Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 431 Sudden Summoning


For Tony's proposal, Roger refused without thinking.

Although the current timeline has become more and more different from what he remembers, he will never agree to Tony's "dangerous" request, absolutely not.

Sending Tony to the Kree Empire is not difficult.

However, it was Tony who was sent out, and it was probably Tony Dead Tucker who came back.

Although Tony's Mark series steel suits are very good, it is also from the perspective of earth technology.

If you really want to make it, there are many civilizations in the universe that can make similar or even stronger armor.

To put it simply, Rogge doesn't think Tony has the strength to break through in the universe.

"You, are you rejecting me?"

I don't know why, at this time, the half-drunk Tony suddenly showed the legendary domineering president's aura, and said to Rogge in a serious tone.

"You drink too much, I'll let Vision take you back, and you won't have these thoughts after waking up."

After speaking, Rogge took out the phone and planned to contact Vision in the headquarters of the Avengers.

However, as soon as he took out his phone, Tony pressed a button on his right watch, turning the watch into a mechanical glove.

Tony's entire movement was extremely quick and completely inconsistent with his current state of drunkenness.

When the mechanical gloves appeared, Tony decisively grabbed the phone that Roger was holding.

"Play fighting in front of me?"

Roger was stunned for a moment.

Just as Tony's right hand with the mechanical glove was about to touch his phone, his wrist suddenly turned, making the phone disappear like a magic trick.

"Seeing that you are so interested, let's play a few hands with you!"

As soon as the words fell, Rogge grabbed Tony with his right hand, and had a close-quarters fight with Tony sitting on a chair.

Although his fighting skills are not as good as Rogge's, it can be seen that Tony has also put a lot of effort into fighting.

In Rogge's intentional release of water, Tony, wearing mechanical gloves, managed dozens of tricks.

Then, Rogge removed the mechanical glove from his right hand.

When the mechanical gloves were completely removed, Tony finally stopped.

"Don't be too complacent, I'll tell you, I'm researching anti-Rogue armor, and then I'll be able to defeat you!"

Tony said without admitting defeat.

Anti-Rogue armor?

After hearing Tony's self-exploding remarks, Roger laughed.

He didn't doubt Tony's level of invention at all, but Tony's anti-serial armor had always had a tradition of being dismantled.

"Then let's wait until you research it! You really want to go back!"

Glancing at the completely emptied wine bottle in front of Tony, Rogge decided to send him directly to the headquarters.

However, just when he was about to use quantum teleportation to bring Tony back to the headquarters of the United Alliance, a beam of brilliant light like a rainbow fell from the sky, directly piercing the ceiling of the bar, and shrouded Rogge and Tony.

Rainbow Bridge in Asgard!

The next second, the Rainbow Bridge disappeared.

At the same time, Rogge and a drunk Tony disappeared.


Asgard, in a room in the Golden Palace.

"Sol, even if you look for me, don't be in such a hurry, can't you wait for me to send him back?"

Rogge rubbed his temples and said helplessly to Sol, who was sitting opposite.

"Sorry, I don't know how long you guys are going to be drinking. It's urgent, so that's all it takes."

Sol explained silently, but his explanation was not convincing at all.

"Emergency? I can't see where the emergency is now?"

After being forcibly pulled to Asgard by the Rainbow Bridge, he did not see any emergency in Asgard.

Except for a drunk Tony next to him, everything here is exactly the same as he remembered.

"This is a secret about the Asgardian royal family, so not many people know it, and I just learned it today."

Sol's face was a little complicated. After hesitating for a few seconds, he continued: "Loki is my brother, you already know that. But you must not know that I also have a sister, a half-sister. !"

"I actually have a sister, and she's not an adopted sister like Loki!"

Since being arranged by Odin to handle government affairs, Thor has learned what it means to be indifferent to happiness and anger.

But now, he showed an extremely incredible look.

"I know! Odin told me this!"

Roger replied calmly.

"You know? When did you know? Why didn't I?"

Sol asked suspiciously.

"Odin told me that the night of the gala dinner when we got back from Warnerheim."

After the celebration feast, Odin told Rogge about Hela, the goddess of death, so he knew about it from the beginning.

Even if Odin didn't say it, as a traveler with a fairly good memory, he couldn't forget the existence of the Goddess of Death.

"You...why haven't you told me?"

Sol began to be a little unhappy. In his opinion, it was Rogge who betrayed their friendship.

"Odin asked me to keep it secret. If you have any opinions, you can ask him yourself."

After hearing Rogge's answer, Sol fell silent.

Then, he continued in a low tone: "What did the father say to you, you should be able to say it now."


Next, Rogge briefly explained what happened that night.

As the father of the gods of Asgard, Odin was an extremely responsible king and father.

He knew that he would die one day sooner or later, and at the same time, he was also worried that after his death, Thor would not have enough ability to deal with the follow-up.

Therefore, he prepared a backhand for Sol in advance.

Rogge is the backhand that Odin prepared for Thor.

At the beginning, Odin didn't actually have such an idea.

What finally made him make this decision was the battle between Rogge and Niold, the god of the sea.

Odin recognized his strength and potential, so he commissioned him in advance.

Of course, this commission is currently only at the oral stage, and the final commission has not been signed yet.

The content of the entrustment is simple and simple, and it is complex and complicated.

When Hela, the goddess of death, got out of trouble, help Thor guard Asgard and ensure that Thor will not be killed by Hela.

If you can, when stopping Hela, don't kill Hela, save Hela's life.

I have to say that Odin looked down on Rogge very much, and at that time, he thought he had the strength to defeat Hela.

But in fact, until now, Rogge has no certainty that he can beat Hela.

Although the goddess of death Hela is not the death of the five creation gods in the universe, she also has unfathomable strength.

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