Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 416 The night after the battle

After venting the uncontrollable excitement in his heart, Rogge came to the Hulk who was blasted dozens of meters away.

The Hulk at this time is no longer the same as before.

Although there are no obvious scars on the surface of the body, the green light radiating from Hulk has completely disappeared.

Not only that, but the current Hulk has also lost consciousness in the true sense, lying motionless in the huge falling pit.

Instead of being the same as before, although there is no self-consciousness, it is moving under the instinctive control of the body.

The damage caused by Hyuga Rouquan can't be accurately seen by looking only at the surface of the body.

In order to confirm the real state of Hulk at this time, Rogge used the perspective ability of white eyes to examine the injuries inside Hulk's body in detail.

Of course, when observing Hulk's injuries, he took the initiative to avoid certain key parts of his lower body, so as not to leave an indelible shadow on his heart.

Rogge is a very confident man, but his confidence is only based on comparison with normal humans.

Mutated creatures and alien races are not within his standard of comparison.

It's the same as you can't compare the physique and strength of a mouse to a tiger.

Although they are both mammals, this comparison is an unfair comparison for them.

After carefully observing Hulk's injuries with his white eyes, and confirming that he did not leave Hulk with any serious irreparable injuries, Rogge removed the nine-tailed chakra coat on himself and closed his white eyes.

Finally got it!

Looking at the Hulk who had completely passed out, Rogge finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Why didn't he think that just teaching Hulk how to extract gamma energy would lead to such troublesome consequences.

This also made him have to seriously consider a question, that is, whether to give Hulk the training content of the eight-door Dunjia and the latter three.

If the abnormal Hulk, which is very similar to the "Devil Hulk" just now, opened the eight armors, then even if he played all his cards, he would not have much confidence in completely subduing the Hulk without harming the safety of Hulk's life.

After taking a look at the explosion crater that looked like a nuclear explosion, Rogge's body shone with an aurora-like brilliance, constructing a hemispherical quantum energy shield, completely wrapping himself and the Hulk.

The next second, the gorgeous hemispherical quantum energy shield disappeared, and the figures of Rogge and Hulk disappeared completely.

With such a big commotion in this unknown forest, as long as the working members of the National Security Agency and the military have not resigned collectively, they have definitely dispatched an action team to rush here.

Rogge, who had just threatened the military yesterday, does not really want to meet members of these official institutions.

If he could, he even hoped that these official institutions could ignore what was happening in the forest.

But he knew that it was just his unrealistic fantasy.

Although the energy storm generated by the collision between the incomplete tail beast jade and the gamma energy dissipated, the energy radiation generated by the explosion still filled every part of the explosion crater.

As long as these official agencies do a little investigation, they can find out that the terrorist explosion just now was caused by him and the Hulk.

However, this is not a particularly troublesome thing, but it will slightly stimulate the already sensitive nerves of these official institutions.

Rogge did not take Hulk directly back to Konoha headquarters, but took Hulk to another unknown forest far away from New York.

Rogge will never bring Hulk back to Konoha Intelligence Agency headquarters until Hulk wakes up and finds out what happened to him.

He didn't want to destroy his biggest base on Earth.

Before the Hulk woke up, Rogge took the time to go to a supermarket in a nearby city to buy some items necessary for wild life and barbecue.

If nothing else, Hulk would not be able to return to the Konoha Intelligence Bureau headquarters and the Avengers headquarters until the Hulk did not completely eliminate the hidden dangers of the runaway just now.

When night fell, Rogge started his own traditional craft - barbecue.

I don't know if Hulk finally got enough sleep, or was awakened by the aroma of barbecue. When Rogge had just cooked his first barbecue, Hulk woke up.

"Let's eat something first, you should be hungry too."

After that, Rogge handed the roasted meat to Hulk.

At this time, Hulk seemed to have not completely woken up, and he took the barbecue handed over by Rogge with confused eyes, and instinctively ate it.

For the next time, neither Roger nor Hulk spoke, silently enjoying tonight's barbecue dinner.

The sizzling sound of the barbecue and the sound of insects from a distance became the only sound at this time.

When the two of them worked together to kill a large amount of roast meat that was enough to feed more than a dozen strong men, Rogge finally said the second sentence of the night.

"Do you remember what happened before?"

"Hulk can see what's going on outside, Hulk can't control his body."

Perhaps because he felt that he was out of control again, Hulk's mood was a little low at this time, and there was an indescribable grievance in his tone.

"It's not your fault! Strictly speaking, I am the main person in charge of this accident. I trapped your consciousness in the illusion space, which caused all this to happen."

Looking at Hulk with a downcast face, Rogge said comfortably, picked up two cans of frozen beer at the same time, and threw one of them to Hulk sitting opposite.

After opening the beer and taking a sip, he continued to ask, "What happened after I left the illusion space?"

"Hulk extracted energy according to the method you taught, and Hulk extracted gamma energy. But these energies were not controlled by Hulk and took over Hulk's body."

Hulk explained as best he could, but he didn't understand why he was forcibly controlled by gamma energy.

"Did you see a green door of light or feel the presence of other consciousness when you were refining gamma energy and being controlled by gamma energy?"

This question, for Rogge, is very important.

If Hulk really sees the green light, or senses the existence of other consciousness, it means that the thing that originally existed only in the parallel universe really appeared.

Although this universe is already chaotic enough, it is not a particularly serious thing to appear under the existence of all things.

But this kind of troublesome existence, if it can not appear, it is best not to appear.

"No, Hulk didn't see the green light door, and didn't sense other consciousness."

Hulk recalled it seriously and answered with great certainty.

"It's good not to! It's a good thing!"

Without the green door of light, without everything, there is only one reason for the Hulk's previous rampage.

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