Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 144 The Unknown S.H.I.E.L.D.

There is something to say.

If she is not deep in the world, take her to read about the prosperity of the world; if her heart is vicissitudes, take her to ride the merry-go-round.

This used to be Roger's tactical plan for galloping the battlefield.

However, he found out later that this was not his real trump card.

What really made him become the little white dragon in the waves was not these seemingly reasonable methods, but a simple and rude fact that could not be added.


very handsome!

very handsome!

This is the ace weapon that made him famous.

However, just as he was planning to ride a horse, he soon encountered the waterloo of life.

For a scholar who likes knowledge more, his invincible handsomeness has faced unprecedented challenges.

Although he deliberately created several romantic encounters that little girls of Gwen's age would like, the cruel reality gave him a few slaps.

The eight-pack abs with obvious lines, the golden ratio body that looks thin and fleshy in clothes, and the handsome face that does not lose to the popular little fresh meat.

Not only has the appearance condition not deteriorated, but it is also better than before.

Coupled with the fact that he now has a lot of money, in terms of external conditions, his charm has increased by several levels compared to before the time-travel.

No, even if the cultural concept is not the same, it will not be such a bleak start.

Even the well-informed widow of the famous wealthy New York has been obsessed with him, which shows that his charm is always on the line.

What exactly went wrong?

It can't be because Xueba only likes Xueba, right?

After thinking about it for a few minutes, Rogge felt that this possibility seemed quite high.

Among all the characters, Xueba is the most difficult to disguise, especially in front of a real Xueba.

Forget it, no more!

I'm not going to pick her up, I just want her to be the superhero Spider-Gwen.

Day by day, Dr. Connors continued to reverse the equations, and Rogge continued his daily life.

Accept the entrustment, complete the entrustment, eat with Gwen, accept the entrustment, complete the entrustment, watch the movie with Gwen...

To be honest, Rogge is quite satisfied with the current rhythm of life.

The difficulty of commissioning is not high, the rewards given by the system are also very reasonable, the amount of chakra has been increasing, and the development and research of Mudun Ninjutsu and Sharinjutsu are also progressing well.

All was well except that Dr. Connors was slow to figure out the last key figure in the equation.

Last time, Dr Connors said it only took a week or two to derive the final key figures.

However, three months later, he is still deriving that key statistic.

In support of Dr. Connors' research, his deposits fell at a palpable rate, and the bank's deposit numbers were close to falling below ten figures.

Fortunately, the hard-working Punisher and Abomination largely made up for some of his losses.

Just when he thought this dull day would continue, he suddenly received a call from Coulson.

"Roger, we have a problem now. If it is convenient for you, please come over immediately. The address is in Brooklyn..."

After giving Roger an address, Coulson hung up, or was forced to hang up.

"What is this, really treats me as a member of the Avengers?"

Even though he said so, he teleported to the nearest block to the location Coulson said, and then walked towards the address Coulson said.

However, when he just came to the neighborhood Coulson said, he suddenly felt a familiar and unfamiliar atmosphere.

This is……

The moment he sensed this breath, his face became extremely cold.

S.H.I.E.L.D. really dares to do anything!

After performing several flashes in a row, he came to the office building that Coulson said, and then saw a scene like purgatory on earth.

This office building is not big, with only six floors, and the building is older than Rogge.

From the outside, this is an unremarkable old office building.

But as soon as he walked into the lobby on the first floor of the office building, he could see corpses one after another, and they died in a way he was familiar with.

Wood Dun · Cutting Technique!

The cause of death of these corpses was the same as his cutting technique.

A wooden thorn protruded from the body of the corpse, blood stained the floor, and the death was extremely tragic.

After taking a few deep breaths and temporarily suppressing the anger in his heart, Rogge came to a corpse and cut off one of the wooden thorns with Kunai.

Although from the outside, these thorns are very similar to the thorns that he used for cutting.

But in fact, the two are completely the existence of two worlds.

The wooden thorn he is holding in his hand is completely ordinary wood, there is no chakra on it, and it does not have astonishing vitality like his wooden scorpion.

In terms of hardness, these wood thorns are far inferior to the wood he summoned with the wood escape.

The wood he summoned with Wood Dun, even without the supply of chakra, is not something that can be easily cut by an ordinary metal knife.

The huge difference between these wooden thorns and his wooden thorns is like the physique gap between Rogers and Hulk.

But even so, the existence of these thorns is enough to prove something.

When he threw away the blood-stained wooden thorn in his hand, he saw Coulson, or, in other words, Coulson who almost lost his right hand.

Coulson was still in that straight suit, but his right hand had a huge wound that was more than 20 centimeters long.

Although some simple bandages and treatments have been done, blood still can't stop gushing out of the bandages.

Beside Coulson, there are two figures that he is somewhat familiar with.

Rider Melinda May, and Grant Ward.

"You'd better give me a satisfactory answer, otherwise, you will understand the consequences..."

Rogge's tone was as cold as his face at this time.

"I only learned about these things today, the experiment had an accident, and the experimental body was out of control.

S.H.I.E.L.D. will give you a satisfactory answer, but before that, I hope you can help deal with the runaway experimental body for the sake of those innocent people. "

Coulson said weakly, the massive blood loss made his face extremely pale, and the severe pain from the wound also caused obvious sweat to appear on his face.

"What qualifications do you have to make conditions with me now, do you really think I dare not take action against S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

As soon as the words fell, Rogge came to Coulson in an instant, grabbed his neck directly with his right hand, and lifted him up.

PS: Thanks for the reward of the starting point coins of the blood pupil V circulation, thank you for the book coins that are short of money in the five elements, thank you for your support~~

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