Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 956: Queen's love! Poke!

"You, didn't you really resist my kiss?" Haixin Queen suddenly said. Point ○

Yangding Tiandao: "I just don't know what to do."

Queen Haixin said: "If you have finished with me, I have your child in my stomach, then you still kill me?"

Yangding Tian smiled a bit.

Haixin said: "Perhaps, you still fantasize that after I have married you, after pregnant with your child, you will have a motherhood, then your ambition will be greatly reduced, and even become your servant, is it?"

Although very embarrassed, Yangdingtian did have such an illusion.

Haixindao: "Yangdingtian, I know that the Naga people are extremely loyal to their partners. They are almost the same life and die, never betray. But unfortunately I am not a Naga, we are a sea snake. You may not know The nature of the Sea Snakes is very ridiculous. In the ancient underwater world, polygamy and polyandry are common in the Sea Snakes."

Yang Dingtian suddenly frowned.

Hai Xindao: "Of course, we are different from ordinary sea snakes. We are all spare eggs, which were specially cultivated under the permission of the Naga Empire. Our role is to go to humans when needed. Therefore, we and the special sea snakes, the body contains the next generation of Naga elements of the sea snakes. We treat the feelings, but also specific. So once I have finished with you, this life will not find Other men, even if you are dead. But, if you want me to die with you, or even change your will, it is impossible."

Haixin holds the face of Yangdingtian, the hot and fragrant smell, sprayed on the face of Yangdingtian, and then kissed the mouth of Yangdingtian with soft and delicate lips, softly said: "You can make me emotional easily." Now is my estrus moment, so my words are true. You... don’t have any hope for me, or you will be disappointed.”

Then, Haixin's small tongue was drilled into the mouth of Yangdingtian, hooked to the lips of Yangdingtian, and entangled forcefully.

Her deep kiss. More and more hot, more and more affectionate.

In the end, the whole body is completely hot like a fire, panting and panting: "Yangdingtian, I know that you may be wondering why I am so ambitious. Anan is a beauty, isn't it? But you I don't know, this crazy ambition is deeply imprinted in our blood. It cannot be changed."

Yang Dingtian does not agree with this statement, the Queen of Poison is also the candidate for the next generation of Naga. But she is very quiet and doesn't have much ambition.

"You may think that the Queen of Poison is different?" Hai Xin said: "Why do you know that the Queen of Poison is different? Have you ever been in contact with her?"

"She, very lazy, not interested in anything, the flame of sight is like you. Her beauty is not the same as you." Yangding Tiandao.

Queen of the Sea said: "That is because. She has already given birth to a child. All the blood in her body about Naga has already arrived in her child's body. Naga is full of life. Full of ambition. So, poison Shake will gradually become weaker, and I will be embarrassed by me!"

Yang Dingtian brain thinks of Naga Frost, she is a gentle and kind girl. But after becoming a naga, her nature is full of killings, full of plunder.

Haixin gently kissed the eyes of Yangdingtian. Gently rubbing his eyelashes with his tongue, said: "Last time, in the Holy Land of the Snake Empire, I finally chose to compromise. Does it make you feel a little soft?"

Yangdingtian did not speak. But in fact, the compromise of the Queen of the Sea Heart did give him some other ideas and was full of fantasies about Haixin.

Haixin gently faded all the clothes on Yangdingtian, and then gently sat on his waist and said: "So, I am going to marry you now, you don't refuse it? You are full of fantasy, you hope to be in harmony." After that, I will have a huge change, right?"

Yang Dingtian’s breathing suddenly became very heavy, and he grabbed her snake’s waist and slammed it down, and then she had to take possession of this stunner.

If Li Ming does not come, he will not do this. He will certainly use the force to solve the Queen of the Sea and solve the Snake Empire.

However, Li Ming came too suddenly, and it was not possible to solve the Queen of the Seas by force in a short time.

Can't rely on force? Then rely on the body?

Of course, relying on the body and relying on the interaction to solve problems is ridiculous and illusory.

However, you can give it a try. Of course, the consequence of trying it out is that if Queen Haixin is pregnant, it will be very difficult for Yangdingtian to kill her after that day, and he will not be able to get his hands.

At that time, Qin Qiqihuai was not his child. Yangdingtian could not get his hands, and he violated his vows and intended to let her live. Or Qin Qiqi chose to break himself.

Seeing a sudden and full of aggressive Yangdingtian, then fiercely, you must completely possess yourself. The Queen of the Seas trembled fiercely, and her heart was scared.

Then, she jerked hard and held her legs to stop the sun. Then, using all the strength and will of the whole body, the Yangding Tian will be pushed away.

Although she has already reached the extreme, the flames in her body have to be completely burned.

Before she came, she had convinced herself countless times.

She is ready, and for the upcoming pregnancy, she has almost killed thousands of people, killed countless her own people, and killed countless half-human masters. This holy place was built to compensate for the weakness of pregnancy.

She is ready for this, but after the mating, especially after pregnancy, will she change her mind? Will it be like poisonous sand, the body's attributes about Naga are lost?

After the pregnancy, she will not become weak, she does not have much confidence.

However, she clearly knows that Yang Dingtian’s stupid goods know that Li Ming’s trap is a trap, and he will still go. Once I have gone, there is basically no return, even if I come back, it may not be a complete Yangdingtian.

She can't borrow it anymore, it's too late!

Her mission is to give birth to future generations! But giving birth to future generations is likely to make her lose herself.

She really had enough courage, but when she was at the door, she still flinched. Still timid.

After pushing Yangdingtian away, she tightly clamped her legs and curled up the beautiful celestial bodies. She was lying on the golden couch with her back to Yangdingtian, and gasped for a big breath.

At this point, the sun shines on her skin like jade. It seems to be covered with a layer of golden light.

This is totally a crazy body.

"Li Ming also gave me an invitation, but I will not go." Queen Haixin said: "You, don't go."

Yang Dingtian is lying on one side and looking up at heaven. "I haven't decided yet. I always think of the picture in the mind of the little West Heavenly Demon Speaker looking at the abyss. He clearly knows that it may be a trap, but still Jumped down."

"So, he is dead." Queen of the Seas said.

Yangding Tiandao: "But this seems to have a choice, but in fact there is no choice. Can I watch the Oriental Ice Ling marry Li Ming? She is already my wife."

"If it's a trap. It's all fake." Queen Haixin said: "Moreover, even if it is true, then how. This is not the Oriental ice, but the princess peony of the demon."

Yangdingtian shook his head and did not explain it.

Queen Haixin sighed softly: "If someone can be so good to me, for me, know that this is a trap, but also jump. How good is that?"

Yangding Tiandao: "That, you will converge on your own ambitions. And he will keep his life forever?"

"No." Queen Haixin said: "I will let him leave me a species, and then after he dies, I will be widowed for his life."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was completely speechless.

Yangding Tiandao: "Hai Xin, you said Li Ming If this is a trap, what purpose does he want to achieve? Not only to chaos my rhythm? Not only because my army is too strong. My things are progressing. Too smooth?"

"What do you say?" Queen Haixin said with a sigh: "You don't want to be arrogant to such a degree. Li Ming wants to interrupt you. It can be done easily. Your army is very powerful, but for him. You will be half-dead directly. You can interrupt this rhythm. Why do you want to let you go to Hell, and destroy the temple?"

"Yeah..." Yang Dingtian sighed: "It’s easy to use his martial arts to think about disrupting my rhythm. It’s easy for him to kill anyone under me. Why do you want me to go? Hell Sea?"

Queen Haixin said: "Think with your brain. Why didn't he let you go before, now let you go? Is there something you have, and the evil demon does not?"

Yangding Tian suddenly trembled.

Large space surgery! That's right, it's a big space!

This thing, Yangdingtian has, the demon road is not! And the demon road, dreams of wanting to get a big space!

Yangding Tiandeng’s brain hole is wide open. If there is a large space technique, does it mean that in the Nether Empire, a space door can be opened directly, and the holy souls inside can be surging out and entering the human kingdom?

However, there is no reason! I know the secret of space technology, and almost no one knows it.

"Do you think that you will have some secret techniques, no one knows?" Queen Haixin turned his body and said: "How much you are, the poisonous body that put me in the energy array has been stolen." Silent and silent, the 100,000 rebel forces disappeared from the Holy Valley, and then appeared in Nanbanzhou! Stupid, some things do not want others to know, unless they do not do it."

Then, her jade finger poked the forehead of Yangdingtian: "You fool, what is the tens of thousands of rebel forces? If you die, let them die. You are not, but it costs a huge price. Come out! You stole the body of the poisonous sand, but only I know, I will not leak it. After all, I have to borrow from you. However, you don’t know how to take away the hundreds of thousands of rebel forces. It’s completely shocking. You still want everyone not to know, do you think I can block it alone?"

It was broken by the Queen of the Sea Heart, and Yang Dingtian was instantly opened! Before, Yangdingtian was in a fog! I think this is a conspiracy of Li Ming, but it is not certain, and it cannot be seen clearly.

Nowadays, it is very clear that it has been broken by the Queen of the Sea Heart.

That's right, that's right!

After he had just returned from the dark field, Li Ming did not appear. Even if he defeated the innocent, he could even say that he had eliminated the innocent, and Li Ming still did not appear.

However, he has just rescued hundreds of thousands of rebellious army gods and brought them to Nanbanzhou. Then, Li Ming suddenly appeared.

That's right. Although Yang Dingtian is very secretive, he has washed away every rebel army and has transferred the hundreds of thousands of rebel forces in an absolutely secret way.

However, the hundreds of thousands of people who have disappeared into the Valley of the Holy Grail can prove everything.

People in the human kingdom. Still can't figure out why this is. But like the Queen of the Sea, like the high level of the demon road, the first reaction is probably the big space technique.

Losing Yang Dingtian thought that it would be completely confidential, and it was really self-deception.

Now it is absolutely certain that the emergence of Li Ming should be for his own space!

The demon road is completely coveted by space technology! It can even be said that if the demon road gets space technology, it can swept the whole world in an instant.

The devil asks the sky. Indirectly mastered many planes. However, these planes are all spaced apart and cannot be opened.

However, once the space technique is mastered, these planes can be completely connected in series. By that time, no one in the whole world could resist the footsteps of the devil.

Yangdingtian is completely clear, this is a trap!

Why set this trap, Li Ming even ruined the oath. It is necessary to let Yangdingtian go to the Hell Sea to destroy the temple.

"You know. Ghost My Son once asked me how you made the 100,000 rebel army disappear without a trace. I told him I don't know." Hai Xin said: "And you are still very strange, you save I walked over a hundred thousand rebel forces and completely provoked my bottom line. I shouldn’t have forgiven it. But I just let it go. What do you think is the reason? Is it because I love you so much, I am not willing Hurt you? Do you think it is possible?"

Yangdingtian shook his head.

Queen Haixin said: "Yes, you are the only man who makes me estrus, but after all, I haven't finished it. You are not my man, so don't expect me to have too deep feelings for you."

Then, Queen Haixin said: "That is because I understand the seriousness of the situation. I want to make this matter a big thing. I don't want to let these hundreds of thousands of rebel forces be directly exposed to everyone's eyes. I don't want to use this. Things have become so conspicuous, and caused the attention of the demon! After all, I have not borrowed from you, and I don’t want you to be so finished."

Yang Dingtian was also very confused at the time, and why the Queen of the Seas was so easy to calculate. After showing that she can easily crush the strength of Yangdingtian, she suddenly just passed. It turned out that it was for this reason.

Queen Haixin continued: "When you steal the poisonous body from my energy array, I know that there is only one way to succeed, that is space technology. But I did not expect that your idiot turned out to fight for more than ten thousand The army, and expose yourself to clean. I don't want to press it down. I have been uneasy for a few days. Sure enough, there is still no way to cover it. Yours still attracted the Prince, and he came to Yunxiaocheng. Before, I first sent an invitation to the Snake Empire."

Yang Dingtian fell into silence. When he rescued hundreds of thousands of rebel forces, he really did not think about this consequence.

Queen Haixin said: "I originally thought that if you go to death, you will die. Let me leave it to But at the last minute, I still retired. So I understood things. You should know that I am doing this, and I am completely offended by the demon. If I don’t say anything, but I will directly cooperate with you and succeed, then I will not offend, and then I will watch you stupidly enter the trap. Anyway, your life and death have nothing to do with me."

Yangdingtian could not help but laugh at himself.

Taking a deep breath, Queen Haixin said: "Now, are you going to Hell?"

Yang Dingtian shook his head, but did not say that he did not go, or did not know.

Queen Haixin said: "Remember, this is a trap. You definitely have no return. Your space technique, the demon sorrow is inevitable. As for why, you must let you go to Hell? I don't know, but definitely have them. s reason."

Then, Queen Haixin sat up and put on a long skirt and said: "But you are an idiot, let me know before I go. So let me borrow it, then go to die!"

After all, the Queen of the Seas came up and took the neck of Yangdingtian and kissed him deeply. (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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