Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 214: The Fourth Generation Returning to Earth

Sol told Jane the astronomical knowledge that did not belong to the earth, so Jane is now one of the top astronomers on the earth, and she is also the kind of astronomer who has a certain understanding of alien race civilization.

Although the earth has not yet reached the level of interstellar civilization, there are not a few people who are interested in the sea of ​​stars.

There are some fanatics among them.

"I will pay more attention to life safety, but if it is emotional and spiritual, I can't guarantee it!"

After a few seconds of silence, Rogge suddenly spoke.

As soon as he finished speaking, Thor, who was writing quickly, stopped and frowned at him. Thor's Hammer a few meters away became ready to move.

"I'll go first, if you have time, come and go around the earth more!"

Without waiting for Sol to reply, Rogge directly cast Lei Shun and left the council hall, leaving behind a few faint light blue currents.

After leaving the council hall, he didn't go looking for anyone else and flew straight to the Rainbow Bridge Hall.

After saying hello to Heimdall, Rogge walked into the teleportation channel exuding brilliant light and returned to the long-awaited earth.

I don't know if Heimdall did it on purpose, but he set the exit of the Rainbow Bridge at a place that was completely beyond Rogge's expectations.

Times Square, Manhattan, New York City.

When Rogge walked out of the gorgeous teleportation beam, he saw a dense crowd and the mobile phones raised by the onlookers.

At this moment, he finally understood why Heimdall asked if he needed to teleport to a specific location.

Heimdall, I remember you!

After a helpless sigh, he locked on a nearby flying thunder god technique, and instantly disappeared from people's sight and mobile phone cameras.

After leaving Times Square, he began to sense the flying thunder god technique in the office.

It's been several months since I left, and I don't know how Konoha is doing now.

With a thought, the scene in front of him changed again, and the familiar office reappeared in front of him.

However, as soon as he returned to the office, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

No changes have been made to the office, as always, it is neat and tidy.

But the problem is, the number of lives company-wide seems to be too many.

Even if he doesn't use Chakra Perception, he can clearly perceive that there are dozens of human beings outside the office.

After opening the office door, he saw a group of busy men and women in suits.

Although they were all dressed up as professionals, he could see at a glance that these were special people who had received professional training.

Soldiers, agents, spies...

Or some other professionals whom he can't name.

"Can anyone tell me what's going on here?"

Although Rogge's voice was not loud, the moment he opened the office door, the eyes around him involuntarily gathered on him.

"Mr. Rogge, you're finally back, I'm your new assistant, my name is Alice!"

A blonde who bulged forward and backward, more like a mistress than an agent, quickly came to his side and said softly.

"What about Skye and Erica?"

His tone was calm, but his mood was starting to get a little worse now.

He has only been away for more than three months, and the company has become such a ghost, which makes him very unhappy.

"They moved to the headquarters base in Washington, which was temporarily handed over to me."

The blonde named Alice continued to answer in a soft tone, matched with her just right charming smile, giving people a feeling like a spring breeze.

No one can deny my charm!

Sure enough, I am the most suitable person for this task!

A few thoughts flashed through Alice's mind quickly, and she still kept that charming smile that was just right on her face.

However, Alice never thought that while she was silently waiting for Rogge's answer, Rogge directly took out the pistol around her waist and put it against her forehead.

"I don't care who you are, now, immediately, use the phone on your body to contact your boss, you have five seconds."

From beginning to end, Roger did not turn his head to look at Alice.

Rogge's sudden action not only completely exceeded Alice's expectations, but also completely exceeded the expectations of everyone present.

No one thought that Rogge, who had disappeared for three months, would suddenly come back, and it was such a scene as soon as he came back.

"Five, four, three..."

Rogge ignored anyone and had no plans to explain, just counted down silently.

He dare not shoot!

He is a member of the Thunder Special Forces, and he absolutely dare not shoot!

Most people, including Alice, didn't think Roger would shoot.

In their view, this is just a way for Rogge to show his strength.

However, in addition to these people, there were also a small group of people who wanted Rogge to shoot at this time, and even sneakily took out a small candid equipment and aimed the camera at him.

"I'm from S.H.I.E.L.D., and this is a collaboration between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Secretary Ross.

"If you need, I can help you contact S.H.I.E.L.D. or Secretary of State Ross!"

Even though the gun was on her forehead, Alice explained without showing any signs of panic.

"Two, one!"

The five-second countdown ended without any gunshots.

He really didn't dare to shoot, he was just bluffing.

Alice was not surprised by this result, or rather, she had already guessed it.

"Do you think that as long as you move out of S.H.I.E.L.D. or Ross, I won't dare to shoot?"

Only then did Roger finally turn his head to look at Alice, his tone as calm as ever.

At this time, he did not exude any killing intent, and there was no sense of oppression in his tone.

But for some unknown reason, a dangerous reminder suddenly appeared in Alice's heart.

"Anyway, you are the captain of the Thunder Special Forces. You should still abide by the decision of Secretary of State Ross!"

Although I don't know why there is a sense of danger in my heart, Alice still maintained her previous posture and said calmly.


After hearing Alice's answer, Roger suddenly laughed.

"Interesting, really interesting... Hahahahaha... Hey, those who are taking pictures secretly, hold your hands steady... Don't you want to see this picture, I'll show you!"

As soon as the voice fell, a fierce gunshot suddenly sounded.


Alice, whose forehead was held up by the natural disaster, flew out directly. The head hit by the chakra bullet shattered into several pieces, and bright red blood splashed everywhere.

After Alice's body fell to the ground, the agents and spies who witnessed this scene still couldn't believe what they saw.

Rogge, actually shot!

And knowing that S.H.I.E.L.D. cooperated with Secretary of State Ross, he fired without any hesitation.

The huge company suddenly became dead silent, and the TV in the hall just happened to broadcast the latest news at this time.

"According to the latest news from this station, the fourth Hokage Rogge, who died three months ago while performing a secret mission, just suddenly appeared in Times Square. A large number of pedestrians witnessed the scene of the fourth Hokage walking out of the mysterious beam of light..."

Died on a mission?

Looking at the pictures in the news, Rogge seemed to have guessed something.

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