Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 112 Blocked Meridian System

Five days have passed since the original battle, but Rogge's right hand has never returned to the state before he cast the spiral cannon.

The physical damage was completely repaired in less than two days under the powerful resilience of the immortal human body.

However, the chakra meridian system of the right arm is still severely blocked.

To this end, he also specifically consulted the medical officer of Asgard, and got an answer that was of no use.

Pay attention to rest, cultivate for a few days and you will be fine!

If it weren't for the medical officer's rich medical experience and a good reputation in Asgard, Rogge would definitely regard him as an ignorant charlatan.

If only there was a medical ninja around!

The best medical ninja with a golden ponytail and a proud figure.

Leaving the unrealistic fantasies in his mind behind, Rogge opened the system's exchange page and set his sights on the page of medical ninjutsu.

To replace or not to replace, that is the question.

After thinking about it for several minutes, he finally dismissed the idea.

He is good at killing people, but if you save people, forget it.

Medical ninjas are impossible, not in this lifetime.

Although the chakra meridian system of the right arm is still in a serious state of blockage, compared with the time when the spiral electromagnetic gun was just used, it has been regarded as a big improvement, which is probably equivalent to upgrading from a sidewalk to a bicycle path.

So even if he does nothing, the immortal body will repair the damaged meridian system.

The only problem is that he doesn't know how long it will take to fully return to the original state.

For a ninja whose dominant hand is right-handed, the sudden inability to use chakra with his right hand is a serious problem.

This will not only affect the strength of the ninja, but also affect the self-confidence of the ninja.

So he plans to use his own way to solve this problem as soon as possible.

If he guessed correctly, the meridian system of his right arm was blocked, which should be related to his imitation of thunder power.

The spiral electromagnetic gun is a brand new ninjutsu created by him on the basis of the spiral pill, adding the change of the chakra nature of the thunder attribute, and then borrowing from various things such as the super electromagnetic gun, the tail beast jade, and the thunder power.

Most of them are reliable, the only unreliable one is the thunder power he imitated.

Of course, it is also possible that the current situation has arisen purely because the side effects of ninjutsu are too great, beyond the ability of the meridian system.

But no matter what the reason, the golden right hand must not have any accident!

He doesn't know how to medical ninjutsu, and he can't quickly improve his immortal body, so he intends to use a simple, rude and highly successful method to forcefully solve this problem.

Since Chakra can't be solved, then use Immortal Chakra to solve it.

If he remembers correctly, the immortal mode of Shibone Forest has the ability to greatly enhance the physical activity with the help of natural energy. It can not only increase its own speed and defense, but also increase the attack range and power of physical techniques through natural energy. Ability will also be improved.

As for the immortal chakra, the power of ninjutsu, taijutsu, and illusion can be improved by leaps and bounds, but this is something that does not need to be too concerned at present.

It is said that when the immortal human body of the pillars meets the immortal mode of the Shibone Forest, some wonderful and beautiful changes will occur.

As for whether this news is really reliable, Rogge is still uncertain.

"Unconsumed Ninja Coins: 395!"

The inheritance of the immortal mode of Shibone Forest requires 400 Ninja Coins. He only needs to complete one more commission, and he can collect enough Ninja Coins to exchange.

Sol, he can directly rule it out, he probably won't have any commissions for a while.

Asgard's three warriors, their Ulu metal quotas for the next few hundred years have been exhausted, and as poor people, they will not have any commissions for the time being.

Sif, although she still has enough Ulu metal quota on her body, she doesn't particularly approve of Rogge's behavior of accepting the entrustment, and it can even be said that she rejects it, so she can also exclude it.

As for the remaining officers and generals with Ulu metal quotas, they...

Forget it, ignore them.

After careful consideration, Rogge found that his potential clients in Asgard were actually only a few.

Otherwise, expand the business scope, or add the Warner Protoss to the client whitelist?

Although in recent months, he has killed a lot of people from the Warner Protoss, but in a strict sense, he is just a thug hired by the Asa Protoss.

But this can only be thought about in my mind. Compared with the commission, the Warner Protoss may want to know how to kill him.

In that inhumane, bloody, and painful way, he was brutally killed.

After a helpless sigh, Rogge left his room and walked towards the other side of the city.

After five days of rectification, Asgard has completely taken control of this remarkable city.

Although there are still some diehards who will launch some pointless attacks from time to time, this does not affect Asgard's control of Twilight.

After passing through a few streets, Rogge came to a manor that was guarded by Asgard warriors, and he did not hesitate to consume energy, and he had specially set up an enchantment.

"Lord Roger!"

Coming to the gate, the Asgard warrior who was responsible for defending the gate immediately saluted Rogue.

"I'll go in and take a look, you can just continue with your tasks!"

After he finished speaking, he passed through the specially set barrier gate and entered this renovated and magnificent manor.

Although the area of ​​this manor is not very large, it is very delicately arranged.

Even Rogge, an earthling, has to sigh about this ingenious alien architectural style.

When he came to the hall of the manor, he saw two familiar faces.


After seeing Rogge's arrival, the fiery Vigettini immediately stood up, and then rushed towards him.

At this time, Vigartini had completely lost the heroic posture she had before, and even the fist she swung was as powerless as an ordinary person.

"It's all this time, do you still hate me so much?"

Rogge avoided Vigartini's fist with great ease, pressed her shoulder with his left hand, and pushed her back with a slight force.

Although Rogge only gave her a slight push, Vigartini took more than ten steps back before finally stabilizing her figure.

"Give it up, you can't be my opponent at all!"

After he finished speaking, Rogge ignored the angry Vigartini, found a place to sit down, and poured himself a cup of tea by the way.

"What on earth do you want to do?" asked Wigolf, who was sitting opposite.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to know, do you have any unfulfilled wishes?"

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