Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 277 The goodwill of the Osborn Group

Looking at the increasingly gloomy Harry Osborn on the screen, Roger shrugged helplessly.

Although they haven't said a word yet, he can already guess what Harry Osborn is thinking.

After more than ten seconds of silence, Harry Osborn suddenly said, "You all go down and turn off the sonic instruments!"

I don't know if it was hit by a bad fate, Harry Osborn's tone became a little lonely.

The two teams of fully-armed lizardmen warriors and electric light warriors left the huge room without any hesitation.

"You want a symbiote too?"

When only Rogge and Eddie were left in this huge room, Harry spoke again.

"Isn't it obvious!"

Rogge's answer made Harry's face even harder to look at.

Although Harry had never formally dealt with Rogge, he knew very well that if Rogge intervened in the symbiote, then the Osborn Group could basically say goodbye to the study of the symbiote.

"You are too domineering, right? The symbiote was discovered by the Osborn Group, and it was the Osborn Group who brought them to Earth.

"Your strength is indeed very strong, but the Osborn Group is not the kind of existence that will be left to others!"

Harry knew that there must be other people behind Venom, but he didn't expect that the person behind Venom would be Rogge.

He specially arranged for the lizardmen warriors and the electric light warriors to capture Venom, nothing more than wanting to draw out the people behind Venom, and by the way, capture Venom, the escaped symbiote, back.

Rogge's appearance was indeed beyond his expectations and completely disrupted his plans.

But even so, he has no plans to hand over the symbiote.

The symbiote is the top priority in the next series of plans for the Osborn Group.

So he wouldn't say anything to hand over the symbiote, even if the person standing in front of him was Rogge.

"You don't have to look at me like this, I have no interest in the three or two symbiotes you have on hand!"

Of course Roger knew what Harry Osborn was worried about.

He wants a symbiote, but it's definitely not the two or three little shrimps in Osborn's hands.

After knowing that there are hundreds of millions of symbiotes on the symbiote's parent star and Gnar, the god of symbiotes, it would be too unwilling to focus on the symbiotes in the hands of the Osborn group.

Play bigger if you want to play!

For example, thoroughly attack the symbiote parent star!

"You want to go to that symbiote planet?"

After hearing Roger's words, Harry Osborn's eyes lit up, and his brain began to work frantically.

He's not a fool, and if he were a fool, he wouldn't be able to turn the Osborn Group into a kingdom of his own.

From Rogge's words, he heard some meanings that he could cooperate and even make a lot of money.

"It's easier to talk to smart people. Yes, I want to go to that symbiote planet.

"I don't mind bringing you some symbiotes back if you're willing to help me fulfill this little wish.

"Even if the Osborn Group wants to reopen the cooperation with the military, I can let Konoha speak for you!"

Since the establishment of the Konoha Intelligence Bureau, most of the military's outsourcing orders have been directly digested by Konoha.

Even a large part of it has been cancelled outright.

Because of Konoha, many companies that had business cooperation with the military in the past, such as the Osborn Group, lost orders from the military.

If it weren't for Konoha's strength enough to be domineering, and Rogge's own strength enough, those companies and organizations that lost orders from the military might have long thought of buying and killing people.

"You give me the venom, and I'll give you the way to the symbiote planet.

"If you can come back alive, I need an additional thirty symbiotes."

After some serious thought, Harry Osborn gave his conditions.

"Venom can't be given to you, and even if I come back from the symbiote planet, how many symbiotes will be given to you, I have the final say!"

Roger rejected Harry Osborn's offer without a second thought.

What an international joke, he is really looking for cooperation!

The reason why I talked to Harry Osborn about this calmly was just to save some energy.

To put it badly, the current Osborne Group is not qualified to discuss any cooperation with him.

"According to your statement, basically I want to give you the method to go to the symbiote planet for nothing.

"And even if you come back after completing your goal, I may not be able to get it in return, because it depends on your mood at the time.

"Don't you think this is a bit too overbearing!"

Harry understood, Rogge had no idea of ​​cooperating with Osborn from the beginning, he just wanted a way to go to the symbiote planet.

"Okay, it's not like you don't know the style of Konoha and I. Just order it, give or not?"

Rogge didn't take Harry Osborn's grievances to heart at all.

Whether it's a lizardman warrior or an electric man warrior, in his opinion, they are just bullies to bully ordinary people.

Not to mention that these two enhanced warriors are imitations, even if they are genuine Dr. Connors and Max himself, their strength is just so-so.

There are only two paths before Harry Osborn.

The first is that he handed over the way to go to the symbiote planet, and then prayed that Rogge was a person with a good moral level, hoping that Rogge could give them a few more symbiotes at that time.

The second is that he would rather die than give up, do his best to oppose Rogge's domineering, and maintain the dignity of the Osborn group.

Harry Osborn was a young man, but he wasn't the kind of young man with a dash of blood, so he made up his mind quickly.

"Take the venom away, I will send the relevant information to Konoha headquarters.

"In addition, let me tell you first, the information we have on hand is not complete. There is no way to establish a stable space channel, so if there is an accident, it has nothing to do with us."

It's definitely impossible to win. When S.H.I.E.L.D. teamed up with the Thunderbolts, they couldn't get Rogge. Of course, the Osborn Group is even more impossible.

While that battle was not open to the public, Harry Osborn was one of the few people qualified and able to know the circumstances.

S.H.I.E.L.D. disbanded, Thunderbolts disbanded, and three helicarriers were destroyed.

Hydra has not only carried the biggest black pot, but has also been hunted by all over the world, and until now, he has not dared to take his head.

"It's really easy to talk to smart people. I accept the kindness of the Osborn Group!"

After that, Rogge grabbed Eddie, who was still a little sluggish, and used quantum teleportation to return to Konoha headquarters.

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