Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 428 Four Purple Flame Formation

A huge explosion resounded throughout the Avengers headquarters, immediately attracting the ideas of everyone around.

When Konoha and the Avengers saw that the explosion was caused by Rogge, they chose to ignore it for the first time.

For Rogge, making this amazing explosion sound is a basic operation, and there is no fuss.

However, for those Skrulls, this attack by Roger belonged to a scene they could not imagine.

They couldn't understand why Rogge, who was an earthman, had such a powerful power.

This power is even stronger than that of Ronan the accuser, who has brought indelible and painful memories to their race.

It has to be said that the intelligence of these Skrulls is not a little bit behind.

In their hearts, the devil-like accuser, Ronan, is Rogge's defeated general.

And, twice!

This also proves once again how important it is to know your opponents in advance before carrying out some inhumane secret plans.

The super-large jade spiral pill smashed on the cottage "Hulk" who had not yet stood up, not only completely dispelling his idea of ​​standing up, but also allowing him to have a more intimate contact with the ground.

The green grass had disappeared, and in its place was a large pit with a diameter of nearly ten meters.

The cottage "Hulk" who tried to kill Rogge completely was located in the center of the big pit.

Although the power of the Super Jade Spiral Pill is very powerful, it is still not fatal to this Super Skrull who has transformed into a "Hulk".

However, Rogge did not expect this super large jade spiral pill to directly solve this cottage "Hulk".

For him, rubbing balls is as simple as breathing.

Although it takes a lot of chakra to cast the super-large jade spiral pill, but now, he lacks the most chakra.

When he first crossed into this world, he used to yearn for the existence of Chattonla.

And now, with the amount of six-tailed chakra and nine-tailed Yang, he finally felt a little bit of the feeling of having a chakra.

The reason why Shima can calm down the chaotic world, apart from his unreasonable celestial body and Mu Dun, more importantly, he has a real Chatonla.

It is precisely because of such an amazing Chatonla that the wooden man in the column can pick up the tailed beast jade launched by the complete nine tails with his bare hands.

It was also because he possessed Chatonla that he was able to display the immortal art of destroying the sky, the wooden tunnel, the thousands of hands, and the Buddha on the top.

Although Rogge has also developed the immortal human body to a certain extent, there is still a long way to go before the peak state of the pillars.

If he develops the immortal body to the limit, plus the complete nine tails, he is confident that he can cast a Buddha on the top that is even stronger than the peak period of Hashima.

However, this bright future is still far away from him.

Leaving these unrealistic fantasies behind, Rogge once again displayed the oversized jade spiral pill.

There is nothing that the spiral pill can't solve, if there is, then another one.

Now Rogge intends to once again implement this truth that has been proven countless times.

Before the cottage "Hulk" lying in the center of Dakeng got up, the second super large jade spiral pill came to him.

Then, there was another huge explosion that resounded through the entire Avengers headquarters.


This time, Rogge didn't wait for the flying dust to fall, and once again condensed a super large jade spiral pill in his right hand.

Then, history repeated itself again.



After smashing five super-large jade spiral pills on this unfortunate copycat "Hulk" in a row, Rogge finally stopped the idea of ​​​​rubbing the balls and sensed this guy's vital signs.

Life energy is not very stable and the intensity is very low.

However, still alive!

Since he is not dead, it will not affect his next plan.

Under the watchful eyes of those Skrulls, Rogge slowly walked into the big pit that had expanded to more than 20 meters in diameter.

Flying Thor!

Without any hesitation, Rogge brought the comatose "Hulk" back to the laboratory at Konoha headquarters.

"This guy copied the Hulk's ability, the others, as usual!"

After instructing Hinata, Rogge disappeared again.

Although the three Super Skrulls have arrived, the battle in the Avengers headquarters is not over yet.

Although there are not many plans to take action, but as Konoha's fourth-generation Hokage, he can't leave those Konoha members who are fighting.

This is the duty of the Konoha controller.

When Rogge returned to the headquarters of the Avengers again, the Skrulls who were fighting couldn't help showing a look of fear.

The three strongest Super Skrulls among them were all defeated by Rogge, and none of them could hold on for too long.

From the start of the battle to the present, less than five minutes have passed in total.

But in this short five minutes, they lost the three most powerful combat powers.

This kind of thing, let alone the Skrulls who are at a disadvantage, even if it happens to the dominant Konoha and Fulian, it will also affect the mood of the Konoha and Fulian people.

The trend is over!

Although these Skrulls are still struggling to resist the attack of Konoha and the Avengers.

But everyone present, including the onlookers on the other side of the TV, could easily see this.

After returning to the Avengers headquarters, Rogge did not join the battle again.

As long as he stands here, it is enough to affect the Skrulls.

In addition to Luo Ge, Hulk also closed the eight-door Dunjia after solving the copycat versions of himself, and silently came to Rogge's side.

Hulk doesn't have the ability to distinguish Skrulls. Except for his own copycat version, he can't recognize which one is genuine and which one is copycat.

In order to avoid accidentally hurting people on his side, he also directly withdrew from the battle.

The withdrawal of Rogge and Hulk did not have much impact on the battle situation.

It didn't take long for these cottage heroes, who were still stubbornly resisting, to retreat.

However, even if they wanted to leave now, it was too late.

Moreover, Rogge will not give them a chance to leave.

Shadow Clone Technique!

Rogge summoned four shadow clones that were exactly the same as him.

Then, the four shadow clones rushed to the four directions of east, west, north and south respectively.

Four Purple Flame Array!

When the four shadow clones came to the predetermined location, they simultaneously cast the Four Purple Flame Formation.

A purple square enchantment rose into the sky, shrouding the entire Fulian headquarters.

The Four Purple Flame Array is one of the small achievements that Roger has researched in Konoha Hidden Village in the past six months.

He did not exchange the four purple flame array from the system, but developed this not particularly powerful enchantment ninjutsu by himself.

PS: This is today's fourth update, try to finish the fifth update before twelve o'clock...

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