Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 404 Super Skrull

"Hinata, call up all the Skrull information."

Rogge, who was standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, said, then turned and sat back on the chair.

"Okay, Hokage-sama."

It only took two or three seconds for Hinata to holographically project the sorted Skrull information to Rogge.

The information of these Skrulls was not collected by Rogge or Konoha, but from the battleship Golden Jack.

Before the transformation, the Golden Jack was the main battleship of the Kree Empire.

Although the Golden Jack is no longer involved in cosmic warfare, the Kree Empire database inside it still exists.

The Skrulls were once one of the main enemies of the Kree Empire, and there is a lot of information about the Skrulls in the information on the Golden Jack.

It is also worth mentioning that, in order to avoid losing these valuable information in the battleship, Rogge asked Hinata to make two copies of the information on the Golden Jack, and put them in the Konoha Intelligence Bureau headquarters and Konoha Hidden Village.

According to these internal information of the Kree Empire, Rogge knew that decades ago, the Kree Empire captured the Skrull's home planet, turning the Skrulls into wanderers in the universe.

The strength of the Skrulls is now far from being comparable to that of the heyday, but even so, the level of technology they master is far beyond the earth.

According to data records, in ancient times, the Skrulls were divided into two types, one is the mutant Skrulls with the ability to deform at will, and the other is the eternal Skrulls who will not deform but are very powerful.

Later, the mutant Skrulls wiped out the Eternal Skrulls and became the ancestors of the modern Skrulls.

This is why the Skrulls now have the ability to change shape.

Today's Skrulls have the ability to transform at will, but their ability to transform is high and low.

Ordinary Skrulls can only change their appearance at will, disguising themselves as other races.

Moreover, their transformation does not require any auxiliary means. Just by looking at the target character, they can perfectly transform into the target character, and even the voice will not be different at all.

Ordinary Skrulls can only do this kind of deformation in appearance, while more powerful Skrulls can copy the target's memory in addition to the changes in appearance.

However, if you want to copy the target's memory, it is not enough to just glance at the target person. You must also have a little contact with the target and obtain the DNA of the target person in order to copy the memory.

According to the test of the Cree, this kind of memory duplication by the Skrulls is only a short-term memory duplication, and cannot duplicate the complete life memory of the target person.

The Skrulls who can do this step of copying the memory are already regarded as the elites of the Skrull family.

However, this is not the limit of the Skrull.

In the Skrull family, there is also a super Skrull.

Super Skrulls can not only replicate their appearance and memory, but also replicate the abilities of the target character, making themselves the exact same existence as the target character.

As for how the Super Skrulls replicate this ability, the Kree Empire has not researched the principle.

Because even if the Kree Empire captured the Skrull's home planet, they did not capture any living Super Skrull.

If they hadn't actually seen the perfect copy of the Super Skrull on the battlefield, the Kree even suspected that the so-called Super Skrull was, like the Eternal Skrull, a legendary existence that had long since disappeared.

In Rogge's memory, the secret invasion of the Skrulls in his mind was because these super Skrulls disguised themselves as Avengers, which caused a serious crisis of trust within the Avengers, and finally caused the crisis. Earth's secret invasion event.

Judging from the various superhero accidents currently submitted by Hinata, Rogge has not found any signs of Super Skrulls for the time being.

However, this does not rule out that there are no Super Skrulls on Earth right now.

The ghost knows whether those Skrulls have imitated superheroes' abilities with high technology, or whether the Super Skrulls among them have copied superheroes' abilities.

After all, some things, even without genetic mutation, can achieve similar effects with technology.

Rogge has no interest in the ordinary Skrull's ability to deform and replicate the memory ability, because his transformation and chanting can also achieve similar effects.

However, he is still very interested in the ability of the Super Skrull to replicate the ability of the target character.

One of Sharinyan's specialties is copying, but he can only copy the movements of the target character, as well as abilities that do not involve genetic mutation.

And the duplication ability of Super Skrull has obviously broken through this limit.

I don't know why, since meeting Tree Groot in ignorance, Rogge has begun to understand more and more about Orochimaru, an almost insane scientific monster.

Master all truths of time and learn all ninjutsu (ability).

This future is really tempting.

However, understanding comes from understanding, and Rogge has not yet developed the idea of ​​​​such as Orochimaru.

The reason is very simple. He has more trump cards than Orochimaru, and he has not yet reached the level where he needs to break through taboos to gain power.

"Hinata, make a copy of the adjusted Bamen Dunjia and give it to Konoha headquarters. It's time for me to go back and fulfill my promise."

As soon as the voice fell, a gorgeous aurora-like light emerged around Rogge's body.

In the next second, his figure disappeared, and in an instant, he came from the office of the Hokage Building to the teleportation base connecting the earth and the planet Tatooine.

When the black boulder liquefied into a pool of oil-like liquid, Rogge jumped in without thinking.

In a few seconds, he returned from Konoha Hidden Village to Konoha Intelligence Headquarters, which had not returned for half a year.

More than ten minutes later, Tony in the Fulian headquarters received a call from Rogge.

"I heard that you have been devastated by a group of aliens recently, this is not your style!"

As soon as Rogge's voice rang, Tony on the other end of the phone complained dissatisfiedly: "You're ashamed to say, you think everyone is like you, and just dump everything to your artificial intelligence assistant."

Before Rogge could explain the potential of rational use of artificial intelligence, Tony's voice sounded again: "Don't talk nonsense, you should already know what's going on outside."

"Let's meet, you can choose the location, and I'll set the time!"

Tony seemed to give a fair choice.

But in the next second, he said the time to meet: "I choose to meet now, you choose a place."

This approach is really Tony Stark!

PS: Thanks to Xingzhiwuchen and book friends 20200911234037607 for their starting coins, thank you for your support~~

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