Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 283 Tyranny

Being suppressed like this, let alone resistance, even normal activities are a problem.

In order to ease the suppression of Venom, and to make his side look more imposing, Rogge raised his right hand and added a light blue chakra coat to Venom.

This chakra coat will not bring any strength increase to Venom, it can only relieve the huge pressure on him.

When the chakra coat was formed, the venom that had been trembling suddenly returned to normal, and looked at him gratefully.

"Introduce this guy across from you?"

Nearly a hundred meters away from Rogge and the two, sat a huge black humanoid symbiote.

Even sitting on the ground, this symbiote is more than ten meters high.

If he stands up completely, there is no problem at all if his height exceeds 20 or 30 meters.

"He is tyrannical and has reached the lord level for more than a thousand years. Even in the lord level symbiosis, his strength can be firmly in the top ten!"

Although the chakra coat has defused the terror and deterrence from tyranny, Venom still shows a rare fear in the face of this kind of existence that he can only look up to.

"The top ten of the lord level, if you can eat him, it is estimated that you should also be able to enter the lord level!"

Unlike the venom that exudes fear all over his body, Rogge at this time is rather calm and somewhat abnormal.

It's still the same sentence, a lord-level symbiote, no matter how strong it is, it can't be strong anywhere.

Besides, even if he can't beat this guy called tyranny, if he wants to leave, tyranny will definitely not be able to stop him.

"You stand back a little, lest the battle later spread to you!"

After he finished speaking, Rogge walked towards the tyranny whose size far exceeded his own.

Looking at Rogge exuding blue and white light, the tyrant in the distance opened his mouth full of fangs, and said with great interest: "It's actually an earthling, it's a bit interesting!"

As soon as the tyranny opened his mouth, it was incomparably standard English. When the standard was reached, it made people wonder if he had specially hired an English teacher for tutoring.

"It turns out that you can speak the language of the earth, which is much more convenient!"

Under the tyrannical gaze, Rogge came to him unhurriedly, looking up at the giant whose fist was bigger than his own body.

"Although there are relatively few people on earth in the universe, I have eaten a few, and the taste and taste are not very good."

The tyranny at this time seemed to have no intention of doing anything at all, and the tone was calm as if he was discussing with Rogge what to eat for dinner.

"The taste of earthlings may not be very good, but I think your taste is very good. If Venom can eat you, he will be very happy."

Tyranny looked at Rogge with the same eyes he looked at his prey, and Rogge looked at him with the eyes he looked at food.

Although the food of tyranny is prepared for venom, this does not affect Rogge's division of tyranny into the field of food.

"Venom ate me? Hahahaha, Venom used to be a good young man, but now, he's a useless waste!

"You are actually with such a waste, it seems that you are not much better."

On Rogge's body, Venom could feel a deadly threat.

But for the tyranny whose strength is far beyond Venom, Rogge's strength is barely seen.

A prey with such strength as Rogge, not only tyranny had eaten thousands of them, but there were always a few hundred.

So in the eyes of tyranny, Rogge is nothing more than a small snack delivered to the door, nothing more.

"Whether it's trash, you'll know right away!"

As soon as the words fell, Rogge took the initiative to launch an attack.

Ray instantly!

Thunder slashes!

Rogge, who was still some distance away from the tyranny, disappeared in an instant, and flashed in front of the tyranny. The Thunder Sword in his hand slashed directly at the tyrannical neck.

Just as the Thunder Sword carrying the might of thunder was about to hit the tyrannical neck, a big black hand roughly the size of Rogge's body actively emerged from the tyrannical neck, and grabbed the silver-white blade.


The Thunder Sword was blocked as if it had hit a piece of extremely hard steel, and the huge shock force directly shattered the Thunder Sword in Rogge's hand.

Is it so hard?

Although the big black hand transformed by tyranny is not real metal, it is harder than ordinary metal.

The Thunder Sword was shattered, and Rogge immediately stepped back without any hesitation.

Lord-level symbiotes are really different!

Tyranny didn't seem to see Rogge's retreat at all, and let him leave, with no plans to pursue him at all.

After easily pulling the distance, Rogge shook his slightly numb right hand, and his eyes began to become serious.

Unlike the symbiotes he had encountered before, the tyranny was not only larger in size, but also had a higher intensity of life energy, and even the transformed limbs were more rigid.

Even the Thunder Sword, which can easily cut through real metal, can't cut off the big black hand that he changed at will. This kind of defense is terrifying.

No wonder Venom said that the lord-level symbiote is essentially different from the legion-level symbiote. The huge gap between the two is like two different species.

Since melee attacks are not very effective, let's switch to ranged attacks.

Fire escape · Huo Huo extinguished!

An orange-red high-temperature flame spewed out of Rogge's mouth, and as the distance increased, the area covered by the flame became larger and larger.

When the flames swept a distance of dozens of meters to the tyranny, the flames that were only as thick as a finger had expanded into a sea of ​​fire.

Cover the sky and the sun, burn everything!

Tyranny can ignore Thunder Sword, but he absolutely cannot ignore the arrogance this time.

With the amount of chakra of the three tails, the arrogant fire that Roger displayed, even if it has not reached the realm of Uchiha Madara, it is definitely not far behind.

A spot of fire escape, a class of water escape.

In front of the astonishing sea of ​​fire, the tyrant who had been sitting on the ground finally had some serious expressions.

However, the tyranny still did not stand up.

He saw the tyrannical hands slammed to the ground, and the next second, a black city wall appeared in front of him out of thin air, blocking all the surging flames.


The sound of charcoal grilling continued to sound, and when the sea of ​​​​fire that enveloped the earth dissipated, the black city wall in front of the tyranny finally revealed its true face.

The tyranny directly transformed into a city wall more than ten meters high and dozens of meters wide, blocking all the flames that extinguished the arrogant fire in front of him.

Although the symbiote is inherently afraid of fire damage, this weakness can be eliminated.

Tyranny is the top symbiote that eliminates the weakness of flames.

Even the two weaknesses of flame and sound wave cannot be eliminated, and they are not qualified to become a lord-level symbiote!

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