Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 457: Shaking Wheel Eye Reality Illusion

Compared with Sol, who can only summon lightning to attack, Hela's use of divine power is obviously several levels higher.

Strengthen the body, create weapons out of thin air, awaken the dead, energy barriers...

This is just the ability that Hela has shown so far.

As for whether she has other means to hide, only she herself knows.

When the wooden Arhat once again smashed the black long sword summoned by Hela, Rogge stopped. This seemed to be powerful, but it did not hurt Hela's salute to the Great Bodhisattva of Gatling.

Without his control, the huge wooden Arhat quickly returned to the shape that the wood should have, and turned into a huge wooden sculpture dozens of meters high.

When the wooden Arhat stopped moving, four or five black sharp blades dozens of meters long sprang out from the ground where Hela was standing, piercing the motionless wooden Arhat through.

Rogge didn't care that the wooden Arhat was pierced. Just as those black sharp blades sprang out of the ground, he flashed from the top of the wooden Arhat's head to the long hook-nosed wooden dragon's head.

At the same time, he controlled the long hook-nosed wooden dragon to fly directly towards Hela on the ground.

Although the shape of the long hook-nosed wood dragon is not as amazing as that of the wooden arhat, the more slender long hook-nosed wood dragon has a speed far exceeding that of the wooden arhat.

Almost at the moment when the wooden Arhat was pierced, the long hook-nosed wooden dragon came to Hela.

Looking at Mu Long and Rogge who were only ten meters away from him, Hela's expression did not change in the slightest, and she waved her right hand gently from left to right.

At the moment when Hela waved, dozens of black swords of different sizes quickly appeared in the empty air.

These black sharp swords were like bullets coming out of their chambers, and lightning shot at the long-nosed wood dragon and Rogue.

Although the long hook nose wood dragon is larger and easier to hit.

But under Hela's invisible control, most of these black swords attacked Rogge who was standing on the wooden dragon's head.

Catch the thief first catch the king!

As a commander who once led the Asgard army to conquer the Nine Realms, Hela would not be unaware of this.

In the blink of an eye, these dozens of black swords from different directions came to Rogge.

Then, his body was completely pierced.


This is not Rogge himself!

Just as the black sharp sword hit Rogge, Hela sensed something was wrong.

Although she did not understand Rogge's fighting style.

But one thing she can confirm is that Rogge, who almost defeated her with swordsmanship, is absolutely impossible to be hit so easily.

Just as Hela had expected, when the black sword passed through Rogge's body, he, who originally seemed no different from a real person, suddenly turned into a man with only three feet and three black eyes in his red eyes. Gouyu's huge black crow screamed and flew around.

Shaking Wheel Eye Reality Illusion · Yatagra Crow Clone!

Ordinary illusions are simply impossible to take effect on Hela.

Even the more powerful Wheel Eye Illusions have no small risk of failure.

Unless it is to use a kaleidoscope to perform illusion, or to break the boundary between reality and illusion, a reality-like illusion.

Writing Wheel Eyes Reality Illusion!

This is not a part of the Shaker-eye illusion system, but a brand-new illusion that combines Shale-eye illusion with the ability of realistic gems.

Using the Reality Gem, Rogge turned the illusory wheel-eye illusion into a real thing, creating a scene that is both eerie and realistic.

Dozens of three-legged Yatagara crows screamed and danced around, like falcons trying to catch their prey, constantly flying around Hela.

At the same time, the long hook-nosed wooden dragon, which was hit by the black sword in both eyes and face, crossed the last ten meters, opened its huge dragon's mouth full of fangs, and swallowed Hela on the ground.

Hela didn't care about the long hook-nosed wood dragon's attack.

With her speed, if she wanted to avoid the beast-like attack of the Long Hook-nosed Wood Dragon, she could completely leave the place before the Long Hook-nosed Wood Dragon opened its mouth.

Yet she did not do so.

With the energy barrier constructed by the power of death, let alone the long hook-nosed wood dragon is just a wooden creature.

Even if the long hook-nosed wood dragon is a real dragon, she will not take it to heart.

At this time, she was more concerned about Rogge who had just turned into a crow.

Although Hela is not a mage, she is no stranger to illusion.

In a way, she could even be considered proficient in Asgardian magic.

It was precisely because of this that she cared so much about the wheel-eye reality illusion that Rogge had just performed.

The reason why illusion is called illusion is because it is an illusory existence.

And the reality illusion that Rogge just performed, obviously broke the most basic essence of illusion.

Quick fight!

Defeat this strange earthling as fast as you can!

Then figure out what method he used to break the line between reality and fantasy!

As the eldest princess of Asgard and the goddess of death, there are not many things that interest Hela.

For example, the throne of Asgard, or the reality illusion that Roger just cast.

Of course, what Hela wanted was not Rogge's method of transforming into a Yatagara crow.

What she saw was what was behind this illusion.

What she wanted was a way for Rogge to break the boundary between reality and fantasy.

As long as she masters the mystery, she can make the underworld that she longs for truly appear in this world.

Thinking of this, Hela did not hesitate, and the energy barrier protecting herself instantly turned into a terrifying energy shock.


The huge head of the long hook-nosed wood dragon exploded in an instant.

Hela, who was entwined with the green death power, slowly landed on the ground, her eyes constantly swept across the Yagasaki crow flying in the air.

Although Hela didn't know how Rogge did it, she knew that Rogge's real body was one of the eight crows.

It may be difficult for others to find Rogge's real body from dozens of identical Yatagara crows.

But for Hela, the goddess of death, two or three seconds is enough.

Although these Yatagara crows flying in the sky and screaming constantly seem to be the same, Hela quickly discovered the difference.

In the eyes of most of the eight-footed crows, there are three black gouyu.

In one of the eyes, there is an arc-shaped pattern like a triangular dart.

Got you!

Gathering the divine power of death on her legs, Hela jumped lightly and came to the Yatagara Crow with a completely different eye pattern.

Just when she was about to slash the black sharp sword in her hand at this distinctive eight-footed crow, the eight-footed crow suddenly spoke.

"Waiting for you for a long time!"

This is Roger's voice.

Hela instinctively sensed something was wrong, but it was too late.

Without waiting for Hela to respond, the flying Yatagara Crow spoke again.

"Welcome to, my, the moon reading world!"

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