Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 422 Joint Press Conference

Although this recognizer can only identify Skrulls within a hundred meters, this is undoubtedly a huge improvement compared to only searching for Skrulls through data analysis.

With this identifier, the intelligence departments of Fulian and Konoha finally no longer have to compare the massive data of those suspected targets, so as to analyze whether they have been replaced by the Skrulls.

"Good job!"

Everyone in the room picked up the recognizer and started to operate it, and then expressed their approval of Tony's work.

Tony may not be the most powerful superhero in the Avengers, but he is definitely the most irreplaceable existence in the Avengers.

Without Tony's open-minded brain, it is absolutely impossible for Fulian to develop to this point.

"I accepted the identifier! But if you have time, you can try to upgrade it. The recognition range of 100 meters is still too small."

"No problem! A new version has been developed, and I will notify you as soon as possible."

After getting Tony's reply, Rogge opened the portal to his office and returned to Konoha's office with the ten sets of identifiers belonging to Konoha.

"Hina, it's time to give these Skrulls a surprise by arranging for someone to send the identifier out."

Rogge instructed Hinata.


Before long, two Konoha staff members in black uniforms came to Rogge's office and took out the identifier on the desktop.

The problem of how to identify the Skrulls has been solved, and the next step is to capture and kill them.

However, Rogge still has no plans to take action now. Unless Daisy and the others find the Super Skrull, he will not have any plans to take action in person.

Capturing ordinary Skrulls was no challenge for him at all.

With all this time, he might as well pass a few more games of the Kree Empire.

Under Hinata's arrangement, the recognizer invented by Tony was soon delivered to Daisy and others who were on the move.

With the recognizer, the action efficiency of Konoha and Fulian has been significantly improved.

In just three days, the number of Skrulls who were captured and killed reached more than 20.

The names on the suspected list are also rapidly decreasing at a considerable rate.


"My lord, the joint press conference will start in half an hour."

Hinata wakes up Rogge who is addicted to the game.


Although a little reluctant, Rogge quit the ongoing Kree Empire game and took off the game helmet he was wearing.

At this point, a week has passed since Tony delivered the identifier.

During this week, Konoha and Fulian achieved brilliant results.

Thirty-six Skrulls were captured alive, and forty-three Skrulls were killed.

Under the joint attack of Konoha and Fulian, the Skrulls who were active in Washington and New York were wiped out.

Even those Skrulls who disguised themselves as government workers have not escaped blows.

At the beginning, the White House and the military also expressed dissatisfaction with Konoha and the Avengers' actions to arrest government workers.

But when they received a few Skrull corpses, they shut up.

Because of the existence of these Skrulls, the White House and the military began an unprecedented internal investigation.

Even the suggestion of a joint press conference was made euphemistically by the White House and the military.

But even if they didn't mention it, Tony would have already made the decision to hold a press conference.

In the past six months, Fulian has taken back an unknown number of black pots, and the support of the public has reached an all-time low.

Now that there is sufficient evidence, it is time to wash away these smears.

Rogge had no problem with Tony's decision to hold a press conference.

But they disagreed over what to do with the skrulls captured alive.

Tony's idea was to show the Skrulls alive at the press conference, put witnesses directly in front of people, and then put these Skrulls in a closely guarded secret prison.

Tony's idea can't be right.

After all, in the United States, some states don't even have the death penalty.

Moreover, this approach is also in line with the humanitarian supremacy that the United States has always advocated.

However, Roger has a different view on this.

As people show the existence of these Skrulls, there's no problem with that.

After the battle of New York, people all over the world know that there are other intelligent life in the universe.

Since there are Qitarui people, it is not particularly strange that there are so many Skrulls.

What really divided them was the decision to imprison the Skrulls.

Tony prefers to keep these Skrulls tightly, while Rogge prefers to kill these guys directly.

If you keep these Skrulls, maybe something will happen in the future. It's better to kill them directly.

None of them persuaded the other, so this joint press conference appeared.

These Skrulls will be displayed directly at the joint press conference.

At the same time, they will announce a three-day secret ballot event on the spot.

Anyone who is a U.S. citizen with legal status can log in to a special website to vote.

The result of the vote will also determine the final outcome of these Skrulls.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, at the Avengers headquarters in the suburbs of New York, the joint press conference was held on time.

Tony, as the main speaker of this conference, is standing on the stage introducing the Skrull's abilities and the harm caused by the Skrulls in detail.

However, even if he let the staff bring a few untransformed Skrulls to the stage, the reporters on the scene did not have much response.

Looking at the deserted scene, Tony seemed to realize something.

This kind of impression, once it gets worse, is very difficult to restore.

Even if people knew what happened before, that the Skrulls were disguised to frame the superheroes, they wouldn't noticeably change their minds.

Because once they change their minds, it means they have to admit that they were stupid and that they were wrong before.

This is similar to "The King's New Clothes", although they know it is a fact, they will never admit it.

Rogge anticipated this before the press conference even started.

But he didn't remind Tony, but planned to let Tony feel it for himself.

Although Tony has experienced some pain, he still overestimates human nature.

As expected by Rogge, the climax of the press conference came when Tony announced the vote to decide the fate of the Skrulls.

"What right do Avengers and Konoha have to decide the fate of these Skrulls?"

"Although they are aliens, they are also life. Even if it is a trial, they can only be tried by the law!"

"Although the Skrulls have the ability to deform, you don't have enough evidence to prove it. The so-called evidence you provide is all your own words!"


The reporters under the stage said one by one, directly targeting Fulian and Konoha.

The reporters who had no interest in the evidence Tony presented before stood on the moral high ground one after another and began to refute righteously.

Looking at these suddenly excited reporters, Tony was stunned.

Then, he looked at Rogge who was sitting on his right.

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