Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 449 Hela's Gauntlet

"What's the name of this armor?"

Rogge put down the armor design blueprint in his hand and couldn't help but ask.

"I haven't decided yet. Anti-Hella armor or anti-Death armor, it doesn't matter what it is called."

Tony didn't look up, still calculating the data.

Fortunately, it's not called the anti-Thor armor... Otherwise, Sol must have suspected that you joined Hela's side... Rogge murmured a few words in his heart.

"What about weapons? What new weapons did you design for Thor?"

Roger asked next.

"It's still a hammer, a bigger hammer!"

After finishing speaking, Tony found the design drawings of the new weapon in a pile of design drawings and handed them to Rogge.

As Tony said, the new weapon is a hammer.

It's just that this new hammer designed by Tony is much larger than Thor's Hammer.

How big is it?

Rogge glanced at the standard numbers above.

The hammer head is 1.2 meters long, 45 cm wide and 60 cm high.

In terms of appearance, the new hammer designed by Tony is a super-enlarged version of Thor's Hammer, directly following the design style of Thor's Hammer.

"Have you shown Thor the design drawing of this hammer?"

Although Thor loves hammers, he even has the funny nickname of the god of hammers.

But Rogge still felt that the new hammer that Tony designed was a little too big.

"I've seen it, he likes it!"

Well, you win!

80 for a sledgehammer, 40 for a small hammer!

This sentence popped into his mind involuntarily.

After imagining the scene of Sol fighting Hela with two hammers, one big and one small, Rogge shut his mouth wisely.

Afterwards, he left Tony's laboratory and decided to return to the room where he lived for a good night's sleep.

Controlling the wooden Arhat and the long hook-nosed wooden dragon for more than ten hours would not exhaust his chakra, but it was also a very tiring thing.

Under the service of the maid of the Golden Palace, he enjoyed a relaxing bath service.

This damn feudal society depraved life!


A week later, in the Chamber of the Golden Palace.

"This is the gauntlet from Hela."

After finishing speaking, Sol, who was sitting at the top of the long table, handed Hela's gauntlet to Rogge, who was at the top of the right side.

After taking the gauntlet, Rogge glanced casually.

The above content is very simple, only one sentence.

Three days later, in Jotunheim, the two armies faced off!

Hela, the goddess of death, did not plan to return to Asgard secretly, but gave a gauntlet and agreed a date for the decisive battle.

I have to say that Hella's approach is very domineering.

Although her strength will grow significantly after stepping on Asgard.

But instead of doing so, she directly challenged Thor and Asgard head-on.

What I once lost, I will take back with my own hands!

This may be Hela's real thoughts at this time.

"A duel between the two armies? She has organized an army of undead?"

Rogge said suspiciously, while looking at Heimdall on the left side of the long table.

"Hela now not only has an army of undead, she also has a whole army of frost giants, and she is now the queen of Jotunheim."

Having said that, Heimdall lowered his head in shame.

He is the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, has the eye of God that perceives all things, and is the main force in finding Hela's whereabouts.

However, when he was looking for Hela all over the world, Hela actually became the queen of Jotunheim under his nose.

To him, this was undoubtedly a slap in the face.

If it wasn't for Hela taking the initiative to show up in Jotunheim and having a frost giant send the gauntlet, he would not have known that Hela was in Jotunheim until now.

Queen of Jotunheim?

After hearing Heimdall's description, Tony, Loki, the three warriors of Asgard, and Sif all showed puzzled expressions.

Tony wondered where Jotunheim was.

What Sif and others wondered was how Hela conquered these frost giants.

Although in the last royal family dispute, Loki backstabbed his biological father to death, and almost destroyed Jotunheim with the Rainbow Bridge, bringing a fatal blow to the frost giant like a natural disaster.

But Jotunheim was always a kingdom, a kingdom of frost giants.

It has only been half a month since Hela got out of trouble.

It only took half a month to bring the frost giant of Jotunheim under his command.

This kind of efficiency is terrifying.

Even if Asgard dispatched all its troops, they would not be able to completely capture Jotunheim in half a month.

And Hela, alone, has done what the Asgardian army can't do.

Although the battle has not yet begun, Sif and the others can already feel the enormous pressure brought by Hela.

Compared with Sif and the others with dignified expressions, Rogge and Tony were much calmer.

One of them felt that it was still within the acceptable range, and the other was completely unaware of what this meant, so they all acted extremely calm.

"What do you think of Hela's gauntlet?"

Looking at Sif and the others whose faces became increasingly ugly, Sol spoke up.

"I have an immature suggestion that everyone can consider."

Rogge glanced around, and then continued: "Although Hela has an army of undead and an army of frost giants, it is not particularly difficult."

"As long as we aim the rainbow bridge at Jotunheim, fire at full power!

"When the time comes, let alone destroy Hela's army, even if the entire Jotunheim is destroyed, it will not be difficult."

Sol and the others thought that Rogge would have an exquisite plan, but unexpectedly, Rogge's suggestion was to directly destroy the entire Jotunheim.

The rainbow bridge fired at full power could indeed completely destroy Jotunheim, but this indiscriminate, large-scale destructive attack had never been used even during Odin's conquest of the Nine Realms.

This practice has been removed from the scope of war and has risen to the level of genocide.

The last time someone thought this way was Loki in the period of inflated ambitions.

When Sol and others looked at Rogge with disbelief, Loki showed an expression of approval to Rogge.

If you don't agree, you will die!

Loki likes this kind of character.

After watching Rogge silently for more than ten seconds, Sol sighed helplessly, shook his head and said, "No! We can't do this! Even if we destroy Jotunheim, it won't cause too much damage to Hela. big damage."

"With her strength, she can leave before Jotunheim is destroyed."

Sol ultimately rejected Roger's suggestion.

"If you don't do that, you'll have to sacrifice the lives of those ordinary soldiers.

"You and I can entangle Hela, but we can't deal with her army at the same time. You should be very clear about this."

Although Rogge's suggestion is crazy, it can avoid the death of ordinary soldiers to the greatest extent.

Although using the Rainbow Bridge to attack Jotunheim is a very unfair thing for the frost giants.

But war is never fair.

Since you are in the wrong position, of course you have to pay the corresponding price.

"No, Asgard wouldn't do that, and my father wouldn't want to see this."

Thor also didn't want to sacrifice the lives of ordinary soldiers, but he still couldn't accept the suggestion of using the Rainbow Bridge for indiscriminate and devastating attacks.

He knew that this was a cruel thing for those ordinary soldiers.

But for the sake of Asgard, he could only do so.

Asgard, must not be synonymous with tyrant and destruction, absolutely not!

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