Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 252 Skye is Missing

As an Inhuman who grew up in Attilan City since he was a child, and is also a member of the royal family of Inhumans, Maximus has a sense of superiority when facing Jiaying Gordon and other Inhumans on Earth.

In his opinion, these aliens left on earth are undoubtedly low-level aliens.

Only the Inhumans who were born in the city of Attilan on the moon are true Inhumans.

Only they are qualified to retake the earth on behalf of the aliens.

Just when Maximus' right hand was about to touch Jiaying's face, Jiaying grabbed his right hand and used her power.

The moment Jiaying grabbed his right hand, the vitality in Maximus began to flow crazily and was forcibly absorbed by Jiaying.

An indescribable feeling of pain spread all over the body.

His skin quickly dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the flesh and blood in his body began to quickly dissipate.

Maximus tried to use his own power to get rid of Jiaying's control and get himself out of this near-death situation.

But he soon discovered that his powers seemed to disappear with the passage of his vitality.

will die!

I will die here!

Just when there was despair in Maximus' heart, Jiaying withdrew her right hand and stopped absorbing Maximus' vitality.

"There is no next time, understand?"

Jiaying's tone was as calm as ever, but in this calm tone, Maximus heard a full threat.

But now he has no time to pay attention to it.

Although Jiaying stopped absorbing his vitality, he lost a lot of vitality in a short period of time, showing weakness like a dying patient.

If he hadn't supported the edge of the table with both hands, he wouldn't even have the strength to stand now.


Maximus didn't expect that Jiaying would dare to attack him, and she was so domineering.

If it wasn't for Maximus to contact Attilan City in the next plan, Jiaying wouldn't mind turning him into a paralyzed crippled person.

From the appearance, Jiaying is a woman with no strength, with a weak body, a gentle personality, and kindness to people.

But as the master of the afterlife, how could she look as weak as she looks.

In the past, she may still lack some ruthlessness and domineering.

But after going through that cruel and painful experience, the mild-mannered she was completely dead.

Now she is the leader of the aliens in the next life, a careerist who does not hesitate to throw the whole world into chaos in order to achieve her goals.

And all of this was taught to her by Whitehall of Hydra.

After standing like a puppet for more than ten minutes without saying a word, Maximus barely regained the strength to walk freely and staggered out of Jiaying's study.

Roger knew nothing of what happened in the afterlife.

Now he is enjoying the gentle experience brought by Gwen.

After a crazy night, he was still asleep when he was awakened by a call from Hinata.

"My lord, Miss Skye is missing!"

Hinata didn't say any unnecessary nonsense, and reported the current situation to Rogge.

Skye, who was supposed to set off with the action team this morning, did not show up. Hinata immediately investigated the entry and exit records and monitoring records of the headquarters.

Then, nothing was found.

Skye has not been seen since last night at nine o'clock in the surveillance video of Skye returning to the room.

There were no records of entry and exit, no damage to the defense system, and no one in the room.

After further retrieving the hidden energy monitoring system, Hinata discovered a clue.

Not long after Skye returned to the room, an abnormal energy appeared in Skye's room.

Then, the abnormal energy disappeared, and Skye's vital energy signal disappeared at the same time.

"Look if Calvin is still outside the headquarters?"

Rogge frowned, and a bad premonition appeared in his mind.

"No trace of Calvin Zabo!"

Hinata responded immediately.

"Okay, I know what's going on, let Kara replace Skye to perform this mission, and I'll take care of other things!"

When Calvin Zabo appeared inexplicably near the Konoha headquarters base, he had secretly sent someone to pay attention to the situation in the afterlife.

He doesn't care if he will engage in some messy terrorist activities in the next life, he only cares if Jiaying will attack Skye's idea.

In terms of identity, Jiaying is Skye's mother, but he does not think Jiaying is a qualified mother.

Although Skye's identity has been manipulated by S.H.I.E.L.D., if Jiaying really wants to find Skye, it is not particularly difficult for her.

Even Calvin Zabo can investigate some clues. If Jiaying, who controls the afterlife, wants to investigate, it will only be easier.

But obviously, Jiaying didn't look for Skye's idea.

Skye needs family, but not family who use her as a tool, but family who really care about her.

"Something happened over Konoha, I have to go back!"

After getting dressed, Rogge said to Gwen, who was still lying on the bed.

Since he became director of Konoha Intelligence, his secret den in New York has become Gwen's secret stronghold.

Of course, when he returned to New York, it would be his and Gwen's sweet little home.

"It's like this every time, can't you stay a few more days?"

Gwen was also dissatisfied with Rogge's practice of leaving only a few days at a time.

"Next time!"

As soon as the voice fell, Rogge disappeared and returned to the Konoha headquarters in Washington.

"Help me arrange Kunshi and a team of Anbu, I'm going to visit Skye's mother in the next life!"

Five minutes later, Rogge flew towards the afterlife with an Anbu team.

Jiaying has already sent someone to Konoha, why should he pay a return visit, otherwise it will appear that he does not understand etiquette.

At this moment, Skye in the afterlife is tasting the first dinner after mother and daughter reunited with Jiaying.

More than ten hours ago, Gordon brought Skye to the afterlife and let her meet Jiaying, his biological mother, whom he had been looking for for more than 20 years.

But for some unknown reason, after meeting Jiaying and knowing that Jiaying was the biological mother he had been looking for for more than 20 years, Skye did not have any obvious emotional fluctuations.

No excitement, no excitement, no surprise.

Skye had a lot of questions in her head, but she didn't know where to start.

"What's wrong? Have you lost your appetite?"

Looking at the completely untouched tableware in front of Skye, Jiaying asked in a gentle tone.

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