail has not been let go. Including the first solitary phoenix dance, she and the Eastern Ice Ling fight, all said.

However, when Yang Dingtian said that he was in the blood pool, when he saw the singular dance of the singular phoenix, the phoenix language had closed his eyes, as if he was asleep.

However, Yang Dingtian knows that she is not asleep, but to be more focused and comfortable to listen.

Yang Dingtian speaks very slowly, and every detail is clearly stated.

Speaking of the reason for being alone, let the solitary phoenix dance misunderstand that she took the opportunity to take possession of her.

Then, in the encounter on the southwestern sea, I saved many times.

Feng Dance forced himself to contact the false swords of the sect of the sect, and the fake esoteric ancestors were unknown, and the sacred fire magic hammer was swindled on the Shenbing Mountain Villa.

Then, in the Huoyun Magic Cave, two people forged the soul sword, found the secret, and then, before the phoenix dance to kill himself, handed the body to himself, and then killed himself.

When it comes to this, the phoenix is ​​slightly trembled.

Yang Dingtian continued to say that he lived in the secret because of the holy water.

Then, when it comes to the encounter between the grassland and the phoenix dance in the east, Feng Dance and Lonely Huanhuan and other people compete for the Yiling demon fire, and start against the Oriental Ice Ling.

Speaking of the Valley of the Fox People, the Oriental Ice Ling and himself, joined forces to fight the solitary phoenix dance, Qin Huaiyu, lonely and happy. I, a fierce sword, pierced the chest of the solitary phoenix dance.

Huang Yujiao violently twitched, and then grabbed the position of his chest, as if feeling a pain there.

Speaking of the solitary phoenix dance, there is already a child I pierced the phoenix dance, not only killed her, but also almost hurt her child.

Although things have been going on for a long time, it is said that Yangdingtian is still convulsive, and the heart is very painful.

If there was any accident at the time, he really only had to wipe his neck.

Finally, when it comes to the solitary phoenix dance and the oriental ice icing, they all have the soul sorcerer, and Yangdingtian will save one of them with tears.

Oriental Ice Ling chose to save the solitary phoenix dance, then took her child away from the side and took it to Yunxiao City.

Du Gu washes her memory, changes her appearance, and sends her to the side of the rose teacher. Just to prevent the solitary phoenix dance from being involved in the battle of righteousness and evil, to avoid her and Yang Dingtian kill each other.

When it comes to this, the phoenix language has completely burst into tears, and the whole body is twitching.

"I'm sorry, sorry, sorry..." After the talk, Yangdingtian can only repeat these three words constantly! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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