Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 257 Maximus' surrender

"You don't represent the Inhumans!"

Roger snorted softly and replied disdainfully.

Maximus is very aware of his own value and status, and of course he knows that he is not that important.

But being pointed out so mercilessly by Rogge still made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"What exactly are you trying to do, don't blame me for not reminding you, my brother is Black Bolt, if something happens to me, he will never let you go!"

If possible, Maximus would like to completely draw a line from Black Bolt.

But he is very clear that at this time, not only can he not draw a clear line with Black Bolt, but he must also use Black Bolt's influence as much as possible.

Although he didn't know what Rogge and Jiaying talked about, from the current situation, the situation was very unfavorable for him.

"If your brother really cares about you that much, you wouldn't want to cooperate with the Cree people, so you should do less of this kind of bravado!"

Rogge doesn't care whether there is really Black Bolt behind Maximus.

No one can stop him from completing the commission, not Maximus, nor Black Bolt.

Cree cooperation?

How did they know about my collaboration with the Cree?

No one can know about this except me and the Kree!

Maximus' face became ugly, and the psychological defense line began to show signs of collapse.

The reason why he dares to stay in the afterlife is because he knows that it is impossible for these people in the afterlife to know his true purpose.

How can these indigenous Inhumans who have never left the earth see through my plan, and there are no Inhumans here who can read minds.

Thinking of this, Maximus turned his attention to Rogge.

From Maximus' point of view, Rogge is indeed the most suspicious one.

But he would not have thought that the person who really saw through his plan was not Rogge, and Jiaying, the indigenous aliens of the earth he had always looked down on.

"You are sure that this can really lead to the Cree people. What they want is the alien disaster that swept the entire earth. If they don't see the planned disaster, they may not appear."

Jiaying did not go to see Maximus. After reaching a cooperation with Rogge, Maximus is already a dispensable existence.

"Of course I'm not sure, I'm not a Kree, how could I possibly know what kind of decisions they'll make.

"But since they are still interested in foreigners, then they will definitely be interested in the hive!

"After all, compared to controlling a group of aliens, it is obviously much simpler to control one alien. And having a hive is basically equivalent to having the key to control all aliens."

According to the cooperation agreement between Maximus and the Cree, the Cree will conquer the Inhumans and the Earth in the afterlife after the Inhuman disaster broke out on Earth.

Neither Rogge nor Jiaying have any interest in causing a global Inhuman disaster.

So, they had to consider other ways to draw out the Kree.

And the hive is the bait they prepared for the Cree.

If the Cree knew about the existence of the hive, Roger dared not say that they would definitely change their plans, but they would be somewhat tempted.

More importantly, whether or not the Kree will change his plans because of the hive will not affect his next plans.

As long as the Kree receive the information of the hive's existence, and take Maximus aboard the Kree battleship, his plan can be declared a success.

"Well, since that's the case, I trust you once!"

After speaking, Jiaying motioned to Gordon to bring the transparent box containing the black boulder to the study.

Maximus glanced at the black boulder that Gordon brought, then turned to look at Rogge and Jiaying, and immediately realized something.

Maximus is no stranger to the name Beehive.

Combining the conversation between Rogge and Jiaying and the black boulder brought by Gordon, he roughly guessed the plan of Rogge and others.

But one thing he couldn't understand was why Rogge and Jiaying thought he would choose to cooperate obediently.

"Don't be stunned, go and contact the Cree!"

Maximus, who was still thinking, immediately heard Rogge's voice.

"Why should I obey your orders, who do you think you are!"

Although he has no fighting power, Maximus is sure that he is a key part of Rogge and Jiaying's plan.

They dare not do anything to me, only I can contact the Kree.

They can't do anything without my assistance.

Maximus felt like he got the point of the matter and regained control of the initiative.

In addition, neither Rogge nor Jiaying imposed any restrictions or oppression on him, which made him more firm in his idea.

No wonder you didn't dare to do anything to me after you brought me here. It turns out that there are times when you need to beg me.

A confident look began to appear on Maximus' face.

Then in the next second, he heard a gunshot, and felt a sharp pain in his right leg.


Just when Maximus was full of strange thoughts, Rogge took out the natural disaster pistol and gave him a shot without thinking.

"Why do you obey my orders, the reason is very simple!

"Because if you say no, I'll kill you right now!"

Rogge's tone was calm, but the three people present could tell that he was not joking.

Crazy, he is crazy!

Maximus endured the severe pain from his right leg and looked at Rogge and the Scourge pistol in his hand with an unbelievable expression.

Not only did Maximus look shocked, even Jiaying and Gordon did not expect that Rogge would shoot so decisively.

If you don't agree, draw a gun and shoot!

No, it's not a disagreement, he didn't even say a word, he just shot.


As soon as Maximus spoke, Rogge's voice sounded again.

"Think about it before answering, you only have one chance!"

Maximus is indeed the only person who can contact the Kree at the moment, but this does not mean that Rogge needs to be subject to him.

Even if it is true that only Maximus can contact the Kree, he can also get the dead Maximus back.

Although this will consume some of his ninja coins, the cost-effectiveness of the entire commission will be rapidly reduced.

Enduring the severe pain from his right leg and the strong anger in his heart, Maximus took a deep breath and said word by word, "I will do as you ordered!"

Wouldn't it be better to answer like this earlier?

After hearing Maxims' answer, Rogge put away the natural disaster pistol with satisfaction, then stood up from the chair, went straight to Maximus, and patted his shoulder.

"I know why you can't compare to your brother, you really can't!"

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