Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 402 Disagreement in Konoha Headquarters

Washington, Konoha Intelligence Agency headquarters.

When Captain Rogers and Dr. Banner came to Tony's office with an energy pistol that did not belong to Earth, the Konoha Intelligence Bureau was also having a secret meeting with a few people.

The well-known superheroes in Konoha, such as Frank the Punisher, Bronski the Hate, Daisy Shockwave, Pietro Quicksilver, Wanda the Scarlet Witch, etc., are all gathered in the highest-level conference room of the headquarters building at this time. .

Different from the previous relaxed atmosphere in the headquarters, at this time, the faces of Punisher and the others showed a solemn look, and a repressed atmosphere of silence enveloped the entire conference room.

"Can't let things get any worse, I suggest contacting Rogge immediately, we need him now!"

Daisy was the first to speak, and she said with a gloomy face, her eyes fixed on the empty seat at the top of the long conference table.

To be precise, she was looking at the virtual three-dimensional projection portrait standing next to the seat.

The main seat at the top of the conference table belongs to Rogge.

Although he hadn't returned to Earth for more than half a year, even so, no one dared to take the seat that belonged to the director of Konoha Intelligence and only belonged to Rogge.

"Master Hokage is practicing in Konoha Hidden Village. I have reported the current situation to Master Hokage, and have received all authorization from Master Hokage."

The virtual three-dimensional projection next to Rogge's seat is none other than Hinata, his personal AI assistant.

"You are just an artificial intelligence, you are not qualified to make decisions for Roger!"

Daisy, who seldom got angry all the time, showed a completely different temper from before, and shouted to Hinata.

"I have obtained all the authorization of Lord Naruto, if you have any questions, Miss Daisy, you can wait until Lord Naruto returns to the headquarters and confirm with Lord Naruto in person!

"Before this, all the affairs of the headquarters were handled by me.

"Everyone's proposal, I have made a complete calculation, the highest success rate is less than 30%, the Konoha Intelligence Bureau will continue to maintain the original action plan."

Hinata's electronic voice is no different from a real human voice.

But at this time, her words made people feel the cold-blooded and ruthless nature of machine creation.

"Since Lord Rogge has given Hinata all the authorization, let's act according to the previously established plan.

"If Konoha's strength is damaged because of our unauthorized actions, Lord Rogge will not be happy when he comes back."

When the anger in Daisy's heart was about to erupt like a volcano, the Punisher sitting first on the left said.

As the longest existence that has followed Rogge, the Punisher has a very high status in Konoha headquarters.

Even Pietro and Wanda, who have no clear relationship with Rogge, will give him a high respect when they meet the Punisher.

Although the strength of the Punisher is far less than that of Abomination, Daisy, Pietro, etc., but in Konoha headquarters, he is the existence with the highest status under Rogge.

At this point, even Hinata is no match for the Punisher.

"Actually, I think, Daisy, you are a little too nervous. Although the outside environment is indeed a bit bad, in general, it does not have much impact on our Konoha Intelligence Bureau.

"And those alien bastards don't dare to come to our idea!"

After the Punisher finished speaking, Quicksilver Pietro also expressed his opinion.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Wanda sitting next to him gave him a shut-up look.

"Uh... when I didn't say anything, you didn't hear anything!"

Although Pietro is Wanda's brother, in front of Wanda, he has absolutely no dignity that a brother should have.

Wanda is the one who really has the final say between the two of them.

"I support Daisy's plan, although the success rate is not high, but we have a responsibility to help the victims, Rogge will not want to see us die.

"Why don't we vote, one person, one vote. Those who support Daisy's plan can raise their hands now."

Wanda spoke her opinion and raised her right hand first.

Although at Konoha headquarters, Wanda is the kind of person who rarely expresses his own opinions, and he does not even have much interest in field operations.

But the strange thing is that she has a position not much lower than that of the Punisher in Konoha headquarters.

Although Wanda did not explicitly deny Hinata, the gesture of raising her hand could clearly express her true thoughts.

As Wanda raised his hand, Daisy and Pietro also raised their hands.

Afterwards, Dr. Lizard Connors and Red Tank also raised their right hands.

The Punisher looked at the people who raised their hands, and thought for a while, but in the end, they didn't raise their hands.

Unlike others, in addition to being a member of the Konoha Intelligence Bureau, he also has a psychic contract with Rogge, and he cannot violate Rogge's opinions.

Although Hinata is making the decision in place of Rogge now, as long as Hinata has Rogge's authorization, he will not violate Hinada's orders.

The Punisher did not raise his hand, and neither did Abomination.

Apart from the two of them, Xiao Hei and Moonstone also did not raise their hands.

There were a total of eleven people in the conference room, and the scene suddenly came to a five-to-five situation.

For a while, everyone's eyes were on Venom.

"What to do? Which side do we support?"

Completely wrapped in venom, Eddie whispered to the venom.

Venom didn't come alone, his host Eddie also came with him.

But unfortunately, Eddie, who is the host of Venom, does not have any right to vote.

If Eddie wasn't Venom's host, he wouldn't even be eligible to appear in this conference room.

"Don't look at me like this, I will only follow Rogge's arrangements. Since Rogge has delegated power to Hinata, then I will follow Hinata's arrangements."

Venom spat out his big long, red tongue and said casually.

Six to five, Daisy's plan was defeated by one vote.


This scene in the Konoha Intelligence Bureau headquarters was quickly learned by Rogge.

Although he has not returned to Earth for the past six months, it does not mean that he is ignorant of what is happening on Earth.

Looking at the surveillance video of the conference room sent by Hinata, Rogge sighed helplessly.

"Wanda is more popular than I thought, Daisy and Pietro will not talk about it, they will definitely support Wanda.

"But what I didn't expect was that Dr. Connors and Red Tank would actually be on Wanda's side."

At this time, Rogge was not in the training room, but in the office of the Hokage Building.

After watching the surveillance video, he stood up from his chair, went to the window, and looked at the "sun" that was about to set in the distance.

"Forget it, let's go back first. If the Skrulls continue to play, there is no doubt what the consequences of these guys will be.

"It's time for this farce to end!"

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