Asgard King Palace, inside the council hall.

"So you brought them both back?"

Sol in the armor sat above the long table, looking helplessly at the two sisters Rogge and Vegettini who were sitting in a row.

"To correct you, I didn't bring them back, I escorted them back to Asgard.

"They are now captives of Asgard, and it is normal to escort them back to Asgard."

Rogge explained silently.

The two Wigardini sisters are also present now, and he can't tell Sol that the reason why he brought them back is because the strength of those camp commanders is too bad.

Imprisoning the Wigtini and the others in the camp was no different than letting them go.

Although he asked Rogge to solve the troubles in Wanaheim, Sol never thought that Rogge, who solved the troubles in Wanaheim, would bring back a bigger problem and return to Asgard.

The two Wigardini sisters are not ordinary people. Their mother is Gulweiger, a powerful existence in the Warner Protoss who is only one line weaker than Niorde, the god of the sea.

And this weak line is not the weak line in strength.

If the Warner Protoss is not a typical patriarchal society, it may not be Niold, the god of the sea, who is sitting in the position of the god king now.

"Forget it, since that's the case, let them live in Asgard for a while!"

After speaking, Sol picked up a golden bell next to the table and shook it gently.

As the bell rang, the closed door was pushed open by the royal guards, and two royal guards in golden armor walked in.

"Take the two of them to see Sif!"

Sol gave a simple command to the guards who came in.

As a superior, he doesn't need to give too many orders, and other people will naturally handle the specific arrangements.

All he has to do is give instructions.

When the guards led the two of Wegtini away, Sol continued to ask Rogge.

"How did you think of bringing them back as captives? I thought you just killed them in the past, and then simply and rudely solved the provocation of the Warner Protoss."

"They surrendered!"

Rogge explained it simply.

However, after seeing Sol's obviously dissatisfied eyes, he roughly explained the ins and outs.

When he defeated the two Wigardini with his unconscious fighting instinct, the two Wigardini sisters chose to surrender immediately.

At that time, the problem before him changed from defeating the army of the Warner Protoss to how to deal with tens of thousands of soldiers.

After thinking hard for a minute, he decided to be a friendly pacifist.

He let go of this army whose combat effectiveness was basically not damaged.

Then, he took the two chief generals of the army with him.

Although there are tens of thousands of people on one side and only two people on the other, he can still clearly distinguish which is more important.

As long as the Vigardini sisters are still in Asgard's hands, the Warner Protoss will not dare to act rashly.

Unlike Niold, who has many descendants, Gullweger has only two daughters, Wigdini and Wigolf.

So even if some of the Warner Protoss have thoughts that they shouldn't have, Gulweig will calm them down completely.

After explaining the ins and outs to Sol and the situation of the three attacked camps, Rogge left the discussion hall and returned to the room where he lived before.

The episode of Warnerheim is over, so next, there is only Hela, the goddess of death.

In the process of finding Hela's whereabouts, he can't help much for the time being.

So before he finds out Hela's whereabouts, he will have a little leisure time.

As for how long this leisure time will be, it depends on the skills of Heimdall, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, and the intelligence officers of Asgard.

Time flies, and before you know it, Rogge has been living in Asgard for a whole week.

Thor has mobilized all of Asgard's intelligence forces, but in the past week, they have found nothing.

Not only that, but Odin's condition is getting worse and worse, and his divine power has collapsed to the point where he can't maintain his shape.

The news that Odin was about to die was not concealed in the end. At the same time, the news of Hela, the goddess of death, was leaked by someone who did not know, causing the whole Asgard to be filled with a breath of wind and rain.

Even a tourist like Tony, who had just come to Asgard for a few days, noticed this unusual aura.

Normally, even if Odin was about to die, Asgard would not fall into such a panicky situation.

The old king leaves, the new king ascends the throne!

This is not the first time in the history of Asgard.

However, the appearance of Hela, the goddess of death, made the normal process abnormal.

Hela is the eldest princess of Asgard, although Odin tries to hide her existence as much as possible.

But what happened in the past will not disappear completely because of hiding.

Hela once conquered the Nine Realms with Odin and was exiled and imprisoned by Odin because of her ambition. Various secret pasts were revealed one by one.

Even Hela is the former owner of Thor's Hammer, the name of the weapon is "Sword of the Night Sky", and there is a giant wolf mount called Fenrir.

After knowing that these news suddenly spread outside, Rogge first suspected Loki.

However, it turns out that this matter has nothing to do with Loki at all.

After careful investigation, they found that these news originally came from Jotunheim, the country of the frost giants, and Muspelheim, the country of the flame giants.

Like the Vanir Protoss, these frost giants and flame giants became a little restless after learning the news of Odin's imminent death.

Although the news was revealed by the frost giant and the flame giant, they did not take the initiative to provoke the war like the Warner Protoss, but stayed in their hometown.

At least that's how it looks on the surface.


Golden Palace, in the banquet hall.

"I have seen the design drawings of the Destroyer armor. The operating principle is very unscientific, and the performance design is also very problematic."

Tony took a sip of Asgard's unique liquor and said with disgust.

"The Destroyer armor uses magic and divine power, not science. You can't look at this armor with the technology on Earth."

After swallowing the roasted meat in his mouth, Sol replied silently.

After hearing the conversation between Thor and Tony, both Rogge and Loki shook their heads helplessly.

Since three days ago, every dinner, Sol and Tony have had a similar conversation.

The reason why these conversations occurred, but also from a commission from Sol.

After learning that Hela was the former owner of Thor's Hammer, Thor found Tony who was traveling in Asgard, and at the expense of Tony's desire to complete his interstellar travel, he entrusted Tony to help him build new weapons and weapons. armor.

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